20 Best Replies to "I'm Glad You Feel That Way"

You are a smart person if you know what to say when there's a need for you to do so. That would be the case if you know the right thing to say when someone says "I'm glad you feel that way". This statement of the person can mean a variety of things, from sounding concerned to empathic. And it can even come as a condescending statement, especially if the person's expression doesn't compliment their words.It is natural to be short of words in this situation. However, I'll be giving you back your voice as this article details 20 best replies to I'm glad you feel that way. Keep reading on to know more!

20 Best Replies to "I'm Glad You Feel That Way"

Some of the best things you can say when someone says "I'm glad you feel that way" nay include 'I appreciate, you just made my day', 'I learned from the best, thanks', 'I'm glad we met', and 'Yes, I am also happy I feel this way'.These replies are all positive and that's usual because most times when someone says 'I'm glad you feel that way' they mean it in a good way. Moreover, there's more to the above-mentioned as below is a quick rundown of other replies to 'I'm glad you feel that way'.

  • Thank you, what a kind thing to say.
  • You have no idea how much I value it to me.
  • You have no idea how much I value it to me.
  • Yes, I am also happy I feel this way
  • Without you, none of this would be possible.
  • I learned from the best, thanks
  • I appreciate all your contributions
  • Thanks for not letting me drown in depression
  • I know, right? Great feeling all around here
  • I'm as glad as you are
  • Hopefully, I will remain in this state
  • Yeah, I'm feeling better than I was
  • Thanks for making sure I'm okay
  • It was nice having you check up on me
  • I'm happy you are concerned about my wellbeing
  • I'm happy you can make me happy
  • I'm glad we met
  • I'm okay. Thanks for coming through
  • You are nicer than I thought
  • Stay safe, just like I am

Thank you, what a kind thing to say

'Thanks, that's sweet of you to say' is a laudable line of response you can put when someone says to you 'I'm glad you feel that way'. It is so because it puts you in the mood of being appreciative of the person for being that much concerned about your well-being.Here, you're saying thanks to the person and also complimenting them for being sweet to you. Cool thing.

You have no idea how much I value it to me

'You don't know how much that means to me' is another good line of response you can use when someone says 'I'm glad you feel that way'. Here, you're also being appreciative just like the previous response. However, there's something about the way you say this. This response is more expressive than the last one as it employs the use of imagery. You're telling the person that they can't even imagine what their show of concern means to you which means it is big. I'm sure the person you're serving this response would want to give the imagination a thought and will be left still wondering.

I appreciate it, you just made my day

'I appreciate, you just made my day' is a delightful line of response you can use when someone says 'I'm glad you feel that way'. Perhaps, you've just been through a major health challenge which you're trying to recover from and then this said person made the statement to encourage your new state. That is to say that this response is preferable to be used if you're seeing the speaker's statement as a compliment. Coming from that angle, this response comes as a positive acknowledgment.

Yes, I am also happy I feel this way

'Yes, I am also happy I feel this way' is a response you can employ if you want to let the speaker know that you're also glad for yourself.That way, this line of response serves as a self-acceptance and self-love expression. You're trying to make the person understand that you feel happy for yourself just as they are.

Without you, none of this would be possible.

'None of these would be possible without you' is a seemingly interesting line that you can throw in as your response when someone says to you 'I'm glad you feel that way'. This response aims to extol the person and let them know that your current state is a result of their efforts.Maybe, the person in question is your teacher or friend. Then, this is a good way of giving the person back their flowers. They'll also be glad you said this.

I learned from the best, thanks

'I learned from the best, thanks' is another response that takes the form of the previous one. Just like the previous response, you'll be extolling the person that said 'I'm glad you feel that way'.But here you're not just attributing your success to their contributions, you're also saying they're the best in what they taught you. This is an impressive way to reply to this situation.

I appreciate all your contributions

'I appreciate all your contributions' is yet another good response you can use when someone says to you 'I'm glad you feel that way'. Perhaps, the person has contributed in one way or another to your upkeep or sustenance. In that situation, you can use this line of argument. This is you appreciating the person for all their contributions in your life. I'm pretty sure they'll be blown away by this.ob

Thanks for not letting me drown in depression

'Thanks for not letting me drown away in depression' is a brainy response you can employ when someone says 'I'm glad you feel that way'. Here, you're appreciating the person for not letting your life wither away by depression. This will also be a huge revelation for those who didn't know you were depressed, especially if you say this response in public. So, you might want to weigh the environment before using one.

