20 Best Responses to "You're Too Good to Be True"

The phrase 'you're too good to be true' is employed in various situations to express profound admiration and astonishment for exceptional qualities, actions, or character displayed by an individual.It often arises in romantic relationships to convey deep appreciation for a partner's love and kindness. It's also used when someone exhibits remarkable talents, performs extraordinary acts of kindness, provides unwavering support, or consistently displays virtues like honesty and compassion.In professional settings, this phrase may commend outstanding performance that surpasses expectations. From the spoken word to the written text, our ability to communicate shapes the very essence of our existence.In this journey of words, ideas, and shared moments, we embark on a quest to explore the art of communication, uncovering the beauty and depth it brings to our lives.Responding to someone who says 'you're too good to be true' can depend on the context and your intention.

Here are 20 of the best responses to "you're too good to be true"

  1. 'Aw, you're making me blush!'
  2. 'I assure you, I'm just me, flaws and all.'
  3. 'Well, I try my best to be genuine.'
  4. 'Thanks, but I'm just a regular person.'
  5. 'I'm flattered, but I have my moments.'
  6. 'Hearing that from you means a lot.'
  7. 'I assure you, I'm as real as reality.'
  8. 'You're too sweet for words.'
  9. 'I appreciate the compliment!'
  10. 'I guess I got lucky to have you in my life.'
  11. 'I'm just being me.'
  12. 'I'm  just grateful for our connection.'
  13. 'You bring out the best in me.'
  14. 'I feel the same way about you.'
  15. 'It's all about chemistry, I suppose.'
  16. 'Well, I think you're pretty amazing too.'
  17. 'You're too kind!'
  18. 'I'm so excited to be with you.'
  19. 'Let's enjoy the moment together.'
  20. 'I'm just glad we crossed paths.'

'Aw, You're Making Me Blush!

How to Respond to You're Too Good to Be True'Aw, you're making me blush!' is a delightful way to respond to 'you're too good to be true'. This response adds a playful touch to accepting a compliment.It implies that the compliment is so flattering that it's causing a physical reaction like blushing, making the exchange feel light-hearted and genuine.By mentioning blushing, you're illustrating a modest and humble reaction, creating a warm atmosphere in the conversation.For example, if someone praises your skills with, 'You're an amazing artist,' responding with this phrase not only conveys appreciation but also adds a touch of modesty and warmth to the interaction.

'I Assure You, I'm Just Me, Flaws And All'

'I assure you, I'm just me, flaws and all' is a reliable 'you're too good to be true' reply. This response goes beyond acknowledging the compliment; it hits on authenticity and vulnerability.By acknowledging your imperfections, you show that you're approachable and relatable. It's a way of saying, 'I'm just like everyone else, trying to be the best version of myself.'This openness fosters a sense of connection and understanding. When someone compliments you, such as, 'You're always so put together,' this response helps create a deeper connection by revealing your human side and showing that you value honesty and authenticity.

'Well, I Try My Best To Be Genuine'

'Well, I try my best to be genuine' is a calm 'you're too good to be true' reply. In this case, you do not only accept the compliment but also reflect on your effort to be authentic.It's a subtle way of conveying that your positive qualities are the result of conscious choices, not just innate traits. By saying, 'I try my best,' you're showing that you actively work on being sincere, which adds a layer of intentionality and dedication to the conversation.If someone praises your sincerity, responding this way demonstrates your commitment to authenticity and suggests that others can strive for the same.

'Thanks, But I'm Just A Regular Person'

How to Respond to You're Too Good to Be TrueAnother interesting way to respond to 'you're too good to be true' is 'Thanks, but I'm just a regular person.' In this response, you downplay the compliment by suggesting humility and normalcy.It's a way of maintaining a relatable image and avoiding appearing conceited. By calling yourself a 'regular person,' you're emphasizing that you have your strengths and weaknesses, just like everyone else. This response helps keep the conversation balanced and prevents any feelings of superiority.For example, if someone compliments your intelligence with, 'You're a genius,' this response helps you stay grounded in the conversation and keeps the focus on humility.

'I'm Flattered, But I Have My Moments'

'I'm flattered, but I have my moments' is a delightful way to respond when someone says you are too good to be true.This response adds depth to your acceptance of a compliment by acknowledging that nobody is flawless. It's a way of showing humility and relatability.By saying, 'I have my moments,' you're implying that you're not always at your best, making you more approachable and genuine.It's a gentle reminder that we all have our ups and downs. When someone tells you, 'You're the best,' using this phrase allows you to remain down-to-earth and approachable, reassuring the person that they're not idolizing an unattainable ideal.

'Hearing That From You Means A Lot'

'Hearing that from you means a lot' is a kind and warm way to respond when someone says that you're too good to be true.This response not only expresses gratitude for the compliment but also highlights the significance of the person giving it.It conveys that the compliment isn't taken for granted and that you value the relationship or connection. By saying, 'means a lot,' you're showing that the compliment has touched you on a deeper level.This response fosters a sense of connection and mutual appreciation. For instance, if someone praises your support with, 'You're an incredible friend,' this response showcases your appreciation for their friendship and emphasizes the importance of their words in your life.

'I Assure You, I'm As Real As Reality'

Another straightforward response you can employ is; 'I 'I assure you, I'm as real as reality' This response reassures the person that you are indeed genuine and authentic, addressing any doubts that may have arisen from their comment.It emphasizes your sincerity and aims to dispel any notion that your positive traits might be an act. By using the word 'promise,' you're making a sincere commitment to authenticity, and by saying 'as real as they come,' you're emphasizing your down-to-earth nature.If someone expresses skepticism by saying, 'You seem too good to be true,' you can respond with this phrase to reassure them and affirm your authenticity.

