20 Funny Roasts to Say to Your Sister

Siblings have been known to have some sort of healthy banter and rivalry between each other. And your sister might have taken the lead on bantering you.With this article, we have written 20 funny roasts you can use with her. Our points will see you leading her and ensure you always come top in a banter situation. 

20 Funny Roasts to Say to Your Sister

  1. I'm so glad we're siblings. It's nice to have someone to remind me that I'm not the worst person in the world.
  2. You're so lucky that you're my sister. If you were anyone else, I would never be friends with you.
  3. I'm surprised you can even find your clothes in the morning because your're miss clumsy
  4. You're so forgetful. You could forget your head if it wasn't attached to your neck."
  5. You could trip over a rock in a desert, with how clumsy you are
  6. You're so dramatic. You could make a soap opera actress look like a mime.
  7. If You're so nosy. Why not find out what the government is hiding?
  8. You're so talkative. You could talk in the ear of a deaf person.
  9. With opinions like yours, You could argue with a brick wall and win
  10. You're so sensitive. You could get offended by a piece of lint.
  11. You're so needy. You could suck the chrome off a bumper.
  12. Only You could sleep for a year and still be tired
  13. You're so cheap. You could haggle with a beggar.
  14. You're so unlucky. You could win the lottery and still end up broke.
  15. There are no birds out in the trees because your ugly face has scared them off
  16. You're so stupid. You could trip over a cordless phone.
  17. You're so annoying. You could make a Buddhist monk lose his temper."
  18. a carnival clown looks normal compared to how weird you are
  19. I could sell you if siblings had value
  20. You're so lucky. You have me as your sister."

1. I'm so glad we're siblings. It's nice to have someone to remind me that I'm not the worst person in the world

This roast is funny because it is self-deprecating. Here you are admitting that you are not perfect, and are grateful to have a sibling who can remind them of that.What makes his roast funny is that it is relatable to her. Siblings often know each other's flaws better than anyone else, and they can be brutally honest with each other. But that's what makes them so special. 

2. You're so lucky that you're my sister. If you were anyone else, I would never be friends with you.

You can funnily roast your sister by saying this here. She is your sibling and often you are forced to be friends, even if you like each other. But over time, they learn to appreciate each other's quirks and flaws. And eventually, they become the best of friends to roast each other. This roast allows you to admit that they are not the most likeable person in the world. But that's okay because you love them anyway.

3. I'm surprised you can even find your clothes in the morning because your miss clumsy

This roast is funny because it is a very common thing. Most people have a messy sibling, And a clumsy sister can be annoying at times, but it is also kind of endearing.A funny roast is unexpected, but has elements of truth. Here this roast starts by complimenting your sister, but then it takes a sharp turn and roasts her for being messy. This unexpected twist makes the roast even funnier.

4. You're so forgetful. You could overlook your head if it wasn't fastened to your neck.

An exaggerated roast is also funny because it is out of a natural occurrence. Here you are saying that their sister is so forgetful that she could forget her head. This is not true, but it is funny to imagine. Such a roast is funny and will have your sister laughing. Everyone has a forgetful sibling. And while it can be frustrating at times, it is also kind of funny.

5. You could trip over a rock in a desert, with how clumsy you are

One very visual and funny roast is saying this here. You are imagining your sister tripping over a rock in a desert due to her clumsiness.This image is so ridiculous that it is funny. This roast is also funny because it mocks her ability to stay upright. Everyone has a clumsy sibling. And while it can be dangerous at times, it is also kind of funny.

6. You're so dramatic. You could make a soap opera actress look like a mime.

This roast is funny because it is over-the-top. You are roasting your sister by alluding that she is so dramatic that she could make a soap opera actress look like a mime. The funniest roast is the untrue ones, but it is hilarious to think of this image.This roast is also funny because it tells her she is a drama queen. Dealing with a dramatic sibling is chaotic and funny.  And while she is entertaining, it is also kind of funny to roast.

7. If You're so nosy. Why not find out what the government is hiding?

A direct roast is funny because it tells her a true habit she has. Siblings are often nosy. They want to know everything about their siblings' lives, even the things they don't want to share.Telling her she is nosy and should work for the government with that skill is a burnt roast. This roast starts by telling her she is observant, but then it takes a sharp turn and roasts her for being nosy. 

8. You're so talkative. You could talk in the ear of a deaf person.

If you have a talkative sister then this roast is for you.  We all have talkative siblings, and while they can talk an earful,  it is also kind of fun to roast them for this. This roast is also funny because it is something that she knows is true. and imagining her talking so much that she could talk the ear of a deaf person is an image is a ridiculous thought. 

