20 Clever Responses To “If You Say So”

In most cases, someone would tell you, “If you say so,”  after you’ve said something they disagree with but don’t want to continue discussing. It is often a sign that they are close-minded; thus, they mean it in a condescending way. While the best response to this statement can be absolute silence, I understand you may have the urge to reply with something witty that would serve as a comeback. But before you give a clever response, you have to be sure if the person means it negatively or if they had said it simply as a sign of humble submission.

Is “If You Say So” A Negative Comment? 

When someone tells you, “If you say so,” there’s no one general meaning. They could say it is as a smug response in many situations, especially when disagreeing with your claims. But that’s not always the case. You will need to observe the tone and context of communication to be sure if the person means it condescendingly or as a sign of humble submission. Since you’re looking for a clever comeback to give the person, it would mean that their smugness was intolerable. I’ve been in this situation many times that I’ve lost count. Here are the top clever responses to “if you say so” that you can try:

20 Creative Responses To “If you say so.”

  • Well, I usually do say so.
  • And so I did say.
  • I do say, indeed.
  • Yes, I do say so.
  • If I didn't say so, who would?
  • So it seems.
  • It’s my story, and I'm sticking to it.
  • If you insist.
  • It's my humble opinion.
  • Believe it or not, it's true.
  • So goes the legend.
  • So it has been spoken.
  • Take my word for it.
  • You can trust my judgment.
  • I stand by my words.
  • That's just how it is.
  • So it has been decreed.
  • Well, it's my educated guess.
  • I'm confident in my statement.
  • That's the way I see it.

Keep reading to learn how to use these witty, clever, and snappy responses to “If you say so.”

1. Well, I usually do say so

Clever Responses To “If You Say So”Let’s face it: It’s not always easy to respond wittily when someone challenges your claim by saying “if you say so,” especially in a discrediting way. But that doesn’t mean you can’t use a confident response like “Well, I usually do say so.”It’s an excellent way to reiterate that you are sure of what you’re saying, and they are naive to think you aren’t sure of yourself.  It’s also valuable for situations where you have a track record of making claims that eventually turn out to be true. Check out these examples to see how it’s used:

  • Well, I usually do say so. Whose opinion do you expect me to offer?
  • Well, I usually do say so. This is not the first time I’m being challenged, anyway.

2. And so I did say

If you’re looking for a befitting response for someone constantly challenging you or posing as your opp for whatever conclusions you make, try “And so I did say.”According to Collins Dictionary, this is a phrase that reeks confidence in your ability to be right about your judgment. It means you are well-informed to have said what you said. You’ll find out that they buy into your boldness. Here is an example to show you how it works:

  • And so I did say, Bonnie! You always have something to say, huh?
  • The boss won’t be happy with this decision. And so I did say!

3. I do say, indeed

“I do say, indeed” is another clever response when someone tells you “if you say so.” “Indeed” emphasizes a statement and confirms that you mean what you already suggested. Many English speakers say they often use “indeed” to introduce a more vital or surprising point. So you can interpret this in your reply to convey confidence. This example can guide you:

  • I don’t know what you mean by that statement, but I do say so, indeed!

4. Yes, I do say so

One of the simplest yet clever ways to reply when someone says “if you say so” is by responding with “Yes, I do say so.” It shows that you want them to rely on your suggestion and are confident. It perfectly fits a situation where someone has used the “if you say so” comment as a sluggish way to talk down on your opinion.

  • Yes, I do say so. Do you have a problem with that?
  • Do whatever you want, but yes, I do say so.

5. If I didn't say so, who would?

Sometimes, all you need to say when someone tells you, “If you say so,” is a clever statement that answers their challenge. In this sense, “If I didn’t say so, who would?”  is a creative response.This is a clever rhetorical question that establishes persuasion. The tone of this response is designed to have an impressive effect. If you’re still stuck, here’s an example to guide you:

  • Well, If I didn’t say so, who would? 

6. So it seems

The phrase “so it seems” is primarily used in English to say that one thinks something is true. It’s a brilliant response when someone tells you “if you say so.”Although the tone of this reply isn’t aggressive or witty, it establishes that what you’ve said is what seems authentic. It also sends the impression that you welcome contrasting views or opinions. It is best used when you don’t have the final say in a discussion. Check out this example as a clue on how it’s used:

  • I know you have reservations about what I said. But, so it seems.
  • So it seems. You’ve got a different view?

7. It’s my story, and I'm sticking to it

Were you trying to give an account of something, and there’s no substantial proof to validate your side of the story? The person could say, “If you say so,” as a sign that they disagree but are willing to let it slide. In such a situation, try replying, “That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.”It’s a clever and effective way to show the person that you’re factual, compelling them to buy your story without saying too many words further. You can refer to these examples: 

  • Do you think I’m not sure of what I said? It’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.
  • It’s my story, and I’m sticking to it. What else do you have to say? 