'You're Too Sweet For Words'

'You're too sweet for words' is a kind response to 'you're too good to be true'. This response acknowledges the kindness of the compliment by turning it back on the person who gave it.It's a way of reciprocating the positive sentiment and creating a warm atmosphere in the conversation. By saying, 'You're too sweet,' you're not only showing appreciation but also complementing their character or kind nature. This response fosters a sense of mutual appreciation and camaraderie.For example, if someone tells you, 'You're an angel,' you can respond with this phrase to convey your appreciation and return the kindness, which can strengthen the connection between you both.

'I Appreciate The Compliment!'

The response; 'I appreciate the compliment!' is a straightforward and polite way of accepting and acknowledging the compliment.It conveys gratitude and shows respect for the person who took the time to offer you praise. By saying, 'I appreciate,' you're emphasizing that their compliment has not gone unnoticed or unappreciated.It's a direct and sincere way of expressing thanks. If someone says, 'You're so talented,' responding with this phrase demonstrates your appreciation for their recognition and shows that you value their opinion.

'I Guess I Got Lucky To Have You In My Life.'

'I guess I got lucky to have you in my life' is a playful way to respond when someone tells you that you're too good to be true.This response not only accepts the compliment but also expresses gratitude for the relationship or connection.It highlights the value of the person who made the comment, showing that they are a positive presence in your life. By saying, 'got lucky,' you're emphasizing that their presence is a fortunate occurrence.This response not only shows your appreciation for the compliment but also reinforces the bond between you and the person giving it.For instance, if someone says, 'You're an amazing friend,' you could use this response to show your appreciation for their friendship and express how fortunate you feel to have them in your life, reinforcing the depth of your connection.

'I'm Just Being Me' 

The response; 'I'm just being me' is a straightforward way of accepting a compliment while emphasizing your authenticity.It communicates that you're not trying to be someone you're not and that you value being genuine.For example, if someone says, 'You're one of a kind,' this response indicates that you're comfortable with your unique self and appreciate their recognition.

'I'm Just Grateful For Our Connection'

'I'm just grateful for our connection' is a witty way to respond when someone tells you that you're too good to be true.This response expresses appreciation not only for the compliment but also for the relationship or connection with the person who made the comment.It conveys that you value the bond between you. If someone praises your friendship with, 'You're an amazing friend,' this response highlights the depth of your gratitude for their friendship.

'You Bring Out The Best In Me' 

An interesting response to 'you're too good to be true' that you can try is; 'You bring out the best in me.' This response recognizes the positive influence the person has on you.It suggests that their presence or support has a transformative effect, bringing out your best qualities.For instance, if someone says, 'You're so kind,' you could respond with this phrase to express how their kindness has inspired you to be kinder as well.

'I Feel The Same Way About You.'

'I feel the same way about you' is a welcoming response when someone says to you that you are too good to be true.This response reciprocates the compliment by returning it to the person who gave it. It shows that you hold them in high regard too, creating a mutual appreciation between both parties.If someone praises your generosity with, 'You're so giving,' this response not only accepts the compliment but also reflects it back onto them.

'It's All About Chemistry, I Suppose.'

Another positive response you can try is; 'It's all about chemistry, I suppose.' This response suggests that the positive dynamic or connection between you and the person giving the compliment is what makes you appear exceptional.It adds a touch of whimsy and acknowledges the unique bond you share.For example, if someone says, 'You're so fun to be around,' this response implies that the fun they experience is a result of the chemistry between you.

'Well, I Think You're Pretty Amazing Too.'

'Well, I think you're pretty amazing too' is a caring response to 'you're too good to be true'. This reply compliments the person who gave you the compliment, creating a positive feedback loop of admiration.It demonstrates that you hold them in high regard and appreciate their perspective. For instance, if someone tells you, 'You're brilliant,' this response not only accepts the compliment but also praises their discerning judgment.

'You're Too Kind!'

'You're too kind!' is a simple and witty way to respond when someone tells you that you are too good to be true. This response acknowledges the kindness of the compliment while also praising the person who gave it.It conveys that their positive words are a reflection of their own generous nature. When someone says, 'You're so talented,' responding with this phrase not only expresses gratitude but also returns kindness.

'I'm So Excited To Be With You.'

'I'm so excited to be with you' is another delightful way to respond when someone tells you that you are too good to be true.This response expresses contentment with the current moment and the presence of the person giving the compliment. It conveys that you find joy in their company.If someone praises your company with, 'You're a pleasure to be around,' this response expresses your happiness about sharing the moment with them.

'Let's Enjoy The Moment Together.'

'Let's enjoy the moment together' is another interesting way to respond when someone tells you that you are too good to be true.This response suggests that you want to savor the positive energy of the moment with the person who made the compliment.It's an invitation to appreciate the present and the connection you share. If someone says, 'You're such a great companion,' this response extends the sentiment by portraying the importance of experiencing the moment together.

'I'm Just Glad We Crossed Path'

How to Respond to You're Too Good to Be True'I'm just glad we crossed paths' is a grateful response to someone who says you're too good to be true. This response expresses gratitude for the encounter or relationship with the person who gave the compliment.It conveys that you cherish the connection and are thankful for the opportunity to know them. For instance, if someone says, 'You're an inspiration,' this response emphasizes that you're grateful for the connection and the inspiration you've found in each other.


From modesty to gratitude, from humility to reciprocity, our responses to praise showcase the richness of our shared human experience.Through these conversations, we've glimpsed the art of building bonds, fostering understanding, and celebrating the simple act of acknowledging one another.As we continue to navigate the intricate web of human interaction, may we remember the power of words, the sincerity of our responses, and the profound beauty that communication brings to our lives.


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