20 Funny Answers to "How Was Your Exam?"

Beyond the usual test of knowledge, examination is quite all-encompassing. For some individuals, it can bring tension while others are screaming 'bring it on', whichever category you fall in, you may be faced with the question 'how was your exam' at one point or the other.This article provides possible answers that you can give in such scenarios.Let's look into them together.

20 Funny Ways to Respond to "How Was Your Exam?"

  1. 'It was so complex; because of my mood, my pen was laughing.'
  2. 'I guess the level of understanding between my exam paper and mine was at a different pace.'
  3. 'I think you should give me an award for being a master guesser. That was what saved me during my exam.
  4. 'I had so much faith that my invigilator suspected that I was cheating.'
  5. 'My exam was a complete explanation of what a tragicomedy is, especially the tragic experience.
  6. 'My brain went on a vacation.'
  7. 'It was so difficult that even my pen didn't want to write further.'
  8. 'I answered all the questions. But I left the sheet blank when I got to questions I didn't know.'
  9. 'I was so confused in the exam hall that I began to think of my cat.'
  10. 'It was like making an effort to explain how the shadow of a person can become another human.'
  11. 'I knew that my brain wasn't functioning in the right direction during the exam.'
  12.  'I made new inventions in the exam hall. I expressed myself so creatively. I simply hope I didn't propound a new theory.'
  13. 'I thought my lucky pen would have saved me, but it didn't.'
  14. 'My exam questions are just like a puzzle. Unfortunately, I couldn't navigate through it.'
  15. 'My exam was a battle. Immediately I remember what to write; something wipes my memory off.'
  16. 'I moved towards the exam with full confidence that I was going to ace the exam, but along the way, my memory began a hide-and-seek journey.'
  17. 'During my exam, the only thing I was so good at was acting like I knew what I was doing.'
  18. 'I felt like I was thrown into a seat of confusion.'
  19. 'My brain took a break immediately after I started.'
  20. My exam became a test of faith.

1. 'It was so complex; because of my mood, my pen was laughing'

Funny Answers to How Was Your ExamThis is a funny way to respond to how your exam was. It gives the feeling that you found everything on the paper quite challenging and complex, to the point that your pen indicated a sign of laughter to show how tough the exam was.Sentence examples:

  • 'The exam's complexity made my pen laugh, especially when it understood my mood at that period in time.'
  • 'Through the exam's complexity, my pen seemed to laugh every now and then at my ever-changing mood.'

2. 'I guess the level of understanding between my exam paper and mine was at a different pace.'

You can crack up the people around you and ease the tension in the atmosphere by describing that the level of understanding between your exam paper and you were not at the same pace during your exam.This fun fact shows that you were quite disorganized during exams.Sentence examples:

  • 'I confidently couldn't answer familiar questions. To show my level of understanding, I left blank spaces on my answer sheet.'
  • 'I had so much belief in myself, and it propelled me through questions, yet I left some unknown ones on my answer sheet.'

3. 'I think you should give me an award for being a master guesser. That was what saved me during my exam.

'I think you should give me an award for being a master guesser. That was what saved me during my exam' is a fun response that paints a picture of how blank you were in the exam hall.It also shows that your only hope was to pick answers by guessing.Sentence examples:

  • 'In the exam, I was a master guesser that answered unseen questions and couldn't understand if I was reading from my paper or not.'
  • 'Throughout, I was a guesser, and the pace of my understanding was something that I couldn't explain.'

4. 'I had so much faith that my invigilator suspected that I was cheating.'

This response indicates that you were tense and uncomfortable during the exams, to the point that the invigilator noticed that something was wrong.It is an ironic statement that paints an image of your gesture and attitude during the examination.Sentence examples:

  • 'My invigilator's suspicions arose as I was so confident in the same. He had no idea that my disorganisation was due to guesswork.'
  • 'I believe my guessing abilities activated certain glances from the invigilator. However, he didn't see my accurate answers.'

