20 Funny Answers to "What Is the Meaning of Life?"

Have you ever been asked what the meaning of life is? This question has various answers, according to different perspectives of people.When someone throws this question at you, it might take you unawares. But, instead of struggling to provide a good enough answer, you can try funny replies instead.In this article, we'll be discussing some hilarious answers to the meaning of life. You can offer any of these answers in a casual conversation.

20 Funny Answers to "What Is the Meaning of Life?"

As I've earlier established, life has different meanings for different people. And while you can provide some close-to-the-truth response, you can also add some humor when someone asks you what the meaning of life is.However, humor is subjective. So, you should use these answers with discretion.Here are 20 amusing answers to "What is the meaning of life?"

  1. Life is whatever you say life is
  2. Life is whatever you make of it 
  3. Life is life
  4. Life has no meaning
  5. Life is different humans minding their business 
  6. Life's meaning is in the dictionary
  7. Do not take life seriously
  8. Life is living and dying
  9. Ask Google, please 
  10. Sadly, only life knows the answer 
  11. Life is being alive
  12. Life is expecting the unexpected
  13. Life is you asking me meaningless questions
  14. Life is having to deal with so many people that look like you every day 
  15. Food is life
  16. Life is like a pizza, the different flavors you add give it different tastes 
  17. Life is like an onion, the more you cut it, the more you cry
  18. Life? Have you got a life? 
  19. 42
  20. To discover life's meaning 

Life Is Whatever You Say Life Is

"Life is whatever you say life is" is one of the funny answers to provide someone who asks you "What is the meaning of life?"This is a funny way to reply to them if you don't have any quick answer to the meaning of life. It's a smart response that tells them the meaning of life is their thoughts.So, whatever they think or say life is, then that's what it is. However, while it may be funny, it doesn't lack meaning.Here's how you can use this phrase:

  • There's no definitive answer to that question. Life is whatever you say life is
  • Life is whatever you say life is. Anything at all

Life Is Whatever You Make of It 

"Life is whatever you make of it" is another answer to give someone who asks you for the meaning of life. This is a common saying philosophers say about life. But, you can add a bit of humor while giving your response. It can also serve as a quick answer if you don't want the struggle of thinking of what the perfect answer is.Here's how you can use it:

  • Life is whatever you make of it. It lies in your hand
  • Life is whatever you make of it. Don't stress yourself looking for a better answer 

Life Is Life 

"Life is life" is another humorous answer to give someone who asks for the meaning of life. This response shows you don't have anything to say about life.It's a funny way to avoid struggling for an answer. Just tell them that life is life and of course it is.Here's how you can use this phrase:

  • Life is life. What else do you want to hear?
  • Of course, life is life. No other meaning suits it

Life Has no Meaning

"Life has no meaning" is another quick answer to give someone who wants to know about the meaning of life.This is a funny reply to give someone when you don't have anything to say about the meaning of life. However, some people believe that life has no meaning.This response is a famous quote by Joseph Campbell. He explains that life has no meaning, but rather each person has a meaning they bring to life.His emphasis is that life has no objective meaning. So, while you can give this answer to have some fun, it's also truthful in itself.Here's how you can playfully give this response:

  • Life has no meaning. Don't waste your time asking and looking for a meaning
  • Life has no meaning. I'm sure you are aware 

Life Is Different Humans Minding Their Business 

Funny Answers to What Is the Meaning of Life"Life is different humans minding their business" is another answer to provide for someone who wants to know the meaning of life.This is a hilarious response that people can relate to. Humans are wired to live an independent life. So, daily we see people struggle for their needs.While of course, there are people who make people's business theirs, either positively or negatively, this is just a general view that explains humans' instinct for survival.Here's how you can use this response:

  • Life is different humans minding their business. So, you should mind yours
  • Life is different humans minding their business because they don't care 

Life's Meaning Is in the Dictionary

Another thing you can say to someone who wants to know about the meaning of life is, "Life's meaning is in the dictionary"It's a very funny reply that dismisses the person if you don't want to engage in their conversation. And of course, they'll find the meaning of life if they search the dictionary.Here's how you can use it:

  • Life's meaning is in the dictionary. Go find it there
  • Life's meaning is in the dictionary not with me

Do Not Take Life Seriously 

Another thing you can tell someone when you don't have the answer to the meaning of life is "Do not take life seriously."It's another funny way to dismiss them if you are not open to a conversation. While this reply may be amusing, it has a deep meaning.Someone can give you this advice because they want you to relax and enjoy most of your time if you're the type that spends all your time working hard.Here's how to use this statement:

  • Do not take life seriously, it has no meaning. Just live your life, and don't merely exist 
  • Do not take life seriously, there's no point to that. You'll die anyway 

