20 Best Responses to "Keep Dreaming"

We can’t ignore the need to draw the line between reality and our fantasies. However, there are times when we need to escape reality and embrace our wild dreams.With different perspectives from different people, we can’t expect everyone to see things the way we do.How do you respond when your dreams are underestimated? The line between reality and fantasies is often breached and we have to allow it for new discoveries. What do you do when no one believes in your new adventure?Before we proceed to the 20 Best Responses to ‘Keep Dreaming’, let us deal with what the phrase implies.

Meaning of "Keep Dreaming"

‘Keep dreaming’ is a demeaning or mocking phrase said to imply the ridiculousness or impossibility of another idea.When someone tells you to keep dreaming, he or she is implying that your ideas are not a part of reality and will only remain in your fantasies. The phrase can also be said to ridicule or underestimate a person.One of the best responses to Keep Dreaming is ‘Okay’. This serves as an end to the conversation since the second party is not willing to entertain your ideas The phrase, ‘Keep dreaming’, can come up in several other instances. Here are the 20 Best Responses to ‘Keep Dreaming.’

20 Best Responses to "Keep Dreaming"

  1. I don’t plan to stop.
  2. I’m not joking here.
  3. Okay
  4. It’s very possible though.
  5. I believe in my dreams.
  6. That’s not very encouraging.
  7. You don’t have to believe me.
  8. Is that what you have to say?
  9. It’s much better than reality.
  10. Let’s talk about something else.
  11. Imagine it were possible
  12. That’s annoying
  13. I know, right?
  14. What’s that about?
  15. Don’t worry about it then.
  16. It’s still better than yours
  17. Watch me live my dreams
  18. Dreaming is fun.
  19. Stop trying to discourage me.
  20. Reality socks

I don’t plan to stop

‘I don’t plan to stop’ is a playful response to give when you are told to ‘Keep dreaming’. It’s suitable if your previously stated idea is agreed to be pure fiction or if you don’t mind the comments of the speaker.The meaning of this response depends on what your initial idea was and how the phrase, ‘Keep dreaming’, was used.If you had stated a joke earlier, then you must have expected ‘Keep dreaming’ as a response so you would simply be playing along if someone tells you to keep dreaming.

I’m not joking here

How to Respond to Keep Dreaming‘I’m not joking here’ will be a serious response to keep dreaming if you are trying to get your listener to understand your idea. It can also be a persistent joke.Some of the best jokes are dragged on for as long as they still remain fresh and funny. When talking about dreams and what we hope to achieve, we can decide to abandon reality and likelihood in our lives.When someone else says ‘Keep dreaming’, it should be easy to see why the response is coming. You can give this response if you believe in that idea.You can also give this response if you want to drag your joke a little longer.


‘Okay’ is a direct response to ‘Keep dreaming’ which brings the conversation to an end. You can also use this response to put up a false front of seriousness in the conversation.When you say ‘Okay’ in response to ‘Keep dreaming’, you are stating that you agree but in a way that suggests you don’t want to argue about it.Saying ‘Okay’ is fine since the listener believes your hopes or aims are impossible to realize. If you believe in them, the last thing you need is discouragement.You may also say ‘Okay’ to ‘Keep dreaming’ even when your statements are clearly ridiculous and fictional. You’ll only make the listener laugh harder at your seriousness.

It’s very possible though

‘It’s very possible though’ is a serious response to ‘Keeping dreaming’, urging the listener to keep an open mind to get the message you are trying to pass. This response can also take your joke further.If you state an idea that seems a bit exaggerated, you must expect your listener to doubt you strongly. However, we come from different points of view so what seems impossible to you may appear very much possible to someone else and vice-versa.When you say ‘it’s very possible’, you are telling your listener to ask you how and he/she will. This can also be a way of introducing an extension of your joke by giving a more ridiculous explanation of your idea.

I believe in my dreams

‘I believe in my dreams’ is a calm response to ‘Keep dreaming’ suggesting a desire to remain in your fantasies or pursue an idea that you believe to be very possible, unlike your listener.What we hope to achieve may appear to be mere dreams to others. People may think it’s impossible for us or anyone to achieve what we are aiming for. However, if you firmly believe in that hope, it’s up to you to firmly stick to it.

That’s not very encouraging

‘That’s not very encouraging’ is an honest response to ‘Keep dreaming’ if the comment is affecting your will to go ahead with an idea you were previously motivated to do. It may also be a funny response for putting up a false front of seriousness.This comment implies that you were looking to be encouraged on your idea by the other person but you don’t find his/her comments to be useful in that sense.You may also mean it as a joke if your initial statement was equally intended as a ridiculously clear joke.

You don’t have to believe me

‘You don’t have to believe me’ is a serious response to ‘Keep dreaming’ used to emphasize a true experience that is being doubted by your listener. It may also play the role of a false serious appearance.When you say ‘you don’t have to believe me’, you are implying that you don’t care whether you are believed or not. It makes sense if you are relating an experience that is doubted by your listener.Since the experience was yours, you can’t be convinced otherwise and it’s not necessary to have anyone believe you.

Is that what you have to say?

