20 Best Responses To "What Are You Up To"

When someone says "what are you up" to it means they are enquiring about your activities or what you may be up to. Depending on exactly what you feel like telling them many responses are suitable for a "what are you up to" response. You can tell them what you are up to or something catchy, fun, or sarcastic. Finding the right response too on the spot is good for you but can be a daunting task, you may have run out of all your arsenals and need a replenishment of new ones.Here, we assure you are never left empty-handed. With our responses, you rest assured to convey clear and appropriate messages to them. It is okay to stick with replies that work for you and are appropriate for a situation.To that effect, we have written many versatile responses that can be used in many scenarios and contexts. Also, we have ensured these lists apply to a wide range of people, ages, and gender.Whatever the case we have you covered with 20 of our best response to what are you up to.

20 Best Responses To "What Are You Up To"

  1. I'm just hanging out
  2. Not much got anything for me
  3. Just working on some stuff
  4. Just chilling
  5. Just watching some TV
  6. Just reading a book
  7. Just hanging out with friends
  8. Just working on a project
  9. Just trying to figure out life
  10. Just taking a break
  11. I'm just trying to stay sane
  12. I'm just trying to make it through the day
  13. I'm just trying to figure out what I want to do with my life.
  14. I'm still where you last saw me
  15. Counting my chickens before they hatch
  16. I'm just trying to make a difference.
  17. I’m trying to set a new world record
  18. I'm just trying to live my best life.
  19. I’m talking to you now that what's up
  20. I'm just trying to be me

1. I'm Just Hanging Out

I’m just hanging out is a casual thing to say to someone who wants to know what's up with you. This response is something you say when you have nothing going with you at the moment. Responding this way says a lot too, and it can be used to represent many things such as suggesting to them whether you are bored or open to hanging out with them. Whatever the case you can try saying I'm just hanging out by myself, if you wanna join me you are invited. 

2. Not Much Got Something For Me?

Not much got something for me is an inquisitive response to what you are up to. What makes this inquisitive is that it poses a question to the speaker. Use this reply when you want to let them know you are available for anything they may be interested in. When you reply this way, it is an implication you are down to have fun or just go out. It shows them you are interested in what they bring to the table .

3. Just Working On Some Stuff

Just working on some stuff is how you respond when you are busy working and don't want to get into the details. When you reply this way, they know you have other things on your hands and would not be available for a while.This response is the best way to inform anyone of your busy schedule. The best way to put this across to them is saying Just working on some stuff, can you call back later.

4. Just Chilling Want To Join Me

Just chilling to join me is a neat way to get an invitation across to the person who has asked for your activities. It tells them you are relaxed while sending an invite to them to join you. Use this reply if you are interested in having them over to join your party or just spend time with you. Alternatively, you can say just chilling, want to join me and have some pizza.

5. Just Watching Some TV

If someone asks what are you up to and you want some simple response you say just watching some TV. This reply is meant to inform them you aren't busy and just spending time alone.Watching some TV is how most people relax, unwind, and spend time with themselves. When you send this reply to them, it tells them you need a private moment alone with yourself. 

6. Just Reading A Book

What are you up to is a question that can be replied to by just reading a book. This response comes in handy either as an excuse or something you are doing. This way, you inform them you are not busy doing anything seriously tasking.It helps to keep your responses simple, short, and easily understood by the other person. An example is saying just reading a book, what are you doing today?

7. Just Hanging Out With Friends

Just hanging out with friends is a response that shows you are having a swell time with your friends. Use this especially when the inquiry into your activities comes from someone who needs your attention.By saying this, they know you are busy or are made aware of your current location. This is appropriate for your parents or those responsible for you. 

8. I’m Working On A Project

I’m working on a project that is a classic response that shows you have something that demands your focus at the moment. Statements like this are meant to convey a message that you are unavailable at the moment.The project you are working on could be anything from school, work, or personal stuff you have decided to embark on. With this response, they know to leave you be for a while.Try saying I’m working on a project presently and my hands are tied, can I call you back?

