20 Funny Answers to "What Inspires You?"

Have you ever dreaded being asked about what motivates or inspires you in an interview? Some people struggle with answering this open-ended question in an authentic and engaging way.While inspiration is a very personal feeling, sometimes the best responses invoke humor and self-reflection.When asked what inspires us, we don’t have to respond with clichés about sunrises, mothers, or world peace. In fact, a bit of tongue-in-cheek humor and wit can make for a far more memorable answer. Inspiration comes in many forms, so why not have a laugh with it?In this article, I’ll be showing you funny responses to ‘What inspires you?’ which will make you chuckle and think outside the box. Forget virtue signaling and say something clever!So, the next time someone asks you this open-ended question, you’ll have a humorous answer at the ready.Read on for 20 amusing responses to lighten the mood and bring on the chuckles.

20 Funny Answers To What Inspires You?   

While inspiration is commonly associated with great causes, brave achievements, and awe-inspiring scenes, the most amusing answers to 'What inspires you?' reveal that truly humorous sparks of inspiration can be found in the most unexpected places.Here are some hilarious responses you can use to answer the question, ‘What inspires you?’

  • My cat's ability to sleep for 20 hours a day and still look fabulous.
  • The fact that I can eat an entire pizza by myself and not feel guilty about it.
  • The prospect of taking a nap after a long day of doing absolutely nothing.
  • The blissful thought of winning the lottery and never having to work ever again.
  • The possibility of becoming a viral meme and living off the royalties.
  • The way my bed seems to call out to me every morning when I have to wake up.
  • The idea of having a personal assistant to do all the boring stuff for me.
  • The fact that I can binge-watch an entire series in one weekend without getting up from the couch.
  • The way my dog looks at me like I'm the most important thing in the world (even though I know he just wants a treat).
  • The thought of becoming a world-famous influencer and getting free stuff all the time.
  • The way my grandma always tells me I'm her favorite grandchild (even though I'm an only child).
  • The satisfaction of finally finishing a crossword puzzle after days of struggling with it.
  • The excitement of finding a new pair of shoes on sale that actually fit my weirdly-shaped feet.
  • The way my car always starts on the first try (even though it's older than I am).
  • The possibility of discovering a hidden talent that will make me famous overnight.
  • The satisfaction of getting a really good deal on something I don't even need.
  • The thought of retiring to a tropical island and sipping margaritas all day.
  • The way my best friend always knows exactly what to say to make me laugh (even when I'm feeling down).
  • The prospect of getting a standing ovation for telling a really bad joke.
  • The way my mom always tells me I'm handsome, even though I look like a potato.

1. My cat's ability to sleep for 20 hours a day and still look fabulous 

'My cat's ability to sleep for 20 hours a day and still look fabulous' is a funny answer to 'What inspires you?' because it's a lighthearted way of acknowledging the importance of self-care and relaxation.While most people might be inspired by something more profound or meaningful, this response hilariously states that the ability to sleep for extended periods and still look good is an admirable quality.

2. The fact that I can eat an entire pizza by myself and not feel guilty about it 

'The fact that I can eat an entire pizza by myself and not feel guilty about it' is a blunt and funny answer to 'What inspires you?’. It’s a smooth and playful way of acknowledging the pleasures of life and not taking oneself too seriously.Funny Answers to What Inspires YouMotivation is most commonly ambitious and noble, but this response funnily admits that the ability to indulge in one's favorite foods without remorse is a source of motivation.

3. The prospect of taking a nap after a long day of doing absolutely nothing 

'The prospect of taking a nap after a long day of doing absolutely nothing' is a funny answer to 'What inspires you?' and a witty way of acknowledging the importance of self-care and downtime.Rest and relaxation are usually considered irrelevant in the modern world, so stating it as a source of motivation is out of the norm, and outrightly funny.

4. The blissful thought of winning the lottery and never having to work ever again 

Ever considered the idea of financial freedom and never having to work again as a source of motivation? Then use 'The blissful thought of winning the lottery and never having to work ever again' as a funny answer to 'What inspires you?'.It’s hilarious because it’s a very unlikely thing to happen.

5. The possibility of becoming a viral meme and living off the royalties 

'The possibility of becoming a viral meme and living off the royalties' is a hilarious answer to 'What inspires you?'  because it gives the idea of internet fame and fortune as a source of motivation.It's a playful way of acknowledging the power of social media and the desire for recognition and success.

6. The way my bed seems to call out to me every morning when I have to wake up 

'The way my bed seems to call out to me every morning when I have to wake up' is a funny answer to 'What inspires you?' because it is a humorous take on how difficult it can be to wake up in the morning.Many people struggle with getting out of bed, and the idea that the bed is calling out to you adds a playful twist to a common problem.

7. The idea of having a personal assistant to do all the boring stuff for me 

'The idea of having a personal assistant to do all the boring stuff for me' is a funny answer to 'What inspires you?' because it highlights the desire to have someone else take care of all the mundane tasks in life.It's a funny highlight on the idea that we all wish we had someone to take care of the boring parts of life so we could focus on the fun stuff.