‘Is this what you have to say?’ is a serious question in response to ‘Keep dreaming’ implying that you expected a better response from the listener.This question may sound rhetorical since the comment, ‘Keep dreaming’, clearly shows that the speaker doesn’t consider your previous statements to be serious or possible.The question shows that you were serious with your initial statement and you are not happy with the response you have gotten.

It’s much better than reality

‘It’s much better than reality’ is a calm response to ‘Keep dreaming’ that admits the ridiculousness of a previously stated idea. This implies that you understand your previous comment to be pure fiction.This statement implies that you want to embrace your fantasies, even while you acknowledge them as pure fantasies.You are not willing to stop dreaming, even though they cannot become real. You can take your fictional ideas even further.

Let’s talk about something else

‘Let’s talk about something else’ is a serious response to ‘Keep dreaming’ showing that you no longer want to discuss that topic with that person anymore. It shows that you are embracing your previous comment and you are serious with it.This statement makes sense if your previous comment is based on what you are working on. Continuous condemnation of an ongoing project can be very discouraging and annoying so it’s only advisable to stop listening to them. In this case, stop taking part in those conversations.

Imagine it were possible

How to Respond to Keep Dreaming‘Imagine it were possible’ is a calm and playful response to ‘Keep dreaming’, urging the listener to stay a little longer in your fantasies with you. You are directly acknowledging that you are truly dreaming but it would be nice if it were reality.‘Imagine it were possible’ implies that it isn’t possible but you’d love to know what it would feel like in real life. You are suggesting that your listener visualize your ridiculous idea.This can take the conversation further and you can live in the moment playfully before getting back to boring reality.

That’s annoying

‘That’s annoying’ is a straightforward and honest response to ‘Keep dreaming’ showing your intense dislike for the listener’s comment on your previously stated idea.This comment implies that the comment, ‘Keep dreaming’, annoys you. This is most likely because you were expecting a different or better comment from the listener.It may mean that you consider your idea or efforts seriously and you don’t appreciate the discouragement from him/her.

I know, right?

‘I know, right?’ is an affirmative response to ‘Keep dreaming’, showing that you admit your previous statement as a mere dream.You can say this if your previous statements are inflated beyond possibility or beyond what you believe. You can also say this if your previous statements are just ideas that you know can’t come true.This shows that you are admitting but you’d still like to imagine it

What’s that about?

‘What’s that about?’ is a serious question in response to ‘Keep dreaming’, showing that you do not expect the response. You can say this if you firmly believe your previously stated idea and you don’t see what’s being doubted.As mentioned earlier, people often understand things differently due to their different perspectives and what appears possible to one person may only seen as ridiculous to another. Asking this question should make him/her explain why your idea is impossible.From the person’s explanations, you can either learn why your idea is impossible or learn what the person if failing to understand.

Don’t worry about it then

‘Don’t worry about it then’ is a final response to ‘Keep dreaming’ which shows your unwillingness to continue the conversation due to your idea that is being ridiculed.This comment makes sense if your idea or ongoing project is being condemned. It shows you won’t be accepting the discouragement from the listener.

It’s still better than yours

‘It’s still better than yours’ is a calm response to ‘Keep dreaming’ which implies that you know how ridiculous your idea sounds but you also believe it isn’t the worst idea.This response works if both parties are giving ideas on what to do. By saying this, you are implying that ideas from both parties are unrealizable and yours isn’t more a dream than that of your listener.

Watch me live my dreams

‘Watch me live my dreams’ is a calm response to ‘Keep dreaming’ to show that you are proceeding with your idea without considering the discouragement from the listener.It implies that you are no longer trying to convince your listener of how possible your idea is and you would rather let him/her watch you bring it to reality.

Dreaming is fun

‘Dreaming is fun’ is a playful response to ‘Keep dreaming’ which admits that your previous statements are just a dream but you would rather imagine it and enjoy doing so.You can say this if your initial statement really is impossible. This shows you are trying to imagine what it’s like to live in that reality.

Stop trying to discourage me

‘Stop trying to discourage me’ is a straightforward response to ‘Keep dreaming’, showing your unwillingness to be deterred by discouraging comments from your listener. This response may also be a playful one aiming to put up a false front of seriousness.You may be making some moves or sharing plans that you actually think of going through with. Giving this response to ‘Keep dreaming’ shows you will be going ahead with it and you don’t appreciate your listener’s attempt to convince you otherwise.This may also be a good joke if you know the plans you stated are clearly ridiculous.

Reality socks

‘Reality socks’ is an honest response to ‘Keep dreaming’, showing your unwillingness to focus on reality at the moment. ‘Socks’, in this phrase, is a minced oath, expressing how displeasing reality can be.When you say this, you are agreeing that your previous statement or idea is just a dream and you don’t want to think of reality at the moment because you don’t enjoy the odds.

Wrap Up

‘Keep dreaming’ can come up in a range of contexts, including an honest response to a joke, a doubtful response to inflated possibilities, a discouraging response to a plan or idea, and a ridiculing response to an aim.You can choose your response based on whichever context it comes up in and how it makes you feel.


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