20 Best Responses to "Stay Mad"

‘Stay Mad’ is a phrase we should all be familiar with in the dramas of our lives. It is a disrespectful request for a person to remain angry. Rather, it’s not a request but the stubbornness and refusal to yield.‘Mad’ is a word that is often used to refer to anger. It also refers to a person who has lost his or her and must be locked in an asylum to be treated. When you say ‘Stay Mad’, you are referring to the former definition, which is Anger.The best way to respond when someone tells you to ‘Stay Mad’ is to smile and say Bye calmly. Your smile and calmness are against what is expected of you, especially since you should be angry.This article features 20 other things to say when you are told to ‘Stay Mad’.

20 Best Responses to "Stay Mad"

  1. Thanks for the offer but that’s yours.
  2. I’m not joining you on that train.
  3. Hope you’re not taking me for your mom..
  4. There it is.
  5. Good night.
  6. I’ll keep that in mind.
  7. Keep walking
  8. See you around.
  9. I’ll do anything for you.
  10. Don’t sweat it
  11. You too.
  12. My regards to your mom
  13. Get hit by a bus.
  14. Now you’re talking.
  15. See you later.
  16. That’s what I was expecting.
  17. Will do.
  18. When your dad’s done, I’ll start.
  19. I don’t have the time.
  20. Too late. Passed it to your mum.

Thanks for the offer but that’s yours.

‘Thanks for the offer but that’s yours’ is a nice comeback for ‘Stay Mad’ suitable as a quick retort before the speaker walks off. You are directly implying that you’re not the one mad in the literal sense.‘Stay mad’ is a phrase you’ll most likely hear from someone who may have offended you and thinks you are pissed with him/her.This can be said to you if you are giving him/her a silent treatment. It can also be said if you are refusing to listen to his/her apologies.By saying ‘Stay Mad’, it means you should stick to your anger and he/she doesn’t care again. In most cases, the speaker would tell you to stay mad and then walk away.If you will be using this comeback or any comeback at all, you have to say it quickly so he/she would still be close enough to hear it from you.

I’m not joining you on that train

‘I’m not joining you on that train’ is another fair comeback to ‘Stay Mad’ implying that you won’t join the speaker in being mad in the literal sense.While this response is suitable, it may sound a bit ironic considering you are the one that is ‘mad’. By saying ‘Stay mad’, the speaker is telling you to stick to your anger since you have refused to accept or open the door to an apology.However, by giving this response, you are referring to ‘mad’ in the literal sense. If you respond quickly with this statement, the speaker will probably address how ironic it is for you to say so.Then you can continue your silent treatment or drop your stubborn front and discuss whatever issues you both are having.How to respond to Stay Mad

Hope You’re Not Taking Me For Your Mom

‘You must be mistaking me for your mum’ is a disrespectful comeback to ‘Stay mad’ throwing the adjective, ‘mad’, in the literal sense at the speaker’s mother.This response is very disrespectful and will most likely get an intense reaction from the speaker. Do not say this if you are speaking to a friend whom you will still reconcile with. If your friend is not the type to joke about his/her parents, then you may lose that relationship forever.Saying this implies that the speaker is making you for his/her mum by calling you ‘mad’. In other words, you are saying that the speaker’s mum is ‘mad’. From your response, ‘mad’ will be perceived in the literal sense and that would be unacceptable.

There it is.

‘There it is’ is a good swift response to ‘Stay mad’ implying that you have received the reaction you expected and you are not surprised. You can use this to point out how unapologetic the speaker is.If you have heard ‘Stay Mad’ before, it is most likely from a friend or acquaintance and only when you were ‘mad’ with him/her. You can refuse to accept the apology of a person for several reasons known to you.This response suggests that ‘stay mad’ is the reason you have not accepted the apology. ‘Stay Mad’ shows that the speaker no longer cares whether you stop being angry or not and this is a sign that he/she is not really sorry.By saying ‘there it is’, you are telling the speaker that his/her true colors have just shown and you were expecting it after the pretend apologies.

Good night.

‘Good night’ is a cool response to ‘Stay mad’ showing that you don’t care about the sudden change in the speaker’s countenance. While ‘Good night’ sounds like a nice response that should come after a reconciliation, it can also be used to torment the speaker by appearing like you don’t care.The sudden switch in the speaker’s countenance is often a mere ploy to get you to lower your guard.In response to ‘Stay mad’, say ‘Good night’, smile, and act like the speaker has walked out. The speaker should already have walked out anyway.Hearing you say ‘Good night’ calmly will show that the ploy didn’t work and he/she will probably not try to apologize to you anymore.

I’ll keep that in mind

‘I’ll keep that in mind’ is a good response to ‘Stay mad’. When accompanied with calmness and a smile, it is a perfect comeback without insults.Not all comebacks must be insulting. Simply saying you will keep it in mind won’t do much good to the situation. However, when you say it calmly and smile as though you don’t care about the speaker storming out, you’ll be hurting the speaker even more.Your smile and your calmness do the major damage.

