20 Best Responses To "Time Will Tell"

When someone says "time will tell," they are suggesting that as time unfolds itself, a lot will be revealed and most times, it might not be pleasant, especially in relationships. "Time Will Tell" is a statement that expresses the concept of patience and the belief that time often reveals the true outcomes, consequences, or value of events, decisions, or circumstances. Whether you are relating with people personally or business associates or global developments, the statement, "Time Will Tell" points to what the events of time will naturally reveal.  This statement implies that you might not be certain of the current happenings in your relationship, but as time goes by the full picture will be revealed eventually, and you will know whether you made a mistake or not.

20 Best Responses To "Time Will Tell"

Here are the twenty best responses to "time will tell"; 

  • "Fine!"
  • "I'm glad you said that earlier"
  • "I can't bank my life on this"
  • "I don't want to be your 'maybe'
  • "I think I'm better alone"
  • "I deserve better"
  • "Thank goodness I'm knowing this now"
  • "I don't have that time to waste'
  • "Look, your number is off my phone"
  • "I don't deal with uncertainties
  • "Go get your life together"
  • "With God? Yes, but with you? I can't bank on that
  • "You're right, but if you're gonna continue this way, you'll make no progress in life"
  • "Only God can make me trust that"
  • "Give time what to tell"
  • 'I agree with you, but time will only tell what you expect'
  • "Time only tells the outcomes of your actions today"
  • Do you really believe that?"
  • "Tell the time yourself"
  • "I'm not letting you play with my feelings"


At this point, you are not ready to argue facts with the person. You might say this with a note of finality and agitation. It doesn't mean that you agree with what the person is saying. You are only angrily giving him/her this response. You might say this if your spouse is saying "time will tell" in a situation where you asked about the future of your relationship. No one wants to be put on suspense when it comes to emotions. 

"I'm glad you said that earlier"

Best Responses To Time Will Tell'I'm glad you said that earlier'' is one cool way to respond to 'time will tell'. It means that you are relieved or happy that the person brought up that information in the conversation. You must really thank the person for speaking his mind on time. It can also seem like a sarcastic response which can connote annoyance in some cases. Say this in a sarcastic way if you're really annoyed about the statement. 

"I can't bank my life on this" 

Responding with "I can bank my life on this" to a "time will tell" statement means that you are trusting the person on the matter you are both talking about. It's a strong way of emphasizing that you know what you want and you can't rely on what time will tell, especially coming from the person saying that. On the other hand, it also means that time will tell is not a reliable statement that can be relied on for future plans. Your plans need to be concrete rather than depend on fate. 

"I don't want to be your 'maybe'"

Responding with "I don't want to be your 'maybe'" explains that you want to be sure about that relationship and you want to be disappointed in time to come. You don't want to be left in a state of anticipation and uncertainty just to be dumped tomorrow. You don't want to be an option or a second choice. You are desiring a straightforward answer or commitment rather than being treated as a vague or uncertain option in that situation. So instead of being in suspense, you rather be sure of where you are heading.

"I think I'm better alone"

Responding with "I think I'm better alone" in the context of "time will tell" demonstrates that the person believes that being alone is preferred, and they want to wait and see things unfold before thinking of making a decision. They are ready to exercise patience and tolerance in this situation, regardless of how it eventually turns out. It conveys a sense of self-sufficiency and a willingness to let the passage of time reveal the best course of action. It can be a response due to confusion and uncertainty about taking a decision based on what might be an addiction, peer pressure, or inferiority complex. 

"I deserve better"

"I deserve better" is another great response  to "time will tell", and it implies that you believe that you deserve a better result or some other option than what time will tell.You are expressing a feeling of self-worth and anticipation for positive changes to happen over  time. It suggests that you are willing to wait and see if their occurrences improve before making any judgments or decisions.It can also act as a sense of impatience on allowing things to grow but wanting a better result in efforts put in.

"Thank goodness I'm knowing this now"

Replying with "Thank goodness I'm knowing this now" to "time will tell" demonstrates an expression of happiness for having known about what is happening presently and what will likely happen in time to come. It suggests that you are appreciative for having discovered something so important  without having to see how  time will reveal it. Also, you are acknowledging the immediate benefit of the information you have received. With what they have known, they can act positively or negatively toward their plan.

"Look, your number is off my phone"

Responding with "Look, your number is off my phone" to "time will tell" suggests that you are trying to cut ties with someone on a serious note. It could be that you are exhausted with patience and don't want any contact with the person. This implies that you are deleting the contact of the other person from your phone, possibly demonstrating a desire to move on or create some distance. It might signify a willingness to let time reveal how the situation evolves without direct communication.  It could mean that you are tired of some things that needed change but haven't changed, and want to change the environment.

