20 Good Things To Say To Someone With Anxiety

Anxiety is a problem and has been suffered by many people. If you are confused on the right thing to say, keep them brief and to the point. There are calming words that can help those dealing with this type of emotional issue.Here we have recommended 20 nice things to say to  someone with anxiety.

20 Good Things To Say To Someone With Anxiety

  1. I'm here for you.
  2. I understand that you're feeling anxious.
  3. What can I do to help?
  4. It's okay to feel anxious.
  5. You're not alone.
  6. Your anxiety is real.
  7. Your anxiety is not your fault.
  8. You're strong.
  9. You're brave.
  10. You're not a burden.
  11. I'm proud of you.
  12. This shows your support and appreciation for their efforts.
  13. You're doing great.
  14. Take a deep breath.
  15. Distract yourself.
  16. Talk to me.
  17. Let's do something together.
  18. I'll help you find a therapist.
  19. I'll be here for you no matter what.
  20. You're strong.

1. I'm Here For You

I'm here for you is a  simple statement that can be incredibly reassuring to someone who is feeling anxious. It lets them know that they are not alone and that they have someone to support them. It can also help to reduce feelings of isolation and helplessness.This statement is perfect because it has the power of making them feel less alone. Which allows them to be more open to share with you. Use such statements when you only need them for brief conversations. 

2. I Understand That You're Feeling Anxious

I understand that you're feeling anxious.is a kind thing to say to someone with anxiety. It shows that you acknowledge their feelings and that you are not trying to invalidate them. Also, this statement helps them open up to you and have a conversation about what they are going through. Words that acknowledge their feelings go a long way to support them.It is helpful to let them know that you understand what they are going through, even if you have never experienced anxiety yourself. 

3. What Can I Do To Help?

What can I do to help is a good thing to say to someone with anxiety. Here you are offering to help them in any way you can. By saying this, it shows that you are willing to do whatever you can to make things easier for them. Use this statement in moments when you know practical support is needed by them.Additionally, It is helpful to ask this question in a specific way, such as "Can I make you a cup of tea?" or "Can I drive you to your appointment?" 

4. It's Okay To Feel Anxious

Is okay to feel anxious is a good thing to say to someone with anxiety because it validates their feelings. Statements like this help to normalize their experience and remind them that they are not the only one who feels this way. Words that bring comfort are greatly needed when someone has anxiety. It reassures them and ensures they feel connected to help.One way to connect to them is by sharing your own experiences with anxiety if you are comfortable doing so. This can show them that anxiety is a common and treatable condition.

5. You're Not Alone

You are not alone is something good you can say to someone with anxiety. This statement is significant because it helps to reduce feelings of isolation they are experiencing. When someone you know is anxious It is helpful to remind them you care about them and want to help. This statement here is the best way to connect with them. It is also an advantage to keep your words brief and very meaningful so that they can feel less alone in their experience.

6. Your Anxiety Is Real

Your anxiety is real is one statement that is appropriate for anyone feeling anxious. This is because unlike most comments it validates their experience by helping them feel understood. People want to feel included but don't always know how to go about it. Words that help create a bond are always needed. Saying their anxiety is real tells them their anxiety is not just in their head and that it is a real physical and emotional response to stress. This goes a long way to reduce the feeling of helplessness and out of control. They understand that they are experiencing a normal reaction to a difficult situation.

7. Your Anxiety Is Not Your Fault

Your anxiety is not your fault is a good thing to say to someone when you want to reduce their feelings of guilt and shame associated with sharing one feeling. By saying this you remind them that anxiety is a common condition that is not their fault.Anxiety is often caused by a combination of factors, including genetics, personality, and life experiences. It is not something that they did wrong or that they can control, and words like this convey this message personally to them.

8. You're Strong 

You're strong is a statement that is used to encourage someone with anxiety. It is good and can encourage them to seek the resilience you know they have within them. If they can take the strength from memories, they will have a higher chance of being made better.It helps to point out key moments in their life when they have faced challenges and come out stronger. By doing this you ensure they believe in their ability to overcome their anxiety.

9. You're Brave And Would Come Out A Victor

You’re brave and would come out a victor is one of the most encouraging things you can say to someone who is dealing with anxiety. A statement such as this acknowledges their courage to face their anxiety head-on.If you know someone going through this is helpful to remind them that they are not alone in their struggle and that they are not a coward for feeling anxious. This fills them with more confidence and less fear of their anxiety.

10. You're Not A Burden

You're not a burden is one statement that anyone with anxiety will appreciate, this is because it reduces any feelings of guilt and helps them to feel like they are not imposing on others.Going through tough times can make one feel like a burden to those around them and this may cause them to behave like they do not need anyone. When you show up in your presence, say you are not a burden. Saying this tells them that you care about them and that you are happy to help them in any way that you can. This can help them to feel more loved and supported.

