20 Funny Things to Say Before You Fart 

Everybody farts, it's just a fact of life. But it can be hard to maintain our composure sometimes when the urge to let out a fart is too strong. Imagine if you could add a bit of humor to your flatulence. In this article, we'll present 20 funny things to say before you fart that will make everyone laugh and forget all about the passing gas. From 'Hold on tight, folks, we're about to embark on a gusty adventure! to 'Do you feel that slight breeze? You can thank me for it in a moment.' There is a response for everyone. So, next time you feel the familiar pressure building up, try one of these jokes out. Just be prepared for either a round of applause or a lot of eye rolls.

20 Funny Things to Say Before You Fart 

Here is a list of 20 funny things to say before breaking wind that will have your friends and family laughing in no time! 

  • 'Hold on tight, folks, we're about to embark on a gusty adventure!
  • 'Warning: incoming air biscuit! Brace yourselves!'
  • 'Attention, everyone! The air quality in this vicinity is about to take a nosedive.'
  • 'Clear the runway, we have an imminent butt rumble!'
  • 'Prepare for some auditory turbulence... 3, 2, 1, blast off!'
  • 'I hope you're ready for some auditory aromatherapy. It's about to get real!'
  • 'Prepare for takeoff! My rear engines are warming up for a noisy departure.'
  • 'Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelts as we experience some turbulence... of the flatulent variety.
  • 'Hold your breath, my friends. I'm about to unleash an air pollutant of epic proportions.'
  • 'Just a heads-up: I'm about to contribute my part to global warming. Apologies in advance.'
  • 'Prepare for a sound so magnificent, it could rival a baby elephant's trumpet.'
  • 'Caution: This fart may cause temporary loss of hearing and a permanent loss of friends.'
  • 'Do you feel that slight breeze? You can thank me for it in a moment.'
  • 'Everyone, prepare for a musical interlude coming straight from my rear quarters.'
  • 'Buckle up, folks. This ride is about to get a little more... aromatic.'
  • 'Warning: excessive gas pressure detected. Ventilation system, engage!'
  • 'Stand back, folks. I'm about to unleash the dragon!'
  • 'Hold onto your noses, everyone. The stink train is leaving the station!'
  • 'Sorry, folks, but my digestive system is demanding a standing ovation. Get ready for the grand finale!'
  • 'Don't worry, folks. It's just my body's unique way of saying hello. Consider it a friendly gust from below.'

'Hold on tight, folks, we're about to embark on a gusty adventure!'

Funny Things to Say Before You Fart As you start feeling the bubble of gas about to burst, there's no need to be shy or embarrassed. Simply channel your inner adventurer and declare, 'Hold on tight, folks, we're about to embark on a gusty adventure!' This is the perfect thing to say before letting out a fart that is sure to make heads turn and noses scrunch up.

'Warning: incoming air biscuit! Brace yourselves!' 

If you're looking for a funny and catchy phrase to say before releasing a fart, consider using 'Warning: incoming air biscuit! Brace yourselves!' With this comment, you can perfectly prepare the people around you for what's about to happen while making them laugh at the same time.

'Attention, everyone! The air quality in this vicinity is about to take a nosedive

By making a funny comment like this before you fart, you will not only ease the tension in the room but also create a moment that everyone is bound to remember for a long time. It takes courage to break the ice with a joke, especially when things can get a bit awkward. But trust me, it's worth it. 

'Clear the runway, we have an imminent butt rumble!'

'Clear the runway, we have an imminent butt rumble!' is a funny thing to say before you rip one. This quip shows that you have a great sense of humor and are not afraid to share your funny side with the world. You can even make it more significant by adding a quick apology. 

'Prepare for some auditory turbulence... 3, 2, 1, blast off!'

Funny Things to Say Before You Fart When you feel that familiar sensation in your gut and know that a fart is imminent, why not inject some humor into the situation? One funny comment to make is, 'Prepare for some auditory turbulence... 3, 2, 1, blast off!' This is a playful way to announce your gassy intentions before releasing some flatulent sound effects.

'I hope you're ready for some auditory aromatherapy. It's about to get real!'

Sometimes, a fart can have a bit of a smell to it. But rather than being embarrassed and shy about it, embrace it! Channel your inner aromatherapist and declare, 'I hope you're ready for some auditory aromatherapy. It's about to get real!'This comment not only shows your playful personality but also that you are confident and unafraid to be yourself. 

'Prepare for takeoff! My rear engines are warming up for a noisy departure

People may feel uncomfortable or just laugh hysterically as you make this comment but one thing is for sure, you will feel satisfied knowing that you've lightened the mood.Some might think farting is crude or vulgar, but let's face it, it's a natural thing that everyone has experienced. The difference is in how we choose to react to it. Adding some humor to the situation with a pun beforehand, like the aviation-themed one above, can break down barriers and bring people together. 

'Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelts as we experience some turbulence... of the flatulent variety.'

One of the best comments to say before you fart is, 'Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelts as we experience some turbulence... of the flatulent variety.'This funny remark is perfect for any situation, whether you're sitting at home with friends or in the middle of a formal dinner party. It's lighthearted and clever, making light of an otherwise uncomfortable situation. 

