20 Best Replies to “You Are My Soulmate”

"Soulmate" refers to a person with whom one has a deep, profound connection, often characterized by mutual understanding, harmony, and love.When someone says "you are my soulmate," they're expressing that they see you as their perfect partner, someone who complements and completes them on a spiritual, emotional, and personal level.In a setting rife with romance, many beautiful things can be said or done that make people happy or uncomfortable.One of those things is telling someone or being told of being someone's soulmate. It is very beautiful in most cases and very sweet. It can also be very uncomfortable and annoying, or just not wanted for that given time.Depending on different factors, even the most beautiful things can be unwanted or perturbing. And hence, there are many different ways one can reply to being told such a thing as "You are my soulmate".If you liked the person as well, an "I love you too" or an "and you are mine", would easily suffice. Or if you didn't exactly want what such statements would entail, or simply didn't like the person in question, you could say "flattering, but I have my eyes on someone else" or even "that's nice, but not now, I want to develop myself."But begin proper, here are 20 viable ways you could respond when a person says to you "You are my soulmate."

20 Best Replies to “You Are My Soulmate”

  1. I am glad to have that place in your life
  2. I feel the same way about you, my sweet
  3. You make my heart skip every time you say that
  4. You have touched my soul in a way no one can. I am glad I met you.
  5. I didn't think I had a soul till I met you. You brought something in me to life.
  6. And you are mine. You complete me.
  7. With you, I am at peace. You are all I have ever wanted.
  8. I love you too
  9. Say that again and you'll earn yourself a kiss
  10. Funny how I felt the same thing
  11. I think it's a little too soon to be talking about that
  12. I know that's not true. You are just saying that because you want something
  13. That's nice, but that's not what I need right now. I am trying to develop myself.
  14. Wow. That is very flattering but I am interested in someone else
  15. That's funny. I had no idea you had a soul.
  16. Let's take it easy with that soulmate talk. Do you even know my last name?
  17. Where did you get that? A cheesy rom-com?
  18. Maybe I will come around to feel the same way later on. For now, let's keep it casual.
  19. It's clear you feel a deep connection, I am grateful for our friendship
  20. You deserve someone who will treat you as an amazing person and I hope you find that special someone one day.

Positive RepliesThese replies fall under the category that agree and accept that you are their soulmate. These replies are different ways to reply to this.How to Reply to You Are My SoulmateYou can modify them to suit you and make them feel more natural. Here they are:

I am glad to have that place in your life

Saying "I am glad to have that place in your life" is a positive response to "you are my soulmate," and it can be used to express genuine, heartfelt joy and gratitude because one is happy to receive such a wholesome statement directed at them.A reply like this is appropriate for every situation that involves being told that one is a soulmate to someone they care about, especially when you intend to affirm the statement.It gets the job done by expressing your gladness and making it easily known to the subject of the statement.

I feel the same way about you, my sweet

When a person refers to another person as their soulmate, they happen to feel that these are people that they can fully relate with and that understand them in return. If you share the same view with someone who is saying that you are their soulmate, you can just say "I feel the same way about you, my sweet" to tell them how you feel.Now note that they're saying this is probably going to lead to a conversation because they will need a reply from you to know how you feel.You can follow this reply up by telling them how much you love them or how much you appreciate them.

You make my heart skip every time you say that

While it might sound cliche, there is nothing wrong with it if that is really how you feel. Being honest about your feelings helps your relationship and fosters understanding.Besides, you don't want to seem like you are not thrilled with being someone's soulmate. If this doesn't work for you, try to modify it to whatever you feel when they tell you that you are their soulmate.

You have touched my soul in a way no one can. I am glad I met you

"You have touched my soul in a way no one can. I am glad I met you" is a beautiful response to "you're my soulmate" as you are not just appreciating them for their words with this response but you appreciate the special bond you share with them and put your feelings into words.This response works best for couples or people in a romantic relationship because of how romantic and intense it is.

I didn't think I had a soul till I met you. You brought something in me to life

Some experiences in life will indeed wound you to a point where some things die in you. If you have experienced that before and the turn-around transformation that comes with meeting someone who through their words and actions revived what was erstwhile dead, then you will freely use this reply.It is not limited to just people in a romantic relationship but whoever you say this to will understand that it came from your heart.

And you are mine. You complete me

The idea of a soulmate is someone who understands you and completes you. This response echoes that idea by assuring them that they are also your soulmate and they complete you.

With you, I am at peace. You are all I have ever wanted.

Having a soulmate can ease certain worries that an individual might have. It gives you a feeling of happiness and that feeling of peace of not just having someone that loves you, but that person that you can share your all.It does give a feeling of peace.

I love you too

The sentence "you are my soulmate" is a close equivalent to an "I love you". It's usually said to a person who the speaker loves anyway, so it is only natural to consider them as having the same meaning.And as such, this reply is appropriate to express that you feel the same way and want to convey it to them easily. Using this reply is fine for however it comes and it makes things easier when at a loss for the more dramatic replies.

