20 Best Responses When Someone Says to God Be the Glory

When someone says 'To God be the Glory' there is every possibility that something good must have happened or the person just felt like giving God the Glory because of how much he loves to praise God. What do you reply when someone says 'To God be the Glory?' This article will explore the various ways to respond when you find yourself in such a situation. 

20 Best Responses When Someone Says to God Be the Glory

  1. Well, we have to give him thanks
  2. Who else shall we praise then?
  3. Definitely
  4. It is not negotiable
  5. Tell me, what's the good news
  6. I shall celebrate with you even though I don't know what happened
  7. Indeed
  8. Amen!
  9. Let's keep praising him!
  10. God is great
  11. What can God not do? Absolutely nothing!
  12. I expected that, congratulations!
  13.  Care to share the good news?
  14. I ought to celebrate too, I received some good news!
  15. Indeed, God is forever faithful
  16. Thank you, I guess I needed that too
  17. We have to give him the Glory because all things are from God
  18. He deserves it!
  19. God is forever for us!
  20. I am so curious to know why you said so

Well, we have to give him thanks

'Well, we have to give him thanks' is a nice way to respond to 'We give God the Glory.This response shows you agree to the person that you have to give God the Glory. It is a way of contributing positively to the statement that the person made, it directly shows that you agree to the statement. Example: To God be the GloryResponse: Well, we have to give him thanks 

Who else shall we praise then?

Best Responses When Someone Says To God Be The GloryA better way to respond to 'To God be the Glory' is 'Who else shall we praise then?'You agree with the person and you also want to make it clear that there is no other person that you can give such praise to. You make it so obvious that it is only God that deserves the Glory! Example:To God be the GloryResponse:Who else shall we praise then?


'Definitely' is a nice way to respond to 'To God be the Glory.' This is a direct way of showing that you agree with what the person said. Saying 'definitely' shows you are in massive support and you do not think otherwise. It makes sense to let it be known when you agree with what someone says. That way the person knows that you are on the same page. Example:To God be the GloryResponse: Definitely!

It is not negotiable

"It is not negotiable" is another good way to respond to "To God be the Glory.' When something is not negotiable it means that it is not open to modification or that you cannot change it in any way. The same is applicable here, your response shows that the fact that you have to give God the Glory is not negotiable at all, indirectly you agree to what the person said without saying it directly. Example: To God be the GloryResponse: It is not negotiable

Tell me, what's the good news?

A nicer way to respond to 'To God be the Glory' is 'Tell me, what's the good news?'"Usually, when someone says 'To God be the Glory ', it is a sign that something good just happened or something good is about to happen. In this situation, you are eager to know what the good news is or what made the person say 'To God be the Glory.' Example:To God be the GloryResponse:Tell me, what's the good news?

I shall celebrate with you even though I don't know what happened

'I shall celebrate with you even though I don't know what happened' is one of the best ways to respond to 'To God be the Glory.' This shows how loyal you are to the person and how you are genuinely happy for the person even when you do not know what happened. Saying you will celebrate even when you are not aware of what happened shows how much you care. Example: To God be the GloryResponse :I shall celebrate with you even though I don't know what happened


'Indeed' sounds like a unique way to respond to 'To God be the Glory.' Indeed means truly, it shows what the person says is true and that you are in no doubt at all. Example:To God be the GloryResponse: Indeed!


'Amen' is a positive way to 'To God be the Glory.' 'Amen' means 'let it be so.' Using it as a response is a way of saying that you truly want all Glory to be to God. Example: To God be the GloryResponse: Amen 

Let's keep praising him!

'Let's keep praising him' sounds like one of the best aha to respond to 'To God be the Glory.' You want to keep praising God and you want others to join you while you praise God.Using this as a response shows how much you love praising God and how you want to pull others in so they can also be blessed.Example: To God be the GloryResponse:Let's keep praising him

God is great

A better way to respond to 'To God be the Glory' is ‘God is great.’Indeed, God is great, that is one major reason why it is important to give all Glory to him.God does not need to do something spectacular or even perform a miracle before you have to give him Glory, that is what this response insinuates. The fact that God loves you irrespective of your wrongs is enough reason to give him all the glory.Example: To God be the GloryResponse:God is great.

