20 Best Responses to "I Give Up"

Having people to talk to and to tell you the right things can go a long way in helping you out of a bad situation. Likewise, our encouraging words can help others.When people are in their lowest time, they'll need all the encouragement they can get from loved ones. And even the simplest words from strangers can be all the help they need.When someone says they give up, it could mean they're tired of attempting something and want to quit, or they could be speaking out of frustration or depression.At this point what you say to them can be their saving grace. So, if you need good responses for someone who says they want to quit, you'll find them in this article.

20 Best Responses to "I Give Up"

What you say to someone when they attempt to quit what they're doing, or when they simply get tired of life should encourage them to keep fighting.Words like, "You can't get tired now," "No, let's talk about it," and "Have faith" are responses you can give. Here are 20 good replies for someone who wants to give up on something or life.

  1. You can't get tired now
  2. No, let's talk about it
  3. We wouldn't be here if we had all given up
  4. We still need you here, so no giving up
  5. That's not going to happen
  6. Change your mind because we won't let that happen
  7. I can't have you giving up now, you've come too far to consider that
  8. After getting to this stage?
  9. That won't work under my watch
  10. No, try one more time
  11. It's too late for that 
  12. Don't say that, dear. Once you've life, there is hope
  13. Have faith
  14. Find that little push 
  15. Keep believing, it'll get better
  16. Giving up won't solve anything, so why not keep trying 
  17. You can't give up on life, dear
  18. Quitters never win
  19. It's okay to fail, but it isn't okay to stop trying
  20. I got you. Always remember that

You Can't Get Tired Now

"You can't get tired now" is one of the responses to give someone who's on the verge of giving up. These words tell them that it's too late for them to consider giving up.It's suitable for someone who's been working on a particular thing, or someone who has been fighting over something for a long time.These words are meant to encourage them to keep pushing and to keep fighting.  Here's how you can use it:

  • You can't get tired now. You've done so much 
  • You can't get tired now. We need you alive, keep fighting 

No, Let's Talk About It 

"No, let's talk about it" is another appropriate response for someone who tells you they give up.This response disagrees with them and gives them no room to argue with you. Asking them to open up to you allows you to talk them out of giving up, and also help them find help if needed.As I've earlier established, the right words can help someone find the strength to fight depression or whatever it's they're going through. So, this response will go a long way.Here's how to use it:

  • No, let's talk about it. We'll find a way 
  • No, let's talk about it. I can't let you keep that thought

We Wouldn't Be Here if We Had All Given Up

"We wouldn't be here, if we had all given up" is meant to discourage them from quitting.This response tells them that others have gone through or are going through challenges too, and if they had given up, they wouldn't be where they are now.So, these words are meant to give them hope that fighting through and coming out victorious is possible.Here's how to use the words:

  • We wouldn't be here, if we had all given up. So, chase that thought out of your mind
  • I want you to keep going for this. We wouldn't be here, if we had all given up

We Still Need You Here, So no Giving Up

Best Responses to I Give Up'We still need you here, so no giving up" is something you say to your loved ones or someone.These words are meant to remind them how special they are to you.Maybe they're a part of your team, and they want to quit working with the team because of some difficulties. These words let them know they're important to the team. Here's how to use it:

  • We still need you here, so no giving up. We'll help you get this right
  • We still need you here, so no giving up, okay?

That's Not Going to Happen

Another suitable response for someone who wants to quit is, "That's not going to happen."This response informs them that you're ready to fight with them to keep them from giving up. These words can make them stronger and give them the zeal to keep fighting.Here's how to use it:

  • That's not going to happen, we're here to push you through
  • That's not going to happen. I want you to have a positive mind 

Change Your Mind Because We Won't Let That Happen

"Change your mind because we won't let that happen" is another beautiful word that reminds someone that you're ready to stand by them.It works like the above to encourage someone to keep pushing that they've people pushing with them. Also, it'll remind them how much they're cared for.Here's how to use the words:

  • Change your mind because we won't let that happen. We love you so much
  • Change your mind because we won't let that happen. We're going to stand by you through all these

I Can't Have You Giving up Now, You've Come too Far to Consider That 

"I can't have you giving up now, you've come too far to consider that" is meant to remind them how far they've come to consider quitting.For instance, if they've been applying for a visa abroad, but it's not working. You can tell them to keep going for it, reminding them how long they've been working for their relocation to consider stopping.Here's how to use the words:

  • Remember all you've been through, please. I can't have you giving up now, you've come too far to consider that.
  • I can't have you giving up now, you've come too far to consider that. Keep going for it

After Getting to This Stage?

