20 Funny Responses to 'Are You High?'

Have you ever been asked if you're high, even when you're completely sober? It's a question that can catch you off guard and leave you struggling for a response.But why not turn the tables and respond in a way that's unexpected and humorous? We've compiled a list of 20 funny responses to the question 'Are you high?' that is sure to leave everyone in stitches.From quippy one-liners to playful comebacks, these responses will have you laughing out loud and wondering why you haven't used them before.So, sit back, relax, and get ready for some hilarious and unconventional ways to handle the question.

20 Funny Responses To 'Are You High?'

If you've ever been asked if you're high when you're perfectly sober, you know how frustrating it can be. But instead of getting angry, why not have a little fun with it?Simply put,  'No, I'm just high on life.' or 'What makes you think I'm not?' you can also say 'High on what?' Life?  Love?  Coffee?' or 'No, but thanks for asking.' 'Want to join me?' to make it more engaging.Here are 20 witty and humorous responses to the question "Are you high?" that are sure to leave your interrogator speechless.

  1. 'No, I'm just high on life.'
  2. 'What makes you think I'm not?'
  3. 'I don't need drugs to act like this.'
  4. 'I'm not high; I'm just really happy.'
  5. 'High on what?' Life?  Love?  Coffee?'
  6. 'No, but thanks for asking.' 'Want to join me?'
  7. 'I'm just high on the power of my own awesomeness.'
  8. 'Is the sky blue?' 'Of course, I'm high.'
  9. 'I'm not high; I'm just vertically challenged.'
  10. 'No, but I can be if you want to pass me that joint.'
  11. 'I prefer to think of myself as naturally quirky.'
  12. 'No, but I wish I was.'
  13. 'High on what?' 'I haven't checked the ingredient list.'
  14. 'I'm not high; I'm just seeing things differently than you.'
  15. 'I'm high on good vibes and positive energy.'
  16. 'I'm not high; I'm just channeling my inner hippie.'
  17. 'No, I'm just naturally this weird.'
  18. 'High on life, low on sleep.'
  19. 'I'm not high; I'm just really enjoying this conversation.'
  20. 'No, but I wish I was.' 'Can you hook me up?'

'No, I'm just high on life.'

Funny Responses to Are You High?When someone asks if you're high, a funny and teasing way to respond is by saying, 'No, I'm just high on life.' This response suggests that you're feeling good and happy without the need for any external substances. But it also adds a playful and sarcastic twist to the question.By saying that you're 'high on life,' you're essentially poking fun at the assumption that someone would need drugs or alcohol to feel good. You're letting the person know that you don't take yourself too seriously and that you're comfortable with who you are.So, if you're in a lighthearted and humorous mood, don't be afraid to respond to the question with, 'No, I'm just high on life.'It's a funny and teasing way to show that you have a positive attitude toward life and that you're not afraid to be a bit sarcastic. Just make sure the person you're talking to has a good sense of humor too!

'What makes you think I'm not?'

If you're feeling a bit playful and want to turn the tables on the person who asked if you're high, consider responding with, 'What makes you think I'm not?' It's a fun and cheeky way to keep the conversation light and entertaining.This response is a playful way to turn the question back on the person who asked it. By responding in this way, you're implying that the person may not know you well enough to make assumptions about your behavior or state of mind.It's a way to tease the person a bit and let them know that you're not going to take the question too seriously.

'I don't need drugs to act like this.'

To sound natural, a bit goofy, or carefree, and that you don't need any external substances to let loose and have fun.By responding in this way, you're also indirectly suggesting that the person who asked the question may be making assumptions about your behavior based on stereotypes or preconceived notions.You're showing that you're comfortable with who you are and that you don't feel the need to conform to anyone else's expectations.

'I'm not high; I'm just really happy.'

When someone asks if you're high, responding with 'I'm not high, I'm just really happy' can be a fascinating way to showcase your positive outlook on life.This response tells the person that you're in a great mood and that you're experiencing a natural high without the help of any external substances.What's fascinating about this response is that it challenges the common assumption that people need drugs or alcohol to feel good.By suggesting that your happiness is purely a reflection of your current state of mind, you're demonstrating the power of positive thinking and the ability to find joy in everyday life.

'High on what?' Life?  Love?  Coffee?'