"I don't have that time to waste'

Responding with "And I don't have that time to waste" to "time will tell" denotes that what you are saying indicates a feeling of haste or impatience. You are expressing that you cannot afford to wait for a long period to see how things unfold because you have limited time or aid. It emphasizes your need for a more immediate resolution or action rather than relying solely on the passage of time.

"I don't deal with uncertainties"

Best Responses To Time Will TellWhen you respond with "I don't deal with uncertainties" to "time will tell", it implies that you prefer clarity and definite answers rather than waiting for events to evolve over time.It suggests a reluctance to tolerate unpredictable situations, emphasizing a desire for precise and well-defined outcomes. By saying that time will tell, it won't be certain, which means along the way, it could change.

"Go get your life together"

When you respond with "Go get your life together" to "time will tell", it suggests that you are encouraging someone to take bold steps to enhance their current situation. It implies that the individual should work on a self worth value in making positive changes on the present issue without waiting for time to reveal results. The response you are giving to the person emphasizes the importance of personal action and responsibility, and you are not willing to be caught in that web of irresponsibility. 

"With God? Yes, but with you? I can't bank on that"

"With God? Yes, but with you? I can't bank on that" implies that you have absolute faith in God and less faith in man to guide and decide outcomes. It suggests that while you believe in the notion of the future or God, you are uncertain about relying on the person's efforts or promises for a good result. It is believed that God is all-knowing and knows the end from the beginning, so it's unimportant to believe in an individual that time will tell.

"Only God can make me trust that"

Responding with "Only God can make me trust that" to "time will tell" indicates that you, as a person,  place a high level of trust in God to decide the result with time.It suggests that you are uncertain or suspicious about the situation being discussed and feel that only a power beyond human control can give the necessary trust for a positive outcome to occur over time. God is to be worshiped and those that know their God trust that he is reliable due to their belief.

"You're right, but if you're gonna continue this way, you'll make no progress in life"

Best Responses To Time Will TellThe response "You're right, but if you're gonna continue this way, you'll make no progress in life" explains that while the idea of "Time will tell" is accepted, if active measures are not taken to change the situation, time will actually not bring about the desired results.It implies the importance of actively working towards goals and personal growth rather than relying exclusively on the progression of time to bring about change.

"Give time what to tell"

Responding with "Give time to tell" to "time will tell" emphasizes the essence of letting the progression of time reveal  itself with what you give it. It suggests patience to wait to see, indicating that you believe that time itself will provide the necessary transparency or solution to the problem stated when you follow due process. 

'I agree with you, but time will only tell what you expect'

'I agree with you, but time will only tell what you expect' is just the best response to "time will tell". And it suggests that you acknowledge the notion that time will tell, but it will tell of the decision that was taken.  That means, whatever time tells is what has been done in the past. Although some decisions might not be with an expectation. It expresses uncertainty, suggesting that while the future is doubtful, the true outcome will come to be evident with time."I agree with you, but time will only tell what you expect," acknowledges the certainty of time's disclosures but hints that outcomes might not align with anticipations. 

"Time only tells the outcomes of your actions today"

"Time only tells the outcomes of your actions today" is another best response to the statement "time will tell". It stresses the idea that the outcomes you experience in the future are a direct effect of the options and efforts you make today. This statement also suggests that the outcome isn't purely a matter of opportunity or fate, but rather a review of your present decisions and efforts.

Do you really believe that?"

"Do you really believe that?" is just the best response to "time will tell". It implies a level of suspicion or uncertainty about the notion that time will reveal the outcome of a situation.Asking the person this is only to make the person think on the matter again and reconsider his/her response to the situation. It prompts the individual to consider their own opinions or presumptions about the concept of time predicting the future outcomes. It shows that the person doesn't believe in time expressing itself.

"Tell the time yourself"

Best Responses To Time Will TellResponding with "Tell the time yourself" to the statement "time will tell" could be suggested that the person should vigorously look at the present situation  and analyze the  events over time to come to their judgments about the situation. It encourages them to be assertive in evaluating how things develop rather than  waiting for time to reveal the outcome.

"I'm not letting you play with my feelings"

"I'm not letting you play with my feelings" is a perfect response to the statement "time will tell", especially if you suspect that your partner is looking for an excuse to break up with you.  You can quickly say this reply to let him know that you have an idea of what he's about to do and that you'd rather do that first. This statement can make him reconsider his decision.

In Conclusion,

When some say "time will tell", they are trying to take the back seat and be irresponsible about that situation. If it concerns you, try to take yourself out of the situation and move ahead. These best responses to "time will tell" will help a lot when you are in any of such situations. 


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