9. Just Trying To Figure Out Life

When you say just trying to figure out life as a response to what are you up to, it shows them you are deep in your thoughts. Thinking is a constant thing and figuring out your next step or course of action is something a lot of us do every day.So this response is not strange, it's perfect for those moments when you do not have the right words to describe exactly what you are thinking. It fills a lot of answers to many questions especially when you are not in a chatty mood.

10. Just Taking A Break

Just taking a break sounds like something you tell a close friend or work colleague who has asked about you and what are you up to. It's a simple response that says it all. You are okay to use this when you are tired and need a rest from doing something.You can say, just taking a break, ill be on in a minute or two.

11. I'm Just Trying To Stay Sane

I’m just trying to stay sane is something you say when you're feeling overwhelmed or stressed out. It's a good option if you want to share your feelings with the other person and see if they can offer any support.

12. I'm Just Trying To Make It Through The Day

I’m just trying to make it through the day is a response that suggests that you're feeling exhausted. This a good option if you want to vent to the other person and let them know that you're not feeling your best.

13. I'm Just Trying to Figure Out What I Want To Do With My Life

Im here trying to figure out what I want to do with my life ranks high on the list of replies that work when you're feeling lost or uncertain about your future. It shows them you want to talk about your hopes and dreams and see if they can offer any guidance.

14. I'm Still Where You Saw Me Last

I’m still where you saw me last is a response that is best for telling them things have remained the same since last they saw or checked up on you. It's a good way to inform them nothing exciting or life-changing is happening in your life. This also sends the idea that you may need them to rescue you from your situation.

15. I'm Counting My Chickens Before They Hatch

This passes as a funny response to what are you up to. We all have the parable of counting your eggs before they hatch and describing such a vivid scene is a hilarious way to get their attention.This response suggests that you're feeling anxious about the future. It's a good option if you want to talk or share ideas about the things going through your mind.

16. I'm Just Trying To Make A Difference

I’m just trying to make a difference is a powerful response to what are you up to. This shows them you are in total control of your actions and are intentional about what you do. Overall, it tells them you are actively working to have a significant impact in this world, and it's highly commendable.

17. I'm Trying To Set A World Record 

I'm trying to set a world record. It is a playful thing to say when someone enquires about your activities. It is a polite way to avoid telling them the exact thing you are doing. When you say this, it sounds silly and they will leave you alone by your lonesome. Use it to buy yourself some personal time to do those things you want for yourself.

18. I'm Just Trying To Live My Best Life    

I’m just trying to live my best life is a wonderful thing to say when you want to tell the other person you are about to enjoy life. This shows them you are in a mood to be merry and are making life decisions that benefit you.

19. I'm Talking To You Now, Thats Whats Up

I’m talking to you no, that's what's up is a sarcastic response to what are you up to. It plays on the idea that them talking to you is what you are doing now. This response suggests that you're not doing anything at the moment and are free to do something else. Say, I’m talking to you, that's what's up, got something you wanna talk about?

20. I'm Just Trying To Be Me

I'm just trying to be me is a response that is okay when you are feeling authentic to yourself. Saying this with a laid-back attitude proves you just need to be left in our zen.Try saying I’m just trying to be me, it is all I can do for now.

End Note

When choosing a response to What are you up to? It's important to consider the context of the conversation. If you're talking to a friend, you can be more casual and relaxed. If you're talking to a coworker, you might want to be more professional. And if you're talking to a stranger, you might want to be more cautious.These cues will help you maintain a healthy relationship with everyone and you also avoid causing trouble with other people.Ultimately, it is up to you to decide the best response to what are you up to. I suggest you stick to the ones that feel most authentic to you. There's no right or wrong answer, so just go with what feels right.Our list contains these few examples of how you can respond to what you are up to.The best response always varies, and it depends on the time, mood, place, etc of the person you're talking to. However, im certain these responses will give you a good starting point. 


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