20 Best Responses When Someone Calls You A Gold Digger

Have you thought about what to say when someone calls you a gold digger? When someone calls you a gold digger, they simply did that to degrade you. It is a condescending term that implies that you're not self-sufficient, instead, you showcase attributes of a parasite. It further infers that you're dependent and sulking about another person's fortune. This term is often gender-stereotypical because it is usually directed at women. However, I've seen guys being put in that circumstance. In this post, I'll be discussing in detail the 20 best responses when someone calls you a gold digger. Keep reading on!

Best 20 Responses When Someone Calls You A Gold Digger

Some of the best things to say when someone calls you a gold digger include 'I'm what you think I am. I'm better, 'Don't take every little chance to downgrade me', 'What else am I? Diamond discoverer?'There are more responses you can pick from. Without wasting time, let's get right into them.

  • Funny how your broke personality thinks I'm a gold digger
  • Says the man with just 20 bucks left in his bank
  • And I don't see any bronze on you
  • Oh no! I like silver stones better
  • That's what you don't like. What about what you love about me?
  • I am not what you think. I'm better
  • I deserve to be treated with respect, and you're not doing that
  • Don't take every little chance to downgrade me
  • I expected you to be kinder than this, I guess I guessed wrong
  • Why would you say a thing like that to me?
  • Sounds like you are the only person that has a problem with me
  • Okay, am I supposed to feel awful now?
  • I heard "You are a gold diva". Awwwn, thanks
  • And whose gold did I obtain? Don't ever say yours
  • So far I am happy, your opinion sucks
  • You are just full of envy
  • I am not sorry that you think ill of me
  • I apologize for not being what you expected
  • Alright, I will try and change
  • What else am I? Diamond discoverer?

Funny how your broke personality thinks I'm a gold digger

'Funny how your broke personality thinks I'm a gold digger' is a comeback that you can apply when someone calls you a gold digger, especially if the person is not well off financially. With this response, you're telling the person that it's ridiculous that they think you're a gold digger even though they are not rich. Since a gold digger seems to be more interested in exploiting someone else for material gains. This response shows that the person that called you a gold digger is misinformed because there's no way they can accurately say you're a gold digger when they don't even have gold for you to dig.

Says the man with just 20 bucks left in his bank

'Says the man with just 20 bucks left in his bank' can be your preferred line of response when someone calls you a gold digger. This can be your response if you're a lady and the person that accused you of being a gold digger is a guy. If you want to savage the person then this is what you should use to do that. With this, you're telling the person that it's awkward how he thinks you're a gold digger when all he has is just $20 in all of his accounts. I know this response may not be true but it is essential if all you have in mind is leaving the person you're directing it to in shambles.

And I don't see any bronze on you

'And I don't see any bronze on you' is an even crazier way of responding when someone calls you a gold digger. Instead of sounding offended, bow about you and employ sarcasm of the highest order. To do that, you need a line of response such as this one. Here, you're sarcastically implying that the person that called you a gold digger. Telling the person that you don't see any bronze on them is a funny way of bringing them to the floor. I'm pretty sure the person will get a hang of the situation where you just put them in.

Oh no! I like silver stones better

'Oh no! I like silver stones better' is an even better way to respond when someone calls you a gold digger. With this response, you're trying to imply that since you like silver stones better, it would be a dumb idea on the part of the person that called you a gold digger to even make the statement in the first place. My best guess is that although this response is sarcastic, the person that tagged you a gold digger would understand that you're making a joke out of the situation.

That's what you don't like. What about what you love about me?

'That's what you don't like. What about what you love about me?' is a thoughtful question that you can pose as your response when someone calls you a gold digger. Here, you're telling the person that whatever it is they've called you is what they only think and none of that exists in your world.In the same line, you're asking the person to tell you about what they love about you instead of plastering it on your face that you're a gold digger. 

I am not what you think. I'm better

'I am not what you think. I'm better' is a one-liner response to when someone calls you a gold digger. This is one of those replies that you don't have to miss out on from your list or menu of replies when you want to respond when someone calls you a gold digger.With this reply, you're telling the person that they're not what you think and you're better than anything they think you are. If you want to reaffirm your stance as a better human and not a gold digger, you should make use of this line of response.