11. I'm Proud Of You

I'm proud of your ranks as one of the best things to say to someone who is feeling anxious. Use relatable words and bring comfort to them. Words like this show your support and appreciation for their efforts.It makes them feel encouraged to do more for themselves to be better. Often an anxious person wants to believe they are seeing progress and words like this help.You show them that you see them working hard to manage their anxiety and that you are proud of their progress. This helps them to feel more motivated and encouraged.

12. You're Doing Great

You're doing great is something good you can say to someone going through an anxiety crisis. This statement is a simple but effective way to offer encouragementWhen you tell them this, it signifies your support and belief they would overcome what they are going through. It shows them they are making progress towards recovery, it helps to assure them whatever they are doing is working.It is helpful to remind them of their accomplishments and of the things that they are good at. This brings a  feeling of positivity about themselves and their ability to cope with their anxiety.

13. Take A Deep Breath

Take a deep breath is a statement that has a physically calming effect on anyone going through an anxiety attack. Words like this make take deep breaths which is perfect for bringing stability to them. Using such words shows them you want to help them and you also know what you are doing. It will bring calm to their physical symptoms of anxiety. It's always great to remind them of a calming breathing technique, such as square breathing or deep breathing. This brings about an effective method to feel more relaxed and in control.

14. Distract Yourself With Important Things

Distracting yourself from important things is something nice you can say to someone with anxiety. It is important to use statements that are either a form of support or something to take their minds off their anxiety. By just being with them you can be a distraction for them, have good conversations and do activities you both enjoy together. It is helpful to suggest some activities that they enjoy, such as listening to music, reading, or spending time with loved ones. This brings them to focus on something else and to temporarily forget about their anxiety.

15. Talk To Me Am Here For You Always

Talk To Me Am Here For You Always is something good you can say to someone with anxiety. It tells them you will always be there for them and this means a lot to someone who is going through a tough time. Saying this means you are listening and showing that you are there for them. It is helpful to let them know that you are a safe space for them to talk about their anxiety and that you will not judge them. This makes them feel less alone and more supported.

16. Let's Do Something Together

Let's do something together is a wonderful way to lift the spirits of someone going through anxiety. This is how you can get them to leave their space and join you for some fun activities or something engaging. Doing something together makes them feel less alone and more involved with the normalcy in their lives. Statements such as this work to keep their mind off of their anxiety and provide some social support. What you can do to help is to suggest some activities that you can do together, such as going for a walk, watching a movie, or playing a game. This can help them to feel less isolated and more connected to you and to others.

17. I'll Help You Find A Therapist

I'll help you find a therapist is one of the highest forms of help you can give to anyone going through an anxiety attack or crisis. Often time it is important to help them find professional help, especially when you are not sure about the right thing to do.Sometimes saying this will spur them to find the proper help for themselves because they now have someone to do this with. Use this statement If their anxiety is severe, it is wise to get them professional help by offering to show them a therapist who specializes in anxiety disorders. This shows them that you are committed to helping them and that you believe in their ability to overcome their anxiety.

18. I'll Be Here For You No Matter What

I'll be here for you no matter what is a statement that can be used by anyone who is going through an anxious phase. It doesn't matter if they are young or old, this statement is suitable for them all. Words like this provide reassurance and show that you are committed to supporting them.It is helpful to let them know that you will be there for them no matter what challenges they face. This helps them to feel more secure and less afraid of their anxiety.

19. You Will Overcome All This In Time

You will overcome all this in time is something beautiful you can say to someone with anxiety. Saying this tells them this moment will pass and they will come out of it successfully. Giving them hope is a good thing, especially when it is true.  When saying such statements you are reminding them that patience is all they need to deal with their experiences of anxiety. If they wait and put in the work, they will be good and some people care about them and who want to help.It is always a nice thing to show them their battle with anxiety will not last forever. This positive mindset helps them to achieve a quicker recovery process. 

20. This Is Not The End

This is not the end is a good thing you can say to someone with anxiety because it makes them see they are other things to look forward to. Feeling anxious always can dim their visions of the future and words like this help to shine the right amount of light their way. Saying this takes away the heavy burden from their shoulders and lets them know there is hope for them. Use this with family and friends who you want to show them there will be light at the end of the tunnel for them. 

Final Words 

It is important to note that everyone experiences anxiety differently, so what works for one person may not work for another. It is also important to be patient and understanding, as anxiety can be a difficult condition to cope with. If you are concerned about someone who is experiencing anxiety, the best thing you can do is offer your support and encourage them to seek professional help if needed. 


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