20 Best Responses to “I Want To Know You Better”

Humans thrive on connectivity and this concept may prompt someone to want to know you better. Perhaps, you have a character trait that people deem appealing to their personality and want to identify with. If that's the case, chances are that you'll often get requests from people who want to "get to know you better".When someone eventually asks you if they want to get to know you better, serving a response to the person becomes a pertinent thing to do. However, sometimes, you may be indisposed to come up with a response at the instant of their request. I will be helping you do that in this article, as I will be discussing the 20 best responses to 'I want to know you better'. Keep reading on!

Best 20 Responses to “I Want To Know You Better”

Since knowing what to say when someone requests they want to know you better, some of the best responses include 'What exactly interests you?', 'I'd like that too', ' I've been waiting on you to say the word', 'I know nothing about you', and 'Sorry, but I'm not that much of an open book'.The aforementioned replies are intentional and say a lot about different personalities. So, you might want to go with the one that best captures your person. However, there are more replies and I will be talking about them next.

  1. Oh! You can actually do that
  2. I thought you already did
  3. You know my name. Well, that’s the best you can know
  4.  I bet that’s not all you want to know, so spill
  5. Sorry, but I’m not that much of an open-book
  6.  All you have to do is to ask. Be specific
  7.  I don’t want you to know more about me
  8. My compliance depends on what you want to know in particular
  9. I’d like that too
  10.  I've been waiting for you to say the word
  11. That’s cool, but it has to end there. I’m married
  12. Are you sure you want that?
  13. How about you tell me about yourself first?
  14.  I know nothing about you
  15. What exactly interests you the most?
  16. Why do you want to know me better?
  17.  When do you want to start?
  18. I’m a private person and I intend to keep it that way
  19.  Is that your only pick-up line?
  20. I can only tell you a few, are you good with that?

1. Oh! You Can Actually Do That

‘Oh! You can actually do that is one of the best responses you can put up when someone says to you ‘I want to know you better’. This is you telling the person that they can know you better just as they wish to.This response is most suitable if you vibe with the person who says they want to know you better. Moreover, when someone says they want to know you better they're trying to show a genuine interest in you. If you want to entertain such interest then you should and can make use of this particular line of response to make your thoughts known to the person.

2. I Thought You Already Did

'I thought you already did' is a sarcastic response you can throw in when someone says they want to know you better. It is a sarcastic response because it has you insinuating that the person who says he or she wants to know you better already does.This is more like pulling the legs of the person who made the statement. You can also make this into a funny response if you want to.

3. You Know My Name. Well, That’s the Best You Can Know

‘You know my name. Well, that’s the best you can know’ is also a good way to respond when someone says to you ‘I want to know you better’. It is a good one because it has you telling the person who said they want to know you better that you can't let them know more than your name.This implies that you're setting a limit to how much they can and should know about you. This response only serves right if you don't see anything promising with the person who says they want to know more about you.

4. I Bet That’s Not All You Want to Know, so Spill

'I bet that's not all you want to know, so spill' is what you can say in response when someone says they want to know you better but you think there's more to their inquisition. Perhaps, you think the person wants more than just getting to know you and you want to check that thought out of your book.By using this response, you're alerting the person that you suspect there's more to them wanting to know you better. Therefore, you'd prefer they start talking about it. This response is a super asset if you're a girl and you think the guy who says he wants to know you better has more than that as his agenda. With this, you can find out more about what he is thinking or wants from you.

5. Sorry, but I’m Not That Much of an Open Book

‘Sorry, but I’m not that much of an open book’ is that line of response you can use to let the person know that you're not open to open up to them. This is so because I take it that one of the chief reasons someone would say they want to know you better is because they want you to tell them kinds of stuff about you that they don't know.Telling the person that you’re not an open book and you want to remain as such is a smart way of putting off the person.

6. All You Have To Do Is To Ask. Be Specific

'All you have to do is to ask politely. Be specific' is a subtle but assertive way of replying to someone who says 'I want to know you better'. Here, you're telling the person that they should be specific about what it is exactly they want to know about you.Judging by this response, it is clear you are giving the person a green light and also encouraging him or her to voice out without being afraid.

