20 Funny Responses to Drop Dead

When someone tells you to drop dead, they’re trying to let you know that they don’t want to see you or have you around. It is a direct show of disgust and you should always be on the lookout for people who would stop at nothing to make you feel bad by employing offensive phrases and words.Therefore, when someone says ‘drop dead’ to you, you should be ready to serve them a response. One good way of doing that is sounding funny with your response. In this article, we’ll be discussing 20 funny responses to drop dead. Read on to find out more!

20 Funny Responses to "Drop Dead"

Literally, when someone tells you ‘drop dead’ it means they want you to cease existing. However, perhaps, the person feel you’re not a good fit for them anymore and they want to express it in a way that it hits hard.Some of the funny responses to ‘drop dead’ include ‘You know you could be more creative, at least, you passed 10th grade’, ‘I expect you to be more colorful with your comeback. Damn, I overrated you’, ‘When I’m gone, don’t expect to be forever young’, and ‘We’re still buddies, right? So we’re leaving together’.How about we get into the main course of this pose by highlighting the various 20 funny responses to ‘drop dead’ below?

  • Even if I Do, You Will Too
  • You Just Added another Ghost to Haunt Your Dreams Because I’ll Definitely Do
  • We’re Still Buddies, Right? So We’re Leaving Together
  • When I’m Gone, Don’t Expect To Be Forever Young
  • It Is Normal, so Don’t Stress Yourself
  • Okay, Do You Now Have a Bucket Full of Happiness?
  • Funny How I Realize That I Was Supposed To Say That to You First
  • Yikes, I Don’t Remember Giving You the Impression That I Like You
  • Really, Now I See How Much You Find It Difficult To Express Yourself
  • I See the Hate, Lol…Unfortunately, You Alone Feels It
  • You’re out of Insults for the 100th Time, Admit It
  • You Want Me Gone, I Get It. But Do You Also Realize I Never Wanted You Before?
  • Wow, Coming From Someone Who Wouldn’t Miss Anything for a Nursing Home at 55
  • You Know You Could Be More Creative, at Least You Passed 10th Grade
  • I know you’re not serious. You’re Just Too Emotional
  • I Think you’re not scared of Karma, LOL, It’s not scared of you either
  • I Expect You To Be More Colorful With Your Comeback. Damn, I Overrated You
  • Thanks for Letting Me Know How You Feel. At Least, I No Longer Think You’re Literally Dumb
  • You Could’ve Just Said I Make You Uncomfortable Instead of Being Insecure and Dramatic
  • You’ll Sleep 6ft Getting Me to Hear What You Just Said Now

1.  Even if I Do, You Will Too

‘Even if I do, you will too’ is a cunning response to ‘drop dead’. It is so because you’ll be insinuating that as you’re literally dropping dead, the person who said that to you too will also follow suit. This response is in no way condescending at first look, making it a funny response to when someone wants to dismiss you by saying ‘drop dead’ to you.Similarly, you can deliver this line of response with a corresponding physical gesture. This can be in the form of pointing to the ground towards the concluding part of your response, as a way of telling the person that they’ll be going down with you.

2. You Just Added another Ghost to Haunt Your Dreams Because I’ll Definitely Do

‘You just added another ghost to haunt your dreams because I’ll definitely do’ is one smart response you can use to serve someone when he or she says to you ‘drop dead’. Since ‘drop dead’ is a phrase which translates literally to mean the person wishes for your demise, you can use this line of response to let them know you’ll be glad to honor their invite to join the host of ghosts that haunts their dream.This response comes in quite handy because it shows how intelligent you can maneuver unfavorable situations to your advantage. I’m sure the person would rethink their decision to say ‘drop dead’ to you when you use this line of response to them.

