20 Examples of How to Ask Someone to Come Over

If you’re craving someone else’s presence in your private space, you might want to invite the person over to your place. The art of asking someone to come over is in a way a ‘pick-up’ line. It is a delicate one because any mistakes on your part can blow things out of proportion. You may even come off as a pervert and jerk if you don't ask someone to come over properly.How to ask someone to come over differs from person to person, but generally, I advise you to strike a balance between being assertive and dear to the person you want to ask over. In this article, I will be discussing in length 20 examples of how to ask someone to come over. Keep reading on to know more!

Best 20 Examples of How to Ask Someone to Come Over

Some of the best examples of what you can say when you want to ask someone out include ‘Netflix and chill for the weekend would be so cool with you around’, ‘Dinner at my place this evening with you doesn’t sound like a bad idea’, ‘You look so hot that it will be enough o warm my cold room’, and ‘Can you please let me see you at my place?’However, there are other examples of things you can say to ask someone to come over. And I will be talking about them further in this post, starting with a quick highlight below.

  • Dinner at my place this evening with you doesn’t sound like a bad idea
  • I'd love you to come over to mine later today
  • I need someone to go home with and you look free
  • I will be having some friends over later today, you might want to come
  • Your hair smells nice, and I’d love my apartment to smell like that too
  • You look so hot that it will be enough to warm my cold room
  • I noticed you play chess and don't have a board. Well, I have one at home though and you should come try it out
  • Netflix and chill for the weekend would be so cool with you around
  • My Spotify playlist is so cool that you’ll love it better when played on my home sound system
  • Want to go somewhere comfortable? My sofa has been doing magic lately
  • I’m going to make hamburgers in the next 20 minutes and I know you can’t live without them
  • If you’re free tonight, I can use your company in my crib
  • My dog was super happy the last time you came around. Hope you don’t mind giving it that type of joy this evening
  • I’ve decided to redecorate my apartment the DIY way. Want to help me out?
  • I’m kind of bored right now, and I want you over at minds, or else depression will set in
  • I’m having an exclusive party for my promotion later today. You should be there
  • Can you please let me see you in my place?
  • I got a new artwork for my wall and I want you to appraise it yourself after work today
  • I’m thinking of detoxing with your recipe but I need in-person guidance. Can you do me a favor?
  • I’ll just get back to being alone after work unless you want to change that. Do you?

1. Dinner at my place this evening with you doesn’t sound like a bad idea

'Dinner at my place this evening with you doesn't sound like a bad idea' is a brainy example of how to ask someone to come over to your place. I say it is brainy because you’re trying to use a dinner invitation to ask the person to come over to your place.

2. I’d Love You to Come over at Mine’s Later Today

'I'd love you to come over at mine later today' is another example of how you can ask someone to come over who is on point. It is on point because it captures the passion in your voice and tone when you direct it to the person in question.Saying you'd love to have the person come over to your place speaks volumes of how much you seek their presence. So, if you want to emphasize the passion behind your intention, you can employ this line.

3. I Need Someone to Go Home With and You Look Free

‘I need someone to go home with and you look free’ is a line of sentence that you can use while asking someone to come over to your place. This sentence sounds witty and assertive but with the right facial expression, you’ll be able to send the message to the person that you need someone to go home with and you perceive them to be free, hence, available for your cause.

4. I Will Be Having Some Friends over Later Today, You Might Want To Come

'I will be having some friends over later today, you might want to come' is a friendly way of asking someone to come over to your place. I say this because you're not making it a private visit. After all, there will be other people at the house when they come.The major anchor that will guarantee the efficiency of this line is the suspense it creates in the mind of the person you’re directing it to.

5. Your Hair Smells Nice, and I’d Love My Apartment to Smell Like That Too

'Your hair smells nice, and I'd love my apartment to smell like that too' is a cheesy pick-up line that serves as an example of how to ask someone to come over. It is a cheesy line because it has you flirting with the person you want to ask over.If you’re a guy and you want to ask a girl over, you might want to consider this particular one. This is because it can sweep her off her feet if you do it the right way.

6. You Look So Hot That It Will Be Enough to Warm My Cold Room

'You look so hot that it will be enough to warm my cold room' is an example of how to ask someone to come over to your place who will do a great job. This is a big flirtatious line of statement that you can employ to invite someone over.With this statement, you are telling the person, supposedly a girl, that she’s hot and that is enough to warm up your room. If this statement goes well, you’ll have the girl grinning from ear to ear.

