20 Funny Responses to "Are You Sure?"

When you add humor when you talk to people, they tend to connect with you better. The same applies when someone asks you a question, sometimes, when you give a funny reply it could make the conversation more interesting.Sometimes you may have it in mind to give a funny reply to a question, but you do not know what to say, that is why I have written this article, it contains 20 well-researched funny responses to ‘Are you sure.'

20 Funny Responses to "Are You Sure?"

  1. I was, till you asked
  2. You know me already, I was born sure
  3. It depends on who is asking
  4. If I had a tail, I would have wagged it to show how sure I am
  5. Too bad you cannot read sign language, I already showed you how sure I was
  6. I was so sure until you came around, I began to have doubt
  7. I am still wondering if I am still sure as I was
  8. Till I am sure, I have no reply. I do not like to speak when I am not sure
  9. If I were not sure I would not have said anything
  10. I would answer after you ask the 10th time
  11. Not as sure as I was minutes ago
  12. The fact that you are asking me shows you still doubt me
  13. When would you begin to trust me?
  14. Almost, haha!
  15. What language do you want me to respond in?
  16. I am 99.999% sure, haha!
  17. You already know the answer, but what tone do you want me to use in responding?
  18. I do not know, I would be sure by the weekend
  19. I have lived all my life being sure of what I say
  20. Fair, to partly sure

I was, till you asked

‘I was, till you asked’ is a funny reply to ‘Are you sure.' It is a funny way of telling the person that you were once sure not until he asked, you started to doubt. You doubted because he asked if you were sure.If he hadn't asked if you were sure, you would have remained sure and there would be no need for him to ask if you are sure.

You know me already, I was born sure

Funny Responses to Are You Sure‘You know me already, I was born sure’ is a funny response to ‘Are you sure.' This response may sound cocky, but if you ask me, it is a funny one. It means that the person ought to have known you so well that you are always sure of what you are saying.If the person knows you so well as you may have claimed, then he should not have asked you the question in the first place.

It depends on who is asking

Funny Responses to Are You Sure‘It depends on who is asking’ is a funny response to ‘Are you sure.' This response means that whatever response you give the person depends on who is asking. Whether you are sure or not depends on who is asking.It means that you would give a different answer if a different person asked how sure you are. This clearly explains why you said it depends on who is asking.

If I had a tail, I would have wagged it to show how sure I am

‘If I had a tail, I would have wagged it to show how sure I am’ is a funny response to ‘Are you sure.' You make the person think you are a dog, that sounds funny.When a dog is happy and in a good mood, you would notice how they wag its tail often.Humans don't have a tail, but when you respond by telling him you would wag your tail to show how sure you are showing you are only being funny in your response and you do not mean to wag your tail - obviously, you do not have any.

Too bad you cannot read sign language, I already showed you how sure I was

‘Too bad you cannot read sign language, I already showed you how sure I was’ is a funny response to ‘Are you sure.' It shows you responded using sign language, but he was not attentive enough to notice the sign language.In a response like this, you make it clear that you responded using sign language and it is not his fault that he cannot read sign language.If he was able to, he would have known how sure you are by reading the signs and he would not need to ask that question.

I was so sure until you came around, I began to have doubt

This response shows that his presence caused a change. You were once sure about what you were saying, but the moment he came around you were no longer sure. It may sound funny but it happens sometimes.This is a good reply you can use if someone asks you how sure you are and you want to reply funnily.

I am still wondering if I am still sure as I was

With this response, you are sending a response to the person that you wonder if you are as sure as you were.This shows you were once sure but at that point, you are not as sure as you used to be. With a response like this, the person would understand that you are not so sure. This is a response to his question ‘Are you sure’?

Till I am sure, I have no reply. I do not like to speak when I am not sure

This shows you do not like to speak when you are not sure of something. You would rather speak when you are sure of what you are saying.With a response like this, he would understand that you are a person that only likes to speak when you are sure of what you are saying. This reply makes the person understand you better.

If I were not sure I would not have said anything

In the real sense, people would rather talk when they are sure about what they are saying. You are also telling him directly in this reply that you only said something because you were sure and if you were not sure you would not have said anything.With this, you have already passed a message to him that you were sure of what you said and that was why you spoke. If not you would not have spoken.

I would answer after you ask the 10th time

This reply is funny because no one has such energy to ask you a particular question ten times. No one would do that.When you reply this way, the person would see that you were only trying to be funny in your response and you do not mean it literally.No one has such time to ask you the same question ten times. He should know that you were only being funny in your response.

Not as sure as I was minutes ago

In this reply, you let him know that you were once sure, but three minutes later you were no longer sure. It sounds funny because this barely happens.You can hardly be sure about something and then become unsure three minutes later. It sounds so funny. This is why this is a funny reply you can use when someone asks how sure you are.

The fact that you are asking me shows you still doubt me

Usually, when someone knows how sure you are about something, he would not ask too many questions or he would not ask you multiple times if you are sure. The fact that he keeps asking you if you are sure shows that he doubts you.You can use this as a funny response when someone asks you ‘Are you sure’.

When would you begin to trust me?

This is one of the funny responses you can give when someone asks you ‘Are you sure.' It is a funny way of getting back at the person on why he does not trust you.It could be that you expected he would trust you enough to believe that you are sure of what you are saying. But this response shows that he does not trust you so much.

Almost, haha!

‘Almost, haha!’ is one funny reply to ‘Are you sure.' Can one be almost sure? It barely happens. When you give this reply it shows you are only joking about it and you are trying to be funny.You will barely see anyone that says they are almost sure about something. When you give this reply, he should be able to know that you were only trying to be funny about your reply.

What language do you want me to respond in?

This would be possible if you speak different languages. But would say something to someone in a different language just for someone to understand what you are saying?People barely do that. But now that he has listened to your response, it would be obvious that he is only being funny and he does not plan to respond in different languages.

I am 99.999% sure, haha!

‘I am 99.999% sure, haha!’ is one funny response to ‘Are you sure.' You are telling the person in a funny way that you are sure of what you are saying.With this response, he can ask a few questions if you are sure. He already gets the message from this response of yours.

You already know the answer, but what tone do you want me to use in responding?

‘You already know the answer, but what tone do you want me to use in responding?’ is a good response to ‘Are you sure’.Sometimes, the tone you use in talking to you says a lot about how you feel at that moment.

I do not know, I would be sure by the weekend

‘I do not know, I would be sure by the weekend’ is a funny reply to ‘Are you sure.' It could be that you need some time so you can be sure of what you are saying.This sounds funny that you want to way

I have lived all my life being sure of what I say

‘I have lived all my life being sure of what I say’ is a funny response to ‘Are you sure’. This shows that you are always sure of what you are saying. It is funny because it sounds so cocky.

Fair, to partly sure

‘Fair, to partly sure’ is a funny response to ‘Are you sure'. Being sure about something means you are sure about it. You cannot be fairly sure. You can either be sure or not sure about it.

Final Words

Giving these responses that I shared in this article would make you sound funny. It is good if you also make the person understand that you are only giving the responses so you can sound funny.You are in no way trying to be intentionally cocky or aggressive. You only wanted to be funny in your responses.


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