5. 'My exam was a complete explanation of what a tragicomedy is, especially the tragic experience'

Funny Answers to How Was Your ExamIn a funny manner, you can express how bad your exam experience was by comparing it to the tragic aspect of a tragicomedy. You can say that you didn't expect it, but the experience you had wasn't a happy one at all in a fun way.Sentence examples:

  • 'My exam was like a tragicomedy, a mix of tragic experiences of tough questions and a little comic relief.'
  • 'In the exam, a tragicomedy played out; I was in between a tragic struggle and a comedic way to improve my answers.'

6. 'My brain went on a vacation.'

'My brain went on a vacation 'is another interesting way to reply to the question, 'How was your exam?' This reply shows that you couldn't do so much because your brain ceased functioning in the exam hall.Sentence examples:

  • 'As soon as the exam started, my brain embarked on a vacation. I was stranded in the hall like I have never been to school all my life.'
  • 'The exam gave my brain a sign of departure. What made me have it was that it was so unannounced. It was a vacation indeed.'

7. 'It was so difficult that even my pen didn't want to write further.'

You can paint the level of your problematic encounter in such a way that your pen felt the difficulty and refused to write on it.You can further add that the exam simply got you frustrated with your pen.Sentence examples:

  • 'The difficulty of the exam reflected in my writing. Even my opening acted like it needed some pay before writing.'
  • 'The tough nature of the exam was so obvious on its face and with my pen, such that the ink paused during intervals.'

8. 'I answered all the questions. But I left the sheet blank when I got to questions I didn't know.'

This is a fun and interesting response to how you faced your examination. It shows that you knew almost nothing. The response was, 'I answered all the questions. But I left the sheet blank when I got to questions I didn't know' shows your heightened level of the knowledge gap.Sentence examples:

  • 'My confusion was obvious, but in the exam hall, I came to be a master of the entire subject.'
  • 'The exam hall noticed my choices; however, from after, it seemed like I had all the answers and more.'

9. 'I was so confused in the exam hall that I began to think of my cat.'

When someone asks you how your exam was, you can say that you were distracted if you weren't focused during the exam.This response shows that you couldn't pay attention to what you were faced with at that time, maybe due to the fact that you were occupied with the thought of your cat or something entirely different from the examination itself.Sentence examples:

  • 'I was just in the euphoria of the exam; my thoughts were somewhere else, seeking refuge in the world of my cat.'
  • 'In the midst of confusion, my mind had pictures of my cat that distracted me during my examination.'

10. 'It was like making an effort to explain how the shadow of a person can become another human.'

Funny Answers to How Was Your ExamThe response was, 'It was like making an effort to explain how the shadow of a person can become another human, an impossible task that can only lead to failure and chaos.It gives a surface definition of your experience on the hot seat of your examination.Sentence examples:

  • 'The exam transformed into a jobless human chasing shadows.'
  • 'My memory became almost blank, like I was making an effort to explain how the shadow of a person can become another human.'

11. 'I knew that my brain wasn't functioning in the right direction during the exam.'

'I knew that my brain wasn't functioning in the right direction during the exam' is another statement about your exams that can be rib-cracking, whether sincere or not.It informs the people that you speak to that you weren't yourself during your examination.Sentence examples:

  • ' I am aware that my brain functions at an abnormal pace. I was so disoriented too.'
  • 'The exam revealed a lack of direction in the ability of my brain to function properly. However, I created a unique approach to each problem.'

12. 'I made new inventions in the exam hall. I expressed myself so creatively. I simply hope I didn't propound a new theory.'

Simply to describe the level of confusion you were thrown into during the exams, you can say that you suspect that you might have made new inventions due to the way you answered the questions without proper orientation and knowledge from the sources.Sentence examples:

  • 'My creativity came alive in the exam hall as I developed new inventions on paper. I also gave birth to a new theory.'
  • 'As I wrote the exam, I ventured on a creative journey that birthed new solutions and ideas.'

13. 'I thought my lucky pen would have saved me, but it didn't.'

