20 Funny Replies to “My Head Hurts”

If you are a good, reliable friend that everyone can lean on, then you are probably the one that they go to complain to when they have the slightest issue, for example, a hurting head.Usually, a hurting head can mean that they have a headache, or that they have knocked it somewhere, or some other cause that needs to be checked out.Whatever it is, their head hurts and right before you look into helping them ease that pain, you can say some soothing words to them.That brings us to the best responses to give when someone says "My head hurts". While they are going through pain, you want to help them ease that and make them feel better, and you can start that with your words.Let's look into 20 funny responses to "My head hurts", shall we?

20 Funny Replies to "My Head Hurts"

Funny Replies to My Head HurtsTake note that the level of pain they are feeling determines whether or not you use these replies. For example, a light headache can extract a humorous response to make them laugh while a more serious case will get medical attention first before you contemplate any jokes.That said, here are the replies:

  1. Looks like your brain's throwing a little party in there!
  2. Ah, the classic 'brain freeze' without the ice cream, huh?
  3. Did you accidentally join a 'Thinking Olympics' in your sleep?
  4. Your head must be mad at you for all that overthinking!
  5. Your brain cells are doing the limbo, I presume?
  6. Did you give your head permission to stage a protest?
  7. Maybe your head's just jealous of all the attention your heart's been getting lately?
  8. Did you and your head have a late-night debate session?
  9. Did you try giving your head a good ol' Ctrl+Alt+Delete?
  10. Seems like your brain's practicing for a future drum solo!
  11. Your head's just reminding you it needs a software update.
  12. Did you accidentally inhale some advanced calculus while sleeping?
  13. Your head's just upset because it found out your heart got a promotion.
  14. Your head's way of telling you to cut back on the metaphysical pondering.
  15. Perhaps your head's auditioning for a role as a percussionist?
  16. I heard your head's been in negotiations with the weather forecast.
  17. Your head's just giving you a taste of what life as a human maraca is like!
  18. Have you been stuffing your head full of puns again?
  19. Did you forget to pay the 'Rent for Brain Space' this month?
  20. Your head's secretly plotting to become a stand-up comedian. Tough crowd!

1. Looks like your brain's throwing a little party in there!

A hip response to "my head hurts" is "Looks like your brain's throwing a little party in there!"It's odd but very true!Parties are usually very loud and there is usually a lot of ruckus so it is a comparison to a hurting head. It could be a banging headache and all they need is an aspirin.

2. Ah, the classic 'brain freeze' without the ice cream, huh?

A not-so-classic response to "My head hurts" is "Ah, the classic 'brain freeze' without the ice cream, huh?"We have all at one point had a brain freeze and we can tell just how painful it is.Brain freeze can make your head hurt especially if it is not the ice cream brain freeze. It can be that you sniffed something too fast that has a strong smell.

3. Did you accidentally join a 'Thinking Olympics' in your sleep?

If you are speaking to someone who worries a lot, you can say "Did you accidentally join the 'Thinking Olympics' in your sleep?" when they say "My head hurts".It is a polite way of causally telling them that the cause of their head hurting is their worrying too much. The joke in the Olympics tells them just how much they are worrying.

4. Your head must be mad at you for all that overthinking!

Another response for an overthinker who says "My head hurts" is "Your head must be mad at you for all that overthinking!"The head might hurt because of their thinking endlessly. The brain doesn't get to rest and this can cause the hurting feeling that they are experiencing.

5. Your brain cells are doing the limbo, I presume?

"My head hurts" can get a witty reply like "Your brain cells are doing the limbo, I presume?"There are a lot of cells in the brain and well if they are doing the limbo, then it means that they are not at their workstations, hence the chaos and pain they feel.

6. Did you give your head permission to stage a protest?

Funny Replies to My Head Hurts"My head hurts," is a light-hearted approach to react to "Did you give your head permission to stage a protest?" They will focus more on the humor than the discomfort they are feeling.Their head can be staging a protest if they have been doing anything they will warrant it. You can use this reply to tell them to change some of their habits so that they will get back to feeling better.

7. Maybe your head's just jealous of all the attention your heart's been getting lately?

If you want a stupid response, try "Maybe your head's just jealous of all the attention your heart's been getting lately?" "My head hurts," your friend says.It is true that the head is ignored when the heart comes to play so you can use this response to tell them to rest their tired heads instead of chatting that special someone all night.

8. Did you and your head have a late-night debate session?

The worry in the response to "My head hurts" is what distinguishes "Did you and your head have a late-night debate session?" from other responses. You are inquiring about their well-being and, subtly, about the cause if their painInternal conflict can lead to a lot of headache, especially if you are not able to come to a fitting agreement or a compromise. While this seems like any joke, it asks to know what the problem is and how you can help.Two heads they say are better than one hurting overthinking head.

