20 Best Responses to "Never A Dull Moment"

The phrase, ‘Never a dull moment’, is also often used as ‘Always an adventure’. The two phrases can be used in three different ways.‘Never a dull moment’ often implies that a person is very interesting to have around because he/she is always doing something fun.‘Never a dull moment’ is also used to imply that a person is always getting in trouble or causing trouble. The phrase can mean that a place is very interesting to be in.‘Never a dull moment’ may also imply that a place or a person is too busy to ever find time for leisure.One of the best responses to ‘Never a dull moment’ is ‘The same applies to you’. This attributes the same compliment to the speaker.Due to the different meanings of the phrase, some responses work differently and for certain situations. Here are 20 of our best responses to ‘Never a dull moment’.

20 Best Responses to "Never A Dull Moment"

  1. That’s why I’m me.
  2. It’s almost over already.
  3. Thank you. I would say the same for you.
  4. Don’t talk like this always happens.
  5. I know. I am irreplaceable.
  6. You are the rose on my grey.
  7. Good to hear that. Wish you luck.
  8. Maybe when you are there.
  9. There is never a dull moment with you.
  10. So you owe me. People pay for the service.
  11. That’s a hundred percent.
  12. You just got here.
  13. You haven’t met me in a bad mood.
  14. You will have to get used to it.
  15. I disagree when you are not there.
  16. Sounds like you could use some dull moments.
  17. It’s not a bad thing, I see.
  18. It’s the same here.
  19. Enjoy it while it lasts.
  20. I wish I could say the same for this place.

That’s why I’m me

‘That’s why I’m me’ responds to the compliment that there is never a dull moment with you. It accepts the compliment in a funny and boastful way.This response implies that there is never a dull moment with you, just as the speaker has said, and it is an essential characteristic of you.While embracing and boasting about a compliment can be considered an arrogant act, this response is totally okay, especially to this compliment.

It’s almost over already

How to Respond to Never A Dull Moment‘It’s almost over already’ is a soothing and supportive response to a busy person or place. This is suitable if the busy moment is temporary or the speaker will only be in the busy place for a short while.You can give this response if the phrase, ‘Never a dull moment’, refers to an office or a place that has a lot of work and no idle moment.This response implies that the busy moment is only for a short while. therefore, it can only be used if the speaker really won’t be there for a long time or won’t have to do all that work very soon.The phrase, ‘Never a dull moment’, is not a complaint. Rather, it is an euphemistic comment on how busy a person or place is so the speaker may not really feel bad about the situation.

Thank you. I would say the same for you.

‘Thank you. I would say the same for you’ is a response to the compliment that there is never a dull moment with you. It appreciates the speaker’s compliments and attributes the same compliment to the speaker.This response implies that you appreciate the compliment but you also think the compliment also applies to the speaker.Like the case with other kinds of compliments, this response may not really be taken serious or believed to be an honest opinion.

Don’t talk like this always happens.

‘Don’t talk like this always happens’ is a response to ‘Never a dull moment’ to imply that a particular situation doesn’t always happen.The speaker can say ‘Never a dull moment’ to mean you are always getting in trouble or there is always something stressful happening in a place.In both cases, this response fits. This response implies that the situation is not one that always happens and the comment of the speaker is not justified.

I know. I am irreplaceable.

‘I know. I am irreplaceable’ is a funny response to the compliment that there is never a dull moment with you This response embraces the compliment and also boasts about the impossibility of you getting replaced.The statement is most likely coming from a close and playful friend so there are very low chances that this response would be considered arrogant.Instead of being considered arrogant, it would most likely be perceived as funny and playful.

You are the rose on my grey

‘You are the rose on my grey’ is a playful response to the compliment that there is never a dull moment with you. It attributes the validity of that compliment to the speaker.This statement is borrowed from the popular song by Seal, ‘Kiss from a rose’. The song metaphorically uses ‘rose’ as a touch of delight and ‘grey’ as sadness.In other words, a rose on the grey refers to a source of delight for a sad or dull person.This response implies that you are only an interesting person because the speaker is there to make you happy and active. This is also a compliment to the speaker.

Good to hear that. Wish you luck

How to Respond to Never A Dull Moment‘Good to hear that. Wish you luck’ is a response to the speaker’s acknowledgment of how he/she is not having a dull moment in a place.‘Never a dull moment’ can imply how well the speaker is thriving in a place. The statement means he or she is not having any idle or leisure time but the choice of words shows that he/she doesn’t feel bad about it.This response implies that you are happy to know that the speaker is thriving and you wish him/her luck.

