20 Best Responses When a Guy Says I Want to Spoil You

You're probably looking for the best responses to say when a guy says to you 'I want to spoil you.' perhaps, you're a girl, and given your physique, you have guys flooding your social media chatbox and even stopping you in the way. Knowing the right things to say in times like this seems to be a superpower, and if you don't know what to say and are still in search, it'll interest you to know that you're in the right place. I'll be showing you the 20 best responses when a guy says I want to spoil you. Keep reading on to know more!

Best 20 Responses When a Guy Says I Want to Spoil You

If you're conversant with the experience where guys hit at you, then there's a possibility a guy can tell you that he wants to spoil you. Trust me, 60% or 70% of the time that this happens you may be startled. Still, there's a need for you to have a response ready. Some of the best responses to when a guy says I want to spoil you include 'Don't get ahead of yourself now', 'Spoil me? Please, I need something more serious', 'Aside from your money, what else have you got?' and 'I appreciate you using a cheesy pick-up line but I don't buy that.'There's more where that came from, so without wasting time, we'll get right into them in detail.

  • Ewww, I'm not a perishable grocery that can just get spoilt
  • Okay…I hope you have enough to throw around
  • Don't get ahead of yourself now
  • Well, well, well, you look like you've got some bread on you
  • Spoil me? Please, I need something more serious
  • What do you mean by "spoil"?
  • The fact that I like men with money doesn't mean I want to be treated like an object
  • Excuse you? Spoil me with what exactly?
  • I knew you would try to boss me around. Total turnoff
  • Since I didn't ask for that, saying no would be rude, don't you think?
  • No, thank you. I get myself always…
  • I'd prefer you try smelling nice first
  • I want a monthly payment of at least $2 thousand and an all-expense paid trip to anywhere of my choice. Wait! I'm not yet done
  • I need to ask my dealer for the price of the latest Hermes bag in stock
  • Hmmm, you sound like you're capable
  • Aside from your money, what else have you got?
  • And you intend to do that by how?
  • And you expect me to jump in on that offer like that? Perv!
  • I appreciate you using a cheesy pick-up line but I don't buy that
  • You sound so desperate and despairing at the same time

Ewww, I'm not a perishable grocery that can just get spoilt

'Ewww, I'm not a perishable grocery that can get spoilt' is a great response that you can throw at a guy who says he wants to spoil you. This is an intelligent response because it is obvious that perishable groceries spoil over time if they're not well taken care of. Same way, you're telling the guy that just said he'll spoil you that you're not a perishable groceries that would go down like they think. I guess that will do the job for you if you employ the right tones.

Okay…I hope you have enough to throw around

'Okay…I hope you have enough to throw around' is another line of response that you should bank on if you want to know the capacity of the guy that says he wants to spoil you. Normally, when a guy talks about spoiling a girl he usually says or does that by using money as a resource. On that note, you're asking the guy if he has enough of that money to throw around.

Don't get ahead of yourself now

'Don't get ahead of yourself now' is another savvy and sassy line of response that you shouldn't hesitate to add to your menu when a guy says he wants to spoil you. With this response, you're telling the guy that he shouldn't get ahead of himself, which is what he may actually be doing if he insists on spoiling you…I mean, isn't it?

Well, well, well, you look like you've got some bread on you

'Well, well, well, you look like you have some bread on you' can be your choice of response when a guy says he wants to spoil you. This is an equivalent response to the last one because it also insinuates that the guy who said he wants to spoil must really have the money to do so. You're just saying that the guy looks like he's able to spoil you, literally. I'm sure that it takes a lot of money to actually spoil a girl so you saying this means you'll need lots of them to impress a girl. You can as well take this line of response as your go-to streetwise way of replying in this situation.

Spoil me? Please, I need something more serious

'Spoil me? Please, I need something more serious' is what you should say when you don't want to have a momentary pleasure when a guy says he wants to spoil you. Here, you're telling the guy that you'd rather prefer something more serious than just getting spoiled and all that. This "something serious" can refer to a relationship with the future, getting married, or whatever else that's not a joke. If you're about this life, do well to let the guy know using this line of response.

What do you mean by "spoil"?

'What do you mean by "spoil"?' is a question-like response you can serve when a guy says he wants to spoil you. This is a question because it enables you to discover things by imposing inquisitions. The inquisition you're directing to the person is that which is supposed to ask the guy what exactly he means by saying he wants to "spoil" you. This is an important question because it allows you to hear from the guy and not go on with what you think or presume to be his supposed intentions behind him implying "spoiling". Hopefully, the guy would open up to let you into what he means by saying he wants to spoil you. 

