20 Funny Replies to “How Do I Look?”

Has anyone ever asked you about how they look? Maybe they're trying out new clothes and want your opinion? Or do they want to buy some and are testing how they fit?Or maybe you're on a date with someone and they ask what you think of their outfit and you want to come off positive and funny? It's all represented in one question; How do I look?The question, "How do I look?" is just asking about your thoughts and approval on their appearance. Sometimes, it may be asked from a place of anxiety, like trying to dress up for an interview and confirming if they look good enough.Sometimes it may come from a place of low self-esteem, and it might also simply be to know what you think about their outfit.With this list, we'll be giving you 20 different funny replies to the question, "How do I look" that you can use in almost any given situation. Let's get into it;

20 Funny Replies to “How Do I Look?”

These answers are not your regular replies. They are hilarious, they are unique and they will make whoever you tell feel special.Not all replies are the same though. Be sure to read through and pick the one that works best for the situation you are in:Funny Replies to How Do I Look

  1. Like a rare unicorn in a field of regular horses.
  2. If you were any better looking, they'd have to invent a new word for it.
  3. You're so good-looking, even your mirror blushes.
  4. On a scale from 'I woke up like this' to 'You need to sit down,' you're closer to the first one.
  5. Is that you or did someone paint a masterpiece and put it in a frame?
  6. If you were in a vegetable garden, you'd be a cute-cumber.
  7. Your attractiveness makes even your shadow request an autograph.
  8. You look like a million bucks – after taxes, of course.
  9. I'd say you look like a walking work of art, but even the Mona Lisa is jealous.
  10. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven and landed in front of that mirror?
  11. If looks were a weapon, you'd be a nuclear weapon.
  12. You're so good-looking, it's like you're photoshopped in real life.
  13. I hope you have a license, because you're driving everyone around you crazy with your looks
  14. I would take a selfie with you, but my camera wouldn't do you justice
  15. Are you a time traveler? Because you seem to have come from the future where looking this good is the norm.
  16. If Hollywood ever needs a new leading star, I know who to recommend.
  17. You're like fine, quality wine – you just keep getting better with age.
  18. Are you a magician? Whenever I look at you, everyone else goes poof.
  19. If beauty were a crime, you'd be in the slammers for life.
  20. Even the mirror can't believe how lucky it is to reflect someone as good-looking as you.

1. Like a rare unicorn in a field of regular horses

A reply like "Like a rare unicorn in a field of regular horses" is one of those very comedic ways to tell a person that they stand out in a crowd when asked, "how do I look?"A reply like this has a good amount of the element of comedy to any person with a good sense of humor as it says something funny but also describes the person in a good way saying that they look extra good.It could also just mean the person in question is overdressed for an occasion and still holds that funny element while telling someone that they might want to change the outfit into something more normal for the given occasion.

2. If you were any better looking, they'd have to invent a new word for it

As a response to "how do I look?" you can use the phrase "If you were any better looking, they'd need to make a new word for it" to describe how you perceive them.It is saying that a person looks good enough to have every word available to describe it can barely do so and that any more would make that impossible and that they would no longer be able to describe how good the person looks.

3. You're so good-looking, even your mirror blushes

"You're so good-looking, even your mirror blushes" Is rather out of the ordinary for a reply to the more simple "how do I look?" because it is not possible for a mirror itself to blush, instead of the person being reflected on it.It is simply an exaggerated statement to show one's thoughts on how wonderful a person looks in the time it is used. "Hey, How do I look? Is this dress good on me?", "You're so good-looking, even your mirror blushes when seeing you in that."

4. On a scale from 'I woke up like this' to 'You need to sit down,' you're definitely closer to the first one

As a reply to "How do I look?" when asked, "On a scale from 'I woke up like this' to 'You need to sit down', you're definitely closer to the first one" is something very funny and nice to say at the same time. It is pleasant for anyone listening.It uses statements made on different levels of attractiveness by different people, like how a person can say "I woke up this way" while looking good to hype themselves up, or someone being told "you need to sit down" when they are about to go out looking terrible.

5. Is that you or did someone paint a masterpiece and put it in a frame?

Most times, a painting, being a depiction of a person's imagination, is seen as many times more beautiful than seeing some of those things in real life.As a result, telling someone they look better than they let on by asking "Is that you or did someone paint a masterpiece and put it in a frame?" in response to a "How do I look?" query.It is mostly used by lovers of art, people who are into the world of social media, and sometimes, creators or said art. It is a way to say that the work the person puts into preparing or taking care of their appearance is appreciated.It is also quite humorous to compare a person to a painting in a frame and would elicit a few chuckles from the recipient of the compliment.

6. If you were in a vegetable garden, you'd be a cute-cumber

Using puns or a bit of wordplay in your response to "how do I look?",  like in this case with "If you were in a vegetable garden, you'd be a cute-cumber", is great if you want to make a few food related jokes while letting them know your thoughts on how they look.It is most effective in a conversation between vegans, vegetarians or just people who like to eat greens for whatever reason as the wordplay used would be much more relatable and appreciated, but is still very good to use with just about anyone.It is a cute attempt at flattery regardless of who it is told to, and it would mostly cause them to laugh and still feel pretty good about themselves.

