16 Best Responses to “Please Remove Me From Your List”

Since the advent of technology and digital marketing, people have adopted different methods to reach out to their target audience and market their goods and/or services.From mailing lists to WhatsApp broadcast list, a digital marketer gather the emails and contacts of different individuals and send them persuasive messages to make them buy his/her goods or services.Aside from persuasive messages, some send follow-up messages to people who probably had subscribed. But there are other times when these people did not subscribe but still receive these messages.While there are people who don’t mind receiving such messages, there are people who detest it for various reasons. Either because their permission was not obtained, or they do not like the content of the message.In that instance, they may ask the person to remove them from their list. If you are the guilty party, what exactly would be your response when a person tells you, ‘Please remove me from your list’?In this article, we have listed out sixteen (16) best responses you can give to a person who asks you to remove them from your list.

16 Best Responses to “Please Remove Me From Your List”

  1. Your wish is my command
  2. Done
  3. I will be sorry to see you leave my client list.
  4. I apologize for not asking for your permission
  5. Let me know when you wish to be re-added.
  6. Do you mind if I ask why you made this request?
  7. Remove me from your first
  8. Have you tried unsubscribing?
  9. Please delete your account
  10. Is it not in your interest?
  11. Thank you for your response, We will attend to your request.
  12. You don’t have to be rude.
  13. It was not my intention to send you a message, please disregard it.
  14. You should update your email preference.
  15. Sorry, this message was supposed to be sent to someone else.
  16. Please ignore the messages, I will remove you immediately.

Your wish is my command

As far as you are a business owner or a service provider who is active on social media, you will always seek active customers on those platforms; and one of the ways to do that is to send them messages advertising your goods.And because there are probably one a thousand people you need to reach out to; you create a list of your target audience and send them messages regularly. To you, your aim is to satisfy your customers.Thus, if they ask you to remove them from your list, you will know that first of all, this person is not amongst your target audience, and secondly, offending them further by refusing to remove them will not help you in any way to convince them to patronize you.The best thing to do is to simply respond ‘Your wish is my command’ and do as they requested.


How to Respond to Please Remove Me From Your ListThe famous statement “Action speaks louder than words” perfectly explains this response.This means that a person believes what you do more than what you say. If you add a person to a mailing or broadcast list and consistently send them messages, but they hate it, they will ask you to discontinue.You may agree that you will do that but what happens where they still receive such messages? It may be that you forgot or that you did not do it properly.Instead of procrastinating, the best thing is to immediately do what the person asks, and then tell them ‘done’ to let them know that they have been removed from the list effective immediately.

I will be sorry to see you leave my client list

Nobody likes to lose a customer or a client but as a business owner, it is inevitable and bound to happen. So, when you have an active customer who always responds to your newsletter and suddenly they want to be removed, what do you say?Definitely, you will be sad that one of your most active subscribers wishes to be removed. The best response that you can use in a situation like this is to say, ‘I will be sorry to see you go’.

I apologize for not asking for your permission

How to Respond to Please Remove Me From Your ListIt is true that most people who send newsletters do not obtain their permission. In a bid to reach more audiences, they may have gotten contact information through some other means aside from subscription.Of course, we can deduce how certain people will react to that. They will not be really pleased that their permission was not obtained especially if they like their privacy a lot.In cases like this, if you are the guilty person, you may want to tender an apology. Thus, you can say, ‘I sincerely apologize for not asking your permission’. You never know, the person may let it go.

Let me know when you wish to be re-added.

There are many reasons why a person would request to be removed from a mailing or broadcast list. If a person asks you to remove them from your list, it is not wise to just assume that they are tired of you.A wise marketer will ask for feedback to know why the person wishes to be removed. It may not be that your newsletters are inconveniencing them.If the reason, they give to you is neutral, you can ask them if they wish to be re-added at a later date.If they respond in the affirmative, then you could say “Be sure to let me know when you wish to be re-added”.

Do you mind if I ask why you made this request?