I deserve to be treated with respect, and you're not doing that

'I deserve to be treated with respect, and you're not doing that' is an intentional way of responding when someone calls you a gold digger. By being intentional, I mean it is one of those responses which you can employ to tell the person that called you a gold digger that you deserve to be called better things instead of just a gold digger. Similarly, you're telling the person that they're not giving you the respect you are worth. This way, they may have a rethink of what they've already said about you.

Don't take every little chance to downgrade me

'Don't take every little chance to downgrade me' is another intentional line of response that you can make use of when someone calls you a gold digger. With this response, you're telling the person that called you a gold digger not to use every bit of chance they get to downgrade you.This will sound more like a subtle warning to the person that called you a gold digger. And this is an elaborate response to shun the person who called you a gold digger from repeating that.

I expected you to be kinder than this, I guess I guessed wrong

'I expected you to be kinder than this, I guess I guessed wrong' is a line of response that shows how disappointed you are in the person that called you a gold digger. You're trying to say you expected more from the person, but they're not living up to those expectations.Here, all you expect from the person is for them to be more kind to you than they already are but the reality is the reverse. 

Why would you say a thing like that to me?

'Why would you say a thing like that?' is a question you can pose to the person that called you a gold digger. With this response, you're asking the person why they would say that you're a gold digger, despite how glaring it is that you're not.Hopefully, the person that called you a gold digger will eventually tell you why they think you're a gold digger. But if they do not, don't take it hard on yourself because of that.

Sounds like you are the only person that has a problem with me

Best Responses When Someone Calls You A Gold Digger'Sounds like you are the only person that has a problem with me' is a response you can use to assert that the person who called you a gold digger is probably the only person that thinks you're one. In some way, this makes their thoughts about you invalid since there's no majority voice backing up their claims that you're a gold digger.

Okay, am I supposed to feel awful now?

'Okay, am I supposed to feel awful now?' is another question you can throw in as your response when someone calls you a gold digger. Asking the person if you should now feel awful because they called you a gold digger is a smart question. It is a smart response because it is a rhetorical question and the person may probably end up making jest of themselves by replying to it.

I heard "You are a gold diva". Awwwn, thanks

'I heard "you are a gold diva". Awwwn, thanks' is a cocky response you can pose when someone calls you a gold digger. By implying that what you heard is "you are a gold diva", you're making a jest of the person by intentionally mistaking their statement to suit your taste.I bet saying this as your response to anyone that calls you a gold digger would leave the person feeling disgusted. 

And whose gold did I obtain? Don't ever say yours

'And whose gold did I obtain? Don't ever say yours?' is a sassy line of response you can throw in when someone calls you a gold digger. Asking the person whose gold you obtained is an intelligent way of responding. At least, it sounds and looks stupid for them to answer back this question because it'll look like you're playing around with them, which of course, you're doing.

So far I am happy, your opinion sucks

'So far I am happy, your opinion sucks' is a strong weighted response to when someone calls you a gold digger. Here, you're telling the person that whatever they think about you is useless provided that you're happy.

You are just full of envy

'You are just full of envy' is a response you can say when someone calls you a gold digger to express to them what you think is the cause of how they see you.

I am not sorry that you think ill of me

'I am not sorry that you think ill of me' is what you should say when you are convinced you're innocent when someone calls you a gold digger. You're saying that you won't feel sorry if someone mistakes you for something else.

I apologize for not being what you expected

'I apologize for not being what you expected' is the opposite of the previous line of response. In this one, you're saying sorry for acting in a way that triggered the person to say you're a gold digger.

Alright, I will try and change

'Alright, I will try and change' is what you should say when someone calls you a gold digger, and you're feeling remorseful enough to entertain thoughts about changing for them.

What else am I? Diamond discoverer?

Best Responses When Someone Calls You A Gold Digger'What else am I? Diamond discoverer?' can also be your response when someone calls you a gold digger. After all, there's nothing wrong with a bit of sarcasm as a closing response in this article. So, don't hesitate to get on with this response.

Wrapping Up

Here we are at the end of this article that brought to light different ways to respond when someone calls you a gold digger. A gold digger describes someone who's after material gains, especially in a relationship. Depending on what you make out of it, you should have a response when someone calls you that. I've already mentioned over a dozen of these replies here in this article, so you can make use of them. 


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