20 Best Responses When Someone Says You Are Lucky

Have you ever been in a situation where you're stuck for words when someone says you're lucky? Sometimes it isn't that you don't know what to say, but you feel agreeing with it isn't right.Usually, the normal response people give when someone says they're lucky is acceptance. They either say "Thank you" or "That's right."However, for those of you that need better responses, especially when you don't feel lucky, this article is for you.I'll be giving you the best responses for when someone says you're lucky. Whether you need something that agrees with it or disagrees, you'll find them helpful.

20 Best Responses When Someone Says You Are Lucky

There are various ways you can reply to someone that says you're lucky. Most times you just need the right words to politely disagree with them.If someone tells you you're lucky, and you don't think so, you can say something like, "I don't think so, dear. I worked my ass off" or "It's not luck, it's hard work."But, if you agree, you can say, "That's true" or "Indeed. I didn't see this coming"  Also, you can appreciate them if they've got a hand in it by saying something like, "Thank you, I know you put in words for me."Here are the 20 Best Responses to give:

  1. That's true
  2. Very lucky
  3. I totally agree 
  4. Indeed. I didn't see it coming 
  5. You're right. It took me by surprise 
  6. I can't agree less
  7. Thank you. I know you put in words for me
  8. I appreciate your effort
  9. Certainly. God was really on my side
  10. God's grace was upon me
  11. God did it
  12. I just did my best
  13. I guess my best paid off
  14. I'm glad my effort was not wasted 
  15. Don't think so, dear. I worked my ass off
  16. It's not luck, it's hard work."
  17. Not at all. 
  18. This is not luck
  19. I totally disagree
  20. So are you

That's True

Best Responses When Someone Says You Are Lucky"That's true" is one of the responses you can give when someone says you're lucky. It's a simple reply that shows you agree with what they said. It's an appropriate response to give when you think you had what you got with ease, or it came unexpectedly.For instance, if you jumped onto an interview without adequate preparation, and you got the job afterward, you can agree that you were lucky.Here's an example:

  • A- You're very lucky to have gotten this job 
  • B- That's true. I didn't even prepare at all, yet I got it.

Very Lucky 

"Very lucky" is another response to give to someone that says you're lucky. It's another simple expression you say to agree with the speaker.If you believe you were lucky, saying "very lucky" doesn't only agree with them but it emphasizes how lucky you feel.For instance, if you narrowly escaped a car hitting you, probably someone pushed you out of the way, you can agree that indeed you were very lucky.Here's an example:A- You're a lucky person B- Very lucky. I could've been dead now

I Totally Agree 

"I totally agree" is another great response that shows your agreement with what the speaker said.It emphasizes your complete belief that you were fortunate in that situation. For instance, if you got to work late and your boss wasn't around to notice, you can agree that you were fortunate.In this case, this response shows your relief because you knew what would've happened if it hadn't happened the way it did.Here's an example:

  • A- You're one lucky person
  • B- I agree. The boss would've skinned me alive if he was here before me

Indeed. I Didn't See It Coming 

"Indeed. I didn't see this coming" is another cool way of responding when someone says you're lucky.In this case, you're not only agreeing with what the speaker said, but you're also emphasizing how you were not expecting what happened. It's appropriate to use when you didn't think what happened would have happened.For instance, you went to a competition without thinking you'd win; you probably went for it to boost your confidence, it's natural to be surprised when you're announced the winner.So, "I didn't see it coming" shows your surprise while emphasizing how lucky you feel.

You're Right. It Took Me By Surprise 

Another good response to give when someone says you're lucky is " You're right. It took me by surprise."It works like the above response to stress the fact that you were not expecting what happened."You're right" shows you concur with the speaker's statement while "It took me by surprise" shows your surprise at what transpired.

I Can't Agree Less

"I can't agree less" is another statement you use when you want to show your concurrence with what someone has said.So, when someone says you're lucky, this response shows that you're in full support of their feelings. It's an emphatic expression that shows how lucky you feel.For instance, if you narrowly missed the bus to school, you can agree that you were lucky.Here's an example of such a scenario:

  • A- You're very lucky
  • B- I can't agree less. I don't know what I'd have done if I'd missed this bus 

Thank You. I Know You Put in Words for Me

"Thank you. I know you put in words for me" is another cool response that'd work when someone says you're lucky. If it's the case that you know they had a hand in what happened, this is the appropriate response to use.Here, you're not feeling lucky, rather you're appreciating them for helping out.For instance, if you applied for a job, and your friend put it in words for you, even though they believed it might not make any difference, you can use this response if you get the job.The statement will show your genuine appreciation for what they did.