'Hold your breath, my friends. I'm about to unleash an air pollutant of epic proportions.'

When it comes to farting, sometimes it's best to just be honest and upfront about the resulting stench. That's where this comment comes in, as it warns everyone to guard their noses before the odor hits them like a ton of bricks.Sure, it may not be the most pleasant thing to hear, but it's better to be warned than caught off guard by a foul-smelling fart. 

'Just a heads-up: I'm about to contribute my part to global warming. Apologies in advance.'

Funny Things to Say Before You Fart As silly as it may sound, using the comment 'Just a heads-up: I'm about to contribute my part to global warming. Apologies in advance' before letting out a fart is a funny way to break the ice and make light of a common situation. Sure, it may be a little awkward to talk about flatulence, but with a comment like this, you'll have everyone chuckling and feeling more at ease. 

'Prepare for a sound so magnificent, it could rival a baby elephant's trumpet.'

Your friends will not only be amazed by the sound of your fart, but they'll also be laughing at the ridiculousness of the comment:  'Prepare for a sound so magnificent, it could rival a baby elephant's trumpet.' This joke is perfect for those who are comfortable with their flatulence and want to show off their skills. 

'Caution: This fart may cause temporary loss of hearing and a permanent loss of friends.'

When it comes to farting, it's better to be safe than sorry. That's why the comment 'Caution" This fart may cause temporary loss of hearing and a permanent loss of friends' is a great way to alert your companions to the potential dangers of your impending bodily function. While farts are funny, they can also be offensive, so it never hurts to provide a warning beforehand.

'Do you feel that slight breeze? You can thank me for it in a moment.'

To add some humor before you fart, you can always say, 'Do you feel that slight breeze? You can thank me for it in a moment.' This will surely set the mood for a good laugh and loosen up the atmosphere. 

'Everyone, prepare for a musical interlude coming straight from my rear quarters.'

Funny Things to Say Before You Fart If it's not obvious by now, farts can be pretty darn funny. And what's even better? Turning your fart into a musical interlude. That's right, with a comment like 'Everyone, prepare for a musical interlude coming straight from my rear quarters,' you can turn a simple fart into a boisterous symphony that will have everyone in stitches.

'Buckle up, folks. This ride is about to get a little more... aromatic.'

Picture this: you're sitting with a group of friends, trying to hold in a fart that's been building up for what feels like hours. The tension is high, and everyone's on edge. But then, you decide to break the ice and lighten the mood with a witty comment: 'Buckle up folks. This ride is about to get a little more... aromatic.'This funny pre-fart statement is not only sure to make your friends chuckle, but it also shows that you're not afraid to embrace your bodily functions and make jokes about them.

Warning: excessive gas pressure detected. Ventilation system, engage!

Imagine standing in an elevator full of people, feeling a sudden and overwhelming pressure build up inside you. In a situation like this, saying 'Warning: excessive gas pressure detected. Ventilation system, engage!' before releasing a fart might just be your saving grace. With this funny quip, you acknowledge the situation with humor and make light of the situation. 

'Stand back, folks. I'm about to unleash the dragon!'

There's something about farts that make us humans act like kids again, and the comment 'Stand back, folks. I'm about to unleash the dragon!' is perfect for just that. It's playful, silly, and unexpected, which can make for a great laugh before the fart comes out.This comment can break the tension and make everyone more relaxed and comfortable around each other. And let's be honest, it's hard not to laugh when someone says they're about to release a fire-breathing dragon.

'Hold onto your noses, everyone. The stink train is leaving the station!'

If you have a particularly pungent fart brewing, you might want to let everyone know in advance with a witty warning, like 'Hold onto your noses, everyone. The stink train is leaving the station!' This comment shows that you're not only aware of your bodily functions but also have a sense of humor about them.

'Sorry, folks, but my digestive system is demanding a standing ovation. Get ready for the grand finale!'

Funny Things to Say Before You Fart When nature calls, sometimes we just have to let it all out. And what better way to do it than to announce it with a funny comment? Saying, 'Sorry, folks, but my digestive system is demanding a standing ovation. Get ready for the grand finale!' adds an element of drama to the situation. This comment is perfect for those moments when you have been holding it in for too long and can't wait any longer. 

'Don't worry, folks. It's just my body's unique way of saying hello. Consider it a friendly gust from below.'

Farting can be an embarrassing ordeal, especially when it happens in public. But, with this funny and light-hearted comment, you can make everyone in the room feel at ease and maybe even crack a smile or two. Farting is natural, and we shouldn't be ashamed of it.By acknowledging the fact that everyone farts and making light of the situation, you can effectively break the ice and put everyone at ease. It's important to remember that we all have our quirks and unique bodily functions, and we should embrace them, not be ashamed of them.


Ultimately, laughter is one of the best ways to lighten up any situation. Farting is often a source of embarrassment, but it doesn't have to be! When you find yourself in an uncomfortable spot or feeling awkward, these funny things to say before you fart can help break the tension and provide everyone with a good laugh. So next time you get the urge to let one rip, don't forget to add a few humorous remarks for added fun!  


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