7. I Noticed You Play Chess and Don't Have a Board. Well, I Have One at Home Though and You Should Come Try it Out

If you and the person you want to invite over to your place play chess, you can say 'I noticed you play chess and don't have a board. Well, I have one at home though and you should come to try it out'. This will get them jigged up to come over.

8. Netflix and Chill for the Weekend Would Be So Cool With You Around

‘Netflix and chill for the weekend would be so cool with you around’ is a line of statements you can use to get someone to come over by playing the movie card on them. Netflix on weekends is great, so talk them into using that.

9. My Spotify Playlist Is So Cool That You’ll Love It Better When Played On My Home Sound System

‘My Spotify playlist is so cool that you’ll love it better when played on my home sound system’ is another cheesy way things can play out if you want to ask someone to come over to your place.

10. Want To Go Somewhere Comfortable? My Sofa Has Been Doing Magic Lately

'Want to go somewhere comfortable? My sofa has been doing magic lately' is a brilliant way of asking someone to come over. It has you using the sofa in your living room (if you have one) as bait to draw the person in. This is sweet talking 101, it works.

11. I'm Going To Make Hamburgers in the Next 20 Mins and I Know You Can’t Live Without Them

Instead of saying 'Come over for some hamburgers at my place', 'I'm going to make hamburgers in the next 20 mins…’ sounds better. The latter is more assertive and creates a manner of longing in the heart of the person you’re asking over.

12. If You’re Free Tonight, I Can Use Your Company in My Crib

'If you're free tonight, I can use your company in my crib' is a line of statement you can use if you're going for a more direct way of asking someone out. With this, you're sure to be sounding as confident as you can ever be.

13. My Dog Was Super Happy the Last Time You Came Around. Hope You Don’t Mind Giving It That Type of Joy This Evening

Do you have a pet? Is the person you want to invite over a pet lover? If yes is the response to these questions, don’t think it over before using this line of response when you want to ask someone to come over to your place.

14. I’ve decided to redecorate My Apartment the DIY Way. Want To Help Me Out?

Examples of How to Ask Someone to Come Over‘I’ve decided to redecorate my apartment the DIY way. Want you help me out?’ is a line that makes you put the person you want to ask over in a dire position of assisting you.If they buy this, they’ll be 2 or 3 blocks heading to your apartment once they’re not occupied with something else. This works well if you already have an understanding with the person.

15.  I’m Kind of Bored Right Now, and I Want You over to Mine, Else Depression Will Set In

'I'm kind of bored right now, and I want you over to mine, else depression will set in' is one of the few emotionally intelligent ways of asking someone to come over to your place. I say this because you're playing the emotional card on the person and using the dread of depression to pull them closer to you. If the person cares about you, they’ll show up.

16.  I’m having an Exclusive Party for My Promotion Later Today. You Should Be There

‘I’m having an exclusive party for my promotion later today. You should be there’ is an example that works out well in cases where the person you want to ask over is already on friendly terms and ties with you. If this is the case, asking the person over won’t be such a big deal, especially if it is a girl.

17.  Can You Please Let Me See You in My Place?

‘Can you please let me see you in my place?’ is a cool example of how to ask someone to come over. As a guy, using this line as your go-to way of asking a girl to come over presents you as being a gentleman and also a formidable force to reckon with as you also sound assertive with this line.

18.  I Got a New Artwork for My Wall and I Want You to Appraise It Yourself after Work Today

‘I got a new artwork for my wall and I want you to appraise it yourself’ is a crafty way of asking someone to come over to your place. Having an interest in arts is beautiful. And if you plus the person you want to ask over are plugged in, then you should use that to ask them over.

19.  I’m thinking of Detoxing with Your Recipe but I Need In-Person Guidance. Can You Do Me the Favor?

Examples of How to Ask Someone to Come OverYou can also use the avenue of in-person tutorship for detoxing to ask someone to come over. Try to sound convincing and you’ll see a positive reaction.

20.  I’ll just get back To Being Alone After Work Unless You Want To Change That. Do You?

'I'll just get back to being alone after work unless you want to change that. Do you?' is another emotional trap you can throw in to ask someone to come over to your place. As manipulative as this sounds, it is a good one if you deliver it well.You’ll get a response like ‘Not really’ from the person. And once that comes through, just know you got them.

Final Words

You might think of the best things to say to ask someone to come over to your place at your leisure. But, if push comes to shove instantaneously you may feel cranky to come up with something. To avoid that, you need to know a variety of examples to create a menu. This article has provided you with more than enough practical examples of how to ask someone to come over to your place. All you have to do is pick one that matches your line of character, get acquainted with it, and use it when needed. When they finally show up, don't forget to treat the person to a good time. Peace!  


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