20 Best Responses When Someone Sends You a Funny Video

When Someone Sends You a Funny Video, it is usually an attempt to make you smile, laugh, giggle or just to brighten your mood. It also means they are either family, close friends, or acquaintances.Sometimes the videos are not directly sent to a person, people may post funny videos on their status or their stories and we view them. What we say in response to the video is considered as our reaction to them.The truth, however, is that there are times when we don’t find the videos funny. Either because it hit too close to him, or you see it as a mockery of some sort.It is your reaction that will communicate to the person whether they have hurt your feelings or whether you share the joke with them.In this article, we will be listing out the best twenty (20) responses you can give to a person who sends you a video.

20 Best Responses When Someone Sends You a Funny Video

  1. That’s hilarious.
  2. This cracked me up.
  3. Lol
  4. Emoji
  5. Sticker
  6. Lmao
  7. Hahahaha
  8. OMG
  9. You are so funny.
  10. Thanks, I needed that laugh.
  11. Meme
  12. STOP, I can’t help but laugh!
  13. I'm sending you this GIF in return
  14. I’m dying!
  15. I laughed.
  16. Not funny
  17. Not interested
  18. Avoid me.
  19. That ruined my mood.
  20. I Forgot to laugh.

That’s Hilarious

Some videos just make you smile while others can really crack you up. So, if a person sends you a video that gets you rolling on the floor, you could reply with “that’s hilarious”.There are some relatable videos that are super funny, and a person can just gain immense satisfaction from watching it. It may have caused you lots of laughter and loosened up all the tension on your shoulders.So, the next time a person sends you a video that is super funny, you could respond with ‘that’s hilarious’ or “this was so hilarious”.

This Cracked Me Up

How to Respond When Someone Sends You a Funny VideoWhen a person cracks you up that means they said or did something that made you laugh a lot. In an era of technology, social media, and content creation, it is easy to find memes and videos that will make you laugh.So, when a person that you share a sense of humor with sends you a video that they thought was funny, you could react and respond to it to show that you share their humor.When a person sends you a video that makes you laugh with great enthusiasm driving you so close to tears, you can tell the person ‘this cracked me up’.


LOL is a popular short slang that a person uses to show that something has made him or her laugh so much.Most people use ‘Lol’ because it is short, convenient, and easily communicates what you feel about a message. So, the next time that a person sends you a funny video, you could reply with ‘Lol’ if it made you laugh.


Most people know what an emoji is. Emojis are creative inventions that a person can use to express what they think or an emotion they feel without having to use words.When words fail you, you can send an emoji instead. There are a series of emojis ranging from just blushing, feeling pleased, smiling, laughter to intense laughter (with tears).You can choose the one that suits the reaction you want to give best.

I'm sending you this sticker

This does the same job with an emoji but instead of a small digital image, this is a sticky label that has a message or a picture on it.There are different types of images, but the ones we are talking about in this context are digital stickers not physical ones.Sometimes pictures are transformed into stickers; the aim is to pass a message. So instead of a message, you can use a sticker to respond to a funny video.


L.M.A.O literally means ‘laughing my ass out’. If someone sends you a video, that you find relatively funny, you could respond with ‘L.M.A.O’.Some people who are comfortable with the f-word, usually add ‘f’ which then makes it ‘L.M.F.A.O’. L.M.F.A.O is an acronym for ‘Laughing my f*cking a** out’.So, depending on how it amuses you or what language you are comfortable with, you can use ‘L.M.A.O’ or ‘L.M.F.A.O’.


Most times people prefer to use ‘hahahaha’ to respond to funny videos. Most people think or assume that because it signifies how their laugh sounds, they should use it instead.This is a great response to give to a person who sends you a funny video.


The acronym O.M.G literally means ‘Oh my God’. It is a great response to funny videos or memes a person sends to you. You use it when the video you have just watched is both thrilling and funny at the same time.If the video amused you but had a surprising turnout, i.e., it ended the way you did not expect it, you could use ‘OMG’ as a reaction or a response to the video.

You are so funny

The phrase ‘you are so funny’ is used when the person has always been naturally funny. Probably the relationship you have with the person allows him or her to know what ticks your fancy and can make you laugh at any time.So, if you are responding to someone who always makes you laugh and they just sent you a funny video, you can say ‘You are so funny James’.Sometimes, a person sends you a funny with an equally funny caption.It shows that aside from the video, the person has a good sense of humor. Thus, using ‘you are so funny as a response’ suits the situation well.

Thanks, I needed that laugh.

