20 Funny Ways to Tell Someone to Calm Down

When you need to tell someone to relax and chill out, you can go the traditional route with something like 'calm down' or 'take it easy.' It can be difficult to tell someone to take a step back and relax without coming off as confrontational or dismissive. When faced with situations like this, you can have a little more fun with your words and go for something a bit more creative, humorous, and attention-grabbing.In this article, we've compiled 20 funny ways to tell someone they need to calm down. Not only will these methods help set the right tone for getting through an intense situation, but they may even bring a little levity into the mix!

20 Funny Ways to Tell Someone to Calm Down

  • 'Relax, it's not the Olympics.
  • 'Don't make me break out the tranquilizer.
  • 'Hey, simmer down now, chef.
  • 'Breathe, you're not Batman.'
  • 'Keep calm and Netflix on.
  • 'Don't pile up your underwear, buddy!
  • 'Less freak, more chic, darling.'
  • 'Easy there, Turbo McHyperpants.'
  • 'Pin the lid on your laments,'
  • 'Easy tiger, no need to roar.'
  • 'Get off the emotional rollercoaster.'
  • 'Take a break, you little hurricane' 
  • 'Remember, this isn't WrestleMania.' 
  • 'Pull the plug on your panic, pal!'
  • 'Relax, you're not pasta.'
  • 'Dial down the drama volume'
  • 'Don't lose your mind, my man!'
  • 'Don't blow a fuse, buddy!'
  • 'Chill, the ice age is over'
  • 'You're too hot to trot, tiger!'

'Relax, it's not the Olympics.'

Funny Ways to Tell Someone to Calm DownOne funny way to tell someone to calm down is by saying, 'Relax, it's not the Olympics.' By bringing up the Olympics, you are humorously comparing their emotional intensity with something much grander and more significant. This can help diffuse tension and make them realize the need to relax. For example

  • Ugh, I'm getting so frustrated! I'm having trouble getting a good hand.  This is ridiculous! 
  • Hey, buddy, relax, it's not the Olympics. We're just playing for fun, remember?

'Don't make me break out the tranquilizer.

'Don't make me break out the tranquilizer.' is a funny way to tell someone to calm down. The humorous nature of this phrase lies in the exaggeration of the situation. Mentioning the need for a tranquilizer is you essentially saying that their level of excitement or agitation is so intense that it requires medical intervention. It's a lighthearted way to remind them that they are overreacting. For example

  • Oh man, the train is 15 minutes late! This is so annoying. I'm going to be late for work! 
  • Whoa there, buddy, calm down before I have to break out the tranquilizer! 

'Hey, simmer down now, chef.'

Hey, simmer down now, chef.' is a lighthearted way to tell someone to calm down. It is a funny way to compare the person's heightened emotions to that of a passionate and intense chef in the kitchen. This witty comment uses humor to remind them that even the best chefs make mistakes and that it's important to not get too caught up in minor setbacks. For example

  • Oh no! I burnt the onions! The whole dish is ruined! I'm such a terrible cook!
  • Whoa, simmer down now, chef. It's just a small burnt onion, not the end of the world. 

'Breathe, you're not Batman.'

'Breathe, you're not Batman.' is a comical way to tell someone to calm down as it playfully reminds the person that they are not a superhero, you are gently poking fun at their intensity and helping them see the situation in a more lighthearted way.For example

  • We're going to be so late, oh my!  This traffic is ridiculous! I can't believe this is happening!
  • Hey, take a deep breath, you're not Batman. No need to save Gotham City from this traffic jam. 

'Keep calm and Netflix on.

Funny Ways to Tell Someone to Calm DownAnother funny way to tell someone to calm down is by saying, 'Keep calm and Netflix on.' This playful phrase combines the popular saying 'Keep calm and carry on' with the idea of relaxing and watching Netflix.For example

  • This deadline is stressing me out! I don't know how I'm going to get everything done in time. 
  • Hey, take a break and keep calm, and Netflix on. 

'Don't pile up your underwear, buddy!

'Don't pile up your underwear, buddy! is another fun way to tell someone to calm down as it uses humor and exaggeration to make light of the person's heightened emotions. It's a lighthearted way to remind them that their stress or frustration is disproportionate to the situation at hand.For example

  • Oh no! My coffee spat all over my desk. This is the worst day ever!
  • Hey, don't get your panties in a bunch, pal! The world won't end because of some coffee that was spilled. 

 'Less freak, more chic, darling

With the phrase 'Less freak, more chic, darling.' you can combine humor and fashion to gently remind the person that there's no need to overreact. Using the word 'freak' in a playful way and contrasting it with the word 'chic,' you are highlighting their exaggerated state and suggesting a more stylish and composed approach.For example

  • Goodness gracious! I've spilled sauce on my new dress! It's all ruined! This night is ruined!
  • Darling, less freak, more chic! It's just a small stain on your dress, nothing a stylish accessory can't fix. Let's focus on rocking the rest of your fabulous ensemble. 

'Easy there, Turbo McHyperpants.'

One humorous way to tell someone to calm down is by saying, 'Easy there, Turbo McHyperpants.' This comical phrase brings a playful tone and exaggeration to the situation, gently poking fun at the person's excessive energy or agitation.For example

  • Ugh, this line is taking forever! I hate waiting!
  • Whoa, easy there, Turbo McHyperpants! It's just a line, not a race. 