3. We’re Still Buddies, Right? So We’re Leaving Together

‘We’re still buddies, right? So, we’re leaving together’ features as a crafty response to ‘drop dead’. When someone says to you ‘drop dead’, they mean to let you know that they no longer need you or they get pissed off by you. Instead of acting smart to understand what they mean, you can set in confusion by responding with a reply that follows the literal meaning of what they said to you.To get that done, you need a line of response such as this one. Here, you’re telling the person that since you two are friends, it is only fair that you guys drop dead at once. They’ll be shocked to hear this from you, especially when they’re expecting you to curl up in your feelings of dejection. 

4. When I’m Gone, Don’t Expect To Be Forever Young

‘When I’m gone, don’t expect to be forever young’ is quite an artful response to when someone says to you ‘drop dead’. It is artful because it features a line from a popular rapper’s song. In ‘forever young’ by Jay Z, the rapper pictures a scenario where he wishes to stay active and relevant in the industry as long as possible.Well, here, you’re telling the person who asks you to drop dead that even if you do as they wishes, they won’t still be able to enjoy longevity when it comes to being relevant and important in whatever it is they do.

5. It Is Normal, so Don’t Stress Yourself

‘It is normal, so don’t stress yourself’ an astute reply which you can serve when someone says ‘drop dead’ to you. Death is a normal phenomenon in life and every living organism is invariably bound to submit to it’s whims. However, it would pass for stress when someone tries to wish upon you this demise which could be perceived to be untimely.Therefore, you can use this line of response to let the person know that they don’t have o stress it about you dropping dead.

6. Okay, Do You Now Have a Bucket Full of Happiness?

‘Okay, do you now have a bucket full of happiness?’ is a supersmart question which you can serve as your response when someone says to you ‘drop dead’. It is an overly smart question because it questions the fulfillment the person that wishes you to drop dead gets for saying that to you.You’ll be surprised that the person won’t be able to answer this question. Also, you can deliver this question in a way that it comes off as a rhetorical question. So, if you do, be rest assured that it will sound funny enough to the person that you’re addressing it to.

7. Funny How I Realize That I Was Supposed To Say That to You First

‘Funny how I realized that I was supposed to say that to you first’ could be that ingenious response you can serve when someone says ‘drop dead’ to you. Here, you’re telling the person that it is hilarious they said that to you while you should be the person saying the same thing to them.Presumably, you’re telling the person that you should even be the one telling them to ‘drop dead’. This is a clever way of turning the tables on the person who wished you disappear by saying ‘drop dead’ to you.

8. Yikes, I Don’t Remember Giving You the Impression That I Like You

‘Yikes, I don’t remember giving you the impression that I like you’ is a brainy response to ‘drop dead’ when you want to taunt the person when they say that to you. By taunting, I mean you want to make them feel bad about wanting to make you feel bad.The idiomatic phrase ‘drop dead’ is used when you don’t need someone around and you want them stop hanging around you. So, when someone says that to you, it means they don’t want or like you. However, you’re using this response to tell the person that you don’t even like them in the first place so whatever hurtful thing they said to you won’t matter.

9. Really, Now I See How Much You Find It Difficult To Express Yourself

‘Really, now I see how much you find it difficult to express yourself’ is that cocky reply you can throw in when someone says ‘drop dead’ to you. I say it is cocky and funny at the same time because you’re intelligently saying that that person who is telling you to get lost by saying ‘drop dead’ has a hard time expressing themselves which is quite funny.

10. I See the Hate, Lol…Unfortunately, You Alone Feels It

‘I see the hate, lol…unfortunately, you alone feels it’ is another cunning way you can respond to someone who says ‘drop dead’ to you. With this response, you’re telling the person that whatever hate they have for you is just what they feel and you’re just a spectator.

11. You’re out of Insults for the 100th Time, Admit It

Funny Responses to Drop Dead‘You’re out of insults for the 100th time, admit it’ could be your go-to sharp response to ‘drop dead’ whenever you feel like the person who would say that to you wants to get under your skin.

