20 Best Responses To WUA

WUA stands for where you at, this acronym is famously used to inquire about your location. If someone asks you WUA, they may want to know your whereabouts or what you are up to in general. Today, it's not strange to want to seek responses that are dynamic when someone asks you this. This may be because you lack the correct response or are looking for an excuse not to respond to the question.Whatever the possibility may be, we have you covered. Our responses have been designed to remain classical and evergreen, fitting rightly into many different situations, contexts, and scenarios. They have been well-researched to give you the proper reply that is understood worldwide and most of all acceptable. 

20 Best Responses To WUA

  1. What's up, any issues?
  2. What's up, buddy?
  3. Tell me what's up
  4. I’m at the top
  5. How's it going?
  6. Just outside your place
  7. Who wants to know?
  8. I'll send you a location
  9. Hope you have goodies for me
  10. That's classified 
  11. I'm downtown, What about you?
  12. Dunno, I think I’m lost
  13. I'm working right now
  14. I'm just getting started with my day.
  15. I’m halfway there, i'll make it
  16. At the mall picking up groceries
  17. I'm just getting over a cold
  18. Living in my new apartment
  19. I'm on an extended vacation
  20. I'm just trying to figure things out

1. What's up, any issues?

One questionable response to WUA is saying What's up, any issues? This is a simple way to respond to WUA.It demonstrates that you are curious about what they have to say. It can also be used to start a conversation about their inquiry on your location. This way they will explain the reasons why they have asked about your whereabouts

2. What's up, buddy?

A warm response when someone says WUA is saying What's up, buddy? We recommend using this with close friends. This response is a friendly and informal way to respond to "WUA". It suggests that you are comfortable with them and that you are not too busy at the moment. This reply is used when you don't have any pressing task and will divulge information if you feel it is needed.

3. Tell me what's up

Another inquisitive response to WUA is saying Tell me what's up. It is a casual way to ask what is going on. It is the best choice if you want to know why they have called you. Tell me what's Up has a more casual tone to it. When you use this reply, be ready for the new influx of information that you will receive,

4. I’m at the top

A boastful response when someone says WUA is saying I’m at the top. This can be a joke or a playful way to respond to them.This is a more lighthearted way to joke about your position. It is a nice way to make fun of them, without answering their questions.Know that saying I’m at the top can mean both literal and figurative expressions and it is okay to use them in any context you like. It's the best choice if you are looking to have an interesting conversation opener. 

5. How's it going?

Another inquiring response is saying How's it going? This way you can avoid answering them by asking a question of your own. This is a common way to ask how they are fairing. If you aim to be polite and friendly use this response to show them that.We recommend using this reply to ask them a personal question of yours. It is a deflective statement that avoids answering their question. When using this, be aware they may still demand an answer to their initial question. However, this response is the best way to delay answering any questions you aren't ready to give.

6. Just outside your place

One straightforward reply is saying Just outside your place when someone says WUA. It is important when you have been waited on and are very close to them. This suggests that you are close by or have arrived at their destination. If you are supposed to meet up with someone and running late. This response is perfect for you when you arrived at their location.We also find it useful because it is more detailed information on your precise location. Use this when someone is expectant of you.

7. Who wants to know?

A startling response when someone says WUA is saying Who wants to know? If you want more information on their identity, this is the way to go. This is a way to ask who they are and why they want to know about your whereabouts. Use this especially when asked WUA by strangers. When you reply this way, keep in mind they may not be obliged to answer you too. 

8. I'll send you a location

An affirmative response when someone says WUA is saying I'll send you a location. This reply gives them your information on your whereabouts. This is a simple way to tell them where you are. We recommend using this for those who will need to meet up with you. Sending your location to them is easy nowadays with a simple tap of some buttons. Sending them means you want them to be aware or kept abreast of your destination.

9. Hope you have goodies for me

A funny and casual answer to WUA is saying Hope you have goodies for me. This response is hilarious because it demands them to show they have some gifts for you.This is a jovial way to ask what is going on. It's commonly used between friends to ask the other person for a gift.

