20 Funny Responses to "What Are You Doing?"

We've all been in scenarios when people ask questions they shouldn't ask in the first place. An example is, "What are you doing?"For instance, someone sees you watching TV and then asks what you're doing. It can be frustrating when faced with these questions that you want to ignore them or yell out in annoyance.However, it can be fun if you give funny replies instead. Conversely, coming out with these funny and cheeky responses might be quite challenging.That's why in this post, I'll roll out 20 funny responses to this question, "What are you doing?"

20 Funny Responses to"What Are You Doing?"

There are various witty and funny ways you can tackle this annoying question, "What are you doing?"When someone asks you this question, instead of ignoring them, try responding with, "Being quiet- why not join me?" "Minding my business- you should do so too" "Not much- just counting the stars" and many more.So without further delay, let's dive into 20 amusing responses that are obviously not the answer they're looking for. Below is a list.

  1. Being quiet. Why not join me 
  2. Minding my business- you should do so too
  3. Not much- just counting the stars
  4. Nothing much- just wondering why the sky is up there
  5. Committing murder
  6. Counting stones- wanna join?
  7. Being a legend 
  8. Busy answering annoying questions
  9. Solving world problems
  10. Digging your grave
  11. Wondering where you came from
  12. Planning how to sell you
  13. Burning down the house
  14. Taking a shower- you should give me some privacy
  15. Talking to a ghost- can't you see?
  16. Reaching for the stars 
  17. Having a party- you should join me
  18. Swimming
  19. Looking for your brains
  20. Why not ask Google 

Being Quiet. Why Not Join Me 

Being quiet. Why not join me is one of our top funny responses to "What are you doing?"When someone asks about what you're doing when they can see it, give them this answer to shut them up. While it's an amusing response, it's also a good way to let them know that they're a disturbance.Also, when you give this response, you can ignore them and continue with what you're doing to emphasize the quietness.

Minding My Business- You Should Do So Too

"Minding my business- you should do so too" is another cheeky response to someone who asks you a question they already know the answer to.When someone inquires about something you're doing, you can give them this response to let them know they need to mind their business. "Minding my business" draws their attention to the fact that you're focused on what you're doing, and "You should do so" invites them to do the same.This response is a very effective reply, especially if you're doing something important and don't need any disturbance.In addition, it'll work adequately if you don't want the person to know what you're doing.

Not Much- Just Counting the Stars

"Not Much- just counting the stars" is another amusing response to give when someone asks about what you're doing.This reply will get a laugh from the person as it's very obvious that that isn't what you're doing. Moreover, you can give this silly reply to draw their attention to the fact that their question was silly.For instance, if someone walks in on you while watching TV, you can give this response in a light way to get a laugh and still pass the message.

Nothing Much- Just Wondering Why the Sky is Up There

"Nothing Much- just wondering why the sky is up there" is another great choice of funny responses to use.When someone inquires from you about something they should have the answer to, this response can let them know you think it's an unintelligent question.It'll be funnier if you give this answer when you're outside watering the lawn or engaging in any activity. Also, you can point at the sky for an exaggerated illustration.

Committing Murder

Now, "committing murder" is one the silliest answer you can give when someone inquires about what you're doing.For instance, if you're doing laundry and someone asks you what you're doing, this response will throw them off balance because they wouldn't be expecting it.It's a humorous reply that should get them laughing. 

Counting Stones- Wanna join?

Another humorous reply you can give to someone that asks you a question that has an obvious answer is "Counting stones- wanna join?"When someone sees you cooking and asks what you're doing, try this answer with them for a laugh.Also, asking if they want to join makes it more fun. In addition, it also points to the silliness of their question.

Being a Legend

Funny Responses to "What Are You Doing?""Being a legend" is another laughable response to give someone that asks a question they should know the answer to.When someone asks what you're doing after seeing you cooking or watching TV, this response may make them confused for a second, making it more fun.In addition, you can use this response when you don't want the person to know what you're doing.

Busy Answering Annoying Questions 

Another annoying answer to give someone that asks an annoying question is "Busy answering annoying questions."When someone sees you busy with something and asks about what you're doing when it's clear what you're doing, give them this reply.While it might sound humorous, it's also a very direct way to tell them their question is annoying. Also, it's a very good response when you're doing something important and their question is distracting.For instance, if someone walks in on you doing your assignment, you can give them this response and go on to ignore them.