Ah, this response is a playful and clever way to respond to the question, 'Are you high?'By asking, 'High on what? Life? Love? Coffee?', You're taking the question quite literally and suggesting that there are plenty of things in life that can give you a natural high.It's a playful way to deflect the question and make light of the situation, while also showing that there are other ways to feel good besides drugs.This response can also be seen as a way of turning the tables on the person who asked if you were high.By posing a playful question in response, you're showing that you're not taking the question too seriously and that you're comfortable with your own quirks and personality.

'No, but thanks for asking.' 'Want to join me?'

Now, this response is a bit of a cheeky way to reply to the question 'Are you high?'. By saying, 'No, but thanks for asking. Want to join me?', You're suggesting that you're open to the idea of getting high, but you're also not admitting to being high yourself.This response is a great way to lighten the mood and turn a potentially awkward situation into a playful one.By suggesting that you're open to the idea of getting high, you're showing that you're not judgmental or closed-minded when it comes to drugs and alcohol.

'I'm just high on the power of my own awesomeness.'

Here comes a more playful and confident way to reply to the question, 'Are you high?' By saying, 'Just high on the power of my own awesomeness,' you're suggesting that you feel great about yourself and that you're riding a natural high of self-confidence.It's such a great way to inject some humor into the situation and to show that you're comfortable with your own quirks and idiosyncrasies.By suggesting that you're high on your own awesomeness, you're also demonstrating a healthy level of self-esteem and self-love, which can be inspiring and infectious.Additionally, this response can be seen as a way to challenge the stereotypes around drug use and the notion that people only get high to escape their problems or insecurities.

'Is the sky blue?' 'Of course, I'm high.'

Who says funny can also be sarcastic? This is a way to reply to the question, 'Are you high?' By saying, 'Is the sky blue? Of course I'm high.' You're suggesting that it's obvious you're under the influence of something.This response is a great way to inject some humor into the situation and show that you're comfortable with your own quirks and idiosyncrasies.By using a rhetorical question to reply, you're also showing that you're not taking the question too seriously and that you're not afraid to play around with language and communication.

'I'm not high; I'm just vertically challenged.'

If you want a more witty and playful way to respond to the question 'Are you high?'. By using a pun like this to turn the focus to your height, the responder is able to make light of the situation and take the pressure off of them to answer the question directly.Additionally, this response can be seen as a way to challenge the idea that being high is a negative or shameful thing.By deflecting the question with humor and poking fun at themselves,you show that they are comfortable with who you are, including your height or any other quirks you may have.

'No, but I can be if you want to pass me that joint.'

This response plays off the idea that drugs are meant to be taken in jest and should only be used in appropriate social settings.It's not a serious endorsement of drug use but rather a way to playfully engage with the topic in a way that encourages open and honest conversation.So the next time someone asks if you're high, consider responding with 'No, but I can be if you want to pass me that joint' - you never know where the conversation might lead.

'I prefer to think of myself as naturally quirky.'

When asked if they're high, some people might feel put on the spot or judged. But not you! You're confident, comfortable in your own skin, and totally unbothered by the question.In fact, you're not just going to answer with a simple 'yes' or 'no'; you're going to take this opportunity to show off your quick wit and charming personality.That's where the response, 'I prefer to think of myself as naturally quirky,' comes in. Instead of getting defensive or avoiding the question altogether, you're embracing your unique qualities and celebrating what makes you different from the norm.By suggesting that your quirky behavior is just a part of who you are, you're deflecting any negative connotations that might be associated with drug use and turning the conversation into something positive and lighthearted.

'No, but I wish I was.'

When someone asks if you're high and you're feeling playful, responding with 'No, but I wish I was' is a clever way to turn the question on its head.Rather than denying or confirming the assumption, you're acknowledging the appeal of being under the influence and adding a humorous twist to the conversation.By using this response, you're also subtly pointing out the absurdity of the question itself. Why would someone ask if you're high unless they suspect that you are?This playful response invites the other person to laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation and to embrace the lightheartedness of the moment.

'High on what?' 'I haven't checked the ingredient list.'

