20 Difficult to Work with Synonyms

Have you been using 'difficult to work with' lately and you feel it's turning into a cliché? If that's the case, then you might want to explore other phrases or words that convey the same message. When something or somebody is difficult to work with, it means you find it burdensome to do anything with the person. However, plausible alternatives to saying 'difficult to work with' must depict the stress and overall hardness you feel while working with such a person or thing. In this article, I'll help you explore 20 difficult to work with synonyms. Keep reading on to know more!

20 Best Synonyms to Difficult to Work

To get an alternative to 'difficult to work with' which doesn't go out of the context of the phrase can be uneasy, however, I've managed to put together some words that do justice to this cause. Some of the 'difficult to work with' synonyms may include 'Unreliable', 'slow', 'problematic', 'challenging', and 'painstaking'.These words embody the message of the original phrase to depict the hardness of working or associating with a particular person, material, or position. Below is a highlight of all the synonyms followed by a detailed note on each of them.

  • Unpleasurable
  • Uneasy
  • Demanding
  • Exacting
  • Inflexible
  • Painstaking
  • Problematic
  • Restrictive
  • Rigid
  • Stubborn
  • Challenging
  • Uncooperative
  • Impatient
  • Irritable
  • Unreliable
  • Trustworthy
  • Unteachable
  • Slow
  • Overbearing
  • Negative

1. Unpleasurable

'Unpleasurable' is a good synonym for 'difficult to work with' which you can use instead of using the phrase. When something is unpleasurable, it is the same as being difficult to do. Just like you derive pleasure from doing something you love, whenever it doesn't give you that same feeling, it becomes unpleasurable.And when it becomes unpleasurable for you, you will start finding it difficult to perform any tasks associated with such a thing.This feeling can be said to be the same as when you feel jaded about something. What happens is that you no longer find what you do pleasurable in any way. Assuming your job is matchmaking but you grew out of it and you now find it unpleasurable, you'll find it difficult to work with people on that basis.So, instead of saying:

  • I find it difficult to work with those tips

You can say:

  • I find it unpleasurable to function with those tips

2. Uneasy

'Uneasy' is quite another word you can utilize in place of saying 'difficult to work with'. This time around, it embodies the essence of the hardness in performing the tasks you consider difficult to work with.Anything uneasy requires a great amount of strength to be done, and that alone is difficult. Likewise, there's no element of easiness in an uneasy task. Therefore, it is only wise that you consider 'uneasy' as a plausible synonym for 'difficult to work with'. The word can become your most preferred to use as it is less syllabic, more concise and precise, and even saves you from explaining anything.So, instead of saying:

  • The atmosphere is so unfair here, I find it difficult to work with 

You can say:

  • The atmosphere is so unfair here, I find it uneasy

3. Demanding

'Demanding' is a synonym that can replace 'difficult to work with'. This is thanks to the fact that anything demanding takes more energy to do or achieve less. So, if what you find difficult to work with leads to less productivity, you can substitute that phrase with just saying that the same task is 'demanding'. Not only does anything demanding take more energy, it takes more time to do more and produce less. So, instead of saying:

  • I've checked the resources available, they are so difficult to work with

You can say:

  • I've checked the resources, they're too demanding to work with

4. Exacting

'Exacting' can also be your go-to choice of words if you need a synonym for 'difficult to work with'. I've used this word right here for some time, and I'm sure it's pretty much a great pick to use in place of the phrase. However, the word 'exacting' conveys the extent of the effect of something being difficult for you to handle. Worth mentioning, that the effect 'exacting' often conveys is negative and on the bad side. So, if you figure you find it way too hard to work with something, then it must be exacting a lot on you. And that right there, is not good at all.So, instead of saying:This job affects my weak hand seriously, It is difficult to work with itYou can say:This job affects my weak hand seriously, it is exacting

5. Inflexible

‘Inflexible’ can also work as a plausible synonym for ‘difficult to work with’. This is because the word depicts a situation that a lot of people often find hard, and that is the issue of working with people who are not flexible and easy with, materials that don't allow you to perform tasks correctly.Inflexible tries to reflect the uneasiness you or anyone else may find while working with people that do not allow for a smooth transition of actions. If that's the case, then substituting 'difficult to work with' for inflexible is not a bad move anyway.So, instead of saying: My colleague at work is a bummer, so difficult to work withYou can say:My colleague at work is a bummer, so inflexible

6.  Painstaking

‘Painstaking’ takes the next lead on ‘difficult to work with’ synonyms. This word here contains 3 syllables and a conglomerate of two words; pain and staking. While the former deals with the emotional feeling of uncomfortability, the other one magnifies its intensity. However, with these words put together, you will get a near-perfect synonym for ‘difficult to work with’. This is because the word captures one’s state of mind when you sense a particular person or resource is difficult to work with.So, instead of saying:I prefer soft copies, hard copies are difficult to work withYou can say:I prefer soft copies, hard copies are painstaking

7. Problematic

'Problematic' is another worthy word that should make this list a viable synonym for 'difficult to work with'. You will find this term is used mainly by students or academicians who wouldn't want to stress the number of words they choose to utter by saying 'difficult to work with'.Problematic does the trick for you if you are looking for a word that encapsulates the whole audacity behind saying that something is difficult to work with. It also makes you sound less basic and more knowledgeable just in case you have any of that on your list of things to do. Also, by saying problematic, you are hinting at a possible way out of the issue because many diagnosed problems have solutions.So, instead of saying: The monitor is down again, it is proving difficult to work withYou can say:The monitor is down again, it  is proving problematic