Solving World Problems

"Solving World problems" is another cheeky way of replying to someone who asks an annoying question.When someone walks in on you doing something they can clearly see and they ask about what you're doing, this is a funny reply they wouldn't be expecting.You can give this response and roll your eyes for a dramatic effect to draw their attention to the silliness of their question.Moreover, you can try this answer when you're doing your assignment at school. They might probably believe you anyway.

Digging Your Grave

"Digging your grave" is another silly way of responding to someone who asks you a tiresome question.When someone asks you what you're doing when you know they should know the answer, giving them this reply would take them off balance.It's a funny reply that'd be even more funny if you give this answer when you're out digging a hole. In addition, you can use this response if you think the person asking doesn't need to know what you're doing.

Wondering Where You Came from

Another funny answer you can give when someone asks you what you're doing is "wondering where you came from.""Wondering where you came from" is not only a laughable answer, but you can use it to pass a subtle message that the person is asking a silly question.When someone sees you doing laundry, you expect that what you're doing is very clear. So, when they go on to ask you what you're doing, it's natural to wonder where indeed they came from.So, this reply can also be an honest and funny one.

Planning How to Sell You

Funny Responses to "What Are You Doing?"Another reply you can give to someone that asks you what you're doing is "Planning how to sell you." It's a funny reply that they wouldn't be expecting. For instance, if someone walks up to you when you're cooking and asks you what you're doing, this is a very cool answer for them.Not only is it funny, but it also tells them they're being a disturbance. In addition, it's a cool response for your children, as you can use it to provoke more silly questions from them for fun.

Burning Down the House

"Burning down the house" is another great  answer to an annoying question.When someone sees you doing something clear to them and they go on to inquire about it, this is the perfect response for them.Obviously, there's no fire. So, it isn't only a funny reply, it's also a perfect way of telling them how unintelligent their question is.Also, it's a great response to dismiss them, especially if you're doing something important.

Taking a Shower- You Should Give Me Some Privacy

"Taking a shower- you should give me some privacy" is another perfect response for someone who inquires about something very clear to them.For instance, if you're busy typing some documents and someone asks what you're doing, this is the perfect response to give them.Here, you're directly letting them know that they're a disturbance. "Taking a shower" is the silly part that draws their attention to their unintelligent question. While "you should give me some privacy should dismiss them.

Talking to a Ghost- Can't You See?"

"Talking to a ghost- can't you see?" is one of the effective answers for an unintelligent question.It's a humorous reply that should take them off balance. For instance, if you're watching TV and someone asks you what you're doing, give them this answer to make them confused for a second.This reply should probably get them thinking about whether you're referring to them as a ghost.

Reaching for the Stars

"Reaching for the stars" is another funny reply to give someone that asks about what you're doing.It's a perfect answer to give, especially if you're outside busy and someone asks about it.

Having a Party- You Should Join Me

Another answer you can give to someone that inquires about what you're doing is, "Having a party- you should join me.""It's both a laughable and silly response that should make the person understands how unnecessary their question was.For instance, if you're typing in your system and your colleague sees you and ask about what you're doing, this is a perfect response to give them.Inviting them to join you for the party makes it more humorous.


"Swimming" is another funny response to give to someone who asks you an annoying question. It's short and simple, but very effective in letting them know that their question was uncalled for.It'll be a perfect response that'll dismiss the person, as you can give this reply and continue with what you're doing. 

Looking for Your Brains

Another cheeky answer to an unintelligent question is "looking for your brains."When someone inquires about what you're doing when they can see it, give them this response to make them embarrassed.This response directly tells them that you think they don't have brains. It should dismiss them.

Why Not Ask Google 

"Why not ask Google" is another reply that'd work for someone who inquires about what you're doing when they can see it. Everyone knows Google. So, if they can see what you're doing and they can't still get it, Google should help them. This illustration is what your reply should tell them.

End Note 

It can be very annoying when someone asks you about something they can see. So, instead of venting your anger by screaming, you can calmly give them a funny, silly, and cheeky reply that'd make them see how unintelligent their question is.Therefore, the above responses are good examples you can use or follow as a guide. Don't forget they're for fun too. 


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