Life is Living and Dying 

Another hilarious thing to say to someone asking for the meaning of life is, "Life is living and dying."It's a funny response, yet it doesn't lack meaning. Of course, we all know that we'll all die someday. So, this definition summarizes what happens when you have life; you live and then you die. It's a quick and straightforward response if you don't want to stress yourself thinking of something deeper.Here's how to use this response:

  • Life is living and dying. So, how you want to live is left to you
  • Life is living and dying. Nothing more to it

Ask Google, Please 

"Ask Google, please" is another answer to give someone who asks about the meaning of life.This response is a quick one that'll dismiss the person when you don't have any answer for them. Google definitely will provide the answer for them.However, this response can come out as rude. So, you should use a playful tone to reply to them.Here's how you can use the phrase:

  • Ask Google, please. Google knows everything
  • Ask Google, please. Do you want to embarrass me? 

Sadly, Only Life Knows the Answer 

"Sadly, only life knows the answer" is another humorous thing to say to someone asking for the meaning of life.This response sounds emotional, and it's a funny way to engage with the person asking.However, it's a smart way of avoiding providing an answer.Here's an example:

  • Sadly, only life knows the answer. Maybe we should ask it
  • Sadly, only life knows the answer. It's full of many answers 

Life Is Being Alive 

"Life is being alive" is a quick and straightforward answer to provide for someone asking for the meaning of life.Of course, to have life is to be alive. This reply is just the adjective form of the word, "life" and a funny answer to give if you don't have anything to say.Here's how to use it:

  • Life is being alive. Nothing more
  • Life is being alive. Right now, you've life because you're alive 

Life Is Expecting the Unexpected 

"Life is expecting the unexpected" is another funny response to give someone asking for the meaning of life.However, this response doesn't lack meaning, as most of the things we experience in life are unplanned.Here's how to use this phrase:

  • Life is expecting the unexpected. In the same way, your question is unexpected
  • Life is expecting the unexpected in life 

Life Is You Asking Me Meaningless Question

"Life is you asking me meaningless questions" is another answer to provide someone looking for the meaning of life. This response tells them that life is what you experience while letting them know their question is meaningless. You should give this response with a playful tone, so they get your humor.Here's how to use the response:

  • Life is what you experience daily like you asking me meaningless questions. 
  • Life is you asking me meaningless questions like this 

Life Is Having to Deal with So Many People That Look Like You Every Day

Another amusing answer you can provide someone asking for the meaning of life is, "Life is having to deal with so many people that look like you every day."This response implies that life is what you go through with your family. It's a funny way to tell them that family is the meaning of life to you.Here's how to use this expression:

  • Life is having to deal with so many people who look like you every day that you get confused. 
  • Life is having to deal with so many people that look like you every day. My siblings never allow me to rest

Food Is Life 

Funny Answers to What Is the Meaning of Life"Food is life" is a quick answer if you like food.When someone asks you what the meaning of life is, use this question to let them know that you're a foodie. It emphasizes the importance you put on food.Here's how to use this phrase:

  • Food is life. Just bless me with food and you've given my life meaning
  • Food is life. You'll be my friend if you share my view 

Life Is Like a Pizza, the Different Flavors You Add Give It Different Tastes 

"Life is like a pizza, the different flavors you add give it different tastes" is a funny comparison to life.However, looking at it closely, you'll see this statement means that life is whatever you make of it. Here's how to use the expression:

  • Life is like a pizza, the different flavors you add give it different tastes. This means you get what you give to life
  • Life is like a pizza, the different flavors you add give it different tastes. So, it's your choice 

Life Is Like an Onion, the More you Cut It, the More You Cry

Funny Answers to What Is the Meaning of Life"Life is like an onion, the more you cut it, the more you cry" is another hilarious comparison to give someone asking for the meaning of life.It's an expression that implies that life is full of struggles. However, people can give this expression their meaning. Here's how to use the expression:

  • Life is like an onion, the more you cut it, the more you cry. It's full of struggles
  • Life is like onions, the more you cut it, the more you cry. If you don't want to cry, don't live 

Life? Have You Got a Life? 

"Life? Have you got a life?" is a mocking reply.This funny response implies that you don't care about the meaning of life. It's a quick and playful way to dismiss them.Here's how to use the reply:

  • Life? Have you got a life? I doubt it
  • Life? Have you got a life? You shouldn't be asking this question 


"42" is another funny and quick reply from the "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," a book by Douglas Adams.This response implies that this question is difficult, and there is no simple answer to the meaning of life.

To Discover Life's Meaning 

"To discover life's meaning" is another funny reply with a deep meaning.This response is a play on words that can cause people to laugh. However, it simply means life has meaning when you discover your purpose.Here's how to use it:

  • To discover life's meaning is simply what life is
  • To discover life's meaning gives it meaning


The meaning of life is subjective. Everyone gives life its meaning.However, funny responses help to spice up your conversations. So, try any of the above responses when someone asks you the meaning of life. 


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