'Pin the lid on your laments,'

The phrase 'Pin the lid on your laments' is another funny way to tell someone to calm down as it uses humor and wordplay to lighten the mood and encourage the one who can relax and put their concerns aside.For example

  • Aw, shucks, my shoelace is busted! What'll I do? This is terrible!
  • Hey, my friend, it's time to pin the lid on your laments. Let's find a spare shoelace or change your shoes altogether. No need to let a small mishap ruin your day!' 

'Easy tiger, no need to roar.'

Funny Ways to Tell Someone to Calm Down'Easy tiger, no need to roar.' is a witty way to tell someone to calm down. The phrase uses an animal metaphor to playfully remind the person to rein in their emotions while gently poking fun at their overreaction and encouraging them to take a more relaxed approach.For example

  • This traffic is so on my nerves right now! I'm never going to get to where I need to be on time. 
  • Hey, easy tiger, no need to roar! It's just a little traffic, not the end of the world. 

'Get off the emotional rollercoaster.'

The phrase 'Get off the emotional rollercoaster' uses the metaphor of a rollercoaster to playfully remind the person that they don't have to let their emotions control them whole also humorously saying that they take a step back and regain their composure.For example

  • Ugh, this whole thing is making me so upset! Why it's so difficult baffles me.  
  • Hey, let's get off the emotional rollercoaster here! We don't need any more loops and twists in our lives. 

'Take a break, you little hurricane' 

'Take a break, you little hurricane'  playful phrase uses contrasting imagery to bring a humorous touch to when you want to tell someone to calm down funnily. The phrase 'take a break' serves as a gentle reminder for them to pause and regain their composure.For example

  • I don't know how we're going to meet this deadline! We're way behind schedule! 
  • Hey, take a break, you little hurricane! Let's grab a cup of coffee 

'Remember, this isn't WrestleMania.'

'Remember, this isn't WrestleMania' is a clever and funny way to tell someone to calm down. Referencing the high-energy world of professional wrestling will remind them that their current situation is not as intense or dramatic as a wrestling match.For example, 

  • Ugh, this furniture is impossible to put together! The instructions make no sense!
  • Hey, remember, this isn't WrestleMania! Take a deep breath, grab the instruction manual, and let's figure this out together. 

'Pull the plug on your panic, pal!'

'Pull the plug on your panic, pal!' uses an electrical metaphor to playfully suggest that they should disconnect from their anxious thoughts and emotions. By urging them to 'pull the plug,' you are humorously reminding them to break free from the cycle of panic and find some peace.For example,

  • Oh no! I just spilled coffee all over my favorite shirt! 
  • Hey, pal, it's time to pull the plug on your panic! Let's grab some stain remover and give that shirt a spa treatment. 

 'Relax, you're not pasta.'

Funny Ways to Tell Someone to Calm DownRelax, you're not pasta' is yet another funny way to tell someone to calm down. This funny phrase uses the contrast between a person and pasta to playfully remind them that they don't need to be as tense or rigid as that uncooked spaghetti.For example

  • I'm so nervous about this presentation! I'm not sure how I'm going to get by. 
  • Hey, remember, relax, you're not pasta! Just imagine yourself as the smoothest, most perfectly cooked linguine. 

'Dial down the drama volume'

'Dial down the drama volume' is a hilarious and effective way to tell someone to calm down. This amusing phrase uses the metaphor of adjusting the volume on a sound system to encourage them to reduce the intensity of their emotions or reactions. It playfully reminds them that their current level of dramatics is unnecessary and can be toned down.For instance

  • Oh no! I broke a nail! I can't believe this! My day is ruined!
  • Why don't you dial down the drama volume? It's just a broken nail, not a disaster movie premiere! 

'Don't lose your mind, my man!'

'Don't lose your mind, my man!' is a hilarious and light-hearted way to tell someone to calm down. The phrase serves as a  playful reminder to them not to get overly stressed or worked up about a situation. The use of 'my man' adds a friendly and familiar tone to the phrase, making it even more amusing.For example

  • I lost my keys! What am I going to do?! 
  • Don't lose your mind, my man! It's just a set of keys, not the secret to the universe. 

 'Don't blow a fuse, buddy!'

'Don't blow a fuse, buddy!' is another witty way to tell someone to calm down. This humorous phrase uses the expression of blowing a fuse in an electrical system to playfully say that they should avoid getting overwhelmed or losing control of their emotionsFor example

  • Woah! I made a tiny mistake and now my whole project is ruined!  
  • Hey, buddy, don't blow a fuse! It's just a small error, not a power outage. Let's fix it together and get back on track.' 

'Chill, the ice age is over' 

This humorous phrase uses the contrast between the present moment and a time long ago to playfully remind someone that their current level of stress or panic is unnecessary. Using the phrase 'the ice age is over,' you humorously mean that they don't need to be frozen with worry or anxiety. For example

  • I doubt that I will complete this project on time.! I'm freaking out! 
  • Chill, the ice age is over! You don't need to be frozen with worry. 

'You're too hot to trot, tiger!'

You're too hot to trot, tiger!' is a hilarious and playful way to tell someone to calm down. The funny phrase uses the imagery of a confident and charismatic tiger to say that their current level of excitement or agitation is not needed and can be toned down. For example

  • Oh my gosh, I'm so nervous about this party. What if I'm at a loss for words or actions?
  • Hey, you're too hot to trot, tiger! It's just a party, not a jungle adventure. Take a deep breath, relax those stripes, and let's go have a good time!' 


We hope that this article has provided you with some fun and creative ways to remind someone to take a step back, relax, and take some deep breaths. Everyone experiences moments of stress or frustration now and then, so it's always helpful to have a few tricks up your sleeve for how to let the person know in a light-hearted way. It's all about finding the right humor for the situation! 


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