20 Good Comebacks for Someone Who Thinks They Are Cool

Generally, a cool person is cool to be with. Someone who keeps their chill and knows stuff can be interesting. However, when someone thinks and acts like they're cool, how do you react to such people?It can be annoying to hang around someone that feels that they're too sophisticated for you. This set of people acts like they should be adored and treated differently, which can get your hair up.If you need ways to handle such people, we've got comebacks to help address such people. Keep reading.

20 Good Comebacks for Someone Who Thinks They Are Cool

There are countless comebacks for someone who thinks they're cool. First, the adjective cool can be slang for someone sophisticated.So, you can tell such people who think they're fashionable or act calm, words like: "You think you're cool, but it's only in your head, " or "You don't act half sophisticated like you think" and many more. Here are 20 comebacks for them:

  1. You think you're cool, but it's only in your head
  2. You don't act half sophisticated like you think
  3. What do you know? You're not even close to mediocre
  4. Your fashion sense stinks
  5. You're only deceiving yourself 
  6. It's cute that you think you're cool
  7. I doubt you know what being cool entails
  8. Believe me, you don't have what it takes
  9. Being cool doesn't look cool on you
  10. What has your attitude helped you with?
  11. Stop carrying yourself about like the world revolve around you, it doesn't care
  12. Look, nobody cares
  13. Get out of your head, my dear
  14. Okay, can we focus on something more important?
  15. I'm not impressed
  16. You have a lot to learn, be humble
  17. Come on, focus on reality
  18. It's rather foolish to keep lying to yourself
  19. Silly suits you more
  20. It's so sad seeing you this way

You Think You're Cool, But it's Only in Your Head 

"You think you're cool, but it's only in your head" is one of the comebacks you can use on someone who thinks they're cool.This statement implies that they're not cool like they think. It's a direct way of telling them they're being delusional, which can get to them.So, if someone begins acting like they're calm or someone with a high sense of fashion, use this comeback to shut them up.

You Don't Act Half Sophisticated Like You Think

Another smart response you can use for someone who acts fashionable is "You don't act half sophisticated like you think."This is another way to imply that their act doesn't appeal to you. Some teenagers are often obsessed with fashion and all kinds of internet trends and try as much as they can to blend in with their peers.So, if you meet someone who thinks and tries to act like they are on trend, and probably carry themselves like they're the coolest kid, use this comeback to let them know their place.

You're Only Deceiving Yourself 

"You're only deceiving yourself" is another smart comment you can make to someone that acts like they're cool.It's a direct way of telling them that they know they aren't cool but choose to think so. To deceive oneself is the highest level of hypocrisy one can exhibit.So, you can use this response to humble such a person, especially if you're both with a group of people. Telling them that they're deceiving themselves when they're people around will get to them and remind them of their place.

What Do You Know? You're Not even Close to Mediocre

"What do you know? You're not even close to mediocre" is another snappy statement to get at someone that thinks they're cool.Using this statement with them hints that they're not close to what they think they're.For instance, if someone acts like they're in vogue with everything trendy, you can make this snappy comment to point out that they don't know anything.No one would like to settle for mediocrity. So, telling such people that they're not close to being mediocre shows that you don't have any regard for them. It's a smooth way of insulting them.

Your Fashion Sense Stinks

Good Comebacks for Someone Who Thinks They Are Cool"Your fashion sense stinks" is another smooth insult for someone that thinks they're fashionable.If it's the case that their fashion sense doesn't impress you, you can use this comeback on them. Someone that acts like they're cool wouldn't want to hear this.

It's Cute That you Think You're Cool 

"It's cute that you think you're cool" is another smart comment that'd get to someone that acts cool.This sharp comeback is a sarcastic one that implies that you find their behavior cute. When someone parades themselves as being cool, use this comeback on them and they might just think you're complimenting them.This thought is what makes it funny. It'll definitely work well with people to watch.

I Doubt You Know What Being Cool Entails 

"I doubt if you know what being cool entails" is a perfect comeback to attack someone that thinks and acts like they're cool.This is a sarcastic question that implies that they don't know what it means to be cool and are not what they think they're. When someone carries themselves like they're the best around, you can attack them with this question. Also, this question is a smooth way to tell them to stop deceiving themselves because they don't have what it means to be cool.

Believe Me, You Don't Have What It Takes

Good Comebacks for Someone Who Thinks They Are Cool"Believe me, you don't have what it takes" is a direct retort to put someone that thinks they're cool in their place.This comeback tells them that they don't have what it takes to be cool. For instance, if they carry themselves about with a fake attitude, this comment will humble them. Also, if this person tries to roll with your click, and you don't want them to, you can use this comment to tell them that they're not your class or standard to chase them away.It's a suitable comeback for someone that's unnecessarily proud.