12. You Want Me Gone, I Get It. But Do You Also Realize I Never Wanted You Before?

‘You want me gone, I get it. But do you also realize I never wanted you before?’ can be your perfect response to drop dead when the person who says that to you with intentions of making you feel bad about being in their life. However, you’re using this response to let the person know that you never even wanted them in your life in the first place.At least, they’ll now know that it hurts to disregard and discard someone like that because they did a little mistake or something.

13. Wow, Coming From Someone Who Wouldn’t Miss Anything for a Nursing Home at 55

‘Woe, coming from someone who wouldn’t miss anything for a nursing home at 55’ is one sarcastic response to ‘drop dead’ which you can’t afford to miss. The  whole point of using this line of response is to let the person know that you also know how to throw shades. And not just that, you can throw nice and clean shades at whoever it is that tries to run you through.

14. You Know You Could Be More Creative, at Least You Passed 10th Grade

You can try to ridicule the person who said to you ‘drop dead’ by saying ‘You know you could be more creative, at least you passed 10th grade’. With this response, you’re insinuating that the person that wished you ‘drop dead’ is not sensitive enough to find more creative ways of telling you they don’t need you around. Simply put, you’re saying the person is dumb.

15. I know you’re not serious. You’re Just Too Emotional

‘I know you’re not serious. You’re just too emotional’ is that response that sounds savvy in the sense that you’ve figured out that the person who wishes you drop dead is nothing but an emotional person who could’ve sort for more practical lines to use instead of ‘drop dead’.

16. I Think you’re not scared of Karma, LOL, It’s not scared of you either

‘I think you’re not scared of karma, lol, it is not scared of you either’ is a good response to ‘drop dead’. With this in place, you’re sure to ignite the feeling of self reflection in the person that says drop dead to you.

17. I Expect You To Be More Colorful With Your Comeback. Damn, I Overrated You

Funny Responses to Drop Dead‘I expect you to be more colorful with your comeback. Damn, I overrated you’ sounds like the most intelligent line of response to ‘drop dead’ in this article. It is not only going to upset the mind of the person that said ‘drop dead’ to you, it will also make you feel nice knowing that you didn’t get down so easily.This responses suggests that you expected the person to add more color and poise in their comeback (saying drop dead) to you, instead of the lame one they served. In the long run, it now feels like you overrated them…ouch, that hurts.

18. Thanks for Letting Me Know How You Feel. At Least, I No Longer Think You’re Literally Dumb

‘…At least, I no longer think you’re literally dumb’ is a good pick of a response to ‘drop dead’ if you’re considering a comeback that is not soft. Saying the person has proven they’re not literally dumb goes both ways to show that you’re indifferent with what they just said to you.

19. You Could’ve Just Said I Make You Uncomfortable Instead of Being Insecure and Dramatic

‘You could’ve just said I make you uncomfortable instead of being insecure and dramatic’ is an apt response to ‘drop dead’. I mean, it is a handy response if you don’t want to drag the speaker too far than they imagined. The amusing part of this response depends on how best you deliver it, so you should work on putting up a comic face in that case.

20. You’ll Sleep 6ft Getting Me to Hear What You Just Said Now

I don’t usually support sounding bitter and condescending but whoever tells you to ‘drop dead’ has nothing to do with being peaceful with you. In that case, you can reply to them by saying ‘you’ll sleep 6ft down the ground getting me to hear what you just said now’.You’re pointing out that the person will have to contend with making you listen to them from their graveside. Isn’t that funny and hot for a response?


You can get knocked over by people whenever they don’t see the need of you being around anymore. They’ll say hurtful things and expect you to turn blind eye to it. If you’ve been doing that, well, not anymore. This article features inspiring funny responses to when someone says to you ‘drop dead’.The idioms which are synonymous to ‘piss off’, ‘get lost', and ‘you’re dead to me’ are not cool. Therefore, there's a need for you to have something worthy to say back when someone comes at you by saying ‘drop dead’.You can choose your preferred line of response from this post and use it accordingly. Trust me, it will serve it’s purpose without having you beat a sweat about it. Peace! 


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