Not only is this a witty retort, but it also opens up a world of possibilities. By suggesting that you haven't checked the ingredient list, you're implying that you could be high on any number of things.Maybe it's the rush of adrenaline from a wild night out or the thrill of being around good friends. Maybe it's the excitement of a new job or the joy of discovering a new hobby.The possibilities are endless, and by leaving it open-ended, you're inviting the other person to join in on the fun.So the next time someone asks if you're high, remember that you have the power to turn the situation into a humorous and enjoyable moment.Respond with a sly grin and say, 'High on what? I haven't checked the ingredient list.' Who knows? You might just make a new friend or two along the way.

'I'm not high; I'm just seeing things differently than you.'

Have you ever been in a situation where you're accused of being high, but you're actually just experiencing the world in a unique way?That's exactly what this response is all about. By saying, 'I'm not high; I'm just seeing things differently than you,' you're acknowledging the fact that everyone has their own perspective and that there's no one right way to experience reality.It is also a way to challenge the assumption that being high is the only way to see things differently.

'I'm high on good vibes and positive energy.'

When someone asks if you're high, responding with 'I'm high on good vibes and positive energy' is a great way to convey your positive outlook on life.This response suggests that you're feeling particularly happy and upbeat, but not necessarily as a result of drug use.Overall, this response is a way to convey your positive outlook on life while also challenging the idea that drugs are necessary for experiencing euphoria.It's a great way to encourage others to focus on the good in life and to embrace positivity in all aspects of their lives.

'I'm not high; I'm just channeling my inner hippie.'

It can be tempting to get defensive or deny any drug use. When someone assumes you're high. But if you're feeling in a playful mood, a lighthearted response like 'I'm not high; I'm just channeling my inner hippie' can be a fun way to turn the situation around.This response suggests that you're tapping into the laid-back, free-spirited attitude often associated with the hippie subculture without the use of any mind-altering substances.It's a playful way to acknowledge the stereotype of hippies as drug users while also demonstrating that you can embody the hippie ethos without relying on drugs or alcohol.

'No, I'm just naturally this weird.'

When someone asks if you're high, it's easy to feel put on the spot and maybe even a little defensive. But sometimes, the perfect response is one that takes the question in a lighthearted direction. That's where the reply, 'No, I'm just naturally this weird,' comes in.Funny Responses to Are You High?This response is a humorous way to acknowledge that you might be acting a little strange or out of the ordinary, but it's just a part of who you are.By suggesting that you're 'naturally' weird, you're also showing that you're comfortable in your own skin and that you don't need any substances to be your unique self.

'High on life, low on sleep.'

The phrase 'high on life' is often used to describe a feeling of euphoria or excitement that comes from living in the moment and appreciating the beauty and wonder of the world around us.It suggests that the speaker is not relying on any external substances or stimulants to feel good but rather is tapping into their own internal sources of joy and inspiration.At the same time, the phrase 'low on sleep' suggests that the speaker may be feeling tired or fatigued, possibly due to a busy or stressful lifestyle.This can have negative effects on physical and mental health, including reduced concentration, impaired decision-making, and an increased risk of accidents or injuries.

'I'm not high; I'm just really enjoying this conversation.'

By saying that you're enjoying the conversation, you're acknowledging that the other person is engaging and interesting to talk to. It also implies that you're not under the influence of any drugs that could impair your ability to hold a conversation.This response is also a great way to show that you value the connection and interaction you're having with the other person.It suggests that you're fully present and engaged in the moment, which can be a refreshing change of pace in a world where so many people are constantly distracted by their phones or other stimuli.

'No, but I wish I was.' 'Can you hook me up?'

In some cases, this response could be seen as a playful way to show that you're comfortable with the topic of drugs and don't take it too seriously.By implying that you wouldn't mind being high and asking if the person can 'hook you up', you're indicating that you're open to the idea of trying drugs but not necessarily seeking them out.Alternatively, this response could be a sarcastic or ironic way to deflect the question. By responding with a question of your own, you're avoiding a direct answer and instead turning the attention back on the person who asked.This could be a way to diffuse a potentially uncomfortable situation or to show that you're not willing to engage in a conversation about drug use.

In conclusion

Responding to the question 'Are you high?' with a funny or witty response can lighten the mood and make for a more enjoyable interaction.Whether you're actually under the influence or not, these humorous retorts can show that you have a good sense of humor and are comfortable in your own skin.From 'high on life, low on sleep' to 'just high on the power of my own awesomeness,' there are plenty of creative ways to respond to this common question.So, the next time someone asks if you're high, consider trying out one of these clever responses and seeing where the conversation takes you.


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