20 Comebacks When Someone Calls You a Coward

It is usually uneasy and unpleasant when someone calls you a coward. I get it that you don’t feel like you deserve such a senseless grouping like that one at that moment. Being called a coward is always synonymous with being called a weakling, so you might get real worked up about it. This concern could push you to throw back at the person who called you a coward, which also becomes a problem as you try to say the best comebacks to pick your defense.In this article, I will be discussing 20 comebacks when someone calls you a coward. To prove to you I understand the assignment well enough, read on to find out more!

What Does Being A Coward Mean?

A coward can be summed up as lacking courage or the “balls” to withstand danger in unfavorable situations. It is characterized by lack of judgment, fear, and weakness, especially mentally and in extension, physically. Being a coward can mean anything from insecure, shaky to even being indecisive. It also means someone who runs away from their responsibilities and or doesn’t admit mistakes and effect corrections.When someone calls you a coward, best believe he or she is referring to any of the abovementioned lags. Not forgetting, being called a coward is a very annoying way of putting you off your cool, and it usually works most of the time. This is loosely connected to the fact that men have been subjected more to this abusive tag than women, and they are faced with the challenge of proving the accuser wrong leading to the offensive tag getting to them.If you understand how ego works in humans as much as I do, you’ll realize why being called a coward is one of if not the most dreaded tags which a person can get, especially the male gender. Usually, when someone launches a verbal attack by calling another a coward, they’re met with resounding comebacks and that is what we’ll be discussing in the other parts of this post.

20 Best Comebacks When Someone Calls You a Coward

  • At least, I know facing danger isn't the solution
  • I'm not a coward, rather I just know when to shut up and leave
  •  I always knew you were bloodthirsty, but u never thought you'd shift your focus from fish to humans. I'm not your dude
  • At least, that's what you alone think
  • Taking the laws into your hands is against the law. Now let your soiled-up brain explain how that's cowardice
  • I'm not a coward. Just that we're both Christians and I understand the "Thou shalt not fight" part better
  •  Thanks for letting out your anger so you won't die in silence just like your dog
  • Hehehe, so much cancelling coming from someone that fights and losses every other time
  • Your dad is my Godfather, remember? I guess we know who I got that from now, huh?
  •  I bet your nut of a head thinks throwing fists makes you clever...it doesn't
  • And I know what precautions sound like, you don't!
  • I just realized how immature you are
  •  I always thought you lacked understanding... but I believe it now
  •  I am not what you think...you need to do something about your chronic bad thoughts. Psychiatrists could be helpful
  •  I don't see the point in coming down to your level
  •  I get it that you want to feel better and it hasn't been working
  • Oh! It's quite sad you don't know how to choose your battles wisely just like I do
  •  I can throw fists too, you know...and I'm pretty sure your face would be delighted to meet it
  •  Before I prove to you that I am not, prove to me you can live without gaslighting people
  •  The best part is that I am myself while you're always struggling to maintain the faking.

Comebacks have been helpful since people figured out it’s not bad to lash out back at someone who first did you. This article houses the finest comebacks which you can introduce when someone calls you a coward. Carefully crafted by my great thoughts, these lines are sure to give you the feel you desire.Some of the best comebacks when someone calls you a coward include ‘I just realized how immature you are’, ‘I really don’t see the need for coming down to your level’, ‘Your dad was my Godfather, remember? I guess we know who I got that from now, huh?’ and ‘I bet your nut of a head thinks throwing fists makes you clever…it doesn’t’. Let’s cut through the chase now and get into the rest of these super comebacks.

1. At Least, I Know Facing the Danger Isn’t the Solution

‘At least, I know facing danger isn’t the solution’ is a good pick if your aim is to find the best comeback to use when someone calls you a coward. I already mentioned that being a coward could entail when someone is unresponsive during a dangerous circumstance. Well, that angle is what this comeback is trying to address if the person that called you a coward tries to insinuate that.Here, you’re telling the person that the only thing you know more than them is how knowing when to face a danger and when looking the other way is the best thing to do. I’m pretty sure this comeback slaps harder than it weighs in your mouth which makes it a perfect find.

2. I’m Not a Coward, Rather I Just Know When To Shut Up and Leave Unlike You

Like we already stated, some people associate being a coward with not being able to stand up to confrontation. However, it shouldn’t always go as scripted as if you’re a peace-lover just like me, you’d know better to leave once an argument gets heated up.  So, when someone misunderstands your philosophy for cowardice, it is your place to remind them that you are not a coward.To put things into perspective, you’ll be letting them know the actual need for you leaving. That’s exactly what this line of comeback is about.

3. I Always Knew You Were Bloodthirsty, but I Never Thought You’d Shift Your Focus From Fish to Humans. I’m Not You Dude

‘…but I never thought you’d shift your focus from fishes to humans…’ is yet another line of comeback which you can use to make the person who called you a coward understand you don’t get brushed over without a reaction. Here, you’re trying to tag lunatics for being “bloodthirsty”.The point is that those who usually find ways to pick up fights instead of leaving it lie give off killer energy. Hence, you’re leveraging that socio-moral thought to throw shades at the person that called you a coward.

4. At Least, That’s What You Alone Think, Making It Useless

‘…That’s what you alone think; making it useless’ is a good comeback you can use if you talk fast and are equally impatient. With this type of comeback line, you don’t need to repeat yourself twice. You’ll be telling the person that you being a coward is what they think alone, and that doesn’t count at all.For what it’s worth, whatever decision you took that made them call you a coward could have a good part to it. And as there are still people out there who’d support your decision, then their labeling of you as a coward is invalid.

