20 Best Responses to Someone Interested in You

When someone declares an interest in you, they mean to tell you that they see you in a way every other person does not. While at this, they'll also be expecting you to come up with a reply that either discards their feelings or reciprocates them.However, the former is something you can do easily but to do the latter, you have to first acknowledge the person's interest. In this article, I will be walking you through the 20 best responses to someone interested in you.To get to know more, keep reading on!

20 Best Responses to Someone Interested in You

When someone is interested in you, some of the things you can say include 'I like the sound of that,' 'What prompted the interest, I want to know?', 'Well, sorry, the feeling is not mutual', and 'Let's see how far we can go.'The above responses address the person who has an interest in you in different ways, 3 ways to be precise. It can have you sounding sarcastic, uninterested, and /or interested. Just so you know, there are more responses that you can address to the person that shows interest in you and I'll not waste time to get into them subsequently, below.

  • To learn more about you, I can't wait.
  • I can't wait to get to know you better
  •  I'm also thinking about you
  • The thought of you being interested in me is lovely
  • I'm interested in you too, far better ways
  • Same here, good thing you finally spoke out
  • What prompted the interest, I want to know
  • Oh, wow! Are you serious?
  • Awwwn, so sweet of you
  • Let's see how far we can go
  • Deep down in me, I have been waiting for this
  • How about we go slow and steady?
  • Anytime you are ready, I'm ready
  • Give me a moment to consider that
  • I like the sound of that
  • Well, sorry. The feeling is not mutual
  •  Apologies, you need to take your interest somewhere else
  • Your interest will be more useful to McDonald's than to me
  •  Let's get to the part where you tell me what you want for real
  • I like you. If I say I don't, I would be lying.

1. To learn more about you, I can't wait.

'I'm feeling you too, my dear' is a promising good response that you can employ when someone is interested in you. If you feel attracted to the person who is interested in you, this line of response is what you can use to show them that whatever emotions they have for you are also mutual.Oftentimes, you may get emotionally attracted to someone but remain reluctant to let them know how you feel. If someone you're interested in opens up that they're interested in you, you shouldn't hesitate to create a sync between you two. And doing that requires you to present a line of response such as this one.

2. I can't wait to get to know you better

'I can't wait to get to know you better' is another interesting line of response you can bring to light when someone is interested in you. I say it is interesting because this response has you reciprocating the same energy the person has put in.Saying this response means you want to get to know the person better. And there's an element of urgency in the tone of this response if you choose to make use of it.

3. I'm also thinking about you

'I'm also thinking about you' is one of the best responses that you can use when someone is interested in you. With this response, you're saying that you're also thinking about the person who is interested in you.The bottom line with this response is that you are not repellent to the person's act of coming out to tell you that they're interested in you.

4. The thought of you being interested in me is lovely

'The thought of you being interested in me is lovely' is one of those responses you can use to compliment the person who is interested in you. Here, you're telling the person that the thought of them being interested in you is lovely.Perhaps, you don't get too many people to confess their unbiased feelings for you often or just like the person who said that to you. If any of these circumstances is the case, then you can apply this response to show you acknowledge the person's feelings.

5. I'm interested in you too, far better ways

'I'm interested in you too, far better ways' is one of the genuine responses you can say when someone is interested in you. By now, I already presume the person who is interested in you already made you aware of it.Because of that, it is only good that your preferred choice of response is this line because it has you declare your interest in the person too.

6. Same here, good thing you finally spoke out

'Same here, good thing you finally spoke out' is an amazing line of response you can throw in when someone is interested in you. With this response, you're commending the person for not bottling up whatever it is they feel for you but decided to come out and let you know about it. This is another line of response that has you acknowledging the effort of the person who is interested in you. You're trying to make them understand that the actions they've taken aren't entirely wrong because it places them on a level where you now understand that they're fun of you and fancy your life as well.

7. What prompted the interest, I want to know

"What prompted the interest, I want to know?" is a thoughtful line of response you can say when someone is interested in you. This reply is a question that seeks to inquire why the person who is interested in you has such thoughts about you.Here, you're trying to narrow down the person's feelings to the unique features you have that must've made the person like you well enough to come out openly that they're interested in you. Hopefully, the person will be benevolent enough to let you know why they like you. Most times, this unique feature is something you don't even pay much attention to, just like I experienced some time ago.

8. Oh, wow! Are you serious?

'Oh, wow! Are you serious?' is an exclamatory response you can use to express how surprised you are to find out that someone is interested in you. This can be your preferred line of response, especially if you don't get many people showing interest in being your friend or taking things to the next level with you.Here, you're asking the person if they're serious about being interested while you're also showing how blown away you are with the revelation of how the person feels about you.

