20 Funny Responses to "What Have You Cooked Lately?"

Sometimes, you happen to be the wrongest person that someone should ask if you cooked anything. The reason should be that it is obvious that you cannot cook or you do not like cooking. Surprisingly, someone who knows that you do not cook is asking such a question.It is different when the person is not aware that you cannot cook, but it is funny that someone who knows you cannot cook is asking you what you have cooked lately.In a situation like this, you can choose to give a funny reply to this response. In this article, I will take you through the best 20 funny responses to ‘What have you cooked lately.’

Take a look at the 20 funny responses to ‘What have you cooked lately.’

  1. You should have asked first if I can cook, haha!
  2. You should direct that question to the cook, guess she’s around
  3. The fridge is over there
  4. It is barely a week since I started learning to cook
  5. Even if I cooked something, It must have finished by now
  6. Food does not last in this house because of you
  7. I took a break from cooking because the last time I cooked I almost burned down the kitchen
  8. Are you asking me of all people? I am the wrongest person to ask that question
  9. Can you remember the last time you saw me in the kitchen?
  10. The kitchen traumatizes me, care to help?
  11. Do you want this house to get burnt down?
  12. Even the dog knows I do not cook
  13. I would try to cook something, but lower your expectations
  14. Do I have ‘chef’ written all over me?
  15. I just cooked water minutes ago, hehe
  16. Were you expecting me to prepare something, have you forgotten I do order food online?
  17. I would cook something only if you help with slicing the tomatoes
  18. Did you just say cooked? The sound of that makes me nauseous
  19. I cooked, but do not complain too much about the taste, I never said I was a chef
  20. I will cook only if you bribe me with my favorite snack

You should have asked first if I can cook, haha!

Funny Responses to What Have You Cooked Lately‘You should have asked first if I can cook, haha!’ is one funny response to ‘What have you cooked lately.’ In the real sense you need to be sure that someone can cook before asking what he cooked.Responding by telling the person that he should have asked if you can cook sounds funny but it is true, you ought to know if someone can cook before asking what he has cooked lately. It sounds like a funny response but it is the truth.

You should direct that question to the cook, guess she’s around

‘You should direct that question to the cook, guess she’s around’ is one funny response to ‘What have you cooked lately.’It is even funnier if you do not have a cook, you are only trying to be funny with your response, you know full well that there is no cook anywhere and you never hired one, but you said he should direct the question to the cook.In this reply, you are only being funny or sarcastic with your response.

The fridge is over there

‘The fridge is over there’ is a hilarious response to ‘What have you cooked lately.’ This is funny because in a way you are telling him to not ask you such a question and he should go check the fridge.You do not want to engage in too much talk or too much explanation on if you have cooked or not, you want to make the conversation short and simple, so you simply respond by saying the fridge is over there, that way, you do not have to do too much talking.

It is barely a week since I started learning to cook

Funny Responses to What Have You Cooked Lately‘It is barely a week since I started learning to cook’ is one funny response to ‘What have you cooked lately.’ It is already obvious that you only started learning to cook, no one should pressure you to cook what you know you are not yet perfect in.You can let the person know that it is only a week since you started learning to cook, that way, he would understand. Even if you are only trying to be funny with your response, it still makes sense that you replied this way.

Even if I cooked something, It must have finished by now

‘Even if I cooked something, It must have finished by now’ is one funny response to ‘What have you cooked lately.’ It sounds funny because how possible is it that you just cooked something and it has finished all of a sudden?Except in situations where you cooked for one person, and because it is for one person you had no choice but to finish it at once.

Food does not last in this house because of you

‘Food does not last in this house because of you’ is a hilarious response to ‘What have you cooked lately.’ It is a funny way of telling the person that food barely lasts in the house because of him and that he is the one who finishes the food when you cook it.Because he is the one who finishes the food in the house all the time, you prefer not to cook again till he accepts that he is the one who finishes the food and he chooses to stop doing that. Maybe by then, you can choose to cook something because you have peace of mind that nothing that you cook would last long.

I took a break from cooking because the last time I cooked I almost burned down the kitchen

‘I took a break from cooking because the last time I cooked I almost burned down the kitchen’ is a funny response to ‘What have you cooked lately?’This sounds funny but it does not mean it is impossible. Sometimes because of ignorance, one could make a terrible mistake in the kitchen that could cause him to almost set the whole kitchen on fire.In a situation like this, you can let the person know that you have taken a break from cooking till further notice.