The fact that I like men with money doesn't mean I want to be treated like an object

'Th fact that I like men with money doesn't mean I want to be treated like an object' can be your preferred line of response when a guy says he wants to spoil you. Here, you're telling him that the fact that you like men with money doesn't mean that he's going to try to throw around the money like you're some object and try to convince you using that.

Excuse you? Spoil me with what exactly?

'Excuse you? Spoil me with what exactly?' can be your preferred response when a guy says he wants to spoil you. With this response, you're trying to sound sarcastic with your question which at length means you're cajoling him for saying that he will spoil you. I'm pretty sure you'll look pretty and fulfilled if you make use of this response or better still if he sounded condescending with his tone. If you feel you can't condole with such a guy, don't hesitate to use this line of response.

I knew you would try to boss me around. Total turnoff

If you don't like being bossed around and you come across a guy who says he says he wants to spoil you, you can employ this line of response to shut him off. This would work so perfectly that you'll wonder what other spice you added to it. Also, telling him that it's a total turnoff for you will be a heads-up for him that there's no hope for him in the chase. 

Since I didn't ask for that, saying no would be rude, don't you think?

'Since I didn't ask for that, saying no would be rude, don't you think?' can be your thoughtful response when a guy says he wants to spoil you. With this response, you'll be implying that even though you didn't ask for the favors being proposed by the guy, it is only rude if you declined it. This response shows that you accept whatever the guy is offering to you.

No, thank you. I get myself always…

Best Responses When a Guy Says I Want to Spoil You'No, thank you, I get myself always…' is another great response that you can imply when a guy says he wants to spoil you. Unlike the previous response in which you accepted the offer of the guy, you'll be plastering a big no to his face with this one. 

I'd prefer you try smelling nice first

'I'd prefer you try smelling nice first' is the next great line of response that you can throw in when a guy says he wants to spoil you. This is one of those responses which you can use to troll the guy that says he wants to spoil you. You're trying to say he doesn't nice by saying she should first get to smell nice before talking about spoiling you.

I want a monthly payment of at least $2 thousand and an all-expense paid trip to anywhere of my choice. Wait! I'm not yet done

Are you all up for the offer of the guy that says he wants to spoil you? If so, you should make use of this line of response and do him a great deal of participation. With this response, you'll be listing all that you need to feel spoilt. The last sentence gets me funky because it shows that a lot has to be done to get you in that level of ecstasy.

I need to ask my dealer for the price of the latest Hermes bag in stock

'I need to ask my dealer for the price of the latest Hermes bag in stock' can be your preferred line of response if you want to agree with the guy that says he wants to spoil you. Saying that you'll like to ask your dealer about the price of the current Hermes with the hope you'll purchase it courtesy of the guy that says he wants to spoil you.

Hmmm, you sound like you're capable

'Hmmm, you sound like you're capable' can be the next line of response which you can use to respond when a guy says he wants to spoil you. By this, you mean to say that you don't mind being spoiled by the guy that mentioned that he wants to spoil you. I'm sure this response will do a great job if you make use of it.

Aside from your money, what else have you got?

'Aside from your money, what else have you got?' is a very intelligent question that you can employ when a guy says he wants to spoil you and you don't want them to.Since you don't want the guy to splurge his money on you. Here, you're trying to let the guy know that they won't be able to offer you anything other than their money. 

And you intend to do that by how?

'And you intend to do that by how?' is another inquisitive response you can throw in when a guy says he wants to spoil you. With this response, you'll be insinuating that you want to know how the guy intends to do what he said he would do. There's nothing wrong with wanting to ask questions, so go for it.

And you expect me to jump in on that offer like that? Perv!

'And you expect me to jump in on that offer? Perve!' is a response in the negative replies which you can use when a guy says he wants to spoil you. It is a negative one because it shows that you're not buying into the guy's proposition to spoil you. 

I appreciate you using a cheesy pick-up line but I don't buy that

Best Responses When a Guy Says I Want to Spoil YouYou can cut across giving the guy that says he wants to spoil you either a good or bad response. To do that, you'll be needing a line of response just like this one.

You sound so desperate and despairing at the same time

'You sound so desperate and despairing at the same time' is a way to shut off the guy that says he wants to spoil you. This would be the best line of response of choice if you make use of it to let the guy who says he wants to spoil you know that you don't want into what he's proposing to you.

Wrapping Up

Knowing what to say appropriately is a superpower that you shouldn't ignore. This would also go on to be the case when a guy says he wants to spoil you and you're wondering what to say to him in response. Well, this post covers a wide range of responses in that line, totaling to 20 replies. Just make your choice ad you'll be ready to go. 


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