9. With opinions like yours, You could argue with a brick wall and win

This roast is funny and suitable for stubborn siblings. Sisters are often opinionated and they have strong opinions about everything, and they are not afraid to share them. By roasting them in a funny and factual statement you are informing them about their character. It's an image of your sister arguing with a brick wall.

10. You're so sensitive. You could get offended by a piece of lint.

You can roast your sister mildly by saying this here especially if she is a sensitive sibling. Sensitive persons can act in other unexpected ways that may be too much for others. A little bit of sensitivity is acceptable but too much is burdensome.This roast is also funny because it is exaggerated. You are saying your sister is so sensitive that she could get offended by a piece of lint. This is not true, but it is funny to imagine.

11. You're so needy. You could suck the chrome off a bumper.

A needy sister can be overwhelming and a good roast is good to have it very handy. Saying you are so needy, you could suck the chrome off a bumper is a direct shot to her. After all, who doesn't love being needed? This roast is also funny because it is mocking her habit. The roast imagines sucking the chrome off a bumper. 

12. Only You could sleep for a year and still be tired

A befitting roast for a lazy sibling is this funny roast here. Saying only she could sleep for a year and still be tired is a funny way to roast her. No one likes a lazy person and this roast is laced with sarcasm and truth. The statement is saying she is so lazy that she could sleep for a year and still be tired. This is not true, but it is funny to imagine.

13. You're so cheap. You could haggle with a beggar.

You are so cheap you could haggle with a beggar is funny because it tells her you know she is cheap. It tells her that you have been observing her and she should try to stop being cheap. We all have a limit to dealing with such habits After all, who doesn't love a little bit of frugality? This roast is also funny because it says they will haggle a beggar and when she hears this it sounds ridiculous, but with a message to her.

14. You're so unlucky. You could win the lottery and still end up broke.

A hilarious roast for a sister is telling her this here. We all have that unlucky sibling and while it can be pitiable it is also kind of funny watching her fail due to bad luck.After all, who doesn't laugh at a little bit of misfortune happening to someone else? This roast is also funny because it ends by saying that your sister could win the lottery, but then they take a sharp turn and lose it all due to luck.

15. There are no birds out in the trees because your ugly face has scared them off

A funny roast is saying your sister is ugly and is responsible for scaring off the birds in trees. it is a mean retort but it is also funny. This roast is most fun when you share this with a sister that is close to you. The roast starts by saying birds no longer share your tree space due to her. It is hilarious and would get a lot of laughter from her and anyone around. 

16. You're so stupid. You could trip over a cordless phone.

This roast is funny because it says her stupidity can make her trip over a cordless phone. Statements like this are considered a roast. Everyone has a sibling who does something stupid at least once in a while and while it can be annoying at times, it is also kind of funny to roast them. The roast is mocking her tripping over a cordless phone. This image is so ridiculous that it is funny.

17. You're so annoying. You could make a Buddhist monk lose his temper.

A funny roast of an annoying sister is telling her how annoying she can be. Dealing with an annoying sibling can be endearing. A  little bit of sibling rivalry is okay and light jokes also create bonds between siblings. The roast is imagining your sister annoying a Buddhist monk so much that he loses his temper. This image is such a ridiculous thing to think about.

18. A carnival clown looks normal compared to how weird you are

A funny roast that also mocks your sister is saying this here. It compares your sister to a clown while saying a clown is more normal. After all, we can testify to the weirdness of eccentricity in a person's behaviour. This roast is also funny because it visually places a clown higher than her, which will elicit lots of laughter from those around including her.

19.  I could sell you if siblings had value

A silly roast for a sister is telling her you could sell her if she had any value. If she is especially troublesome or annoying, this kind of roasting is the perfect choice for her. Sisters who are close to You will find this roast funny and join you in bouts of laughter. You can sell them off on eBay or Amazon if you have any links to properly sell her, and that's the imagination this roast tries to create. It's ridiculous enough to pass as a good and funny roast. 

20. You're so lucky. You have me as your sister because no one else would have you

This roast is funny because it is ironic. It tells your sister she is lucky to have you as a sibling because no one else would have them. You will enjoy sharing a good laugh with her even though they have just roasted her for all of her flaws. This irony makes the roast funny, and it also shows that you love her, and you are only teasing her.


Of course, these are just jokes. You should never say anything to your sister that you wouldn't want her to say to you. But a little good-natured ribbing is always fun, and it can help to keep the relationship between siblings light and playful. 


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