10. Thats classified 

One private reply to WUA is saying That's classified. This is used when you cannot tell anyone about your location for personal security reasons.This could be because of a job or position, and this reply is a brief way to inform them about this. When you say that's classified, they know they should not ask about your location next time around. 

11. I'm downtown, What about you?

Another positive response when someone says WUA to you is saying I'm downtown, What about you? If you say this, it means you have arrived at a destination of your choice.This is an optimistic way to respond to "WUA" and to ask the person where they are. Also, it suggests that you are expecting them to join your company. 

12. Dunno, I think I'm lost

A candid response when someone says WUA is saying Dunno, I think I’m lost. We recommend using this when you are trying to get somewhere but can't find your way.This response WUA lets them know that you are not sure about your location. It is the quickest way to get help when lost. If you reply this way, they know you need assistance in getting to your destination.

13. I'm working right now

A dismissive response when someone says WUA is saying I'm working right now. When you say this, it means you are busy and can’t attend to them.This reply is often used when you are expected to be somewhere else due to previously made arrangements. When you can't meet up, use this response to convey your reasons.

14. I'm just getting started with my day

A simple response to WUA is saying I'm just getting started with my day. This is a reply that gives them an idea of the progress you have made. It means you have gotten around to doing anything useful yet.We recommend using This to let them know that you are just getting going. And you can use it to start a conversation about your plans for the day.

15. I’m halfway there, i'll make it

A hopeful response when someone says WUA is saying I’m halfway there, ill make it. This is used when you have commitments that haven't been finished yet. We recommend using this to give a summary of what they should expect from you. With this reply, they know that you are looking forward to the future. It can also be utilized to inform them about your advancement. Other information can be gotten from this reply, but mostly it shows you are positive you will complete the task.

16. At the mall picking up groceries

One common response when someone says WUA is saying At the mall picking up groceries. This is a common reply that tells them you are busy shopping for essentials.This response shows that you are busy and that you are not free to attend to them. It is the best choice if you want to let them know about your whereabouts or the activity you are engaged in too. Sometimes this might mean you want them to wait for you or give you time to finish up and get back to them.

17. I'm just getting over a cold

One excusable response when someone says WUA is saying I'm just getting over a cold. This reply is a way to inform them about your failing health. It shows you are not feeling well, but that you are recovering well. We recommend using this to let the person know that you are not feeling your best, but that you are getting better.This response can also be used to suggest your absence at work, school or anywhere you have been required to be.

18. Living in my new apartment

One simple response that's also an excuse is saying Living in my new apartment when someone says WUA. This means you are no longer where they expected you to be.This response shows that you have moved to a new place and they will need to find or meet you there. It's a way to update anyone looking for you about your new living quarters.We recommend using this response with those friends who you don't mind sharing your address with.

19. I'm on an extended vacation

One thrilling reply when someone says WUA is saying I'm on an extended vacation. This is a way to inform them of your unavailability. It means that you have either traveled or will be away for a long period.This response shows that you are looking forward to a break and that you will not be reachable for an extended period. We recommend using this with close friends, workers, staff or people who need your attention.It's also a good way to let them that you are relaxed and enjoying yourself. It gives them an idea of when they can get hold of you again. This can also be used in a fun way to make a joke about your activities or whereabouts

20. I'm just trying to figure things out

A sincere response when someone says WUA is saying I'm just trying to figure things out. This is a way of saying you are not yet a master at something. It means you are in the early stages of a project or a task.By responding this way, it implies that you are going through a difficult time and that you are not sure what to do. It is a good way to inform them about your struggles and that you need some support.With this response, you can start a conversation about the help you need and how they can help you achieve this. 

Final Verdict

This acronym can be responded to in many ways as you can see with our 20 best responses.What you need to make it perfect is to find the right reply that is suitable for you. Throw in a mix of two responses to come up with a unique response.  The best response to "WUA" is the one that comes from the heart. If you are genuinely interested in the person and what they have to say, your words will come from a place of genuine appreciation. 


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