20 Best Responses to "Never say Never"

The first time I heard ‘Never say never’ was in a song by Justin Bieber and I didn’t understand what the phrase meant.When I finally did, I thought it was used in strictly romantic situations. I was wrong. ‘Never say never’ has its meaning which can work in many situations.‘Never say never’ implies that one should never say anything can never happen. In other words, ‘Never say never’ means nothing is impossible. In Justin Bieber’s song, he meant he would never think it impossible to win the girl he desired.One of the best ways to respond to ‘Never say never’ is ‘True’, that is you agree. The phrase may be approved and true but, in some situations, it just doesn’t make sense.We have compiled 20 responses to ‘Never say never’ to communicate different perspectives across multiple situations.

20 Best Responses To Never Say Never

  1. Look who’s talking.
  2. This one’s impossible. Sorry.
  3. I’ve never used that word in my life.
  4. Not in this case.
  5. Maybe that’s true.
  6. I think you just said it twice.
  7. There are better ways to get this done.
  8. I would like to see it happen.
  9. Never even heard that word.
  10. I didn’t say never. I said impossible.
  11. I’ll never say never.
  12. I guess you’re right.
  13. I’ll say never when there are better options.
  14. Will you really go through with this?
  15. Just saying it’s hopeless right now.
  16. Alright then. Let’s see how it goes.
  17. Well, that’s not the wisest decision, is it?
  18. I’m not willing to take the risk.
  19. I’m saying Never. Sorry.
  20. Maybe next time.

Look who’s talking

How to Respond to Never say Never‘Look who’s talking’ is a playful response to ‘Never say never’ referring to how many times the speaker has already said ‘Never’.This response is totally acceptable if the speaker is using the phrase in a situation that doesn’t make much sense. You can choose to turn the whole thing into a joke.The speaker is probably discussing his/her plans or expectations for something that is impossible.Even though we believe in how anything can happen and how new discoveries can be made at any minute or second of any day, there are things we would find very hard to believe even if we are told that they really happened.

This one’s impossible. Sorry

‘This one’s impossible. Sorry’ communicates your unwillingness to believe in the possibility of something happening and unwillingness to take a risk on it.I once was faced with a huge risk while taking a bet on football teams. The Malta national team had a football match to play.They also had an absurd reputation of rarely winning. In addition to that, they were up against the England national team which featured well-known talented football players.This made it nearly impossible for Malta to win but staking a bet in the favor of Malta meant a great multiplication of the money staked.Staking a bet in a situation that’s nearly impossible will make less sense. ‘Never say never’ makes much more sense if the belief isn’t affecting you unless you don’t have other options.

I’ve never used that word in my life

How to Respond to Never say Never‘I have never used that word in my life’ is a funny response that also supports the phrase, ‘Never say never.’Of course, the speaker has probably used ‘never’ every day of his/her life, even in the phrase ‘Never say never’. Giving this response in support, you have also said ‘Never’ which sounds deliberately witty and laughable.You should only say this if you are going through with whatever impossible plan or idea that the speaker has raised.You may also say this if it doesn’t require either of you to take any risks. You both will just accept it as a moment in your fantasies.

Not in this case

‘Not in this case’ is a disagreement with the phrase ‘Never say never’ in a serious situation. While one can agree with this phrase,  ‘Never say never’, you still have things you’d never agree to be possible.While thinking of ideas, some impossible ones come into your head. It’s fine to accept them without expecting them to happen due to them being highly improbable.However, when it comes to ideas that require an unnecessary action, you’d better stay idle or do something else than make a move based on an improbable idea.

Maybe that’s true

‘Maybe that’s true’ is a response to show submission to the phrase, ‘Never say never’. This is suitable if you are carefree about the situation or the topic isn’t a serious one.When talking about something that’s not very serious, you don’t have to argue about what is possible and what isn’t. A joker can tell when he’s joking.Some ridiculous ideas are way too ridiculous to be taken seriously by even those who conceived them.You may also just not care about the situation or the person talking. If the speaker is planning to take an impossible risk and he/she is refusing to be convinced, you can just let it go.

I think you just said it twice

‘I think you just said it twice’ is a funny way to turn the ‘Never say never’ phrase and the entire situation into a joke. Even if the speaker means it, this will show that you are not taking him/her seriously.The world has evolved to a stage and we have gained new knowledge that some of us may not have thought possible.This fact however can’t convince us to believe that anything is possible. Even Science believes in impossibilities.If the speaker is making a joke out of his/her impossible ideas, this is a funny response to give.If the speaker also appears weirdly serious about his/her ridiculous ideas, this response will show that you would rather make a joke out of it than take it seriously.