Say that again and earn yourself a kiss

"Say that again and earn yourself a kiss" is more appropriate for use with an already bonded couple in an official relationship. It is playful, charming, and flirtatious enough to set the mood for a lovely couple's moment.Using this means one is already past third base and it is considered alright to kiss each other. Otherwise, it might come off as moving too fast.

Funny how I felt the same thing

This can be a playful method of showing affirmation for being their soulmate by saying you felt they were yours as well.It makes things easy for both parties, both knowing they both consider each other to be each other's soulmate.A response like this would gladden the heart of the one who said it first and lead to a hopefully long and happy relationship.Negative RepliesHow to Reply to You Are My SoulmateThe replies in this category are not particularly negative. They just do not agree with the concept of the speaker being your soulmate.Whatever reason you might have to not agree to you being their soulmate, is in the replies below: Whether you want to take things slow with them, you are not interested or you want to joke around them like they are with you.Here they are:

I think it's a little too soon to be talking about that

Let's imagine it's a new relationship we are talking about. It might be a few weeks or even a few months along but they seem to push way ahead.That is very understandable because there are always the first few heady months in a relationship. You can use this to caution them without negating that you are their soulmate.This way no one is hurt and you can avoid any touchy conversations that will make everything weird.

I know that's not true. You are just saying that because you want something

People say things to get in your favor. If the person speaking to you is someone you know, say a close friend or a colleague you are friendly with, you know that you are not to take them seriously when they say that you are their soulmate.They are just saying it to get your attention and butter you up for something that they need. It's usually something they know is hard to get or they would ask directly.

That's nice, but that's not what I need right now. I am trying to develop myself.

It is important that when people are honest with you about their feelings, you respond with compassion and respect. If you do not feel the same way about you being their soulmate, one of the best ways to express that without hurting their feelings is with this reply.Looking out for yourself is very important and you should not be afraid or skeptical to let them know that you prioritize yourself.

Wow. That is very flattering but I am interested in someone else

How to Reply to You Are My Soulmate"Wow. That is very flattering but I am interested in someone else" is a flattering response to being called a soulmate. It says a lot about, not just your appearance, but your character and good qualities.However, you must keep in mind that everyone wants a piece of the pie, and just because they showed interest doesn't mean you should hand them a piece.Let them know that you have a relationship with someone else or you are looking to build one. Details on who the person is should not necessarily be divulged. Matters of the heart get tricky very quickly.

That's funny. I had no idea you had a soul

If people are going to make jokes, you need to have the perfect quip or comeback to keep it going. Most times people say this kind of thing to play around.They might be trying to tease you so you can give this response as a tease. Before you use it however, make sure that the person you are speaking to can take the joke and not feel attacked or hurt by it.

Let's take it easy with that soulmate talk. Do you even know my last name? 

People tend to get ahead of themselves with their imaginations. We can see that in how quickly they try to push their wishes on others.When someone you do not know calls you a soulmate, you have to be quick to remind them to take things slow so that things work out naturally and you both have the happy ending that they so quickly dream of.

Where did you get that? A cheesy rom-com?

Most people are very impressionable. They can be insured to act or talk a certain way because of a book or movie they watched. If that is the case with the person speaking to you, teasing them with this reply will get them back to normal quickly.This doesn't of course open them up to jokes or rude comments. If they chide to keep up the act, then play along or ignore it. It will wear off in a few days.

Maybe I will come around to feel the same way later on. For now, let's keep it casual

How to Reply to You Are My SoulmateKeeping in mind that you have to be respectful of their emotions, you can also try to keep their hopes up if you are interested in the prospect of them being your soulmate.It not only works for the two of you but things can go at a normal pace with everything starting from friendship.While some might be devastated because it doesn't sound too positive, those willing to wait and build something with you will be happy to be concerned.

It's clear you feel a deep connection, I am grateful for our friendship

One way to politely dismiss someone's romantic interest in you is to sincerely appreciate it. So, saying It's clear you feel a deep connection, I am grateful for our friendship in reply to "you are my soulmate" is just one way to do that.Well, it may not make them lose interest in you, but appreciating them will make them feel loved.Attention makes people feel loved and highlighting what they have which is the friendship you share will make them feel like wonderful people.

You deserve someone who will treat you as an amazing person and I hope you find that special someone one day

You deserve someone who will treat you as an amazing person and I hope you find that special someone one day is clearly a dismissive reply to "you are my soulmate."When you are not interested in someone, you can have your reasons but if they will seem unsavory to them, you should keep them to yourself.Then instead of saying no or finding a flimsy excuse, you can just use a really like this. It will tell them that you are not interested in being their soulmate, and you wish they will happily find someone who they will call their soulmate.

Final word

Keep in mind that everyone has the right to express themselves so you shouldn't be afraid to do the same.Evaluate how you feel about the speaker and ponder on if you want them occupying the position of soulmate in your life or otherwise. In the end, go for whatever reply works well for you and use it happily.


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