I Appreciate Your Effort

"I appreciate your effort" is another way of replying to someone who made an effort to help you.When someone says you're lucky you got a job, whereas they'd helped you with your preparation, you can thank them instead of agreeing that you were lucky.Here, you're letting them know that even though they think you were lucky, they were a part of the reason you got it. Here's an example:

  • A- You're lucky you got that job.
  • B- I appreciate your efforts. It paid off.

Certainly. God Was Really on My Side

"Certainly. God was really on my side" is the kind of response you give to acknowledge God.Most people believe that God has a hand in what they do, and so they never fail to acknowledge him when something good happens to them. So, if you're that type, you can give this response when someone says you're lucky. Also, this response emphasizes that it was God that made you fortunate in that situation.

God's Grace Was Upon Me

Another response to give when someone says you're lucky to show your acknowledgement for God is, "God's grace was upon me."In this case, you're letting them know that it wasn't mere luck that got you what you've but rather the grace of God.Also, this is the kind of response you give when you know you prayed before engaging in what triggered the statement.For instance, if you prayed before going to a competition, and you won, you can give this response to show that it was God that helped you.

God Did It

Best Responses When Someone Says You Are Lucky"God did it" is another statement that shows your belief in God. It works like the above responses to show that you didn't get what you got by mere luck, but rather with God's help.Also, it's a cool response to give when you want to let the other person know about God. Probably you think they don't believe in God, you can give this response to try to convince them.Here's an example of a scenario:

  • A- You're lucky
  • B-  it isn't luck. God did it

I Just Did My Best 

"I just did my best" is another good response to give when someone says you're fortunate. If it's the case that you had put in effort but you don't want to disagree with the speaker, probably because you think you had a bit of luck, you can use this statement.This response acknowledges your effort but it doesn't disagree with what the person said.For instance, you had prepared well for an interview and you got picked; you might agree that you had a bit of luck out of the hundred persons that applied because you believed they'd prepared like you. However, this response also tells the person it wasn't just luck that got you the job.Here's an example:A- you're lucky you got that job. A hundred persons applied B- I just did my best. It probably wouldn't have been so if I hadn't put in much effort 

I Guess My Best Paid Off

"I guess my best paid off" is another statement you can use when you want to acknowledge your effort when someone says you're lucky.In this case, you don't believe you were lucky, but rather you believe your hard work paid off; but you don't want to directly disagree.So, this response tells them that it was your effort that got you what you've. But it doesn't appear like you disagree with their statement.

I'm Glad My Effort Was Not Wasted 

Another way you can let the speaker know that you had put in the effort is by saying, "I'm glad my efforts was not wasted."This response is a great way of acknowledging your hard work rather than just accepting that you were lucky.It's an emphatic expression that lets the speaker know that you disagree with their statement, even though you're not saying it directly.

Don't Think So, Dear. I Worked My Ass Off

Another way you can show the speaker that you don't agree with them is by saying, "Don't think so, dear. I worked my ass off."However, in this case, you're directly letting them know that you don't concur with their statement. "Don't think so, dear" tells them to do away with the thought that it was luck  that got you what you have.The "dear" in the statement is not an endearment, it's more for sarcasm or emphasis. In addition, saying "I worked my ass off" makes sure they understand that it was your hard work that paid off and not luck.

It's Not Luck, it's Hard Work.

"It's not luck, it's hard work" is one of the straightforward expressions that tell the person that you're not in line with their thoughts.Here, you're telling them that it's your hard work that made you what you're and not because you were lucky.

Not at All

 Best Responses When Someone Says You Are Lucky"Not at all" is another direct statement to give to someone that says you're lucky to show you don't believe so. It's a simple reply that tells them your mind.Also, it doesn't leave room for any argument. So, you can use this reply when you don't care much about the speaker and to dismiss them.

This is Not Luck 

"This is not luck" is another firm statement that shows your stand when someone believes that you're lucky.For instance, if you beat the best students in the class to be the top of the class, and someone tells you that it was luck, this is a suitable response for them.Moreover, it strongly shows your disagreement that you don't have to say anything further.

I Totally Disagree

"I totally disagree" is another statement that shows your firm disagreement with someone that says you're lucky.When you use this reply, you don't have to say more, because it strongly tells them that you don't believe you were lucky.  

So Are You

"So are you" is a response that tells the speaker you believe they were lucky too.If it's the case that they're in the same situation, this reply is appropriate to use. For instance, you had both gone for an interview and got the job and they say you're lucky, probably to dismiss your effort, you can give this reply to remind them they're not different from you.

Final Note 

When someone says you're lucky, there are lots of ways you can respond to them to show how you feel about it.If you agree or disagree with them, you can let them know. Also, if you think they have a hand in your success, you can tell them.In addition, if you think it was God who helped you, don't hesitate to let them know. I've discussed enough examples of the best responses to meet your needs, so feel free to use that as a guide. 


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