20 Best Ways to Politely Ask Someone if They Still Want To Be Friends

Do you want to be friends with someone and they are not being much responsive? In this case, you might want to inquire from them about the cause of the delay or if they still want to be friends with you. The person may yet to give you a plausible response or their actions could still spell skepticism for several reasons.They may be indecisive about it or they forgot to verbally let you know of their position and status with you. This could prompt you to want to hear from them. In this post, I will be discussing the 20 best ways to politely ask someone if they still want to be friends. Read on to know what to say!

20 Best Ways to Politely Ask Someone If They Still Want To Be Friends

We've already established that it could be skeptical if someone who'd consider a friend isn't showing signs of friendship or they're not forthcoming with your expectations. Because of this, you may want to ask them their stand and status, and doing this requires subtlety as you don't want to come off as creepy or whatever.'Would you still like to be friends?', 'don't you think we should stop being mere acquaintances?', 'Are we friends yet?' and 'What's with the distance lately?' are all examples of the best ways to ask someone if they still want to be friends. However, let’s get into the full highlights of these questions and also discuss them one after another.

  •         Are we friends yet?
  •         How do you still feel about being friends with me?
  •         Don’t you think we should stop being mere acquaintances?
  •         I would like us to give this situationship of ours a name; what do you think?
  •         You don't sound like you still want to be friends with me, do you?
  •         What’s with the distance lately?
  •         Is our friendship under review from your end?
  •         I like your vibe, it’s clear you like mine too, can we still give it a title already?
  •         I’m flattered by your intelligence and I want to keep you around me; what do you say?
  •         I noticed you barely have friends around here; how about I still fill in that gap?
  •         You strike me as a nice person, and I still don’t mind being friends with you, do you?
  •         Would you still like to be friends?
  •         Want to be my friend still?
  •         Can we be friends even now I’m broke?
  •         Be as it may, do you want to be friends?
  •         What says you about continuing our relationship?
  •         I’m positive about relating well with you; is it still one of your plans?
  •         If you still want to be friends with me; I'm also down for it
  •         You sound as though you want to be close to me nevertheless
  •         When are you going to give me a response on our friendship status?

1. Are We Friends Yet?

"Are we friends yet?" is one of the best ways to ask someone if they still want to be friends with you. The best part of this question is that it allows you to be assertive and polite at the same time. With this, you're asking the person if you guys are friends yet. Perhaps, their actions of late make you doubt that you are friends with them and that it gives you cause to worry.Therefore, it is understandable if you use this question to inquire if they still want to be friends with you. The use of 'yet' in the question indicates that you two may have had a prior discussion about the same thing, so you're just trying to make sure you're on the same page with them on that.

2. How Do You Still Feel About Being Friends With Me?

“How do you still feel about being friends with me” is another angle from which you can view things and fashion a question to the person asking them if they still want to be friends with you. In the case of this question, you’re asking the person about how they feel and what they think about still being friends with you.This is an intelligible question as it can make the person go from thinking to actually gauging their response based on their feelings and not on cognitive reasoning.

3. Don’t You Think We Should Stop Being Mere Acquaintances?

Perhaps the person you want to ask if they still want to be friends is already your acquaintance and you want to be more than that. If that's the case, asking "Don't you think we should stop being acquaintances?" becomes a good question to inquire about what they want with you. I'm sure the person will understand that being just acquaintances doesn't work for you any longer, hence the need for your question.

4. I Would Like Us To Give This Situationship of Ours a Name; What Do You Think?

“I would like us to give this situationship of ours a name; what do you think?" is a question that you can use to politely ask someone if they still want to be friends but by implying that you already have an existing connection with the person.However, I referred to this connection as a ‘situationship’ because it bears no tag and as such is informal and unofficial. In that respect, the purpose of your question becomes to ascertain the likelihood that you will make a formal pact in the line of a friendship.

5. You Don't Sound Like You Still Want To Be Friends With Me, Do You?

Body language and faint speeches could prompt you to use "You don't sound like you still want to be friends with me, or do you?" as your go-to question which is to inquire from someone if they still want to be friends with you. This is so because the question is in all forms a representation of how skeptical your mind is concerning the person's stance on your friendship with them.This question also informs the person that you may have them figured out by considering their body language and their tone, yet you took the liberty of asking them the question.

6.What’s With the Distance Lately?