5. Taking the Law Into My Hands Is Against the Law. Now Let Your Soiled-up Brain Explain How That’s Cowardice

It is not in the law that resulting in physical conflict is a way of resolving a ruffle, so anyone who called you a coward while expecting you to do that is just nuts. When push comes to shove and you want to give them a dose of what they served you, you can use this line of response as your comeback.

6. I’m Not a Coward. Just that we’re Both Christians and I Understand the “Thou Shalt Not Fight” Part Better

Here, we’ve got a funny yet incredibly good comeback when someone calls you a coward. Now, you’re being religious with your reason for not doing whatever it is that earned you the ‘coward’ tag.Christendom prides itself as a one of the religions of the world that promotes peace and love always and its adherents are expected to act in likewise manner. This comeback allows you to rub it in that you’re a better follower of Christ than your accuser.

7. Thanks for Letting out Your Anger So You Won’t Die in Silence Just Like Your Dog

You can get a bit nastier with your comeback when someone calls you a coward. You’re now telling the person that they’re dying slowly like their dog and they’re trying to bail out by calling you a coward.

8. Hehehe, so Much Cancelling Coming from Someone That Fights and Losses Every Other Time

You know people try to cancel us for things they think they’re better at. That could be what the person who called you a coward is trying to arrive at. But you won’t give them the head-ups by keeping quiet; instead you’ll serve them this comeback and watch their reaction.

9. Your Dad Is My Godfather, Remember? I Guess We Know Who I Got That From Now, Huh?

‘Your dad was my Godfather, remember? I guess we know who I got that from now, huh?’ is one sting of a comeback that you can use and be rest assured you’ll upset the peace of the person that called you a coward. All you have to do is to let them finish up with their statement, take a deep breath and drop it like it’s hot. They’ll be shocked at what hit them with questions written all over their face.

10.  I Bet Your Nut of a Head Thinks Throwing Fists Makes You Clever…It Doesn’t

If you want to crack a few ribs around and make chins go backwards, you can say ‘I bet your nut of a head thinks throwing fists makes you clever…it doesn’t’ as your comeback when someone calls you a coward.Perhaps, the person thought you were a coward for not fighting back when you had an altercation with either them or someone they knew. It could be embarrassing, yes, but you wouldn’t really prove anything to anybody by throwing fists.

11.  And I Know What Precautions Sound Like, You Don’t!

Comebacks When Someone Calls You a Coward‘And I know what precautions sound like, you don’t!’ is a comeback that appreciates following precautions and cautions as one of the imperatives for staying alive. Maybe, you are so attached to following protocols that someone thought it wise to call you a coward.If that's an issue, you can run them their bad mouth back using this line of comeback.

12.  I Just Realized How Immature You Are

If the person that called you a coward still thinks like a grade 4 student who thinks getting back at his bully always will solve their problems, then you can say ‘I just realized how immature you are’. Yes, just like how I compared them, they could still have juvenile thoughts unlike adults who know that dropping charges sometimes means peace of mind.

13.  I Always Thought You Lacked Understanding…but I Believe It Now

‘I always thought you lacked understanding…but I believe it now’ is that rude comeback you can throw in. It is suitable when you don’t care about what every other person thinks about you.

14.  I Am Not What You Think…You Need To Do Something About Your Chronic Bad Thoughts. Psychiatrists Could Be Helpful

‘…You need to do something about your chronic bad thoughts. Psychiatrist could be helpful’ is one comeback I know will make the person that called you a coward to shut up. This is you telling them straight in their face that they’re mentally unwell for saying something horrible to you.

15.  I Don’t See the Point in Coming Down to Your Level

Comebacks When Someone Calls You a CowardIt is clear that most times when someone calls you a coward, it shows that they’re bitter about something you did and want to make you feel bad. They’re horrible themselves. So, you can use this comeback and trash them indefinitely.

16.  I Get It That You Want To Feel Better and It Hasn’t Been Working

This line of comeback is the same as saying ‘sorry dooppie doo, you won’t get better’ to the person that called you a coward. This is a sarcastic response.

17.  Oh! It’s Quite Sad You Don’t Know How To Choose Your Battles Wisely Just Like I Do

Another angle we can look at things is where you know how to choose your battles wisely unlike the person who probably called you a coward because he or she thinks every battle should be taken. Use this comeback and remind them where you stand.

18.  I Can Throw Fists Too, You Know…and I’m Pretty Sure Your Face Would Be Delighted To Meet It

Here’s a funky comeback which you can use when someone calls you a coward. It is a good one because it targets the face of the person that called you a coward, but in a funny way.

19.  Before I Prove to You That I Am Not, Prove to Me You Can Live Without Gaslighting People

A lot of people expect us to keep proving to them things that we’re not even aware or care about. So, someone can call you a coward for you to prove your loyalty, trust or something else but you won’t do that yet. Before you do, tell them this comeback, have them agree to terms and you do your bidding too.

20.  The Best Part Is That I Am Myself While You’re Always Struggling to Maintain the Faking

Fake people are roaming everywhere. The same could be for the person that called you a coward. They may not be living under their real attitudes so as to appear perfect and spotless. But since you don’t do the same, they label and cancel you. Therefore, you can use this line of comeback and explain to them how things actually work.

End Note

Sometimes, saying a quick comeback when someone says something bad about you makes you feel better; other times, it doesn’t. But if you’re about getting that momentary good feeling when someone calls you a coward, you can use any of the comebacks in this article to do just that. These comebacks feature different angles and can fit into whatever it is you want to portray. You’ll have that good feeling you desire! 


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