250 Funny Responses to "I Love You More"

Being in love can be thrilling. But, what's more exciting is knowing how to live out your love with your partner and make each other happy.When your partner tells you they love you more in response to "I love you" from you, you might want to stick to the usual sweet and cliche replies. But, do you know you can spice up the conversation by giving funny responses?Funny conversations are one way to keep your relationship alive and fun. So, when your partner tells you they love you more, give them some amusing replies, instead of the same old predictable responses.

250 Funny Responses to "I Love You More"

There are many hilarious replies you can give to your loved ones when they tell you they love you more. However, remember to be cautious. You don't want your partner taking any offense.Such replies include: "I love you more than more," "I love you again," "Of course, everyone does" and many more.Here are 250 funny replies to "I love you more."

I love you more than more

This response tells your lover you love them more than they do.

I love you again

If they love you more, then you love them again 

Of course, everyone does

A funny way to tell them everyone loves you more 

You better

This is a playful threat 

How much more is more?

You want to know how much more they love you 

How come?

You're surprised that they love you more 

You'd have to prove that, dear 

Playfully ask them to prove it

You've said that before

A funny way to remind them that you've heard it before 

More than you love you?

You want to be sure whether they love you more than themselves 

That's not what I want to eat

Of course, you wouldn't eat love

Really? Tell me more

Ask them to tell you more 

I don't think so

This one playfully tells them you don't believe them 

I don't trust you

You also want them to know that you don't believe them

Thanks be to God

A humorous way to let them know you're happy 

Of course, you know that's not true

It tells them you don't believe them  

We both know I'm lovable

A playful way to boast about yourself 

Come on babe, that's my line

They should know they shouldn't steal your line 

But, that's not new

You're reminding them you already know that 

Tell me something I don't know

You want them to tell you something new

I knew that ever since

You already knew they loved you more 

I was waiting for that

Tell them you were waiting to hear that 

Shock me with something else

This one tells them you want to hear something else

I'm shocked

It tells them you're surprised 

I wish I could say the same

A sympathetic response to tease them 

Of course, someone has to

This one tells them it's a right to be loved more 

It was either you or me, I'm glad it's you

Playfully tell them you're happy they love you more

Let's drink more

A punny way to toast to your love 

I've lost track of the number of people who said that to me

A playful way to show your pride 

More is less

A punny response to get them to laugh 

Define more

You want to be sure they know what more means 

That's cliche

Tell them you're already used to that line 

That was easy to guess

It tells them you already know they'd say that

That pickup line won't save you

They shouldn't think they can now get away with things 

That doesn't mean I've forgiven you for yesterday

Playfully remind them you haven't forgotten what they did the previous day

I'll need a kiss to believe that

They'd know you just want a kiss

Since when did you find out?

You want to know when they discovered they loved you more 

Why are you just telling me?

You want to know why they're just saying it

What should we do about that?

A funny response to get them to laugh 

Tell me why

You want to know why they should love you more

Why should I believe you?

They should give you reasons to believe you

Is that possible?

You want to know how they can love you more 

I told you first

Remind them you've already told them that 

Prove it to me

If they love you more, you want them to prove it 

I would have said the same thing

Let them know you also love them more 

Sorry, but I love me more

Tell them nobody can love you more than you 

I love you more too

They should know that love is equal 

You should

Another playful way to tell them it's your right 

I know I deserve that

This one also tells them it's your right to be loved more 

Excellent! I would've killed you 

Another playful response that tells them they ought to love you more 

Well, you've no choice

Another proud response to tease them

That makes two of us

They should know you also love them more 

You've no right to

A playful way to warn them not to love you more

Oh no! Now, I'm gonna cry 

You want them to know they've melted your heart 

How I wish I could tell you that too

This one tells them you don't feel the same way

Are we talking about me?

Funny Responses to I Love You MoreAnother teasing reply to get your partner to laugh 

Wow! What a coincidence! 

You want them to know you feel the same way about yourself 

You didn't take out the trash, did you?

