20 Funny Ways to Tell Someone to "Wake Up"

The living dog is better than the dead lion, this means that it is only those that are alive that can be told to wake up. Most people would say that they are not morning people.Some tend to oversleep and it’s usually difficult to wake them up especially if they have school or work. Some would wake up and stay in bed for extra minutes or hours.It is usually not easy to get those types of people to wake up and sometimes you have to say some things or employ some methods that may be considered funny.Other instances where you tell a person to wake up are when they sleep off at their desks at work or during an office meeting, during a conference or even during a movie.Here, we have listed twenty (20) funny ways that you can tell a person to wake up based on the situation or place where they have slept off.

20 Funny Ways to Tell Someone to Wake Up

  1. Be alive!
  2. Stop snoring, it’s morning already.
  3. Top of the morning.
  4. Wake up sleepy head!
  5. Rise and shine
  6. Awake! Oh ye slumber
  7. Good morning sleepy head.
  8. Get your butt off the bed
  9. That’s enough sleep for today
  10. It’s time to get up, and look alive.
  11. It’s past time to wake up 
  12. Leave that dreamland and come pursue your dream in the real world.
  13. Let’s go! Let’s go!! Time waits for no man.
  14. Breakfast is ready!
  15. Hmmm, it’s going to be a great day, but a little missy is sleeping.
  16. I am sorry the meeting was boring; you can wake up now.
  17. You’re the worst date for a movie night, you can wake up now.
  18. Only you would sleep standing like a horse, wake up!
  19. I know that you don’t want to go to work but you’re the boss, so stand up.
  20. You have ten minutes to wake up or I’ll use my water gun on you.

Be alive!

Saying ‘be alive!’ to a person who is oversleeping or who is sleeping on duty is a funny way to tell them to wake up. A person could have their eyes open but they are not agile or active.Such persons could be said to be looking dull and asleep. So, when you tell them to ‘be alive’, you are simply telling them to wake up and be more active. This term ‘be alive’, is usually funny depending on the situation you are using it. For instance, when a person is sleep-walking in the office, you could shout into their ear, ‘Be alive’, and this will startle them.

Stop snoring, it’s morning already.

Do you have a friend or family who snores while they sleep? Using ‘stop snoring, it’s morning already’, is the best way to wake such a person up. Of course, if a person is snoring it shows that they are enjoying their sleep.Although, in some cases, it is considered a medical deficiency, in which case the person needs to consult a medical specialist immediately. Either way, when a person who snores is oversleeping, you could tap them gently and say, ‘Stop snoring, it’s morning already’.Stop snoring, it’s morning already’ is a funny statement that can also be sarcastically said to a person who is sleeping during work hours.

Top of the morning.

Top of the morning beautiful!’ The above statement symbolizes enthusiasm, delight and joy from someone waking another person up. It could be that the person is excited about the day. Most times, it is the tone of the person’s voice that makes the sleepy person smile while waking up and not necessarily the activities for the day.So the next time you are in a good mood, and you are looking for a way to wake someone up, you could say, ‘Top of the morning beautiful, handsome or sleepy head!’.

Wake up sleepy head!

Just like it sounds, this is a romantic way to wake the person you love up. It could be that you woke up beside the person or you came into the house and met them sleeping.It is usually said with a soft and gentle tone which puts a smile on the sleepy person’s face. The best way to go about it is to whisper directly into the person's ear till they stir up from sleep.On the other hand, if you want to be naughty, you could scream ‘Wake up sleepy head’ instead. The effect the scream will have is the opposite of a gentle awakening; it will startle awake instead.

Rise and shine

Another funny way to tell someone to wake up is to say, ‘Rise and shine’. If the person you are trying to wake has his/her curtains drawn, you can open them up to let the sunlight in.If the person is sleeping late or is not a morning person, this may make them grumpy. Their grumpiness is usually a cause for laughter especially if they were never expecting the human alarm.

Awake! Oh ye slumber

Though it sounds like an ancient expression, the statement ‘awake! Oh, ye slumber’ is a funny way you can tell a person to wake up. This is a King James Version of telling someone to wake up.It is usually said with a loud and sing-song tone that will pull the person up from the subconscious. If you ever feel like going back in time while waking someone up, you can use this phrase ‘awake! Oh, ye slumber’.

Good morning sleepy head

The phrase ‘good morning sleepy head’ is a gentle and romantic way to wake a person up. It is considered to be a funny method because it has the ability to put a smile on a sleepy person’s face.It can be said to a person who is still asleep in bed. It can also be used sarcastically to wake a person sleeping in the workplace or sleeping during an important event especially if it is past morning.Depending on any situation, you can use ‘good morning sleepy head’ as a funny way to wake a person up.