8. The fact that I can binge-watch an entire series in one weekend without getting up from the couch 

'The fact that I can binge-watch an entire series in one weekend without getting up from the couch' is a funny answer to 'What inspires you?' because it speaks to our love of entertainment and our desire to indulge in it without any interruptions.It’s a humorous way of showing how much we enjoy our favorite shows and movies.

9. The way my dog looks at me like I'm the most important thing in the world (even though I know he just wants a treat) 

'The way my dog looks at me like I'm the most important thing in the world (even though I know he just wants a treat)' is a funny answer to 'What inspires you?' because it shows how much we love our pets and the funny things we tell ourselves about their behavior.It's a humorous take on how we humanize our pets and the joy they bring to our lives.

10. The thought of becoming a world-famous influencer and getting free stuff all the time 

'The thought of becoming a world-famous influencer and getting free stuff all the time' is a funny answer to 'What inspires you?' because it suggests that materialistic desires and fame are the driving forces behind one's motivation.While it may be a humorous response, it also highlights the societal obsession with social media and celebrity status.

11. The way my grandma always tells me I'm her favorite grandchild (even though I'm an only child) 

'The way my grandma always tells me I'm her favorite grandchild (even though I'm an only child)' is a funny answer to 'What inspires you?' because it pokes fun at the idea of favoritism and the unconditional love that grandmothers have for their grandchildren.It also suggests that validation and recognition from loved ones can be a source of inspiration.

12. The satisfaction of finally finishing a crossword puzzle after days of struggling with it 

'The satisfaction of finally finishing a crossword puzzle after days of struggling with it' is a funny answer to 'What inspires you?' because it suggests that the completion of a challenging task can be a motivating factor.It highlights the sense of accomplishment and the joy that comes with overcoming obstacles.

13. The excitement of finding a new pair of shoes on sale that actually fit my weirdly-shaped feet 

'The excitement of finding a new pair of shoes on sale that actually fit my weirdly-shaped feet' is a funny answer to 'What inspires you?' because it suggests that even the smallest things, like finding a good deal on shoes, can bring joy and inspiration.It also highlights the importance of self-care and feeling good about oneself.

14. The way my car always starts on the first try (even though it's older than I am) 

'The way my car always starts on the first try (even though it's older than I am)' is a funny answer to 'What inspires you?' because it suggests that reliability and consistency can be a source of motivation.It also shows the sentimental value that one may have for their possessions, regardless of their age or condition.

15. The possibility of discovering a hidden talent that will make me famous overnight 

'The possibility of discovering a hidden talent that will make me famous overnight' is a funny answer to the question 'What inspires you?' because it plays on the idea that fame and fortune can come easily and without much effort.The phrase suggests that the speaker is not necessarily looking for something meaningful or fulfilling, but rather a shortcut to success and recognition.

16. The satisfaction of getting a really good deal on something I don't even need 

'The satisfaction of getting a really good deal on something I don't even need' is a funny answer to the question 'What inspires you?' because it pokes fun at the consumerist culture that encourages us to constantly buy things we don't actually need.The fact that you don’t find joy in the item itself, rather you find joy in the feeling makes it much more hilarious

17. The thought of retiring to a tropical island and sipping margaritas all-day 

'The thought of retiring to a tropical island and sipping margaritas all day' is a funny answer to the question 'What inspires you?' because it paints a picture of a stereotypical, carefree retirement that many people dream of but few actually achieve.

18. The way my best friend always knows exactly what to say to make me laugh (even when I'm feeling down) 

'The way my best friend always knows exactly what to say to make me laugh (even when I'm feeling down)' is a funny answer to the question 'What inspires you?' because it suggests that the speaker's main source of inspiration is not something grand or significant, but rather a close friend who knows how to cheer them up.The phrase highlights the importance of humor and human connection in our lives, and it implies a certain level of humility and appreciation for the simple pleasures of life.

19. The prospect of getting a standing ovation for telling a really bad joke

'The prospect of getting a standing ovation for telling a really bad joke' is a funny answer to the question 'What inspires you?' because it plays on the idea that humor can be a powerful tool for connecting with others, even if the joke itself is terrible.

20. The way my mom always tells me I'm handsome, even though I look like a potato

'The way my mom always tells me I'm handsome, even though I look like a potato' is a funny answer to the question 'What inspires you?' because it highlights the importance of unconditional love and support, even in the face of obvious flaws or shortcomings.This phrase means that you value the validation and encouragement you receive from your mother, even if it may not necessarily be entirely accurate or objective.

Final Words

Whether you found inspiration in this or giggled at the witty examples I’ve shared, hopefully, this collection of funny responses to What inspires you? put a smile on your face today.For those still searching for that perfect source of inspiration, be on the lookout for simple joys and absurdity around you - they just might provide the fuel you need to jumpstart your motivation and creativity.But beyond the laughter and humor, there's a deeper message here. Inspiration is not always something that needs to be sought out or searched for tirelessly.Sometimes, it's simply a matter of being open to the world around us and finding joy in everyday moments.So the next time someone asks you what inspires you, don't be afraid to let your sense of humor shine through. Whether it's a silly meme or a funny anecdote, inspiration can come in all shapes and sizes.And who knows, maybe your lighthearted response will inspire someone else to find joy in the little things too.Share this with a friend if it made an impact.


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