This comment adds more spice if you have been known to have a lucky pen before your exams. Using this reply can paint a picture that what you trusted couldn't save you at the point when you needed it the most.Sentence examples:

  • 'Despite my faith in the lucky pen, it failed me during the exam. I had to face my challenges alone; it was not easy.'
  • 'My trusted lucky pen fell short in the heat of the exam. Its charm didn't work for me at all this time around.'

14. 'My exam questions are just like a puzzle. Unfortunately, I couldn't navigate through it.'

To respond to the question, 'How was your exam?', you can liken it to a puzzle. You can further add that it was difficult to navigate through the whole process, maybe because there was limited time or you weren't knowledgeable enough to make strides towards victory.Sentence examples:

  • 'The exam questions formed a puzzle that completely threw me off balance in the examination hall.'
  • 'The exam was like a complex puzzle; each question contributed to the complexity of the whole picture presented in the hall.'

15. 'My exam was a battle. Immediately I remember what to write; something wipes my memory off.'

Funny Answers to How Was Your ExamThis response is suitable for situations where you encounter real challenges during your exams.So much so that you could hardly remember anything you read before the examination, meaning it was like your memory was wiped.Sentence examples:

  • 'I entered the exam feeling like I was stepping onto a battlefield. Every question seems to pull me down at all costs.'
  • 'The exam transformed me into a fierce battleground; each question was a quarrel that demanded strategic thinking.'

16. 'I moved towards the exam with full confidence that I was going to ace the exam, but along the way, my memory began a hide-and-seek journey.'

This playful comment shows how optimistic you got into the exam hall—not until your hopes got shattered.It uses the game of hide-and-seek to describe how you were up and doing but couldn't get exactly what you should have.Sentence examples:

  • 'My memory was playing a game of hide-and-seek with me in the exam hall. All my attempts to recall answers didn't work one bit.'
  • 'In the depths of the exam, my memory engaged in a playful game of hide-and-seek. I was in real suspense and so helpless.'

17. 'During my exam, the only thing I was so good at was acting like I knew what I was doing.'

If you pretended to know the answers to the questions that were asked during exams, you can employ this comment or simply use it for fun. It shows how absent-minded you were about doing the correct thing during exams.Sentence examples:

  • 'The exam paper I spent so much effort on also knew that I didn't have much to offer.'
  • 'My answers on the exam paper produced a picture that portrayed the challenge and uncertainty.'

18. 'I felt like I was thrown into a seat of confusion.'

Another hilarious response you can give when someone asks you about your exams is to say that you were obviously thrown into a state of confusion.You can describe how answers from different areas were calling on you, and you didn't know who or what to attend to.Sentence examples:

  • 'The exam experience felt like I was thrown into a pit of confusion. I was in between tough questions throughout the exam.'
  • 'Navigating through the exam hall was like being thrown into a pit of confusion, with many questions making my situation more complex.'

19. 'My brain took a break immediately after I started.'

You can say that your brain took a break immediately after you started to write in the exam hall.This is to say that you were quite prepared, but along the way, you can't tell what went wrong or that you could remember anything all of a sudden.Sentence examples:

  • 'The moment the exam started, my brain went on an instant vacation. I was left in the hall, void of understanding.'
  • 'As the exam clock started ticking, my brain went blank; I couldn't comprehend much; I only knew that I was faced with a mental vacancy.'

20. My exam became a test of faith.

This response is an interesting and engaging way to say how your exam went. It shows that your abilities were tested, including what you believe in and how much confidence you have gathered from knowledge within the few minutes you had to write your examination.Sentence examples:

  • 'I approached my exam with steady faith in my abilities, just to watch my confidence crumble at once.'
  • 'The exam became a test of faith, and I faced the ultimate trial.'

To Wrap

The responses shared in this article are applicable to answer the question 'how was your exam' in different scenarios. If you have any more scenarios to include, feel free to type them in the comment section.Ensure you visit this site regularly to get helpful resources.


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