9. Awwwn, so sweet of you

Best Responses to Someone Interested in You'Awwn, so sweet of you' is a soothing line of response you can put up to the person who is interested in you. This response does one job alone…and that is, it shows that you feel elated by the person's show of interest in your life.The tone and expression in this response dutifully convey this message. Thus, if you plan on telling the person how pleasant it is to hear from them, then you can make use of this line of response.

10. Let's see how far we can go

'Let's see how far we can go' is a rather usual but slightly confusing line of response that you can make use of when someone is interested in you. With this response, you're telling the person that you're also interested in them but wouldn't want to dive right into anything deep at the moment.Rather, this response suggests that you'd prefer to see how things turn out between you and the person as time goes on. However, I don't like this response when someone says it to me because I feel like it is not as intentional as I want the person to be. On that note, you can use this response if you don't feel that much attraction towards the person who is interested in you. That much attraction will propel you to take risks with your heart and move with them at an alarming speed.

11. Deep down in me, I have been waiting for this

'Deep down in me, I have been waiting for this' is a confession you can use as your response when someone is interested in you. I say it is a confession because it has you coming out to tell the said person that you've been waiting for them to tell you they're interested in you.Likewise, this response is a sign you like the person too and tend to acknowledge their interest in you.

12. How about we go slow and steady?

'How about we go slow and steady?' is a smart line of response you can give when someone is interested in you. Here, you're suggesting to the person that you'd rather go slow and steady with them than go all in into whatever affair they plan to instigate.Normally, when someone declares interest in you, they expect a positive response or better still reaction from you. If you give them what they're looking for but aren't ready to fall into it properly, they may compromise. I've been in situations like that and I had to compromise. So, don't be scared of losing the person for using this as your response to them.

13. Anytime you are ready, I'm ready

'Anytime you are ready, I'm ready' is a brainy piece of response you can offer when someone is interested in you. There's a bit of sarcasm in this response as it suggests that you're ready to roll with the person who's interested in you anytime he or she decides to also roll with you.Aside from sounding a tad sarcastic, this response is a plain positive response to the person who is interested in you.

14. Give me a moment to consider that

'Give me some time to think about that' is another interesting response you can say when someone declares an interest in you. This is a good line of response especially if you are not entirely sure about giving in to the person that hints on being interested in you. With this response, you're telling the person to allow you to take your time to think through the revelation of them being interested in you. If the person is truly interested in you and wants what's best for you, they'll give you time to think about it.

15. I like the sound of that

Best Responses to Someone Interested in You'I like the sound of that' is a positive response that you can say when someone is interested in you. Telling the person that you like the sound of knowing they are interested in you shows that you like the idea of being found attractive by the person.

16. Well, sorry. The feeling is not mutual

'Well, sorry. The feeling is not mutual' is an ample response you can throw in, especially if you want to mean much by saying less. Here, you're telling the person that you don't feel them as much as they feel you.

17.  Apologies, you need to take your interest somewhere else

'Apologies, you need to take your interest somewhere else' is another response just like the previous one that has you reject or disprove the interest someone shows in you.

18. Your interest will be more useful to McDonald's than to me

Your interest will be more useful to McDonald's than me' is a response you can say if you want to sound funny when someone shows interest in you. Here, you're telling the person to take their interest to McDonald's where it'll be more appreciated. 

19. Let's get to the part where you tell me what you want for real

'Let's get to the part where you tell me what you want for real' is a resounding way to respond to someone interested in you. I say it's resounding because it has you asking the person to tell you clearly and vividly what their intentions are. I understand that some people may feel uneasy with this question but it shows how intentional you can be and if they answer the question to your taste, you just got a real one.

20. I like you. If I say I don't, I would be lying.

'I like you. I'll be lying if I say 'I don't' is an intelligent way of replying when someone is interested in you. This can be your preferred response if you want to sweep the person off their feet because this response sounds more flirtatious than you may intend it to be.

Final Words

Having people interested in your life and wanting to be a part of it may be uneasy. I say this because you never can tell what unique feature you possess that they're attracted to. When someone is interested in you, it is pertinent you say something in response to tone down the tension in the atmosphere. Even if you don't have anything to say, this article tends to give you back your voice by introducing the 20 best responses when someone is interested in you.All you have to do to stand out is to choose a preferred line of response or even two that speak your mind and utilize them effectively. Don't forget to check out other related posts on this site.Peace!  


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