There are better ways to get this done

‘There are better ways to get this done’ is a good way to suggest that your partner’s near-impossible idea has other alternatives that give you better chances.Taking near-impossible risks is totally okay but only if they are necessary or have no alternative. We have had to take risks that even we don’t believe in at all because we didn’t have alternatives.Sometimes, those risks turn out well and we can’t believe how they worked out.Despite the fact that tables can turn, it doesn’t make much sense to take such risks when there are alternative risks that have better chances of success.In this case, you should be mentioning the better choices instead of working on an impossible plan and risking failure.

I would like to see it happen

‘I would like to see it happen’ is a carefree response you can give to the speaker’s idea. This makes sense to say if the risk won’t be affecting the speaker much or if the idea is more of an expectation than a decision.If a friend speaks of expecting the moon to fall down to the earth, you’ll think of that as impossible but you wouldn’t need to argue about it since the speaker isn’t making any decisions based on the idea.He/she may also be planning to stake a little sum of money on an impossible idea. If the money is too small to affect him/her, you don’t need to sweat over it.

Never even heard that word

‘Never even heard that word’ is a good response to support a near-impossible risk or show a carefree attitude towards the speaker’s idea.You can let an impossible idea slide as long as it isn’t affecting you or anyone. If it only requires you put a sum of money that you are already willing to spare, then it is pretty easy to allow an impossible idea.However, if your friend wouldn’t hear your arguments over his impossible idea, there is no point debating it. As long as it’s not going to ruin him, let him fly.

I didn’t say never. I said impossible

‘I didn’t say Never. I said Impossible’ is a funny way to emphasize your stance on your partner’s impossible ideas.This is a cool response if your partner or friend is suggesting a huge risk that has to do with you. If you have to give your blessings for the risk to be taken, then you should consider how it affects you.‘Never say never’ means what it means but when it comes to risks, there’s no need to bet on near-impossibilities when we have clear possibilities.

Sure. I’ll never say never.

‘Sure. I’ll never say never’ is a good way to submit to the speaker's ideas or support them.You can say this if your partner’s ideas are mere imaginations or expectations. There are times we speak of our dreams and they drift into total fantasies. There is no point arguing over whose dreams are realizable.This response entertains an impossible dream or submits to the person’s arguments.

I guess you’re right

‘I guess you are right’ is another good response for showing your submission, especially if the speaker’s ideas are not totally impossible.You can say ‘never’ to an idea that isn’t impossible but has a very low chance of being realized. This response shows a genuine consideration of the idea and submission to it. Saying this implies you are letting the speaker proceed.

I’ll say never when there are better options

‘I’ll say never when there are better options’ is a blunt response to shun the speaker’s impossible notion by implying that there are better options.If the speaker is submitting an idea on what you or he/she needs to do, then it’s better to go for the best ideas that come.You can’t choose an impossible idea all because it comes from him/her. This response communicates the need to shun that notion.

Will you really go through with this?

‘Will you really go through with this?’ is a good way to question the speaker’s decision on his/her impossible idea.You can tell whether a person is serious or not just from the way he/she sounds. Some people are good at faking their seriousness, however.When the speaker says ‘Never say never’, there is a chance that he/she is actually serious with the impossible plan. You can ask this question to confirm the speaker’s decision and to communicate your disapproval of it.

Just saying it’s hopeless right now.

‘Just saying it’s hopeless right now’ is a good way to confirm your incomplete support for the phrase ‘Never say never’.By giving this response, you are implying that you truly believe nothing is impossible, even though you don’t think the speaker’s idea is possible. The contrary idea only proves your disapproval of the idea.

Alright then. Let’s see how it goes.

‘Alright then. Let’s see how it goes’ is a good response for submitting an idea that you think is nearly impossible to achieve. This response shows that you don’t think the idea is totally impossible but you don’t advise the speaker to go through with it because there are higher chances of the opposite.

Well, that’s not the wisest decision, is it?

‘Well, that’s not the wisest decision, is it?’ is a good way of expressing your disapproval for both the phrase, ‘Never say never’, and the speaker’s idea.This doesn’t stand firmly against the speaker’s decision so you can use this if the risks of the decision aren’t very high.

I’m not willing to take the risk.

‘I’m not willing to take the risk’ is a good way of excluding yourself from the speaker’s decision.You can say this if the speaker’s idea requires your hand in it or if the speaker suggests you join him/her

I’m saying Never. Sorry.

‘I’m saying Never. Sorry’ is a good way to stand against the speaker’s idea, especially if he/she needs you to approve it.The idea does not have to be impossible. You can say this if you are not willing to get involved in the speaker’s ideas.

Maybe next time.

‘Maybe next time’ communicates your support for the ‘Never say never’ phrase but also your will to push the phrase aside in terms of the speaker’s idea.You are implying that you don’t ever want to say never but you are unwilling to take a risk on the speaker’s impossible idea.

Wrap Up

‘Never say never’ is often said to convince another person to accept an idea that is impossible or has high risks.You can respond to the phrase based on how the idea affects you or the speaker, how important the idea is, or how risky it is.


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