25 Comebacks for "Know-it-alls"

How do you deal with know-it-alls? Being in a conversation with someone who always has something to say about everything can become tiresome.It can be exciting to have a friend who seems to have a wealth of knowledge. However, when they keep giving unsolicited advice and downplaying your opinion because they feel theirs is better, it can push you to your limit.So, what are the best things to say to know-it-alls to keep them in their place? If you wind up with such people, you'll need some of our awesome comebacks to help you.In this article, I'll be listing 25 comebacks to help you deal with know-it-alls.

25 Comebacks for "Know-it-alls"

There are numerous things to say to people that claim to know everything. Witty, funny, and sarcastic replies would do the trick. For instance, "Alright, quit talking, will you?," "Okay, are we supposed to clap or something?" or "Being smart is knowing when to talk and when not to."Here are 25 smart retorts for someone that claims to know it all.

  1. Okay, but shut up next time
  2. Okay, can we hear from more reasonable people now?
  3. That's right, but who asked you to talk?
  4. Being smart is knowing when to talk and when not to
  5. There is wisdom in listening to others, you know? 
  6. There is less danger in learning to keep some opinions to yourself 
  7. May I remind you that you aren't Google
  8. You would argue even with a tree
  9. You shouldn't be here forcing this information down my throat. Go Somewhere else
  10. I'm sure you know you're a jerk, right?
  11. Thank you for the information, but can you remind me not to talk to you next time?
  12. That doesn't sound intelligent my dear friend
  13. Thanks for your opinion, now I'll disregard it
  14. Pardon my manners, I didn't you were an authority in my life
  15. Now, I see why people never like you
  16. Okay, are we supposed to clap or something?
  17. Fantastic! That sounds silly, though
  18. Brilliant idea. But, you should've kept it to yourself
  19. Alright, that's your time
  20. What else?
  21. Aren't you tired of this shitty attitude?
  22. Don't expect us to agree with you when you make no sense
  23. Give me a break, will you? I've got a headache
  24. You piss me off when you do this
  25. I can't keep conversing with you if you know everything. It scares the shit out of me

Okay, But Shut Up Next Time 

"Okay, but shut up next time" is one of our top comebacks for someone who claims to know it all. It's a straightforward reply that doesn't hide your annoyance from the person.If you're constantly bugged by someone that wouldn't allow you to breathe with their constant claims of knowledge, I'm sure shutting them up would be top of your mind.So, this response will suit you properly. "Okay" implies that you've heard enough and adding, "Shut up next time," tells them you don't care for their opinion now and in the future.

Okay, Can We Hear from More Reasonable People Now?

Another smart reply to give someone that claims to know it all is, "Okay, can we hear from more reasonable people now?"It's a direct way of telling the person that they aren't reasonable. This is a befitting response for someone that claims to know things better than everyone and doesn't give others a chance.When they start giving all those their unwanted opinions, you can wait for them to conclude before replying with this bomber. It'll put them in place.

That's Right, But Who Asked You to Talk?

Another perfect response for know-it-alls that will put them in their place is "That's right, but who asked you to talk?"This is another snappy comeback that'd suit someone who has something to say about everything, believing they are always on the right.When they start one of their talks that irritates you, you can use this question to show them how annoying they're.Also, you can use this response when you're with a group of acquaintances, it'd get to them more.

Being Smart Is Knowing When to Talk and When Not To

"Being smart is knowing when to talk and when not to" is one of the befitting responses for know-it-alls.This is the kind of response you should use for someone that talks too much. When you've someone that thinks they're smart and always wants to have a say in everything, this response should humble them.Not only does it imply that they're not smart, but it's also good advice that can help them rethink.

There Is Wisdom in Listening to Others, You Know? 

Another snappy comeback that'd fit know-it-alls is "There is wisdom in listening to others, you know?"It's another way of advising them to learn to listen to others even when they think they're right. One thing about people that believe to be smarter than others is that they tend to force their opinion on others.So, this response should make them slow down a bit. You can use it when they insist their view is right in a discussion instead of engaging them further.Then, you can walk away afterward or change the subject of discussion.

There is Less Danger in Learning to Keep Some Opinions to Yourself 

"There is less danger in learning to keep some opinions to yourself" is another thing you can say, know-it-alls.After they've gone on to rant about their unwanted opinions, you can calmly respond with this statement.It's a polite response yet it should get to them because it implies that they shouldn't have spoken in the first place. Also, it tells them that you don't care about all they've said.

May I Remind You That You Aren't Google 

Comebacks for "Know-it-alls""May I remind you that you aren't Google" is one of the smart retorts that'd work for someone that believes they know everything.When they begin one of their many episodes of claiming to be right on a subject matter, use this response to shut them up.This response tells them that you believe only Google knows it all and not them.

You Would Argue Even with a Tree

"You would argue even with a tree" is another thing to say to someone that loves arguing. Using this response when they start one of their unbearable arguments will show them how annoying you find the attitude.Someone who argues about everything can get on one's nerves, so this response will show them exactly how you feel. So, rather than engage with them, use this statement to dismiss them.

You Shouldn't Be Here Forcing This Information Down My Throat. Go Somewhere Else

One of the smart replies to give someone that thinks they know everything is"You shouldn't be here forcing this information down my throat. Go Somewhere else"  Telling them they shouldn't force their opinion on you but they should go somewhere else will tell them you're not interested in what they think.So, when someone keeps insisting they're right without listening to your perspective, this response would suit them appropriately.

I'm Sure You Know You're a Jerk, Right?

