20 Best Responses When Someone Says "Time Flies So Fast"

When someone suddenly declares "time flies so fast", it might be a realization that he/she hasn't done what was supposed to be done at a stipulated time. This means that you spend time doing one thing that you forget that there are other things to be done. This sudden realization is an indication that you've exhausted time and there might be no more time to do other things. In relationships, when someone says "time flies so fast", it means that they wish they could spend more time with you, especially when you're about parting ways after being together for sometime.This statement when said in a relationship is an indication of something good. It shows that your partner will definitely miss you or will spend so much time thinking about you

The 20 Best Ways To Respond To "Time Flies So Fast".

Here are the 20 Best responses to give when someone, your partner, your friend, a family member, or a coworker tells you "time flies so fast". 

  1. "Verily"
  2. "It sure does"
  3. "It sure has gone by quickly"
  4. "Oh, the good old days!"
  5. "I miss how we used to be"
  6. "Certainly, we can't recover time"
  7. "Ain't nothing I can do about that"
  8. "You're living in illusion"
  9. "It was meant to be so"
  10. "Just hold fast"
  11. "Enjoy it while it runs"
  12. "That's for our favor"
  13. "You don't have to worry about things you can't change"
  14. "Fly with it"
  15. "Time sure flies"
  16. "I advise you to make the best of it"
  17. "I enjoy it when it's this way"
  18. "Because you were not prepared for it"
  19. "It's been exciting experiencing that with you"
  20. "I wish we could have more time"


"Verily" is one of the best responses to the "time flies so fast" statement. You are simply agreeing with the person making the statement that indeed, time does fly fast. You can just say "verily" if you don't know what else to say. This statement can easily come in handy because you don't have to explain what you're saying. 

"It sure does"

"It sure does" is another statement of agreement when replying to "time flies so fast". Say this in response to the person if you don't want to say more. Most times, just agreeing with a statement is the best way to respond to that statement, especially if you don't want to waste your time engaging with that person. 

"It sure has gone by quickly"

"It sure has gone by quickly" is another best response to the "time flies so fast" statement. This reply goes best in a formal environment. That is, if you are replying to your boss or coworker. "It sure has gone by quickly" is quite formal and you don't want to say this to your close friend as you don't want to sound too serious. This is also a response of agreement. Of course, time flies so fast that is why we are not able to complete the task for the day as we've been so focused on one particular task. 

"Oh, the good old days!"

Best Responses When Someone Said Time Flies So Fast"Oh, the good old days!" is a great response to the "time flies so fast" statement coming from your best friend, especially your childhood friend. "Oh, the good old days!" is best used when you meet an old time friend. Maybe, you bust into each other in the mall and what he says is "look at you, time flies so fast". Responding with "oh the good old days" is a way of reminiscing the good times you two had together while growing up. 

"I miss how we used to be"

"I miss how we used to be" is the response to "time flies so fast" coming from your partner. Yes, you can say this when you are having an intimate time with your partner and he/she says this."I miss how we used to be" is you saying that the past was better than what you're getting in the present with the person. Maybe, the person treated you better in the past. You are just reminding your partner that as time has gone by so fast, it has gone with the good old times and you wished it back. You never can tell what this simple response can change in your partner. 

"Certainly, we can't recover time"

"Certainly, we can't recover time" is another way of saying "what's gone is gone" as the best response to a "time flies so fast" statement. Of course, there's no way anyone can recover time lost. That is why, people often advise that we do what we ought to do today and not keep it for another time. Because, time lost cannot be retrieved ever.So, saying "certainly, we can't recover time" is just reminding the person that there's nothing he/she can do about the situation. Encourage the person to move on and make better choices. 

"Ain't nothing I can do about that"

"Ain't nothing I can do about that" is a sure response to "time flies so fast". Definitely, you can't do anything about that, especially if it comes from someone you're not really close to. If the person said "time flies so fast" as an excuse for something he was supposed to do, then you can respond with "Ain't nothing I can do about that". Responding this way is like telling the person that the excuse of time he's giving is none of your business. You expect the work done and nothing else. 

"You're living in illusion"

"You're living in illusion" is one of the best ways of replying to "time flies so fast" coming from someone who is known to be lazy or idle. You know those sets of people that will not do anything with their time and the next thing they say is "time flies so fast". The time they had, they couldn't maximize it. You can directly tell such a person that he's living in an illusion and that he should wake up and do what he needs to do with the time he has at his disposal. 

