15 Correct Responses to "My Bad"

We all make mistakes- no one is above that. And these mistakes can hurt people around us. So, it's necessary to acknowledge our mistakes and make a move to correct the wrong it has caused others.However, when you're the one being hurt, how do you respond when people apologize to you? "My bad" is one of the ways people own up to their faults and apologize.However, it's not recognized as formal English and is referred to as slang in UK and US English. Therefore, it's not everyone that recognizes this phrase as a sincere apology.However, in a casual environment, this phrase may be appropriate. So, when someone uses the phrase with you, your response can depend on the occasion it's used.In this article, I'll be discussing 15 correct responses to "my bad." 

15 Correct Responses to "My Bad"

As I've earlier established, your response to "my bad" can depend on the occasion and what you feel about the apology.If you're in an informal environment, you can respond with, "I forgive you," "It’s fine," and "No offense taken."But if someone uses it in a formal setting, you can respond with, "No worries. But, take note to use a proper phrase next time when apologizing.Here are 15 ways to respond to "my bad"

  1. It's alright, It happens to the best of us
  2. Okay
  3. No problem, go and sin no more
  4. I forgive you
  5. It’s fine
  6. No offense taken 
  7. Don’t mention it
  8. Never mind! I have moved past it
  9. Oh, I have forgotten about it
  10. Please be careful, I don't want the same mistake again 
  11. I accept your apology 
  12. I understand. It's all good
  13. It's cool 
  14. Thanks for owning up 
  15. No worries. But, take note to use a proper phrase next time when apologizing

It's Alright, It Happens to the Best for Us 

Correct Responses to "My Bad""It's alright, it happens to the best of us" is one of the proper ways to respond to an apology.As I stated earlier, no one is exempted from making mistakes. So, when someone makes an error, showing some understanding is important, especially when they acknowledge their wrong.Therefore, when someone acknowledges their fault by saying, "My bad," you can use this response to let them know that you've accepted their apology.In addition, this response tells them that you understand that they made a mistake, and are not crucifying them for it.Here's how to use it:

  • It's alright, it happens to the best of us. Just ensure you are more careful next time 
  • It's alright, it happens to the best of us. Don't beat yourself over it


"Okay" is another way you can respond to someone's apology.This word doesn't give much. It shows you're only acknowledging their statement and probably not their apology.When someone says "my bad" to own up to their fault, and you think they're not sincere, you can respond with "okay" and go on to ignore them. It lets them know you don't care about what they say.However, depending on how you use it, you can acknowledge their statement and also let them know you've forgiven them too.Here's how to use the word:

  • Okay, I've heard you
  • Okay, I hope you don't do it next time

No Problem 

"No problem" is another phrase you can use to respond to someone who lets you know they're sorry for their mistake.This response indicates you've accepted their apology and have no issues with them. It's a straightforward reply to give to someone you're not very close with to show you're okay with them.However, you can be more expressive when using this statement with your loved ones to make them understand that you've truly forgiven them.Here's how to use this phrase:

  • No problem. We are cool
  • No problem, dear. I love you 

I Forgive You 

Another appropriate response to "my bad" is "I forgive you." When people own up to their mistakes and apologize, they expect that they get forgiveness.So, one of the things you can say to let them know that you've forgiven them is by using the exact words, "I forgive you."This phrase will give them the assurance and satisfaction that they need. So, you should only use these words when you truly have forgiven the person.If you're not sure that you've truly forgiven them, you can use some other responses, but not "I forgive you."Here's how to use the phrase

  • I forgive you. Go and sin no more
  • I forgive you. Don't worry about it anymore 

It’s Fine 

"It’s fine" is another thing you can say to let someone know that you've forgiven them. This phrase recognizes their statement and it's a cool way of letting someone know that you're done being angry with them. For instance, if someone did something that made you very angry or hurt when they apologize, you can use this statement to show them that you're no longer hurt by their actions.And even if you're still hurt, this reply shows them you're no longer holding anything against them. Additionally, you can use this phrase to let someone know that what they're apologizing for is not a big deal.Here's how to use the phrase:

  • It's fine. I'm no longer angry
  • It's fine. I didn't even notice 

No Offense Taken 

Correct Responses to "My Bad""No offense taken" is a remark that shows that what someone did is not a big deal to you.Maybe someone accidentally bumps into you and drops what you're holding, you can use this response to tell them you're not bothered by what happened.Also, you can use this statement to inform them that they shouldn't have apologized for something that didn't mean anything to you.Here's an example:

  • No offense taken. Don't stress it
  • No offense taken. It's nothing 


Don’t Mention It 

"Don’t mention it" is another way to accept someone's apology. When someone owns up to their error and apologizes for it, saying "don't mention it" tells them you're cool with them.This response doesn't imply that they shouldn't have apologized, it just shows that what happened isn't a big deal to you.For instance, if someone does something wrong that you didn't even notice and brings it to your notice by saying "My bad," this response is appropriate to use.Here's an example:

  • Don’t mention it. It's not a big deal
  • I didn't even notice. Don’t mention it

Never Mind! I Have Moved Past It

Another way to let someone know that you've forgiven them is by saying, "Never mind! I have moved past it."This statement indicates that you've long forgiven them and have probably forgotten about it. It's appropriate when someone doesn't apologize for their wrongs immediately.For instance, someone did something hurtful to you without realizing it, and someone brought it to their notice.When they apologize, you can use this response if you didn't pay much attention to what happened and have already forgotten about it.Here's how to use the sentence:

  • Never mind! I have moved past it. Just pay more attention next time
  • Never mind! I have moved past it. We don't have any problem

Oh, I Have Forgotten About It 

"Oh, I have forgotten about it" is another thing to say to someone who offended you when they apologize.This statement works like the above to let them know that you probably didn't think twice about what they did. It's appropriate when you've already forgiven their action, or you didn't take offense.Here's how to use the expression:

  • Oh, I have forgotten about it. But, now that you've reminded me, I was very unhappy about your actions. All the same, we're cool
  • Oh, I have forgotten about it. You should too 

Please Be Careful, I Don't Want the Same Mistake Again 

"Please be careful, I don't want the same mistake again" is a statement that shows you acknowledge someone's apology. When someone owns up to their fault, this statement tells them you've forgiven them.Also, by warning them not to repeat their mistakes, it shows you won't appreciate them repeating the same error or making another mistake.You can use this statement to clearly express your disapproval of their offense.Here's how to use the expression:

  • Please be careful, I don't want the same mistake again. I won't appreciate another mistake
  • No worries. But, Please be careful, I don't want the same mistake again

I Accept Your Apology 

"I accept your apology" is another strong remark that lets someone know that you've forgiven them.When someone apologizes for their wrong by saying, "My bad," this response tells them that you've forgiven them. It's a direct way of letting them understand that you don't have anything against them again.Here's an example:

  • I accept your apology. But, next time you'll pay
  • I accept your apology, but I’d plead that you be more careful next time 

I understand. It's All Good

Another expression that shows that you did not take someone's offense seriously is, "I understand. It's all good."When someone acknowledges their offense by saying, "by bad," telling them you understand informs them that you're not blaming them completely for their errors.It shows you're aware they're bound to make mistakes, so you're taking it lightly with them.  Here's how to use the phrase:

  • I understand. It's all good but "my bad" won't fix it next time 
  • I understand. It's all good. Just ask questions where you don't understand to avoid these mistakes 

It's Cool 

"It's cool" is another way you can let someone know that you've forgiven them.When someone does something hurtful, it's natural to take offense and want to take it out on them or probably stop speaking with them at the moment.But, when you're no longer angry, maybe because they apologized, or because you no longer feel hurt, "it's cool" is an appropriate phrase that you can use to respond.Also, you can use this reply to let them know that you did not take any offense.Here's how to use the phrase:

  • It's cool. I'm no longer angry
  • It's Cool. We're on the same page 

Thanks for Owning up 

Correct Responses to "My Bad""Thanks for owning up" is another way to let someone know that you've forgiven them.When people commit an offense, it's not all who acknowledge their wrong and apologize. Some may even say they're sorry without owning up to their offense.So, when someone acknowledges their wrong by saying, "My bad," you can use this expression to tell them you accept their apology. Also, this statement tells them you're happy and satisfied that they owned up to their wrong.Here's how to use the expression:

  • Thanks for owning up. It means a lot
  • Thanks for owning up. Just take it slowly next time and you'll do better 

No Worries. But, Take Note to Use a Proper Phrase Next Time When Apologizing

"No worries. But, take note to use a proper phrase next time when apologizing." is the kind of response you give in a formal setting.Earlier, I had established that "my bad" isn't a formal expression. So, when someone apologizes for their fault with these words, you can let them know such words are not accepted.This reply, first, lets them know that you've forgiven them, but it also tells them that you'll appreciate a better apology next time.Additionally, this is a reply you can give to someone you think isn't giving a sincere apology by using such an expression. Here's how to use the statement:

  • No worries. But, take note to use a proper phrase next time when apologizing. This is a formal environment, so we'll be formal here
  • No worries. But, take note to use a proper phrase next time when apologizing. It'll show that you're truly sorry, except you're not

Final Words

When someone apologizes with "my bad," there are different responses you can give depending on the occasion.If it's in a casual setting, and you don't mind the expression, you can let them know that you've forgiven them.However, if you think they're not being sincere, or if they use the expression in a formal setting, you can warn them to apologize better the next time. 


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