20 Funny Responses to "Great Minds Think Alike"

Have you ever been in a situation where you simultaneously say the exact thing with someone else like you both planned it? Sometimes the two parties say ‘jinx’ to themselves.The statement ‘great minds think alike’ is a humorous expression that is said when two or more people arrive at the same or similar conclusion in any manner at the same period. It is more of a coincidence than anything else.When someone tells you ‘great mind thinks alike’ and you don't have what to respond to, you may look dumb and who wants that? That is why this article has been written for your consumption and to give you answers at the right time.

20 Hilarious Responses to "Great Minds Think Alike"

Examples of funny responses you can give when someone says ‘great minds think alike’ are;

  1. You should only speak for yourself
  2. People are always right for calling us twins
  3. You have craved this moment your whole life I suppose
  4. Not any different from little minds I suppose
  5. It was just a mere coincidence stop jubilating
  6. Take a moment to imagine our thoughts dancing in perfect harmony
  7. Enjoy your one minute of rubbing shoulders with me
  8. That's what our ancestors called mind alignment
  9. So bold of you to compare your mind with mine
  10. You are very lucky to have me in your corner
  11. I've had a positive influence on you over time
  12. That's right because even greater minds think like mine
  13. I can see you have been studying lately
  14. We are living proof of the power of synchronization
  15. That's like our brains giving each other high fives right?
  16. Our match is heavenly made and there is nothing that can disprove that fact
  17. If we were paid for every time our minds rubbed in harmony we would be among the wealthiest
  18. I know my mind slapped the hardest
  19. Only smart people can relate you know
  20. The unison in our reasoning should be studied

You should only speak for yourself

Politely take yourself out of the class of the so-called ‘great minds’ by saying ‘you should speak for yourself’ when someone tells you ‘great minds think alike’.Not everyone likes to be put in a class or spoken for, let people know how you feel about certain things. See how it is used in the example below:

  • You should only speak for yourself, my friend

People are always right for calling us twins

‘People are always right for calling us twins’ is a funny response that can be given when someone says ‘great minds think alike’ only if you and the person talking have ever been addressed as twins or you both have a lot in common.

  • All the people who called us twins are so right I can't deny

You have craved this moment your whole life I suppose

With an obvious shrug, respond to ‘Great minds think alike’ by saying ‘You have craved this moment your whole life’.Do this to make the person feel like you know how important you are and how badly people want to be associated with you by any means possible. An example has been provided to make coining it very easy for you.

  • You lived your entire life longing for a moment like this where you'll have something relatable to mine I suppose

Not any different from little minds I suppose

If great minds think alike what will little minds do? That is a bit critical if you ask me because all kinds have just one job which is to think.Whatever the thinking results is secondary but the primary function of the mind will always be thinking.

  • What will you say about little minds then? I doubt if there's anything different cause they think alike too

It was just a mere coincidence stop jubilating

Playfully be a killjoy and shut the person up by responding to ‘great minds think alike’ with ‘it was just a mere coincidence so stop jubilating’.The person will be left to wonder if things are okay with you or if you are having a bad day or something, at this point, you can burst into a bout of laughter to show that you only meant it as a joke.

  • Can you just calm down? That was just a mere coincidence so call it quits with your jubilation

Take a moment to imagine our thoughts dancing in perfect harmony

Funny Responses to Great Minds Think AlikeAnother funny response to ‘great minds think alike is ‘take a moment to imagine our thoughts dancing in perfect harmony.’Although this statement may be pun intended no doubt it is as funny as possible. How will minds ever dance? Now you can put it the way it is stated in the example below

  • Close your eyes Benny and take a moment to imagine our thoughts dancing in perfect harmony. The best feeling ever.

Enjoy your one minute of rubbing shoulders with me

First things first, ensure you don't say this to someone who doesn't know how to take a joke. Despite it being funny, it can come off as very mean if you don't watch your tone. You may want to laugh first to set the mood for humor.

  • Finally, you got your heart desires, ensure you enjoy this one minute of rubbing shoulders with me, my dear

That's what our ancestors called mind alignment

Let me assume you don't even know anything serious about your ancestry, and the person you are talking to is aware of this as well and then hears you respond to ‘great minds think alike’ by saying ‘That’s what our ancestors called mind alignment,’ you will seem crazy to him or her because where is that coming from?

