20 Good Excuses for Not Giving Money

Admit it or not there are times when you look at the bank and know that you don't have enough and you can't give out anymore.While in a situation like that, we have just one thing to do: find good excuses as to why we can't give what is left. Normal ones like, "I am in the red", and "I just spent it all" might suffice but here's more:

20 Great Excuses for Not Giving Money

  1. Till the next paycheck, I got nothing
  2. I should be asking you
  3. It's that time of the month
  4. Looks like you are in the mood for jokes
  5. You ask like you don't know how things are
  6. I think you should ask Kim. She might be able to help
  7. Things are a bit tight right now. Bills are going up and there is very little to spare
  8. If I had that kinda money, I'd be eating pizza right now
  9. Haha, tell that to a guy who's not living off free samples
  10. I'd like a bucket of wings too, but I guess we can't all get what we want, can we?
  11. Maybe next time. This is my last 5 dollars and I have to get some medication
  12. Sorry, I need to bail Amy. You know how she can be.
  13. If I put my card in an ATM, the machine will sputter
  14. I was this close to selling my car, I'm in the red, sorry buddy
  15. I just went grocery shopping for the month. I am all out.
  16. I'm the definition of "insufficient funds" right now
  17. I'm low on greenbacks if ya catch my drift
  18. I am actually on a budget
  19. Chances are I won't get it back and it's a pretty big sum
  20. You still owe me from last time. Remember?

Till the next paycheck, I got nothing

If you are a salary earner, you can totally relate to this. If you are the kind of person that has one main source of income then it's basically you always waiting on the next paycheck to survive.In this case, you barely have enough for yourself so while it's a good excuse, it is true. Sad, but true.

I should be asking you

Most times we deem others more financially buoyant than ourselves. In that case, if they do come to ask you for money, you can use this as a good excuse.The thing about this response is that it is flattering. It tells the person asking that it is them that you should be asking which means they should have more and are better off than you.This response without further explanation should tell them that you don't have.

It's that time of the month

If you are a lady then this has two meanings for you. Neither of these is very pleasant. The first is that you are on your period and the second is you are broke because it is the middle of the month.For the guys, it has just one meaning: it's the middle of the month where the salary is gone and you have nothing left so you are broke till the next salary comes in.If this doesn't make them see reason, they really aren't good people who have your best interests at heart.

Looks like you are in the mood for jokes

Someone can half-heartedly be asking you for money. If they are really close friends this response means that they know you do not have money but they want to ask anyway to poke some fun out of you.If they are serious, if you use this reply smile and let them understand. If they try to start explaining or cajoling you, tell them you are in the red.

You ask like you don't know how things are

Let's say you have a roommate, and you both share everything. In the case where they ask you for money, you know you are in trouble because they are very close to you and maybe have an idea of how much you have left at every time.That's when you use this response. It sounds like a rebuff. It tells them that you don't have and you don't like them asking even though they know you do have.

I think you should ask Kim. She might be able to help

Excuses for Not Giving MoneyOr Peter or Johnny, just anyone that isn't you that will probably have money. Among your circle of friends, there will be those who have more than others so when someone comes to meet you, you can just point them in that direction.If however, the person you are pointing them to is in the same condition as you: having but not giving, maybe you shouldn't do that.You give the person asking the impression that although you were not able to help the next person you are pointing them to will definitely be of help. If they are not, that can be very disappointing.

Things are a bit tight right now. Bills are going up and there is very little to spare

This response is long but it is the reality for so many people. Bills keep increasing and going up and these are things that you can not do without no matter how frugal you want to be.In the case where there is terrible inflation or there is a change in the normal system of things, you can tell them this reply and they will understand right away that they are not the only one in their shoes.

If I had that kinda money, I'd be eating pizza right now

Maybe not pizza but you will definitely be doing other things. The thing about this reply is when you make a wish like this, it tells them that you also don't have.They will understand that even if you had, you would have used it so either way, they are not getting anything from you.Now, if they are the kind of people to keep pressing, just use something more serious like drugs. For example: if I had that kinda money, I'd be buying tablets for my asthma.