Keep walking

‘Keep walking’ is a suitable response to ‘Stay mad’. It interprets what is happening with the speaker just like the speaker’s statement gas stated the obvious with you.You are clearly angry with the speaker and, since you are refusing to talk about it or accept the apology, he/she has told you to stay mad. The natural thing to do after saying this is to walk away.With the speaker turned around and walking away from you, you can just tell him/her in a calm voice to ‘Keep walking’.This shows that you are willing to stick to your anger as requested and you don’t care about the speaker’s change in countenance.

See you around

‘See you around’ is a cool response to ‘Stay mad’ which allows you to treat the speaker’s statement like a mere goodbye greeting.‘See you around’ is a statement often used to mean goodbye. However, in this situation, it is the last thing the speaker would expect since you both are still having a quarrel.This makes it a nice option in making the speaker’s ‘stay mad’ ineffective in your life and that of people you have to work with.Like the other comebacks on this list, you should stay calm and smile to make it clear that you are not bothered.

I’ll do anything for you.

‘I’ll do anything for you’ is a teasing response to ‘Stay mad’ meant to provoke the speaker further with your calmness and your smile.You can retort this response when a friend tells you to stay mad. Calmly giving this response will sound absurd to him/her. It will show that you don’t plan to change your mind any time soon and you are making certain changes where they are needed.

Don’t sweat it

‘Don’t sweat it’ is a cool response to ‘Stay mad’ which implies that you already know what you plan to do and nothing will change your mind.‘Don’t sweat it’ is similar to telling a person not to bother or worry about something. In this context, you are telling the person not to tell you to stay mad since you already plan to do just that. Keep a smile on and a calm voice when saying this and make sure not to say more.

You too

‘You too’ is a nice response to ‘Stay mad’. It may sound a bit childish but you have a chance of appearing carefree with a smile and calmness.Your calmness in this situation matters a lot. ‘Stay mad’ can be used to provoke you to lose your guard. By keeping a carefree smile on your face, you are emphasizing how ineffective that ploy is on you.It’s also advisable to say nothing more than just this, as the other person storms out of the room.

My regards to your mum

‘My regards to your mum’ is a mind-blowing response to ‘Stay mad’ very effective in maintaining an aura of indifference. This will only provoke the other person further.The other person has chosen to change the discussion in the room from one where he/she apologizes to you continuously. This response allows the change, making it seem you don’t care.You can add a good smile to this to make it perfect and clear that you are really unaffected. Giving this response in anger will only sound very childish.

Get hit by a bus

‘Get hit by a bus’ is a good comeback to ‘Stay mad’, better said in calmness and with a smile. Cussing in anger will only show the speaker’s weakness.You don’t have to mean this response. With a carefree expression, you’ll make it clear that you are totally indifferent about what the other person does.

Now you’re talking.

‘Now you’re talking’ is a good swift response to ‘Stay mad’, meant to suggest what you’ve been expecting the other person to do. It’s used to imply that the speaker has just said what he/she truly feels.‘Now you’re talking’ is a common phrase used to express agreement with what another person has said or to point out the truth. You can give this response to ‘Stay Mad’ if you think he or she is really unapologetic.It shows that you have been expecting him/her to say that and you were never deceived. Keep an indifferent look on, as the other person storms out of the room.

See you later

‘See you later’ is a carefree response to ‘Stay mad’, meant to say a temporary goodbye to the offender as he/she storms out of the room Saying this will show that you don’t care whether the other person walks away or keeps apologizing. However, since he/she is already apologizing, you may as well say goodbye for the moment.

Haha. That’s what I was expecting.

‘Haha. That’s what I was expecting’ is a direct response to ‘Stay mad’ implying your disbelief in the offender’s apology from the onset. You can say this and give a good laugh as the other person walks away from you.

Will do

‘Will do’ is a short and cool response to ‘Stay mad’ which implies that you are not ready to forgive the offender.This is one of the suggested responses that doesn’t require a smile or a carefree expression. However, you should avoid eye contact with the other person. Wearing a smile will also be a good addition.

When your dad’s done, I’ll start

‘When your dad’s done, I’ll start’ is an insulting comeback to ‘Stay mad’ transferring the adjective ‘mad’ to the other person’s father but in the literal sense.This response won’t make much sense however if you are settling the issue with the other person very soon. It takes the argument to another level and he/she may not apologize anymore.In addition, if you don’t want your parents insulted like this, then this may be a bad idea due to the chances of a similar comeback.

I don’t have the time

‘I don’t have the time’ is a calm but stubborn response to ‘Stay mad’ which implies that you are no longer mad at the speaker or anyone. It also automatically implies that you may be cutting the offender off.When you forgive an offender who is a friend, you are expected to relate the same way as you did before the offense.However, if you don’t, it’s probably because you don’t want to be friends anymore. In this case, you are not going to stay mad but you are clearly not interacting with the offender as he/she expects you to.

Too late. Passed it to your mum

‘Too late. Passed it to your mum’ is another insulting comeback to ‘Stay mad’ which targets the offender’s parent. While this is a cool response to retort to a bully, it is only advisable to say this to a friend if you both are used to casually insulting each other. That way, it’d be easier to reconcile.

Wrap Up

‘Stay mad’ is a provocative phrase from an offender who is tired of apologizing to you after numerous or zero tries.The best way to respond to this kind of provocation is to maintain a carefree look, keep a smile on, and say ‘Goodbye’ as he/she storms away.


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