Being Cool Doesn't Look Cool on You

"Being cool doesn't look cool on you" is another smart comeback to tackle someone that feels they're cool.Saying being cool doesn't look cool on them implies that their attitude doesn't suit them. It's a great play on words that'll crush their ego.When these people carry themselves with an arrogant attitude, use this response to defeat their purpose. For instance, if such a person moves about with an annoying attitude during an occasion, use this comeback to humble and discourage them.

What Has Your Attitude Helped You With?

"What has your attitude helped you with?" is another sharp question that'll work for a  fake person.Someone that thinks they're cool will try to act and live up to their thoughts. Such a person would find ways to fit in in almost every sphere, even places they don't belong.Also, they're likely to be proud and act too sophisticated, even for their friends. For such people, this question is the perfect comeback for them.This snappy question will show your irritation about their attitude and will also remind them of their place.

Stop Carrying Yourself about Like the World Revolve Around You, It Doesn't Care 

Another thing to say to someone that thinks they're cool is, "Stop carrying yourself about like the world revolves around you, it doesn't care."This snappy statement can serve as a warning for someone that feels smart and too polished that they begin to look down on people around them. So, when that friend thinks and acts like they're the best around, use this comeback to deflate their ego. Telling them the world doesn't care will tell them they're wasting their time with their fake attitude. 

Look, Nobody Cares 

"Look, nobody cares" is another thing to say to someone that acts like the world revolves around them. It's a perfect comeback that doesn't only remind them of their place, it can also serve as advice to them.When someone thinks and acts like they're cool, you can use this statement to let them know you're not impressed with their attitude.Also, it warns them not to bother with the act and that nobody cares if they're cool or not. It's a piece of good advice for someone that's too self-conscious and bothered about what people think. 

Get Out of Your Head, My Dear 

"Get out of your head, my dear" is another good comeback that tells someone that they're deceiving themselves by believing what they're not. It's a comeback that'll suit someone that tries to be what they're not.When someone thinks and acts like they're cool, this response tells them that they're delusional in having such thoughts. Also, "get out of your head" is a piece of advice for them to face reality. 

Okay, Can We Focus on Something More Important?

"Okay, can we focus on something more important?" is a perfect comeback that'll suit someone that tries to draw attention to themselves all the time.For someone who thinks and acts sophisticated, acting like the world revolves around them, this response can crush their ego.It'll be suitable to use this comeback after their show-off with people around. It tells them that they're not important as they think.

I'm Not Impressed 

"I'm not impressed" is a direct retort that tells the person exactly how you feel.For someone that acts like they're the coolest person around and deserves some attention, use this response to burst their bubbles.It shows you don't care whether they're cool or not and indirectly tells them they're wasting their time. Also, this comment will work after an annoying display from them.

You Have a Lot to Learn, Be Humble 

"You have a lot to learn, be humble" is another retort you can give to someone that thinks they're cool.It's a comeback that advises them on the importance of humility. When such a person carries themselves about with their arrogant attitude, use this response to show that you're impressed with their attitude. It should remind them of their place.

Come on, Focus on Reality

"Come on, focus on reality" is another snappy response for someone that thinks they're cool.This comeback aims to snap them out of their delusions. When someone thinks what they're not, they'll try to act in such a manner. So, you can use this response to remind them to focus on what they're, which is the reality.

It's Rather Foolish to Keep Lying to Yourself 

"It's rather foolish to keep lying to yourself" is another comeback that'll suit someone that thinks and acts what they're not.For someone that thinks they're cool, this response will remind them how foolish they're to try to be what they're not. It's a harsh retort that'll crush their ego.

Silly Suits You More 

Another thing you can say to someone that thinks and acts like they're cool is "Silly suits you more.It's a perfect comeback that shows them their place. This statement is a direct insult they wouldn't be expecting. For instance, after their show-off, you can use this comment to call them silly.

It's So Sad Seeing You This Way 

"It's so sad seeing you this way" is another perfect comeback for someone that feels they're cool. This is a sarcastic response that'll get to them.Using this response implies that you're sad for them, but you're definitely mocking them. It tells them that you feel sorry for them because they think they're cool.Don't forget to use a pity face when making this comment.

End Note 

A good comeback for someone that thinks they're cool should remind them of their place and show them how annoying their attitude is.In this article, I've discussed several retorts that'll fit such people. Feel free to come at them with any of them.


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