I know, right? Great feeling all around here

'I know, right? Great feeling around here' is a pleasant line of response you can utilize when someone says 'I'm glad you feel that way'. With this response, you're affirming the person's view that you feel the way you do. Not only that, this response shows you like the feeling which you described as a "great feeling".

I'm as glad as you are

Best Replies to I'm Glad You Feel That Way'I'm as glad as you are' is a cheerful thing to say when someone says to you 'I'm glad you feel that way'. Here, you're reaffirming the person's opinion by saying you're as glad as the person. This sounds good.However, if the person who said 'I'm glad you feel that way' meant it in a derogatory manner, this response also ridicules the person. So both ways, you'll also be serving a great response to the person.

Hopefully, I will remain in this state

'Hopefully, I will remain in this state' is a sweet response that has you telling the person who says 'I'm glad you feel that way' that you also hope to remain in this state.This can be your preferred choice of response, especially if you're in a good state which the person meant to commend. You're wishing to yourself that you stay in your current state for a long time. Good prayer right there.

 Yes, I feel better than I did

'Yeah, I'm feeling better than I was' is one of the best responses you can give when you find someone saying 'I'm glad you feel that way'. This is because, with this line, you tend to let the person know that you feel better than you were feeling.You're simply saying that you feel way better than before which is good news.

Thanks for making sure I'm okay

'Thanks for making sure I'm okay' is another appreciative line you can use to respond when someone out of concern says 'I'm glad you feel that way'.With this, you're conveying a message of gratitude to the person for checking up on you and showing genuine concern.

It was nice having you check up on me

'It was nice having you check up on me' is a likewise response to the previous one. The only difference is, the previous one was a gratitude response, this one right here compliments the person that says 'I'm glad you feel that way'. You'll just be recounting how nice it was for the person to ask after you. 

I'm happy you are concerned about my wellbeing

'I'm happy you are concerned about my well-being' is a smart response you can say when someone says to you 'I'm glad you feel that way'. With this response, you're telling the person that you're happy that they're concerned. You can bank on this only if the person meant well for you. A good interpretation of this response is that success and laughter are contagious.

I'm happy you can make me happy.

'I'm happy you can make me happy' is a funny response you can say when someone says 'I'm glad you feel that way'.  This is so because it has you saying you're happy that the person can make you happy. This response makes you smile and can also make the person you're directing it to go also give in to laughter.

I'm glad we met

'I'm glad we met' is a response you can use if you don't regret crossing paths with the person who says to you 'I'm glad you feel that way'. With this response, you're saying that you're glad to meet the person. This shows you are pleased with their statement.

I'm okay. Thanks for coming through

'I'm okay. Thanks for coming through' is an addition to the already long list of appreciative responses when someone says 'I'm glad you feel that way'. Here, you're just telling them thanks for coming around while reaffirming to them that you're okay. The person will be very delighted to hear this from you because it shows that you show. 

You are dumber than I thought

'You are dumber than I thought' is a promising response you can use to reply when someone says 'I'm glad you feel that way'. This response trolls the person who says 'I'm glad you feel that way' to you.The basis for this is borne out of that statement being used in a derogatory way to taunt other people's lives. So if you sense the presence of insult in the person's words or expressions, call them out with this response.

Stay safe, just like I am

'Stay safe, just like I am' is a response you can use to enjoin the person who says to me 'I'm glad you feel that way' to remain safe and secure just like you are. This is you praying for the young hearts to tread with caution any day and anytime.This is also a sign that you like the person who says 'I'm glad you feel that way' because your response shows you care for that person's well-being well enough to remind them each time they're traveling.

Final Words

When someone says 'I'm glad you feel that way', oftentimes it means they're glad you're okay and sufficient. Other times, it means they're just admiring your joy and peace. In every other way, they may be mocking you without being direct. And in these circumstances, a response is the foremost thing you can do when you find yourself in times like this. However, this post has solved the puzzle of finding the best responses to use when someone says 'I'm glad you feel that way'. There are 20 of these best responses, so pick one or two that appeal to you and use them accordingly. Peace!  


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