20 Best Responses When Someone Says They Crave You

When someone says they crave you, they're simply incurring about having some kind of intense emotions for you. Simply put, they want to have some quality "alone time" with you. The question is, are you feeling them or not?Depending on what you're feeling, you should be able to round up a pretty good response to the person. However, in this post, I'll be exposing you to the 20 best responses when someone says they crave you. To let me tuck you into more details, keep reading on!

Best 20 Responses When Someone Says They Crave You

Some of the best responses to when someone says they crave you include 'I bet I'm not the first person you said that to', 'Thanks, but no', 'How about we fall in love first?' and 'You'll feel much better with hamburgers.'With these responses, you're sure to serve a well-deserved reply to the person that says they crave you. Whether or not you want to say yes, no, or act indifferent, these responses and more are absolute no-brainers if you want to answer back.Let's go get the others, shall we?

  • Snap out of it, I'm not a food
  • And I don't want you to get what you want
  • Excuse me, did I just hear you right?
  • You sound peevish, piss off. I bet I'm not the first person you said that to
  • Thanks, but no
  • Prove to me you're worth it
  • You just suck, scrap it
  • You'll feel much better with hamburgers
  • I wish it was mutual, but it's not
  • It is not a crime to dream big, so you can try
  • So lovely of you, I'm in
  • I've always known you would come around
  • How about we fall in love first?
  • You are moving too fast, don't you think?
  • Give me some time to think about it
  • Let's give that a shot, shall we?
  • Stop patronizing me, will you?
  • It's called fornicating. Don't sugar-coat it
  • I thought you loved KFC, what changed?

Snap out of it, I'm not a food

'Snap out of it, I'm not a food' is a brilliant line of response that you can use when someone says they crave you. This is an elaborate response you can use to infer that you're not a food and whoever it is that's saying they crave you is probably blind to make mention of such a thing. I'm sure the person who said that to you will understand why you mentioned that because this is a plain language that shows you're not interested in whatever it is they're saying to you. 

And I don't want you to get what you want

'And I don't want you to get what you want' is an elaborate response to when someone says they crave you. Telling the person that you don't want them to get what they want is a direct way of telling the person that you don't like the fact that they crave you. I'm pretty much sure the person will understand once you throw in this line of response, that craving you is pointless.

Excuse me, did I just hear you right?

'Excuse me, did I just hear you right?' is that premium response that you can serve when someone says they crave you. You should know that you'll be sounding a tad sarcastic if you employ this one because it is meant to throw off the person that made the statement to you, so if you get the chance to say something like this, don't hoard it.

You sound peevish, piss off

'You sound peevish, piss off' can be your next line of response which you can add to your menu of replies in this situation. With this response, you're implying that the person that says they crave you must really be sounding off and almost as annoying as a pervert. You can merge this response by putting up a physical countenance that compliments it to drive the message home seamlessly, more like contorting your face to show the disgust you feel at that moment.

I bet I'm not the first person you said that to

'I bet I'm not the first person you said that to' is one of the most savvy responses to when someone says they crave you in this post. This is one of those responses that sound feminine, especially if you're a girl and a guy says to you that he craves you. And it is meant to let the guy know that you have this presumption of not being the first person he's saying such a cheesy thing to. Based on that, you can as well be insinuating that he's not genuine with his words.

Thanks, but no

'Thanks, but no' can be your next rated response to when someone says they crave you. It is a plain way of declining the person that says they crave and also shutting them up. To a length, it shows you don't fancy their proclamation and would prefer staying without having them interfere with your life.

Prove to me you're worth it

'Prove to me you're worth it' is a superb response to when someone says they crave you, especially if you want to test their resilience and ability to withstand pressure. I get it that people often say things the way they feel without being rational about it. How about you shock them back into reality?That sounds like a great idea and go do that, you can ask the person to prove they're worth your attention not to talk about craving you.

You just suck, scrap it

'You just suck, scrap it' is an unfettered way of replying to someone who says they crave you. It is so because it allows you to categorically tell the person that they suck and you'd rather walk away than sit around and have them say uncomfortable things to you and expect you to buy them without feeling off.