Are you asking me of all people? I am the wrongest person to ask that question

‘Are you asking me of all people? I am the wrongest person to ask that question is one funny response to ‘What did you cook lately.’Saying you are the wrongest person to ask that question means you cannot cook or that you do not even care so much about cooking that you choose to eat out all the time or you prefer to have someone do the cooking for you.If that is what you do then you are truly the wrongest person to ask that question. The person asking that question had better go find something to eat, or better still, cook something.

Can you remember the last time you saw me in the kitchen?

‘Can you remember the last time you saw me in the kitchen?’ is one funny response to ‘What have you cooked lately.’This is a funny way to reply. But why would someone ask you what you cooked when he knows that you barely enter the kitchen and you barely even cook?Asking when last he saw you in the kitchen shows that you do not like cooking and that even if you want to have something, you would rather give it to someone to cook or go get food outside.

The kitchen traumatizes me, care to help?

‘The kitchen traumatizes me, care to help?’ is one funny response to ‘What have you cooked lately.’ It is funny if you have never been traumatized in the kitchen and if you are saying it just to avoid going to the kitchen.But it could be true because some people must have had terrible experiences in the past while in the kitchen, those experiences must have been so traumatizing that they do not want to enter the kitchen for a while till they can get over that trauma.If you have been traumatized you should try to seek help so that you can get over it.

Do you want this house to get burnt down?

‘Do you want this house to get burnt down?’ is a funny response to ‘What have you cooked lately.’ It means that you are not so good at cooking and if by chance you get into the kitchen to prepare a meal, you may hurt yourself or even jeopardize those around you.‘Do you want this house to get burnt down?’ is a way of saying that you do not want to put yourself and other people in danger by trying to get into the kitchen to cook something.

Even the dog knows I do not cook

‘Even the dog knows I do not cook’ is a funny response to ‘What have you cooked lately?’ it is a way of telling the person that everyone knows that you do not cook.Since everyone already knows that you cannot cook, there is no need to ask what you cooked. You will not cook in the first place.

I would try to cook something, but lower your expectations

‘I would try to cook something, but lower your expectations’ is a funny response to ‘What have you cooked lately.’You do not know how to cook but you are willing to try, you also tell the person not to expect too much from your cooking.

Do I have ‘chef’ written all over me?

‘Do I have ‘chef’ written all over me?’ is one funny response to ‘What have you cooked lately?’ It is a funny way of asking what made the person assume that you can cook in the first place.

I just cooked water minutes ago, hehe

‘I just cooked water minutes ago, hehe’ is one funny response to ‘What have you cooked lately?’ You are only being funny about the fact that the only thing you can cook is water.

Were you expecting me to prepare something, have you forgotten I do order food online?

‘Were you expecting me to prepare something, have you forgotten I do order food online?’ This is a funny response reminding the person that you do not cook and that you order what you eat.

I would cook something only if you help with slicing the tomatoes

‘I would cook something only if you help with slicing the tomatoes’ is a funny response to ‘What have you cooked lately.’ it shows you would only cook if someone helps with the slicing. Perhaps, you do not do well when it comes to handling knives.

Did you just say cooked? The sound of that makes me nauseous

‘Did you just say cooked? The sound of that makes me nauseous’ is one amusing response to ‘What have you cooked lately?’ It is a funny way of showing how much you do not like cooking.

I cooked, but do not complain too much about the taste, I never said I was a chef

‘I cooked, but do not complain too much about the taste, I never said I was a chef’ is a funny response to ‘What have you cooked lately?’ it shows how bad you are about cooking and you are willing to admit that you are not good at cooking.

I will cook only if you bribe me with my favorite snack

‘I will cook only if you bribe me with my favorite snack’ is one funny response to ‘What have you cooked lately?’ You had no plans of cooking, but if the person bribes you with your favorite snack you may consider cooking.

Final Words

Someone who already knows that you are not good at cooking should not bother asking you what you have cooked lately.It is written all over that you cannot cook and you are not going to perform any magic in the kitchen unless you have learned how to cook.In a situation where you get asked this question often, you can give any of these funny responses.


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