8. Restrictive

To restrict something is to make it limited. And oftentimes, policies made in the line of restrictions come out unfavorable to workers, creative workers to be precise. They have to struggle to meet deadlines and productivity within a short window or with limited resources. When this happens, it will only take a little time before all that is left will be difficult to work with. The team suffers from insubordination and that too is an issue. If you want a synonym that captures the root cause of the difficulty you are experiencing with work, and that has something to do with limitations, then this word serves the purpose without defect.So, instead of saying:The deadline is too short, I find it difficult to work withYou can say:The deadline is too short, I find it restrictive

9. Rigid

'Rigid' should be one of the chart toppers when it comes to words that can act as synonyms to the phrase 'difficult to work with'. Rigidity equals inflexibility but with a height that is perceived as extreme and unhealthy. When someone or something is tagged rigid, it is not in any way open to be cooperative with others or even formed into a better version. What it does is to repel any efforts made in that respect.By so doing, it becomes hard for you to work with such a person or resource material. Rigidity also brings about irritability which I will be dissecting subsequently.So, instead of saying:My swim pants are too tight, it is difficult to work with itYou can say:My swim pants are too tight, it is rigid to work with it 

10.  Stubborn

'Stubborn' is another plausible word you can use in place of 'difficult to work with'. It is not particularly on point, but it can serve, especially if you're dealing with a person. Perhaps, it is your coworker, a plumber, a teacher, a classmate, or even a friend.If the person in question gives you hard a time in being yourself to the fullest, then you might have issues working with them.So, instead of saying:My therapy session with that kid is unprogressive, he makes it difficult to work withYou can say:My therapy session with that kid is unprogressive, he is stubborn

11. Challenging

‘Challenging’ as an alternative to saying ‘difficult to work with’ is a deal-breaker. It is that one no-brainer that I saved for the later part of this post. And that's thanks to its vivid depiction of what difficulty in working with something or somebody sounds like. Simply put, it is challenging. It is a challenge if you're having a hard time functioning alongside someone or something because of the limitations it poses.So, instead of saying:My car is bad, making it difficult to work withYou can say:My car is bad, making it challenging.

12.  Uncooperative

‘Uncooperative’ is another word you can employ instead of using ‘difficulty to work with’. When someone or something is uncooperative, it means that such a factor does not facilitate your growth or productivity.So, instead of saying: Suzzy is so difficult to work with.You can say:Suzzy is uncooperative.

13. Impatient

‘Impatient’ is a cool synonym for ‘difficult to work with’. I say this because I know that the occasions where I’ve used it didn’t in any way mean to picture the intensity of how hard it is to work with someone or something. It is more like a subtle way of saying someone or something is giving you a tad hard time.So, instead of saying:I want this relationship to work, he is just difficult to work withYou can say:I want this relationship to work, he is just impatient

14. Irritable

Difficult to Work with Synonyms‘Irritable’ is one of the words I mentioned in the earlier part of this post and I did mention how it reflects the message of ‘difficult to work with’. When you deem something irritable, you no longer derive pleasure from engaging in it, which is quite bad. So, instead of saying:I don’t like that brush, it is difficult to work withYou can say:I don’t like that brush, it is irritable.

15.  Unreliable

‘Unreliable’ can serve as a replacement for ‘difficult to work with’. This is because it answers the question of ‘why’ something is difficult to work with. If you can’t count on someone or something to ensure productivity, you should use this word.

16. Trustworthy

‘Trustworthy’ is just like unreliable in the scheme of things to use in place of saying ‘difficult to work with’. When there’s distrust between you and someone, working with the person becomes a tad difficult.So, instead of saying:Brandon is not fit, he’s difficult to work withYou can say:Brandon is not fit, he’s untrustworthy.

17. Unteachable

This is one of the most neglected synonyms to be difficult to work with because seldom do people see being unteachable as a problem. Instead, they see it as the other person choosing what interests them more than being taught. However, our teachers while we were in school would disagree. They must’ve encountered a fair share of students who made their work difficult. So, instead of saying:He is headstrong and difficult to work withYou can say:He is headstrong and unteachable.

18.  Slow

‘Slow’ is another word that is less talked about in the discussion of 'difficult to work with' synonyms. When something or someone is extremely slow, it hinders productivity.

19.  Overbearing

‘Overbearing’ is a seldom used synonym for 'difficult to work with'. It depicts the uncomfortable state you may find yourself in when something or someone is difficult to work with.So, instead of saying:My health is bad, it is difficult to work with.You can say:My health is bad, it is overbearing.

20.  Negative

'Negative' is difficult in its entirety, especially in the context I'm discussing. If a signal for trade or an idea for creativity keeps fetching negative remarks or results, it becomes difficult to work with such a signal or idea. On that note, negative to some extent, can be used as a synonym for 'difficult to work with'.

Final Words

Here we are at the very end of this post, which detailed 20 difficult-to-work-with synonyms. While the words featured here perfectly body the central message, others gave a close call. From irritable to unreliable, and even demanding, these words allow you to say 'difficult to work with' in different other ways.You can count on them to do justice to the cause. Peace!   


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