"I'm sure you know you're a jerk, right?" is one of the ways to deal with someone that doesn't respect others' opinions.It'll suit people that always disregard your opinions and that of others. It can be hurtful when someone doesn't pay attention to what you say but rather always want it to go their way.So, this response should put them in their place. They wouldn't see it coming when you snap at them with this retort.

Thank You for the Information, But Can You Remind Me Not to Talk to You Next Time?

When you want to get to those that annoy you with their know-it-all attitude, "Thank you for the information, but can you remind me not to talk to you next time?" is a perfect response to give them.This reply will tell them that you wouldn't like to engage with them again. Avoiding conversations with someone that loves to argue is one of the best ways to deal with them.So, this response will get the work done by passing the information to them.

That Doesn't Sound Intelligent My Dear Friend

"That doesn't sound intelligent my dear friend" is another snappy retort that'd get back at know-it-alls.This is a perfect way of putting them in their place. For instance, when you're conversing with them and they start with the know-it-all attitude, you can respond with this statement once they're done saying what's on their mind.Believe me, these kinds of people wouldn't take it well when you tell them that they don't sound intelligent. You'll hurt their ego with this statement.

Thanks for Your Opinion, Now I'll Disregard It

"Thanks for your opinion, now I'll disregard it" is another great retort you should try with a know-it-all.This response is a sarcastic way of replying. At first, it implies you're appreciating their opinion.Then, if you want to tamper with their pride, telling them you'll disregard their opinion would do the job.It's one thing to listen to someone's advice and it's another thing to heed the advice. So, telling them blatantly that you'd disregard what they tell you wouldn't sit well with them.

Pardon My manners, I Didn't You Were an Authority in My Life 

Another sarcastic response you can use for someone who claims to be always right is "Pardon my manners, I didn't you were an authority in my life.When they give you unwanted advice and even insist you follow it, you can respond with this statement. They should see the mockery in the statement.

Now, I See Why People Never Like You 

Another statement that'd get to someone that always forces their opinions on people is "Now, I see why people never like you."It's the perfect comeback they wouldn't be expecting. When they begin one of their episodes of telling people what they should do or monopolizing an argument, use this response to shut them up.

Okay, Are We Supposed to Clap or Something?

"Okay, are we supposed to clap or something" is another perfect way you can get back at someone that always claims to be right.It's a suitable reply when you're in a group of people. So, when they begin stating their perspective in a discussion, you can all remain quiet and when they're done, ask this question.This should tell them that you're not impressed by what they just stated. It'll surely embarrass them.

Fantastic! That Sounds Silly, Though 

"Fantastic! That sounds silly, though" is another sharp reply to get at know-it-alls."Fantastic" is a sarcastic way to begin that'd make them believe you're complimenting them, but when you add "that sounds silly," it'd complete the job.This reply is a perfect way to show them you're unimpressed with their statement and also with their attitude.

Brilliant Idea. But, You Should've Kept It to Yourself 

Another way to tell someone you don't care about what they say is "Brilliant idea. But, you should've kept it to yourself."It's one of the ideal ways to get to know-it-all. When they start with their attitude during a conversation, you can give them this response to show that you don't care about them and what they think.Also, this response should show them how irritated you are with their behavior.

Alright, That's Your Time

"Alright, that's your time" is one of the smart replies you can use with know-it-alls. When you're someone who constantly offers unsolicited opinions, you can use this response to shut them up.Using this statement tells them that they've spoken enough and you're no longer interested in listening to them. Interrupt them with this response to put them in their place.

What Else?

Comebacks for "Know-it-alls"Another comment to make after someone monopolizes a discussion with their know-it-all character is "what else?"It's appropriate to use it after they finish giving their opinion. For instance, if you're in a group discussion with a know-it-all, after they speak their mind, you can reply with "What else?" to get to them.This question will hurt their pride as it implies that they haven't made any sense.

Aren't You Tired of This Shitty Attitude?

Another comeback for someone that claims to know it all is "Aren't you tired of this shitty attitude?This is a question that shows how upset you are with their attitude. You can ask them this question when they give you unwanted advice or try to force their view on you.Additionally, this question can arouse their interest and get you both into a conversation about their behavior.

Don't Expect Us to Agree with You When You Make No Sense 

Another thing you can say to someone who claims to know everything is "Don't expect us to agree with you when you make no sense" It's another snappy reply that directly tells them that they're making no sense. When they claim to be right in an argument or discussion, this response can shut them up.

Give Me a Break, Will You? I've Got a Headache 

Another snappy comment to make to a know-it-all is "Give me a break, will you? I've got a headache" This reply indicates how annoyed you are with their attitude. So, use this statement to rebuke them and dismiss them when they display their know-it-all character.

You Piss Me Off When You Do This 

Comebacks for "Know-it-alls""You piss me off when you do this" is another retort for someone that displays a know-it-all character.This statement is a straightforward way of telling them that you're pissed with their character. So, when they begin going on and on, hoping to impress you, this reply would burst their bubbles.

I Can't Keep Conversing with You if You Know Everything. It Scares the Shit Out of Me

Another thing to tell someone who claims to know everything is "I can't keep conversing with you if you know everything. It scares the shit out of me"It's a smart response that dismisses them instantly. So, use this comeback for someone you don't want to engage in a conversation with again. It'll tell them exactly how you feel.

End Note

Know-it-alls can be very annoying. When someone claims to know everything, conversing with them can become boring and one-sided.Sometimes a good comeback is what you need to put them in their place and probably get them to change.So, try out these comebacks above for someone who believes in knowing everything.


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