9. Did you try giving your head a good ol' Ctrl+Alt+Delete?

If one of your programming buddies says, "My head hurts," you can respond, "Did you try giving your head a good ol' Ctrl+Alt+Delete?"If you don't know what it does, this command helps you to end programs or any processes that are no longer responding on a computer.While you are not actually asking them to delete the things on their mind, you are advising them to rest or take a break and detox so they will feel better.You can tell this to all your tech-savvy friends.

10. Seems like your brain's practicing for a future drum solo!

The least reassuring response to "My head hurts" is "Seems like your brain's practicing for a future drum solo!" as it highlights the problem without proffering a solution.I feel like the worst type of headache, no matter where you feel it, is the banging headache. It is like your brain is doing a drum solo and it is not playing a soothing beat.

11. Your head's just reminding you it needs a software update.

They might not be a computer but "Your head's just reminding you it needs a software update" is a funny reply to say to your tech friends when they say "My head hurts"Just like your system needs an update, humans need an update too. It can be a change of environment for a few days, detoxify, or to have a fun activity. When they try these, just like your system, they will work and feel better.

12. Did you accidentally inhale some advanced calculus while sleeping?

Funny Replies to My Head HurtsYour amusing response to everybody who says "My head hurts" is "Did you accidentally inhale some advanced calculus while sleeping?" Think about it. A lot of people already hate math. They won't be more open to calculus!It is a funny way to ask what the problem is. With a light reply like this, they are more likely to open up about how they feel which will make it easy to find a solution to the problem.

13. Your head's just upset because it found out your heart got a promotion. 

It may not be the reason a person will say "My head hurts" but "Your head's just upset because it found out your heart got a promotion" is a good guess.For someone who is in love or is starting a new relationship, it is a good reply to use to tease them. They will blush and you can tease them some more.If the cause of their headache is poor care like sleeping late or working till they burnt out, then you can help them to correct that. If it's more serious, you should try to get them to see a doctor to find out the problem.

14. Your head's way of telling you to cut back on the metaphysical pondering.

"Your head's way of telling you to cut back on the metaphysical pondering" is a realistic reply to "My head hurts". We all wonder sometimes and it's not really our fault.Philosophy is a vast confusing subject and metaphysics can be even more confusing. Maybe if they reduced how much they tried to think about how real the universe is, they might not feel that pain.

15. Perhaps your head's auditioning for a role as a percussionist?

A more formal response to "My head hurts" is "Perhaps your head's auditioning for a role as a percussionist?" which is similar to the drum solo reply. This can be used between friends and even senior colleagues in a formal setting.Also if they are going for an audition or working towards a promotion, or simply anything that is a level up from their current position then you can use this as a tease. They will get the joke and you can tell them to take it easy.

16. I heard your head's been in negotiations with the weather forecast.

Now "I heard your head's been in negotiations with the weather forecast" is a full-on silly response to "My head hurts". You can say this to anyone but it will be best for your tall friends.It's just like how people make the "how's the weather up there joke." If you say that regularly to them this won't be out of place and you might just get them laughing.

17. Your head's just giving you a taste of what life as a human maraca is like!

Funny Replies to My Head HurtsFor another music-inclined response, "Your head's just giving you a taste of what life as a human maraca is like!" is a clever response to the complaint "My head hurts". It is great for people who are into music.This reply sounds very intelligent because it appears that your head is trying to teach you a life lesson. How you understand is different from how someone else will but whatever you learn, do try to make use of it.

18. Have you been stuffing your head full of puns again?

"Have you been stuffing your head full of puns again?" is a perfect nonsensical reply to when your clown friends say "My head hurts". Maybe they have been trying to create jokes with numerous puns.Pointing this out to them, jokers or not, will tell them that whatever they are overdoing that is resting on the headache should be reduced so it doesn't get out of control.

19. Did you forget to pay the 'Rent for Brain Space' this month?

There isn't a funnier way to respond. The last thing you want to hear when someone says "My head hurts" is "Did you forget to pay the 'Rent for Brain Space' this month?"Rent space for a brain we were born with is absolutely silly. You will have people laughing so hard at this one, they will laugh away the hurt they feel in their head.

20. Your head's secretly plotting to become a stand-up comedian. Tough crowd!

And the last but not the least funny reply to "My head hurts" on this list is "Your head's secretly plotting to become a stand-up comedian. Tough crowd!"Just like you have your dreams and ambitions, so does your head, and if your dream is to be a stand-up comedian and you are not supporting then you are being a tough crowd, and it's not going to be like that.

Final words

These replies above are funny, witty replies that will make the person you are speaking to amused. It will make them smile but it won't take their pain away so be sure to ask what the problem is and why they feel that way.If you are speaking to a person who doesn't take care of himself or his mental health, a few words of advice will do.If it is a regular headache, then get them a painkiller, on prescription of course. If they are hurt, then you should take them to the hospital.Whatever the cause of the hurting head be sure that after these replies you take action. That way they will appreciate your care and your jokes. That said, have a happy day!


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