  • That is exactly what our ancestors called mind alignment when great minds like ours sync effortlessly

So bold of you to compare your mind with mine

When someone tells you ‘great minds think alike’ and you intend to give a sarcastic comeback, try doing this; look at the person's face, the toes, and face again then proceed to say this in the most serious tone you can compose ‘so bold of you to compare your little mind to mine.’

  • Fola, it is so bold of you to have compared your mind to mine

You are very lucky to have me in your corner

When you are told ‘great minds think alike’ a funny response you can give is ‘You are very lucky to have me in your corner.’This will come off as a brag but since you intend to sound funny then you are good to go. If the example below is okay with you then go ahead and use it.

  • Do you see why I always say you are very lucky? Imagine you never had me in your corner.

I've been having a positive influence on you over time

Funny Responses to Great Minds Think AlikePraise yourself for having a positive impact on someone's life by saying ‘I've been having a positive influence on you’ when you are told ‘Great minds think alike’

  • You can attest to the fact that I've been having a positive influence on you over time

That's right because even greater minds think like mine

Start to respond to ‘great minds think alike’ by agreeing with your counterpart that what he or she has said is very correct.Then go on to say ‘Even greater minds think like mine’. Now he or she did not see this latter part coming and that is the intentional addendum on your end to make the chat lively and funny.

  • You are very correct because even greater minds think like mine

I can see you have been studying lately

You can choose to respond to ‘great minds think alike’ by commending the other fellow for saying something that sounds so smart. Saying ‘I can see you have been studying lately’ is a good idea for a funny response.

  • You sound so smart, I can see you have been studying lately

We are living proof of the power of synchronization

Synchronization entails things happening at the same time. It is always a coincidence and sometimes a big deal to certain people. Replying to ‘great minds think alike’ with ‘we are living proof of the power of synchronization.’

  • We are living proof of the power of synchronization

That's like our brains giving each other high fives, right?

Funny Responses to Great Minds Think AlikeSometimes, choosing to give a childish response together with giggles and a few snorts here and there is the appropriate funny response to any question asked.Only a child will imagine brains high-fiving themselves as everyone reasonably knows that brains don’t have hands.When next you are told ‘Great minds think alike’ say that’s like our brains giving each other high fives right?’ or spice it up as I did in the example stated below.

  • Come on! That's like our brains giving each other high fives right?

Our match is heavenly made and there is nothing that can disprove that fact

Funny Responses to Great Minds Think AlikeIf you are a guy and a lady tells you ‘Our match is heavenly made and there is nothing that can disprove that fact’ you can use the opportunity to start a great conversation that can lead to something beautiful ‘if you so desire’.Make her feel that because you both reason in the same way, it will make a lot of sense to attempt to be a thing. If the sample text provided below sits well with you, then you can say it exactly as it has been stated.

  • The fact that our match is made in heaven cannot possibly be disproved, what do you think about dinner later today?

If we were paid for every time our minds rubbed in harmony we would be among the wealthiest

Infusing money into conversations is great for humor because everyone loves a good joke about money.Playing with money, brains, and harmony as a response to ‘great minds think alike’ is a beautiful response I recommend. I have given an example here, however, you may decide to put it in your own words as well.

  • Have you ever wondered how wealthy we would have become if we were paid for every time our minds rubbed?

I know my mind slapped the hardest

You can be the winner of the conversation when you respond to ‘great mind think alike’ with ‘I know my mind slapped the hardest.This is another way of saying your mind is superior to the other person. It may end up in a little back and forth of who has the better mindset and that is just where the fun comes in. See how it is simply put together in the example here:

  • I know my mind slapped the hardest, there is nothing anyone can tell me

Only smart people can relate

Applaud yourself and your talk partner about being smart by saying ‘Only smart people can relate to how you both have thought alignment. This shows that not everyone will be able to understand or think the way you do.Refer to the sample text below:

  • This is something only smart people like us can relate to

The unison in our reasoning should be studied

When something is mind-blowing, people usually say they are worth studying at the university. Celebrate your victory in reasoning the same way by giving this response when someone says ‘Great minds think alike.’

  • We are so smart the unison in our reasoning is worth studying for a degree in the university

Wrapping it up

Taking out quality time to find answers to your vocabulary questions is a great investment. Apart from the educational benefits, you would be entertaining yourself in the process, and speech delivery would not seem like a roller coaster eventuallyHaving gone through the many funny responses provided in this article, it is only fair enough to share it with someone you think needs it.Meanwhile do not forget that practice makes perfect, you can choose to go through the whole article again or do so in your free time so you don't mix things up when you need what you have learned today.


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