They might be telling you that because they've committed a crime

Wait, when last did you make me breakfast?

Seize that opportunity to remind them that it's been a long they made you breakfast

I know

Tell them you already know that 

Well, you shouldn't

Tell them they don't need to love you more 

Now, I'm scared

A funny way to get them worried 

Now, I'll have to do anything you want

They've finally bribed their way in

Make sure you remember that always

You want them to always remember they love you more 

That means you'll get me some pizza

This one can get you a large box of your craving 

I'm sorry, I only feel that way for a sandwich

Sadly, you love sandwiches more

Huh! What should I say?

They'll be surprised you don't know what to say 

I didn't quite get that

You want them to say it louder 

Can you swear to that?

You want to be completely sure of their declaration 

I know you're lying

This one tells them you don't believe them

I know I'll hear that again tomorrow 

Let them know you're already used to their line

I refuse to buy that 

This one tells them they can't love you more 

I won't allow that

They either love you equally or agree that you love more

You know you can't do without me, right?

A proud way to tease your lover 

I must say you're learning fast

You like that they know what to say 


You've taken note 

I can't blame you, I would love me more too

Another proud response to show you're lovable 

I said something like this yesterday

Remind them you already told them you love them more

Why are you copying me?

This one also teases them that you've said that already 

You just stole my words 

Let them know you already love them more 

That's my line 

It also reminds them that you've said that to them already 

How many ladies have you told that?

Funny Responses to I Love You MoreYou know they've probably told their previous lovers that 

More than your life?

You want to know if they love you more than themselves 

Say nothing more

A punny response to get them to laugh 

It's alright. It happens

You're letting them know you're not surprised 

It's expected

You already know they'd love you more

I'm not worried

Just a funny response to confuse them 

Should I Worry?

You want to be sure that loving you more isn't a problem 

Cheers to that

You're glad they love you more 

I'm drinking to that

A silly way to express your happiness 

Who cares?

It shouldn't bother anyone if they love you more

It doesn't matter if you do

It playfully tells them "more" isn't necessary 

I'll still kill you

They can't get away with loving you more 

That means I can get away with anything

If they love you more, then they should be able to take anything 

That sounds good

They would never expect this response 

I love the sound of that

A sweet way to acknowledge their statement 

Will I get that tomorrow?

You want to know if they'll tell you that tomorrow 

That's right

A funny way to acknowledge their declaration 

More? what's that?

You're acting like you don't understand what they mean 

I love you times more

Another pun that expresses your love

You know what to say

It teases their ability to win you again 

More than cookies?

You want to be sure they'll choose you instead of cookies

More than pizza?

You don't think anybody can love anything more than pizza 

Wait till I confirm that

You won't agree until you're sure 

I should be the only one saying that 

It argues with them that you love them more 

That was not the agreement

This one reminds them you were supposed to love each other equally 

Are you Romeo?

If they're Romeo, you can be their Juliet 

That sounds interesting

A funny way to let them know you're enjoying their words 

I'm not Oliver Twist

This one tells them you didn't ask for more 

Sure, I'm all you have

A sweet way to display your pride 

You don't have an option

This one tells them they are meant to love you more 

Well, I know I deserve more

A punny response that displays your confidence 

You should. I know I'm wonderful

A funny way to display your confidence 

Should I blush?

You want them to tell you how to react 

Cheers to more!

A punny response they wouldn't see coming 

Congratulations to me, then

A funny way to express your excitement 

Write it down somewhere, so we won't forget 

You want you both to always remember 

So do my parents

Your parents love you more, so it's not a big deal

Huh! That didn't go too well

Make them a little scared with this reply 

That's the best thing you've said today 

A playful way to praise them 

Can you say that louder?

You want them to scream out their love for you

Wow! My friends must know this

You can't contain the joy you feel

That's crazy

Funny Responses to I Love You MoreA funny response they wouldn't be expecting 

So, I knew that before you

A funny way to tell them you know they love you more 

You don't have to tell me, I know

This one tells them you already know they love you more

You've got to, I'm more than you can ever imagine

Another playful way to display your pride 

What more can I ask for?