Maybe when you are there

‘Maybe when you are there’ is a modest response to the compliment that there is never a dull moment with you, attributing the validity of that compliment to the presence of the speaker.This response implies that you don’t really believe yourself to be a very interesting or adventurous person but you feel so when the speaker is around.While the speaker has made the compliment to make you smile, this response should make him/her smile even better.You are telling the speaker that he/she is the reason you are an interesting person to be around.

There is never a dull moment with you

‘There is never a dull moment with you’ directly tells the speaker that there is never a dull moment with him/her too.This response throws the compliment back to the speaker and may be perceived as being more honest than saying ‘same here’.

So you owe me. People pay for the service

‘So you owe me. People pay for the service’ is a funny response to ‘Never a dull moment with you’. It treats the complimented attribute as a service that should be paid for.This is a clear joke which implies that you need the speaker to pay you for making him/her happy. Making a joke is a beautiful way to respond to a compliment. This should be easier if you don’t know how to react to compliments.

That’s a hundred percent

‘That’s a hundred percent’ is a boastful response to the compliment that there is never a dull moment with you.This response implies that the speaker’s comment on moments with you is a hundred percent correct. While this sounds boastful, it will be perceived as a mere joke as it really is.

LOL. You just got here

‘LOL. You just got here’ is a reaction to the speaker’s comment on how bustling a place is. This response implies that you know more about the place than the speaker does.The phrase, ‘Never a dull moment’, may be coming from a newbie who is just impressed by how busy, fun, or stressful a place has been. However, the speaker may be wrong since he/she hasn’t been there long enough to judge.This response means that the speaker is wrong about the place never having a dull moment. You can further state times or moments that were extremely dull for everyone.There may also be a time of the year when things get dull in that place.

You haven’t met me in a bad mood

‘You haven’t met me in a bad mood’ is a doubtful response to the compliment that there is never a dull moment with you.This response implies that the speaker has never had a dull moment with you only because he/she has never met you in a bad mood. In other words, there are dull moments with you whenever you are in a bad mood.The compliment however just means that you make the speaker happy. You can give this response if other responses seem too awkward to utter.

You will have to get used to it

‘You will have to get used to it’ is a supportive response to the speaker’s comment on a very busy place or situation.Whether the situation is permanent or temporary, this response should work perfectly. The speaker may be implying that a place is always busy or there is always something to doThis response advises the speaker to get used to the situation. This is easier to day since the speaker isn’t complaining. The choice of words in the statement shows that the speaker may already be getting used to the situation.

I disagree when you are not there

How to Respond to Never A Dull Moment‘I disagree when you are not there’ is a sweet response to the compliment that there is never a dull moment with you.This response embraces the compliment indirectly but also attributes its validity to the speaker. You are implying that you are only interested when that person is around you.However, when he/she is away, you may just be another dull person. This will make the speaker smile.

Sounds like you could use some dull moments

‘Sounds like you could use some dull moments’ is a playful but supportive response to the speaker’s comment on a busy schedule, stressful place, or situation.The speaker’s comment may sound like he/she is tired, though the choice of words do not sound like a complaint. You can give this response to show your understanding of his/her situation.This response implies that the speaker may be happy to have some dull moments. ‘Dull moments’ here refer to idle moments for leisure and rest.

It’s not a bad thing, I see

‘It’s not a bad thing, I see’ is an understanding response to the Speaker’s comment on his/her busy schedule or situation.The statement, ‘Never a full moment’, is rarely a complaint so the speaker may be enjoying the situation. This response acknowledges the possibility that the speaker is enjoying his/her position.

It’s the same here

‘It’s the same here’ is a response to the speaker’s comment on how busy, stressful, or interesting a place is.This response should be used if you are far apart or if you are referring to two different places. It implies that the place you are in is equally never a dull moment.

Enjoy it while it lasts

‘Enjoy it while it lasts’ advises the speaker on his/her comments about a busy or interesting situation that is temporary.This response implies that the speaker should enjoy or value his/her present situation since it won’t last forever.

I wish I could say the same for this place.

‘I wish I could say the same for this place’ judges your location on the speaker’s comments about his/her busy location.This response implies that, unlike the speaker’s place which is very busy or interesting, your situation is boring. You are stating your wish to be in the same situation and encouraging the speaker to value it.

To Conclude

‘Never a dull moment’ can be used in multiple different ways. It can be used to compliment an interesting person. It can refer to a person who is always getting in trouble. It can refer to an interesting, adventurous, or busy place. It can also refer to a busy schedule.The best responses depend on which of the situations is being referred to and how you feel about the statement.


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