You'll feel much better with hamburgers

'You'll feel much better with hamburgers' is another intelligent piece of response that suits the situation when someone says they crave you. This response is most suitable if you're not feeling the person that says they crave you and you want them out of the picture without playing too hard on them.That means you'll have to imply this line of response to sound soft, sarcastic but to the point.

I wish it was mutual, but it's not

'I wish it was mutual, but it's not' is one of the best brainy ways of shushing someone that I've come across in a long while. I wrote it, yes, but I'm also elated about how effective this can be. With this piece, you're telling the person that whatever they feel for you is not mutual. And since "craving you" in this context means nothing far from coital meetups, this response is a custodian of bad news for the person because you won't be obliging them.

It is not a crime to dream big, so you can try

'It is not a crime to dream big so you can try' can serve as that unrated blockbuster reply when someone says they crave you, that you can use to dismantle the confidence and self-image of the person that says they crave you. You can try on this response and see how it does, especially if you detest the idea of getting private and personal with the person that says he or she craves you.

So lovely of you, I'm in

Best Responses When Someone Says They Crave You'So lovely of you, I'm in' begs to differ as one of those responses in this post that shows a positive light to the person that says they crave you. Here, you're telling the person that you don't have a problem with them craving you you'll love that and you want in.

I've always known you would come around

'I've always known you would come around' sounds like the line of response that speaks about hope to the person that says they crave you. By hope, I mean that you might've been expecting the person that said they crave you to come up with that, so when they do you answer back with this type of response.

How about we fall in love first?

'How about we fall in love first?' is quite a funny one if you ask me about preferred responses when someone says he craves you. With this response, you're telling the person that you'd prefer getting to fall in love with them first and then moving into intimacy than just jumping into it. But this response is what you should count on if you want to have anything to do with the person in the first place. If that's not the case, don't bother about making use of this one. This response will give the speaker a hint that you want to get intimate with them, but that would be after you've learned to love him or her. Isn't that the normal order of things?

You are moving too fast, don't you think?

'You are moving too fast, don't you think?' is an awesome piece of response that you can throw in when someone says they crave you. With this question, you'll be implying two things…first informing the person that you think they're moving too fast and secondly, you're posing a question to them just to discover what they think about your thoughts. I'm pretty sure you'll get the person to slow down on pushing onto you with this line of response.

Give me some time to think about it

'Give me some time to think about it' is a rather interesting piece of response that can be of great help to you when you want to respond to someone who says they crave you.You're telling the person they should give you some time to think about what they said to you. Interestingly, this response shows you are a bit leaned on cooperating with the person that says they crave you.

Let's give that a shot, shall we?

'Let's give that a shot, shall we?' is a line of response that shows compliance to the person that says they crave you. This is what you should be saying if you want to respond in the affirmative to the person and even at that, you should play the ball on the court of the person that says they crave you.

Stop patronizing me, will you?

'Stop patronizing me, will you?' is a supposed line of response that will enable you to respond finely to the person that says they crave you. Telling the person to stop patronizing you is a good angle of response, especially if you feel that the person is not being genuine with what they're saying to you. With this response, you're telling the person to stop whatever crap they're selling you. 

It's called fornicating. Don't sugar-coat it

'It's called fornicating, don't sugar-coat it' is a smart line of response that you can employ when someone says they crave you. When you feel that you're getting the wrong feeling about the person's statement, it's best you say it as it is. To do that, you can make use of this lien of response to press on the person not to keep selling you that inadequate proposition with passion in it.

I thought you loved KFC, what changed?

Best Responses When Someone Says They Crave You'I thought you loved KFC, what changed?' is a hilarious response you might want to say when someone says they crave you. By this response, you tend to funnily infer that the person that craves you used to love KFC chicken wings, now they want to crave you. This is a good way to bum the words of the person.


When someone says they crave you, it is not a rash statement because they must've thought about it. That means you should also be ready to respond smartly when you find yourself at the receiving end of the conversation. To do that, you need great responses and this article provides you with an abundance of such replies. All you have to do is to find the preferred one or two, get on with noting them down and you'll be in your best form. 


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