This is a hilarious way to tell them you're okay with them 

I can't ask for more

Another silly way to play the pun game 

Your more is more than enough

This tells them their love is more than enough 

You know the right things to say to make me love you more

This one tells them their words got to you 

Like more and more?

A funny play on words to get them to laugh 

Like more more?

Another play on words that'll cause some fun 

Remind me what more is again

A silly response they wouldn't see coming 

I was hoping for more

Another punny response to get them laughing 

Now, I've to love you more

If they love you more, then you do too

Don't bother with that

You want them to know, that "more" isn't necessary 


Your lover wouldn't expect this one from you 

If you say so

It tells them you'll take their words

I believe you

Trust me they wouldn't think you'd say this

Come on! I'm good

A funny way to compliment yourself 

Go on, say more

Another punny way to tease your partner 

Don't be shy to say that aloud

It teases them to be louder 

Did you drink again?

You want to be sure they're not drunk

How many bottles have you taken?

This one tells them you're not taking their words 

It's going to take some time to know if I love more 

This one tells them you love them but not more than they do

You'll have to pass my test before I accept that

You want them to know you're yet to accept that confession 

What's the premise of your conclusion?

A silly response to confuse them 

Get ready, then, because tonight's gonna be bumpy and more

A flirty response that'd get them to laugh 

Good girl

A humorous way to show your satisfaction 

That much love is too much for a girl

This one tells them you don't want more 

I don't think I can handle that much love

You want them to know loving you is enough 

Now, my head is growing bigger

funny way to say you're enjoying the attention 

Stop it, you're gonna melt my heart 

You want them to think you're shy 

Keep the more, I don't need it

An amusing way to tell them you're satisfied with their love

Is that a bribe?

A playful way to ask them why they love you more 

Confess, what have you done?

You think they've probably done something bad 

Roger that

A funny way to tell them you understand them 

Well understood!

You're letting them know you understand their words

So, if I hated you, you'd hate me more

A funny response they wouldn't be expecting 

What's the synonym of more?

A playful way to test their ability 

Remind me; how did I fall in love with you again?

You're overwhelmed by their love 

Ugh! Say something else, okay?

You want to hear new things 

Okay, now we have a problem 

A funny way to get them curious 

You should ask if I can take more first 

A playful way to tell them they already love you enough 

Let me check if my heart can contain more

You want to know if you can take more love from them 

Ugh! How much more can I take?

A sweet way to whine about their love for you 

Now you gonna stuff me with love

Another sweet way to whine about their love for you 

I think I'm bloated already 

It tells them they've filled you with so much love

That's enough already

A playful way to tell them you've heard enough 

You should say that with a kiss 

Do you want a kiss? Then go for it

How come you knew what I'd say next?

They should know you were about to say that to them 

Are you a mind reader?

It tells them you also love them more 

Damn! I love that 

A funny exclamation to give 

I'm not sure the universe will contain our love

A teasing response they'd love to hear

How come you never found me earlier?

You want to know why they haven't been in your life

I'm sure you do

A funny way to acknowledge their confession 

I hope you know what you're saying 

You want them to be sure of their words 

Please, let's check if you have a fever first

They probably have a fever that's why they love more

It might be your fever talking, dear, because last time I checked I loved you more

It must be their fever because you already love them more 

Then, I love you the most

You must let them know your love is more

I guess I love you much more, then

Another way to let them be aware that your love is more 

No, let's ask Siri who loves more

You want Siri to confirm 

Of course, you know I can't settle for less

This one should get them rolling in laughter 

That's for me to decide

You're the only one who can say if they do 

I'm not surprised. You've got a sweet tongue 

You know your partner has a way with words 

Come on, babe, we both know I love you more

You're whining because you love them more too

For that, I'm buying you lunch

Funny Responses to I Love You MoreThey deserve lunch for their confession 

I hope you don't change your mind when it's time to do the dishes

They should remember they'll still do the dishes

Noted, babe. Remember to take out the trash while at it

A good opportunity to ask them to throw away the trash

Alright, I'll always remind you

You want to make sure they always know they love you more 

Now that you've said it. Make sure you never forget

A funny way to warn them to always remember 


You're letting them know you've taken note 

I can see that

A playful way to act like you don't care 

Please, speak louder

They should shout it to let others hear

You should know I'd skin you alive if you didn't

They ought to love more unless there is trouble 


You're letting them know you're satisfied 

I can see you're learning

They've learned the right way to be romantic 

Can I trust your words?