Haha, tell that to a guy who's not living off free samples

There are what I like to call features of certain lifestyles. When you are broke is when you remember people that owe you, pressing needs, and free samples because hey, there is no money to get and enjoy the real deal.Sure, it might make you sound like you are poor and you are a beggar but they should get the joke. Besides, it doesn't have to be true, remember? You are making excuses.

I'd like a bucket of wings too, but I guess we can't all get what we want, can we?

Excuses for Not Giving MoneyIf you have known someone for a long time, sometimes you know exactly what they want to ask or at least, why they need the money they are asking for.It might not be a bucket of wings but it is something that is not an emergency and so you will not be indulging them. Do let them know that with this response.They will just smile and walk away looking coy while you get on with your business.

Maybe next time. This is my last 5 dollars and I have to get some medication

When all you have left is really for something important, it is important to be able to say no with a great excuse such as this.The first sentence kind of gives them hope that you will have some money, hopefully soon and the next time they come, you will have enough for them.If you don't want to mention the amount of money left, that's fine. You can show them your empty wallet and watch them understand.

Sorry, I need to bail Amy. You know how she can be.

Here's another good one although there are so many requirements to be able to use this one. If you both share a reckless or careless friend, one that is prone to trouble, then they will immediately understand.The problem comes in when the person doesn't actually need bail and in fact, walks in that minute. To make it easier, find something very important about a person.Like how you have to get something for your sister who is really ill or how you are saving for college tuition or mortgage.

If I put my card in an ATM, the machine will sputter

Excuses for Not Giving MoneyHere's a creative way to say you are broke. If you don't get it, I will explain. Normally when you insert your card into an ATM and go through all these processes, it brings out money.Well, this time the ATM will cough and sputter because there is no money in the account to be dispensed.

I was this close to selling my car, I'm in the red, sorry buddy

Desperate times call for desperate measures but some desperate measures border on careless or terrible mistakes.With that, you are not going to further inconvenience yourself just to please someone. If you don't have a car, you can just use the loan alternative: I was this close to taking a loan today. I'm in the red, sorry buddy.

I just went grocery shopping for the month. I am all out.

Already spent money can't be lent, and the unspent one? Well if they don't know that you didn't go grocery shopping then there is no way they can accuse you of holding back from them.Besides, you will eventually go grocery shopping, won't you?

I'm the definition of "insufficient funds" right now

When you hear insufficient funds what comes to mind is scarcity. Well with this response, whoever is asking for money will know that you are worse off or in the same shoes as him or her.Who knows they might give you a little something if they feel sorry for you and stop asking.

I'm low on greenbacks if ya catch my drift

Excuses for Not Giving MoneyGreenbacks mean money. Stacks of money. Simply, a lot of money or a normal amount that people need to live their daily life.The best thing about this response is, how you make it sound like something you don't want everyone to know with the saying there. If they later go around telling people you don't have, well jokes in them cos you do have.

I am actually on a budget

This is one of the most responsible answers on the list. If you are broke because of a budget, well you still seem rich because somewhere there is money helping you take care of things.Besides, if you think about it deeply, being on a budget doesn't mean you don't have money, it means you don't have enough to spare. After all, they weren't budgeted in.

Chances are I won't get it back and it's a pretty big sum

If the person coming to meet you is a repeat offender, and by that I mean a repeat borrower, then you can sound a little stern when you use this response.Sometimes you have to be stiff when dealing with people unless they will talk you out of your last buck!It could also be a family member or friend that feels that they have the right to borrow without paying back. You just put them in their place.

You still owe me from last time. Remember?

In the case where they haven't paid off the last amount they borrowed from you, you can use this to tell them that not only do you not have any money to give them but you are also in need of the one you sent them so they will pay up.It will be hard for them to force or persuade you to give them money.


In retrospect, any time when situations like this occur where we are asked for money, be it a little or a lot, it makes us pretty uncomfortable.But in case these instances happen, with these responses, you could calm the issue without making it seem too mean or insensitive. And you also wouldn't lose your cash unwillingly.


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