How to Respond to Please Remove Me From Your ListCustomer service should be of utmost importance to a business person or marketer. Aside from satisfactory delivery, your customers would want to know that you care about them and not just their money.Most business owners, once they have grown, do not care if a particular client or subscriber no longer patronizes them. Don’t be that person. No customer is ever irrelevant.If a person is asking to be removed from your list, it is advisable to ask them ‘Do you mind if I ask why you made this request’.This will not only make you understand them and their reason better but if you are doing something wrong, then you can adjust.

Remove me from yours first

There is a humane saying that goes do to others what you want them to do to you. It is a pity that most people do not like to practice what they preach.This implies that while some people are okay with having you on their list, they do not want to be on your list.If you have a contact who sends you newsletters while you also send to them and they are requesting to be removed from yours, you can first ask them why they wish to be removed.If they do not give you any substantial reason, then be sure to tell them to remove you from their list first. It’s not fair if they keep sending you messages but do not want to receive them from you.

Have you tried unsubscribing?

When a person subscribes to a list, they are signing up to be receiving messages from that person or site. If they then wish to be removed from the list, then it is normal that they go through the same procedure they followed to subscribe.If they reach out to you and you find out that they entered the list through a subscription, then you can simply ask them, ‘Have you tried unsubscribing?’It is important you do that cause you may not have the opportunity to help thousands of people if they approach you for the same problem.

Please delete your account

If a person creates an account with your company or a company you represent, they may automatically be subscribed and added to a list to receive messages.If they reach out to the Company and you are in a position to attend to them, you can simply ask them to delete their account.It may seem easier that way as there are times when a person unsubscribes and still keeps receiving messages.At least by deleting their accounts, they permanently delete their information from the Company database and stop further information from reaching them.

Is it not in your interest?

When a person sends a newsletter, they may focus on a particular niche of product or service. This means that while they may be serving a group of individuals, others may not find what they have to offer interesting.In a case where a person asks to be removed from your list, you could ask them ‘Is it not in your interest?’For instance, if you are sending a newsletter to parents with children, a single person who has no intention of having children could ask to be removed from your list.

Thank you for your response, We will attend to your request

Another great response to ‘please remove me from your list’ is ‘thank you for your response, we will attend to your request’. Firstly, you appreciate them for even taking the time to respond to your newsletter.Then you ensure them that in no time you will do what they asked you to do. This will portray you as a courteous business person and may likely win the person you are speaking with over.

You don’t have to be rude

Like it was mentioned before, not every contact in your list gave their permission before they were added there. Some people may politely ask you to remove them from the list, which of course is within their right.Whilst there are others who will go beyond the request and decide to take it a step further. For instance, they may throw insults at you, your brand, or worse still your family.At this point, they are no longer cordial about it and have gone personal. If such things happen you immediately remind them that they do not have to be rude before their request will be granted.

It was not my intention to send you a message, please disregard it.

To err is human…We are not all above mistakes. This means that while writing your newsletter you may have had a target audience in mind, but while compiling your list, you may have mistakenly added someone who is part of your target audience.In that case, you can apologize for adding them to the list and ask them to disregard the messages then go further and remove them from the list.

You should update your email preference.

This response ‘Would you like to update your email preference?’ is targeted to those who may have subscribed to receive a newsletter in their email.When they then ask to be removed from your list, you can ask them to update their email preference and they will automatically be removed.

Sorry, this message was supposed to be sent to someone else.

It’s okay if you make the mistake of sending the wrong person a message. When that happens and your attention is called to it, you can immediately apologize.Also, let them know that it was a mistake and remove them just as they requested.

Please ignore the messages, I will remove you immediately.

This response is also best suited where you may have mistakenly included someone on your list. When they then ask to be removed from your list, you can convince them that they will be removed speedily and that they should disregard the messages.

If you are in a business where you send out newsletters to people, it could be as a marketer, blogger, business, or even a company representative, there are times when people would express their need to be removed from your list.It is expedient that you know the best responses to give to these people. Regardless of the fact that you may be unhappy about the request, you must not lash out or respond in a way that will ruin your Company’s image.Thus, we have listed and explained the sixteen best responses to help you. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to this site for more on this.


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