You want to be sure they're saying what they mean 

Pinky swear?

You want them to assure you 

That means you'll do all I say, right?

Your partner might want to take back their words after this 

Can I tell my mom, because I can't keep this news to myself 

Your mother must also see and share in your excitement 

Excuse me? Say that again 

You want to be sure you heard well

Wow! I think I'm turned on

A flirty way to tease your lover

Stop lying, babe

Funny Responses to I Love You MoreYour partner will be confused after this 

Mmmh! I smell a lie

They wouldn't see this one coming 

I'll take anything you say

You're taking them by their words 

Who am I to complain?

If they love you more, you've no problem with that

There's nothing more I want

Their love is enough for you 

Give me more, baby!

Another pun that'd get them laughing 

Now, I don't think I can fall asleep

Funny Responses to I Love You MoreYou're so excited that it'd be difficult to sleep

Let me check if I have a little more love to give too

You want to see if you love them more too

Can your heart contain that much?

You want to know if they've the heart for much love

Of course, you've got a large heart

An amusing way to compliment your lover

I'm sorry, I don't have that much love to give

You're sorry you can't love a little more 

I'm sorry, babe. I've exhausted my capacity

A funny way to let them know you can't love more like them

Let's weigh it, then

You want to measure your love to see if theirs is more

I'll never forgive you for that

You can't forgive them for loving more than you do

Did you cheat on me?

They won't see this one coming 

After kissing other girls before me!

They can't love you more after all their exes

I doubt that. I'm not the first girl in your life 

You don't believe them because they probably have told other girls the same thing 

Sssh! Don't say that out loud

You can seductively place your finger on their lips while saying this

If only you know what more is

You want to be sure they understand the intensity of their words

Just for today?

You want to find out if they'll love you more forever 

How long will it last?

You need to be sure how long they can love you more 

Gosh! I see you're daydreaming again!

A hilarious response they wouldn't be expecting 

So what?

This one tells them you don't care 

Nothing's special about that

Another playful way to tell them you don't care if they love you more 

That's not a big deal

You're telling them it doesn't matter 

Excellent choice of words!

You're paying more attention to their choice of word

Nice move

You're complimenting their tactics 

What else?

Funny Responses to I Love You MoreYou want to know if they've more to say 

Why more?

You need to know why they love you more 

Anything more to say?

A sarcastic punny reply they wouldn't be expecting 

Why me?

They would be surprised you're asking this

There's nothing more to say, then 

A funny play on words

If I were you, I'd be careful

A hilarious way to warn them ahead

Careful there, babe

Another way to tease them to be careful of what they say

Are you sure you're ready for that?

You want to be sure they're ready for what's to come with their confession 

Be prepared for more, then 

If they love you more, they should be better prepared to take more 

Stop it! Now, I'm shy

A funny way to react to their confession 

Are you trying to make me blush?

You want them to know their statement is getting to you

But, I just told you that yesterday

You're reminding them you already told them

Say no more

Another funny play on words 

My babe and more!

This one will get them blushing and laughing 

You're more than I ask for

Another way to tease and compliment them


This one will get them wondering 


Believe me, no one likes to hear this after a love confession 

You don't mean it!

A funny exclamation they won't be expecting 

I knew you were up to something

They would be surprised at this response 

I could smell it

You're telling them you already knew 

I've known before you knew that

This one tells them that you already know too


When your partner tells you they love you more, don't think of what to say, try this hilarious reply to make them smile. 


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