20 Funny Responses to "What's Your Sign?"

Not everyone pays attention to astrology and what their sign is. There is every possibility that you are also not interested. in astrology or you don't even care to know your sign.When someone asks you what your sign is and you are not interested in it, you can respond funnily instead of ignoring the question or not even responding.Here are the best funny responses you can give to ‘What’s your sign?’

20 Funny Responses to "What's Your Sign?"

  1. Sorry, I never did astrology in school
  2. Why are you so obsessed about astrology, do they pay you to talk about it?
  3. My sign made me so stubborn that I do not believe in it
  4. It is never an excuse for bad habits
  5. My sign is the peace sign
  6. I am Capri Sun, haha!
  7. I am hairy, Oh, I mean Aries
  8. Hug me first, maybe I could turn you into my zodiac animal
  9. It depends on which of the zodiac animals I behave like
  10. Perhaps you can ask an astrologist
  11. Do I look like an astrologist?
  12. Still trying to figure it out, but I talk a lot, what sign could that be?
  13. I am taller than everyone at school, what sign is that?
  14. I have been diagnosed with cancer, does it ring a bell?
  15. I only understand sign language
  16. I will  say it to you, but it would look like I am showing off
  17. I am not proud enough to say it
  18. I just heard this for the first time, believe me
  19. Give me a few minutes to google it
  20. Leo Messi is my favorite, that should give you a hint on what my sign is

Sorry, I never did astrology in school

‘Sorry, I never did astrology in school’ is a funny way to respond to ‘What is your sign?’ It sounds funny because it shows you have no interest in astrology. After all, you never did it in school. Do they even teach astrology in school?Instead of responding rudely, you can use this funny response.Here is an example:What is your sign?Response: Sorry, I never did astrology in school

Why are you so obsessed about astrology, do they pay you to talk about it?

Funny Responses to What's Your Sign‘Why are you so obsessed with astrology, do they pay you to talk about it?’ is a good way to find out if the person is being paid to talk about astrology, that is why this is a funny response. There should be a reason why he talks about it so much.If truly they paid him to talk about it, you would know from his response.Take a look at this example:What is your sign?Response: Why are you so obsessed with astrology, do they pay you to talk about it?

My sign made me so stubborn that I do not believe in it

‘My sign made me so stubborn that I do not believe in it’ shows you have a sign that made you so stubborn. It is funny to respond this way because you noticed you are so stubborn that you do not want to believe in signs. It is ok if you do not believe in it.Example:What is your sign?Response: My sign made me so stubborn that I do not believe in it.

It is never an excuse for bad habits

‘It is never an excuse for bad habits’ is an amusing way to respond to ‘What is your sign?’ It is funny because instead of responding directly, you simply let the person know that having a particular sign is not an excuse for habits.Here is an example to peruse:What is your sign?Response: It is never an excuse for bad habits

My sign is the peace sign

Everyone knows what the peace sign is, when you say your sign is the peace sign, it makes it an amusing response to ‘What is your sign’  because the person expected you to give your astrology sign not the peace sign. Responding this way shows you are only being humorous with your response.Here is another example:What is your sign?Response: My sign is the peace sign

I am Capri Sun, haha!

‘I am a Capri Sun, haha!’ is a humorous response to ‘What is your sign?’ ‘Wait, did you mean Capricorn?’ You would expect the person to ask you this question because Capri Sun and Capricorn sound almost alike. Who would have expected you to respond this way? He almost did not see it coming.Take a look at this example:What is your sign?Response: I am a Capri Sun, haha!

I am hairy, Oh, I mean Aries

‘Hairy’ almost sounds like you are saying ‘aries,’ which makes it a hilarious way to respond to ‘What is your sign.’ ‘Hairy’ is not a sign, but ‘aries’ is. Using this hilarious response makes the whole conversation smooth.Example:What is your sign?Response: I am hairy, Oh, I mean Aries

Hug me first, maybe I could turn you into my zodiac animal

‘Hug me first, maybe I could turn you into my zodiac animal’ is a laughable response to ‘What is your sign’ because of how creepy it sounds. No one would like to turn into a zodiac animal in the first place.Example:What is your sign?Response: Hug me first, maybe I could turn you into my zodiac animal

It depends on which of the zodiac animals I behave like

‘It depends on which of the zodiac animals I behave like’ is one of the funny responses to ‘What is your sign.’ This is because humans barely behave like zodiac animals.Here is an example :What is your sign?Response: It depends on which of the zodiac animals I behave like

Perhaps you can ask an astrologist

‘Perhaps you can ask an astrologist’ is hilarious because it shows you know nothing about astrology. An astrologist would be the best person to answer such questions.Example:What is your sign?Response: Perhaps you can ask an astrologist

Do I look like an astrologist?