7. Your attractiveness makes even your shadow request an autograph.

An incredulous response to "How do I look?" is "Your attractiveness makes even your shadow request an autograph". It is  enough to make anyone want to laugh about it.A shadow, regardless of mimicry, is not sentient, so cannot appreciate beauty. But of course, that fact on its own makes using this response more effective as it says of a person that they look so good that it is unreal.

8. You look like a million bucks – after taxes, of course

As far as anyone is concerned, there are very few on the planet today to whom a million dollars or a million of any domestic currency is not attractive to.So, "You look like a million bucks – after taxes, of course", is just great for a response to the "How do I look?" question.Furthermore, the money would need to be after taxes since if it were before taxes, it wouldn't amount to a million dollars.It is more appropriate for working-class folk or people who have started working in one sphere or another as it is more relatable to them.

9. I'd say you look like a walking work of art, and even the Mona Lisa is jealous

As this is similar to one of the ones mentioned previously above, when asked a question like "How do I look?", replying with an "I'd say you look like a walking work of art, and even the Mona Lisa is jealous", works just fine and is a great way to add some humor to a compliment.It banks on the fact that the Mona Lisa is seen as one of the most beautiful paintings of its time and it applies that to a person's looks, which can make them happy.

10. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven and landed in front of that mirror?

In response to a question like "How do I look?" from a friend, you could say "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven and landed in front of that mirror?" as a clever quip in a conversation.It's most appropriate to use it with people you're really close to or people you are in a relationship with. It is funny and sounds very pleasant.

11. If looks were a weapon, you'd be a nuclear weapon

Funny Replies to How Do I Look"If looks were a weapon, you'd be a nuclear weapon" is a flirtatious answer to the question of "how do I look?".Your opinion about their appearance is clearly expressed.It is on the more humorous, yet flirtatious side of good looks compliments that scales the person's looks above the regular standard for good looks. It is best used with a partner or a soon-to-be one.

12. You're so good-looking, it's like you're photoshopped in real life

For the ones who are more into editing photos like models, when asked "how do I look?", responding with "You're so good-looking, it's like you're photoshopped in real life" is a great way to make a relatable inside joke whilst also telling them what you think about their looks.What it says is that the person has been created or edited to perfection as far as you're concerned about their appearance.Using this on a close workmate or colleague would be most effective and would tell them all they need to know.

13. I hope you have a license, because you're driving everyone around you crazy with your looks

A good use is puns or wordplay is never tiring. If someone asks "how do I look?" and is replied with "I hope you have a license, because you're driving everyone around you crazy with your looks", they would most likely laugh while blushing.When using this, if the person drives as well, it would be much more fulfilling and they would be happy about the compliment as well.

14. I would take a selfie with you, but my camera wouldn't do you justice

Especially for the social bugs who are more inclined to social media, "I would take a selfie with you, but my camera wouldn't do you justice" is appropriate for the cause.The statement highlights that you find them much more pleasant to the eyes than a digital representation since they are real and pictures are not. Which would make them feel happy.

15. Are you a time traveler? Because you seem to have come from the future where looking this good is the norm.

It is assumed that in the coming years, advancements in science and cosmetics would make it possible for anyone to look as good as they'd want to if they can afford it.Therefore using "Are you a time traveler? Because you seem to have come from the future where looking this good is the norm" is still valid to answer "how do I look?".You saying the look futuristically beautiful could give anyone a laugh and a reason to feel good about their looks. It gets the job done.

16. If Hollywood ever needs a new leading star, I know who to recommend

A charming way to reply "how do I look?" is by saying "If Hollywood ever needs a new leading star, I know who to recommend" as it easily makes a person want to show themselves off.Hollywood stars and people in the industry are usually good looking so telling a person they're just as good-looking is great for their self-esteem.

17. You're like fine, quality wine – you just keep getting better with age

A "how do I look?"  met with a suave reply like "You're like fine, quality wine – you just keep getting better with age" is just very beautiful and wholesome.It is used a lot for people on their birthday to let them know that a year older isn't so bad. But most appropriate and effective for the elders. Just as a reminder that they are still great at old age.

18. Are you a magician? Whenever I look at you, everyone else goes poof.

You can also be both funny and nice using "Are you a magician? Whenever I look at you, everyone else goes poof" to answer "how do I look?"Relating their looks to a magic truck adds humor to how they are the focus of your attention once they appear.

19. If beauty were a crime, you'd be in the slammers for life.

If you replied "How do I look?" with something like "If beauty were a crime, you'd be in the slammers for life," you would convince the person you are speaking to that they had remarkable beauty.By exacerbating the extent of their good looks, and relating it to crime and jail time, you get a hilarious, yet sweet way to flirt with anyone close enough.

20. Even the mirror can't believe how lucky it is to reflect someone as good-looking as you.

Telling that good-looking person that they are good-looking when they ask "how do I look?" can be done with this: "Even the mirror can't believe how lucky it is to reflect someone as good-looking as you"It is a show of how you feel about seeing them. And they would greatly appreciate being told something that nice. All while laughing at how ridiculous your reply was.

Final Words

Before considering your reply to the question "it is important that you think of how appropriate your reply will be to the different people involved.Also considering the circumstances as that's the way they can have the most effect on the people they are being used on.Everyone deserves to look good and feel good about their looks when the effort has been put into it.Now if you didn't know what to say if you wanted to hype a person up while being hilarious at the same time, with this list of responses to the question, it should get much easier to make a person's day with some fun ways to compliment them appropriately.


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