Best Ways to Politely Ask Someone if They Still Want To Be Friends"What's with the distance lately?" is the best way to ask someone if they still want to be friends judging by how they have been acting of late. Perhaps, the person has been missing out on dates, or meet-ups or hasn't been taking your calls recently.If any of this is the case, then this question becomes a viable one that you can use to ask the person if he or she still wants to be friends with you.

7. Is Our Friendship Under Review From Your End?

"Is our friendship under review from your end?" is another good question you can use to know whether or not someone still wants to be friends with you. Anything under review could change at any time. The same is true and applicable to friendships which can be revised and changes made. Such changes may be positive or negative depending on the agenda that is under review. If you sense that the person has been skeptical and indecisive about a lot of things about your friendship with them, this question sets the pace for redress.

8. I Like Your Vibe, It’s Clear You Like Mine Too, Can We Still Give It a Title Already?

“…it’s clear you like mine too, can we still give it a title already?” is that simple question that decides whether or not you would be more than what you’re already with someone into becoming friends. You two may probably just be people that enjoy each other’s company and energy without giving it a name. In such a case, you can question the person’s stand on being friends with you using this question.

9. I’m flattered by Your Intelligence and I want to keep you around me; what do you Say?

“…I want to keep you around me, what do you say?” should be the perfect question to ask someone you’ve already briefed on why you want to be friends with them but then they seem not to buy it. With this question, you can now put the person’s intelligence into perspective as your reason for wanting to be friends with the person.

10.  I Noticed You Barely Have Friends Around Here; How About I Still Fill in That Gap?

"…You barely have friends around here; how about I still fill in that gap" is another viable line of question that you can use to inquire from someone if they still want to be friends with you. Here, you're insinuating that you figured that that person still doesn't have plenty of friends and you want to fill in that gap.

11.  You Strike Me as a Nice Person, and I Still Don’t Mind Being Friends With You, Do You?

If the person you want to ask if they still want to be friends with you already made a point about why they can't be friends but you feel their point isn't strong enough, then you can use this line of questioning to question their final stance. Since you're already convinced that you want to be friends with them, this question is crucial as it helps you to gain clarity concerning the person's final decision.

12. Would You Still Like To Be Friends?

"Would you still want to be friends?" is not much of a wordy question that you can use on someone who you want to be friends with but they're not pronounced about their true feelings.

13.  Want To Be My Friend Still?

“Want to be my friend still?” is a good choice of question just like the previous one which you can employ to ask someone if they still want to be friends. In this question, there’s a spice of assertiveness in it, as you sound more profound using it.

14.  Can We Be Friends Even Now I’m Broke?

Unconditional friendship is like a goldmine in the dirt because it is almost unattainable. On that note, it is only wise that you highlight whatever messy situation you're into while you ask someone if they still want to be friends with you. "Can we be friends even now I'm broke?" is that question that puts things into perspective.

15.  Be as It May, Do You Want To Be Friends?

Just like the last question, this question also follows the same order of things. However, this one right here doesn't pinpoint any particular flaw as a personal sentiment that may offset the person.

16.  What Says You About Continuing Our Relationship?

Best Ways to Politely Ask Someone if They Still Want To Be Friends"What says you about continuing our friendship?" is that query you can use to probe someone you've been friends with but whose actions recently make doubt replace love in the atmosphere. Put it to good use.

17.  I’m Positive about Relating well with you; is It Still One of Your Plans?

“…Is it still one of your plans?” is a question that acknowledges that the person you’re querying has other plans but you want to be clear that they’re still down to roll with you.

18.  If You Still Want To Be Friends with Me; I’m also Down for It?

This question aims to make the person you're asking to understand that you’re down for whatever only if the feeling is mutual.

19.  You Sound As Though You Want To Be Close to Me Nevertheless

Perhaps, if the person that you want to ask the question has a preconception about you and you’re unsure about their idea of being friends with you, then you can use this line to let them speak their mind and also save you the mental baggage associated with entertaining doubt.

20.  When Are You Going To Give Me A Response On Our Friendship Status?

"When are you going to…?" is a question of time. Concerning this post, this question allows you to ask the person how long it'll take them to respond to their friendship status with you. It is a cool query if you've previously asked them and nothing tangible came out as a response.


Friendship is a compromise; an often undocumented pact of a good relationship. You can be friends with someone for several reasons, particularly reasons beneficial to you. However, when someone you've shown interest in is not being proactive about what they want, you'll be pushed to question them. This post affords you the ropes to launch viable questions in that regard. Do well to pick and employ them accordingly for the best results.  


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