‘Do I look like an astrologist?’ It is more of a question than an answer, however, you can use this as a funny way to respond to ‘What is your sign?’. This way, you make it known to the person that you are not in any way an astrologist. It should also send a message to the person that you ignore things about astrology.Here is an example:What is your sign?Response: Do I look like an astrologist?

Still trying to figure it out, but I talk a lot, what sign could that be?

‘Still trying to figure it out, but I talk a lot, what sign could that be?’ Is another amusing way to respond to ‘What is your sign?’.It shows you are not sure what your sign is and you are trying to guess what that sign could be based on the fact that you like to talk.Example:What is your sign?Response: Still trying to figure it out, but I talk a lot, what sign could that be?

I am taller than everyone at school, what sign is that?

‘I am taller than everyone at school, what sign could that be?’ Is funny because it makes it so obvious that you know little to nothing about your sign. Being tall has nothing to do with signs, it only has something to do with your genetics and not your sign.Even though this response sounds funny, you make it obvious that you do not know about signs or what your sign is.Take a look at this example:What is your sign?Response: I am taller than everyone at school, what sign is that?

I have been diagnosed with cancer, does it ring a bell?

‘I have been diagnosed with cancer ‘ sounds funny because you are indirectly telling the person that your sign is cancer. The person should be able to understand what you said even though you said it indirectly. Saying it indirectly is what makes this response funny. It is best to use this response when you already know what your sign is.Example:What is your sign?Response: I have been diagnosed with cancer, does it ring a bell?

I only understand sign language

‘I only understand sign language’ is hilarious when you use it as a response to ‘What is your sign?’  Of course, he was not asking about sign language, he was asking about your astrological sign.But because you wanted to respond funnily, you had to use this response. It may seem like you do not know what he is talking about, but you do.Example:What is your sign?Response: I only understand sign language

Even if say it to you, it would look like I am showing off

‘Even if I say it to you, it would look like I am showing off’ is one amusing way to respond to ‘What is your sign?’ This can be used if you have a good astrology sign and if others admire you because of it.You respond this way because you want to be funny, no one would consider telling someone your astrological sign as showing off.Example:What is your sign?Response: Even if I say it to you, it would look like I am showing off

I am not proud enough to say it

‘I am not proud enough to say it’ is a funny response to ‘What is your sign?’ that shows you do not like your astrological sign. Whatever your sign is, it is not a big deal, but saying that you are not proud to say it makes it even funny.An astrological sign is not so much of a big deal that you can brag about and that you can show off or be proud enough to say outside.Example:What is your sign?Response: I am not proud enough to say it

I just heard this for the first time, believe me

‘I just heard this for the first time, believe me’ is a laughable way to respond to ‘What is your sign?’ This shows you have not heard of such words before. Since you have not heard it before, there is every possibility that you do not know what your sign is.It is not a bad thing if you have not heard the word before, there is always a first time for everything. It will not be a bad idea if you go do some research on what it is about, maybe you would have an idea of what the person is asking.Here is an example for your perusal:What is your sign?Response: I just heard this for the first time, believe me

Give me a few minutes to google it

‘Give me a few minutes to google it’ sounds like an amusing way to reply to ‘What is your sign?’ It clearly shows that you do not have an idea of what your sign is or what it is about, but you are willing to know what it is about. It is funny that you want to google it at that instant.Perhaps you want to google it so that you can have something to talk about. Or just because you want to know what it is about out of curiosity.Example:What is your sign?Response: Give me a few minutes to google it

Leo Messi is my favorite, that should give you a hint on what my sign is

‘Leo Messi is my favorite, that should give you a hint on what my sign is’ shows you only want to make your response funny, it is a funny way to respond to ‘What is your sign?’This should give you a hint because Leo is an astrological sign and Leo Messi is a football player.It is best to use this response only if your sign is Leo.Example:What is your sign?Response: Leo Messi is my favorite, that should give you a hint on what my sign is.

In Closing

Not everyone knows what their sign is and if you are in a situation where you do not know what your sign is and someone asks you, you can respond with any of these funny responses.The good thing about using a funny response is that the person has no idea that you do not know what an astrological sign is and you do not know what yours is.


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