7. I Don't Want You to Know More About Me

'I don't want you to know more about me' is a brute response to when someone says to you 'I want to know you better'. This response is a good one, especially if you don't want to disclose anything about you to the person who says they want to know you better.This reply represents everything in the line that you are being unenthusiastic to comply by telling the person some details about yourself. As clear as this response is, it will drive understanding into the mind of the person who made the request.

8. My Compliance Depends on What You Want To Know in Particular

‘My compliance depends on what you want to know in particular' is a type of response that you can use when someone says to you 'I want to know you better. Here, you're telling the person that you may allow them to know you better but that will depend on what they want to know in particular.This way, the person knows well enough not to ask obscure questions or make remarks that may upset you and make you change your mind about letting them know more about you.

9. I’d Like That Too

Best Responses to I Want To Know You Better‘I’d like that too’ is a response you can use when someone says they want to know you better and you also want that. From this response, the person can deduce that you’re interested just as they are.This response implies that you also want to know more about the person who says to you 'I want to know you better'.

10.  I’ve Been Waiting on You to Say the Word

'I've been waiting on you to say the word' is another corresponsive response you can use for someone who says they want to know you better. This response implies that you’re letting the person know that you have been longing for them to tell you how interested they are in you. Don’t worry about falling cheap, as none of that will be the case if you say this as your response.

11.  That’s cool but it has to End There. I’m Married

‘That’s cool but it has to end there. I’m married’ is a powerful response to when someone says to you 'I want to know you better'. I say it is so because this response allows you to inform the speaker that getting to know you is limited to a few details because your marital status prevents you from going any further with them.

12.  Are You Sure You Want That?

'Are you sure you want that?' is what you should say if you think the person that says they want to know you better is unsure about their proclamation. Let's say the person's countenance or tone while telling you that doesn't complement their words. In a case like that, asking this crucial question can help you understand better whether or not the speaker is interested in you.

13.  How About You Tell Me About Yourself First?

'How about you tell me about yourself first?' is a great way to kick off a conversation when someone says they want to know you better. With this question, you'll be sowing interest in the person as you're suggesting that the person tells you about themselves first before you do yours.

14.  I Know Nothing About You

‘I know nothing about you’ can be another response that takes the form of the last one. By telling the person that you know nothing about them, you’re giving them hints that you want to know something about them. And if you want to know something about them, it means you might as well let them know you better.

15.  What Exactly Interests You the Most?

Best Responses to I Want To Know You Better‘What exactly interests you the most?’ is a sensitive question that can serve as your response when someone says they want to know you better. The purpose of this question is to interrogate the speaker on the specifics of why they want to know you better.If you snuff out any foul intentions, just cut off the dialogue and exit the scene.

16.  Why Do You Want To Know Me Better?

Just like the last response, asking 'Why do you want to know me better?' is an intelligent reply to 'I want to know you better'. This question allows you to discover the force behind the person who says they want to know you better. You need to know!

17.  When Do You Want To Start?

'When do you want to start?' is a witty response to 'I want to know you better'. I say it is witty because who asks an admirer when they want to start to know them better? LolAlthough this response sounds odd, it is a good reply to spice conversations up and crack a few ribs.

18.  I’m a Private Person and I Intend to Keep It That Way

You can say ‘I’m a private person and I intend to keep it that way’ If you don’t want someone to know you better when they say ‘I want to know you better’. It is a clear-cut response that shows your unwillingness to comply with the person.

19.  Is That Your Only Pickup Line?

'Is that your only pickup line?' is a question that can serve as your response when someone says they want to know you better. You can ask this question to make the person either feel uncomfortable, make them improve with their choice of words, or repel their move to know you better. Whichever thing you want to do that falls in these 3 lines can be achieved with this reply.

20.  I Can Only Tell You Few, Are You Good With That?

‘I can only tell you few, are you good with that?’ is a response that shows you’re being conservative in your bid to let someone know you better. This shows that you’re willing to let them know about you but you can’t guarantee they’ll know a lot.

Final Words

When someone picks an interest in you, they suddenly start nurturing the courage to ask you about yourself. Hence, knowing more about you becomes their go-to strategy in breaking into your life. Therefore, when someone says to you ‘I want to know you better’, they have declared their interest and it’s left for you to oblige or decline.Performing any of these actions requires you to have a response for them. I've provided you with an extensive collection of responses in this article and I hope they are efficient enough to drive your desired result. Kindly pick one or two replies that suit you best and employ them accordingly. Peace! 


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