Get your butt off the bed

Every once in a while, we need to give a person a little tough love. The expression ‘Get your butt off the bed’ is a sassy and witty way to get someone to wake up.It is mostly used especially when the person is already half awake but is feeling too lazy to be active or to stand up. It is usually said jokingly and is preferably said to people you are familiar with.

That’s enough sleep for today

If you’ve ever stayed around a person who loves to sleep you will understand that they have no problem sleeping all day and night. Such a person does not care if they are late to work or early to retire.Getting tucked in bed is what they think about all day. When you meet a person like that and you want to wake them up, you can use the statement ‘that’s enough sleep for today’.It is an ironic way of saying, ‘I’m rationing your sleep and for today, you have actually slept enough’. Even though the person may still be tired, this is a funny way to wake up.

It’s time to get up and look alive.

There are some days when people are not encouraged to stand up and face the day. During those days, most people comment ‘Some days are like that’.Even when the person is awake, he/she may not have the motivation to stand up and be active. It is in a situation like this that you use the phrase ‘It’s time to get up, and look alive.

It’s past time to wake up

This statement ‘It’s past time to wake up’ is a funny statement you can tell a person to wake them up. It is witty especially when you tell it as a lie.For instance, if the person has an important appointment that they cannot be late to and they ask you to wake them up. If you tell them that the time for them to wake up is past already, even when it’s still quite early, it will startle them and make them jump up from sleep.They may not find it funny at first, but it will definitely make them laugh or smile and they will appreciate later for it later.

Leave that dreamland and come pursue your dream in the real world

Dreams have been known to symbolize so many things. People dream when they are awake and when they are asleep. No matter the type of dream, it is a type of imagination regardless.So, whether the person is dreaming while sleeping on the bed or they are dreaming while at the office, you can use the statement ‘leave that dreamland and come pursue your dream in the real world’ to get them to wake up to reality.

Let’s go! Let’s go!! Time waits for no man

Funny Ways to Tell Someone to Wake UpLike a human alarm, loudly saying “Let’s go! Let’s go!! Time waits for no man” is another funny way to tell someone to wake up. It has a multipurpose usage.It can be used to wake a person sleeping at home and it can also be used on a person who is being dull during the day. You say it when a person has something set to achieve and they are being lazy and dull about it.

Breakfast is ready!

Funny Ways to Tell Someone to Wake UpFor a person who loves to eat, the statement ‘breakfast is ready’ could be the best way to wake them up. Just hearing the word ‘breakfast’ would get them up in a hurry.Imagine if you were being sarcastic and there was no meal prepared. This may disappoint them, but it will get everyone laughing. At least, it got the job done and got them out of bed.

Hmmm, it’s going to be a great day, but a little missy is sleeping

Have you ever planned something exciting for the day or probably you have ever felt that the day was going to be a good day? Either one, if you have plans with a person and they are still sleeping, there is a funny way to get them up.Although the term used is ‘missy’, it can apply to all genders. It’s a sarcastic and witty way to tell someone that just by waking up late or staying in bed they are missing out on the good things the day has to bring.

I am sorry the meeting was boring; you can wake up now

When a person is told to wake up, it sometimes does not necessarily refer to a person sleeping on a bed at home. A person could sleep off on a bus, at work, in a meeting, or even conference.Thus, the statement ‘I am sorry the meeting was boring; you can wake up now’ is specifically targeted at a person who is sleeping during a meeting. It is actually an ironic and funny statement.This is because the person may be sleeping out of tiredness and not necessarily because they found the meeting boring.

You can wake up now, you’re the worst date for a movie night.

There are people who are unapologetic about being the spoilsport in a group movie night. This is because no matter how interesting the movie is or how positive the energy is, they will be caught sleeping.The age group of people who are constantly guilty of sleeping during a movie party is millennials who are between 40 – 50 years. They would argue that as you get older, you tend to value your sleep more.Now if you have a friend that falls into that age category or behaves like those in that age bracket, you can use this statement ‘You can wake up now, you’re the worst date for a movie night’ as a funny way to wake them up.

Only you would sleep standing like a horse, wake up!

I know that you don’t want to go to work but you’re the boss, so stand up.

You have ten minutes to wake up or I’ll use my water gun on you.

In Conclusion

Life is too short for someone not to be surrounded by laughter. If you live with people or you work in an office, there are situations where someone may knowingly or unknowingly fall asleep.It is inevitable. At times like that, the expected action is to wake them up from slumber. But what fun would it be to just be basic about it? You could instead say something funny that would get the sleeping person laughing or smiling.So, next time you are searching for a funny way to tell someone to wake up, you could come to this article and pick any of these twenty (20) statements.


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