What can God not do? Absolutely nothing!

'What can God not do? Absolutely nothing!' This is another good way to respond to 'To God be the Glory.' Here, you make it known that there is nothing God cannot do. Hence, that is why he is great and more reason why all Glory should be to him.Example: To God be the GloryResponse: What can God not do? Absolutely nothing! 

I expected that, congratulations!

'I expected that congratulations' is a good response to 'To God be the Glory.'You both must have had a conversation about something and it eventually happened which made the person say 'To God be the Glory.' Saying you expected that shows you believe so much in God and in the fact that he would do what the person had been praying for. Example: To God be the GloryResponse:I expected that, congratulations!

Care to share the good news?

'Care to share the good news?' is a suitable way to respond to 'To God be the Glory.' This response shows you have no idea what happened and you want the person to share it with you. It is a subtle way of asking, because of how you asked, the person would be compelled to talk to you about it. That way, you can even celebrate with the person. Example: To God be the GloryResponse: Can you share the good news?

I ought to celebrate too, I received some good news!

Another nice way to respond to 'To God be the Glory' is 'I ought to celebrate too, I received good news.' Usually, when you receive good news you tend to celebrate it. Out of excitement, some people tend to give God the Glory. That could be the same situation here, it could be that you both received some good news at the same time, and that is what brought about the response 'I ought to celebrate too.' It is best to use this response if you also received some good news that made the person give God the Glory. Example: To God be the GloryResponse: I ought to celebrate too, I received some good news. 

Indeed, God is forever faithful

'Indeed, God is forever faithful' sounds nice as a response to 'To God be the Glory.' This shows you have experienced it and that you can also testify that God is forever faithful. You can also thank the person for consistently sending you Bible verses to remind you how faithful God is. Usually, when you have experienced something you can always testify to it. Example:To God be the GloryResponse: Indeed, God is forever faithful

Thank you, I guess I needed that too

'Thank you, I guess I needed that' is one of the best ways to respond to 'To God be the Glory.' Sometimes, it may seem that all hopes are lost because things may not be going your way, it could be that all you just need is to give thanks for where you currently are and also give God all the glory. If this is the case then it makes sense to say that you also needed that. That way, the person just has indirectly persuaded you to give God the Glory even when things are not going as they should. Example:To God be the GloryResponse: Thank you, I guess I needed that. 

We have to give him the Glory because all things are from God

'We have to give him the Glory because all things are from God' sounds like one of the best ways to respond to 'To God be the Glory.'A true lover and follower of God's message knows and believes that all things are from God. That is why it is a good idea to give him the Glory even when you seem not to be getting where you want to be yet. Most times, people only tend to praise God when things are going well, forgetting that we ought to praise him and give him the Glory even when things are not going as planned. Example: To God be the GloryResponse:We have to give him the Glory because all things are from God.

He deserves it!

Another good way to respond to 'To God be the Glory' is 'He deserves it.'Here, you make it known that God deserves all the Glory, not because he did anything or performed any miracle but just because he is God. It is a way of letting people know that God deserves all the glory at all times, not only when things are cozy. Example: To God be the GloryResponse: He deserves it!

God is forever for us!

'God is forever for us' is a better way to respond to 'To God be the Glory.' This is a response that explains that God is forever for us. It is a good thing to acknowledge this. Once you are aware that God has for us you would not relent in giving him all the Glory. It is more like a reminder that God is forever for us and that we should not wait till things are going well before deciding to give him the Glory. Example: To God be the GloryResponse: God is forever for us.

I am so curious to know why you said so

'I am so curious to know why you said so is a better way to respond to 'To God be the Glory.' It is not a bad thing to be curious, sometimes you just want to know why someone said something. Once you notice the person said 'To God be the Glory' in an unusual way, it is a normal thing to be interested in why the person said so. That is what this response insinuates. It is best to use this response when you notice the person starts to give God the Glory in an unusual way or if you notice the person just started doing it all of a sudden. Example:To God be the GloryResponse: I am so curious to know why you said so

Parting Words

I have explored the different ways to respond when someone says 'To God be the Glory.' It is up to you to use any of the responses I have explained in this article. They all work depending on the context, you should know which one works well in any situation you find yourself in. 


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