Most times, we don’t know how much we need a thing until we receive it. We may be having a bad or may have come out of a bad situation that spoilt our whole mood that day.So, when a person sends you a funny video that makes you laugh, it could help a lot.Thanks, I needed that laugh’ is a great response for someone who made you laugh when you didn’t know that you needed laughter.So, the next time a person sends you a video when you are having a bad day and it makes you laugh, you could reply with ‘thanks, I needed that laugh’.


Most social media users know a meme as a picture with a funny caption but is that all it is? Meme means lots of things. It varies from a piece of text to a video, or to an image and so many other things.When someone sends you a funny video or a relatable video that makes you smile, you can respond with a meme.Memes can have captions that range from, ‘You've caught me’, ‘God saw what you deleted’, etc.Depending on the text on the picture and if it relates to the funny video that was sent to you, then it could be a great response to a funny video.

STOP, I can’t help but laugh!

Laughter is a cure since it releases tension but there are times when laughter may be seen as mockery.For instance, when you see a person who has cerebral palsy, you will notice that the sickness makes them behave in certain ways.If you laugh at such a person, nobody will find it funny. They will assume your intention was to mock in the first place, but can it be helped? There are friends that will make you laugh at the most awkward times.If a person sends you a video that although very funny is not something you should be laughing at, you could reply with ‘Stop, I can’t help but laugh’.

I'm sending you this GIF in return

GIF is popular amongst social media users. It is a small animation and sometimes short video footage that can convey emotion and movement.Since GIF captures a moment in time, it could be very well used as a perfect response to a funny video.It is preferred by most people as a means of communication because they are more powerful than texts and images.Also, most social media platforms that people use to communicate allow the sending and receiving of GIFs by users.So, the next time someone sends you a funny video and you are at a loss for words, you could use GIF to express yourself.

I’m dying!

How to Respond When Someone Sends You a Funny VideoHave you ever laughed so hard that you were choked up by your own laughter? There are situations where this happens and most times you find yourself holding your abdomen or better yet on the floor.If a person sends you a video that is so funny that it causes you to cry or laugh so much that you can’t breathe, you can reply with ‘I’m dying’ or ‘I’m literally dying’.

I laughed

Using ‘I laughed’ as a response to a funny video is also one of the best ways to react. If a person makes the effort to send you a video that makes you laugh, then it is right for you to acknowledge their efforts.Therefore, next time a person sends you a funny video, you can reply with ‘I laughed’.

Not funny

How to Respond When Someone Sends You a Funny VideoLike we said in the introduction, a person can send you a video that they consider funny but that you find offensive. They may not know that the video will make you angry that is why you should let them about you feel.On the other hand, some people will know that such a video will make you mad and they will still send it. Don’t take it sitting them. Let them know that you do not appreciate the humor.Using ‘not funny’ as a response to a funny video draws a line that people should not cross with you.

Not interested

Another best response you can use when a person sends you a funny video is ‘not interested’. You can use it when the video the person sent to you did not just make you laugh but also irritated you.You can let them know that you are not interested in receiving videos like that from that day henceforth. It is not a crime to speak your mind and you should certainly be allowed to express yourself and control what someone can or can’t send to you.Thus, the next time a person sends you a video that you do not like, you can use ‘not interested’ to express your displeasure.

Avoid me

How to Respond When Someone Sends You a Funny VideoWhen you say, ‘avoid me’, you can mean it both ways. Either you are referring to the fact that the person should not send funny videos to you anymore or you are referring to the fact that the video they sent you is so funny that it probably distracted you.While the former appears threatening, the latter sounds friendly and low-key engaging. Whatever the situation or mood is, you can use ‘avoid me’ as a reply to a funny video.

That ruined my mood

We don’t share the same sense of humor. Some people have the habit of sending videos that they think are funny to people who do not share their sense of humor.Others send what they think is funny to someone they like to gain their favor. If the video irritates you or annoys you, you can communicate that to them by saying ‘you ruined my mood’.

Forgot to laugh

In an attempt to be funny, a person might send an offensive video to you. Sometimes, their intention may not even be to be funny, it may be an act of mockery.Someone might send a funny video that even though funny acts as a mockery of a situation you have faced or a circumstance, you are in. If this happens, you can reply with ‘forgot to laugh’.

Wrap Up

We live in an era where once you have enough data in your phone or you are connected to the internet, you will always see a reason to laugh. Sometimes we send funny videos to people or others send them to us.We have listed twenty (20) best responses you can give to a person who sends you a funny video; make your choice.


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