"It was meant to be so"

Best Responses When Someone Said Time Flies So Fast"It was meant to be so" is another best response to a "time flies so fast" statement. Bring the person to the realization that time is just doing its business and is moving as it should. Time does not suddenly run faster than it should, it moves accordingly as from the beginning. The only thing that makes it look like time flies fast is what we're engrossed in. 

"Just hold fast"

Saying "Just hold fast" is really a great response to a 'time flies so fast' statement. This is more of a statement of encouragement than anything else. You're trying to tell the person to keep doing what he's doing regardless of what time is saying. Maybe, at this point, the person was at a point of giving up and the only hindrance he's having is that he has little time to do what he wants to do. A little encouragement won't harm. 

"Enjoy it while it runs"

"Enjoy it while it runs" is practically the best response to "time flies so fast". So, instead of focusing on the passing of time, why not just relax and flow with it. So many people focus on how much time they have lost so much that they forget to make the best of the time they have. Don't be like this. Also, encourage your friend to make the best of it. "Enjoy it while it runs" is just you telling the person to enjoy the little time he/she thinks he has. Do what you can with that little time and stop beating yourself about the things you couldn't do. 

"That's for our favor"

Best Responses When Someone Said Time Flies So Fast"That's for your favor" is another best response to a "time flies so fast" statement coming from your partner. At this point, you're sounding romantic. When you're having an intimate time with your partner and he/she gets distracted by how time flies so fast yet it seems you guys haven't been together for long, just remind your partner that it is happening for your favor. Who doesn't want to spend more time with the person he/she loves? So, even if it seems time is running fast, focus on who you're with and remind your partner to do the same. 

"You don't have to worry about things you can't change"

"You don't have to worry about things you can't change" is one of the best responses to "time flies so fast" coming from someone who is prone to worrying about any little thing. Some people worry about things they can't really change. A parent may start worrying about how the child is growing so fast and how she can't meet all the needs of that child. Definitely, you can't change the rate a child grows, so why worry about that? Giving such a person this response will help a lot. 

"Fly with it"

"Fly with it" is a rather funny response to "time flies so fast", but there's some sense in it. You're telling the person to go with the flow even when he/she doesn't understand what's going on.Sometimes, that's the best thing to do when you're at a want of time. Just flow with what time is letting you do with it. No need worrying about what you can't do for want of time. 

"Time sure flies"

"Time sure flies" is another way of confirming the fact that "time flies so fast". There's nothing more to say than to agree with the person making the statement.Everyone knows that the illusion of time is you thinking you have time only to realize that you have no time at all.

"I advise you to make the best of it"

"I advise you to make the best of it" is another best way of responding to "time flies so fast". This is undoubtedly the best advice you could give to that person. There's nothing as fulfilling as making best use of one's time. That moment when you do all that you were supposed to do in a day, that's just the most fulfilling day. So, when someone next says, "time flies so fast", advise the person to make best use of the time he/she has. That's the best thing to do when you don't have time. 

"I enjoy it when it's this way"

Best Responses When Someone Said Time Flies So Fast"I enjoy it when it's this way" is the best response to "time flies so fast" coming from your spouse. Surely, you enjoy spending time with him/her and it doesn't matter how long. Maybe your spouse needs to rush off to work and he suddenly realizes that he has no more time. With longing eyes directed at you, he declares, "time flies so fast, baby". Just respond with 'I enjoy it when it's this way'. 

"Because you were not prepared for it"

"Because you were not prepared for it" can be the best response to the "time flies so fast" statement coming from someone who isn't always serious. It might be that the person just realized that he isn't ready for the presentation he is about to make and he suddenly declares "oh God, time flies so fast". Just look at the person and reply "that's because you were not prepared for it".

"It's been exciting experiencing that with you"

"It's been exciting experiencing that with you" is the best response to "time flies so fast", especially coming from a romantic partner. You sure enjoy each other's company. There's no better word to say to someone you just had a great time with than these, especially when the other person also appreciates the time spent together. If you're in this situation, you're having the best relationship ever. 

"I wish we could have more time"

"I wish we could have more time" is another best response for "time flies so fast" coming from your best friend or your partner. Generally, in any relationship, this is literally the best response to give when the other person says "time flies so fast. Conclusively, there are no better words to hear from your partner than "time flies so fast". It shows that they enjoy the time they spend with you and they wish for more. If you receive such a statement, check any of these replies and respond accordingly. If yours isn't a romantic relationship, there are also replies here that go for any occasion.  


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