8. If you insist

Clever Responses To “If You Say So”“If you insist” is a counterintuitive response to “if you say so,” it sometimes works well. You can use it when you don’t want to explain further; what you said is enough for believability. It is also a perfect suit when the listener cannot succumb to what you say. For instance, if you’re their supervisor and you give a directive. Look at how it’s used in these examples:

  • If you insist. That’s the point.
  • Not like you have any other choice. So, if you insist.

9. It's my humble opinion

You can reply with “It’s my humble opinion” when someone tells you “if you say so.” It’s a clever remark, especially when what you said has no solid external authority backing.As Andrew Leach, English Language and Literature Teacher and Instructional Coach at Ridley College, points out, “devaluing your opinion by calling it humble is a clever, corny, and sarcastic expression of humility”, especially when you’re confident that your idea will eventually become a reality. Here’s an example to guide you

  • It’s my humble opinion. Do you have reservations about it?

10. Believe it or not, it's true

A great way to sarcastically respond to “if you say so” is “believe it or not, it’s true.”  It shows that you think the person is too naive to see the truth in your statement, and it doesn’t matter whether they admit it or not. You can establish confidence in your comment at this point since you don’t care if they believe it. What matters, after all, is that you’re true to yourself and pass the information. For example: 

  • Believe it or not, it’s true. I don’t care if I don’t.

11. So goes the legend

“So goes the legend" adds a touch of humor and playfulness to the conversation when responding to someone who tells you, "If you say so." This response suggests that your statement or perspective holds a mythical or legendary quality if It implies that your viewpoint is significant enough to be remembered and passed down through generations like a legendary tale.

  • You may not believe me that there are treasures buried in those hills, but so goes the legend

12. So it has been spoken

If you want to add emphasis and finality to your statement when someone tells you, “If you say so,” consider replying with, “So it has been spoken."I recommend using this response when you want to assert that your statement is not merely an opinion or suggestion but has been communicated and agreed upon by others. 

  • Oh, I do say so. I've already discussed it with our team, and they are all on my idea. So it has been spoken.

13. Take my word for it.

You may want to sound witty while responding to someone dismissive or skeptical of what you're saying.  In such cases, “Take my word for it” is a perfect response when someone says, “If you say so.” It adds a touch of confidence and finality to your claim, emphasizing that you’re well-informed on the matter and your suggestion is not up for further debate.Here’s an example to guide you:

  • Take my word for it, John. I’ve seen this before.

14. You can trust my judgment

When someone tells you “if you say so,” it means they are skeptical about your statement. YOu can cleverly respond with "You can trust my judgment," implying that your decision-making skills or experience make you a reliable source. This response humorously challenges the person’s doubt and encourages them to consider your suggestion more seriously.Here’s how it works: 

  • You can trust my judgment. I've taken this route before, and it offers breathtaking views of the countryside

15. I stand by my words

Just because someone replied to your judgment with “if you say so” doesn’t mean you can’t convey confidence and firmness in your statement. Do this by responding with “I stand by my words.”I remember confidently expressing my opinion to a friend about a restaurant's pizza, and she bluntly expressed skepticism based on the mixed reviews she’d heard. I responded, "Well, I stand by my words," demonstrating my confidence and unwavering belief in my earlier statement.

16. That's just how it is.

Clever Responses To “If You Say So”Try saying, “That’s just how it is,” when someone says, “If you say so,” especially when you want to show that others' opinions do not easily sway you and are ready to defend your stance if necessary. Look at this example:

  • Well, that’s just how it is. You may not believe it, but it’s a pyramid scheme. 

17. So it has been decreed

There’s no arm in responding lightheartedly when someone says, “If you say so.” You can do this by saying, “So it has been decreed.” It suggests your viewpoint is not for debate and should be considered the final and definitive answer. However, notice that this response adds a touch of humor by exaggerating the seriousness of the situation and injecting a playful tone into the conversation.Here’s an example to give you a clearer idea: 

  • Yes, that’s what I mean. So it has been decreed.

18. Well, it's my educated guess.

You can challenge the person’s dismissive attitude while highlighting your expertise or knowledge in the subject matter. So, “Well, it’s my educated guess” is another clever response to “if you say so.” It shows you’ve considered various factors or have access to information that supports your confident prediction about the matter. Here’s how this response works:

  • It's my educated guess that the movie will be a success and break box office records.

19. I'm confident in my statement

People admire bravery and courage. If someone tells you “if you say so,” you can subtly challenge their dismissive attitude while maintaining a polite and non-confrontational tone. One clever way to do this is by saying, “I’m confident in my statement.” It implies that your assessment or judgment is based on knowledge or expertise, contrasting with the implied skepticism or doubt expressed by the person.For example:

  • Believe it or not. But I’m confident in my statement

20. That's the way I see it

By saying, "That's the way I see it," you introduce your perspective and open the door for further discussion without being overly aggressive. It’s a clever response to “if you say so” because it encourages a respectful exchange of ideas and invites the person to consider an alternative viewpoint.This example will give you a hint on how it works:

  • That's the way I see it. While regulations can help, fostering education and awareness would also have a significant impact.



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