A question you can use to remind someone how far they've gone is, "After getting to this stage?" Sometimes it's when we get to the final stage of something we've been fighting for that it becomes more difficult, looking like it won't work, that we consider giving up.But, that's when we need to fight more, restrategize, and do all we can to complete it.So, this response is meant to draw their minds back to how far they've come and let them know quitting is not an option.Here's how to use the expression:

  • After getting to this stage? That's not going to happen, let's review everything again
  • After getting to this stage? No, my dear. We will do this together and we will win

That Won't Work Under My Watch

"That won't work under my watch" is another beautiful word that reminds someone of your unwavering support for them.It's something you say to someone who's under your care. Whether as a teacher, parent, boss, or mentor, when someone in your care gets tired, this response can push them to keep fighting.Here's how to use it:

  • That won't work under my watch. I'm here for you
  • That won't work under my watch. I'll ensure you see this till the end

No, Try One More Time 

"No, try one more time" is something you say to someone who has been going at something for a long time.It can be frustrating when you keep trying the same thing and there's no headway. It's normal to want to give up on it. And sometimes giving up on that particular thing and trying another can be the right step.But, there's no harm in telling someone to try one more time, especially if you know it's something they cherish so much. That last time can be the difference.Here's how to use this response:

  • No, try one more time. I have a feeling you'll get it this time around
  • No, try one more time. There's no harm in going again

It's too Late for That 

"It's too late for that" is another statement that reminds someone that they've come too far to give up.It's a straightforward response that tells them you won't allow them to quit.Here's how to use this statement:

  • It's too late for that. You can't stop now
  • It's too late for that. We're seeing this till the end

Don't Say That, Dear. Once You've Life, There is Hope 

"Don't say that dear, once you've life, there is hope" is another encouraging word to say to someone you care about.This statement reminds them that being alive is enough reason why they shouldn't give up and keep fighting.Here's how to use the statement:

  • Don't say that, dear, once you've life there is hope. So, keep going for it
  • Don't say that, dear, once you've life, there is hope. Stop talking about that 

Have Faith 

Best Responses to I Give Up"Have faith" is a simple response to give someone who has lost faith.When they feel that whatever they do won't work, this response is meant to discourage them from those thoughts. You can ask them to have faith in God if they believe in him, have faith in themselves, or have faith in the process.Below is an example:

  • Have faith in God. He can make it work 
  • Have faith in the process.

Find That Little Push 

"Find that little push" is another encouraging statement that tells someone that they need a little push to keep going.When someone doesn't feel like fighting again, just a little push can keep them going till the end.Here's how to the phrase:

  • Find that little push. You must get to the end
  • Find that little push. It's all you need 

Keep Believing, It'll Get Better 

Another statement that encourages someone to have faith is, "Keep believing, it'll get better."It tells them to keep working with the hope that things will work out well.Here's how to use the statement:

  • Keep believing, it'll get better. Giving up is not an option now
  • Keep believing, it'll get better. I believe that

Giving Up Won't Solve Anything, So Why Not Keep Trying 

"Giving up won't solve anything, so why not keep trying" is meant to encourage them to keep trying.These words tell them that giving up isn't the solution. It's appropriate for someone who doesn't have many options or for someone who has gotten tired of life.Here's how to use the expression:

  • Giving up won't solve anything, so why not keep trying? It's only when you try that you have a chance
  • Giving up won't solve anything, so why not keep trying? At least you'll be too busy to harbor the wrong thoughts 

You Can't Give Up on Life, Dear 

"You can't give up on life, dear" is another great word that reminds someone that giving up is not an option. These words tell them that there's still much for them as long as they're alive. Here's how to use the expression:

  • You can't give up on life, dear. You still have a long way to go
  • You can't give up on life, dear. There's still much out there waiting for you

Quitters Never Win

"Quitters never win" is a common phrase that reminds someone that giving up takes away all their opportunities to succeed.It's part of the statement that says, "Quitters never win, and winners never quit." It's meant to encourage people not to get tired but keep fighting for what they want.Here's how to use it:

  • Quitters never win. Keep going for it
  • Quitters never win. When you stop, you lose all your chances of getting it in the first place 

It's Okay to Fail, But It Isn't Okay to Stop Trying 

"It's okay to fail, but it isn't okay to stop trying" is another suitable response for someone who wants to give up.Everyone fails, no one is above that. But, when you accept failure and refuse to keep pushing, then you'll never win.When someone tells you they give up, remind them that's normal to fail, but after failing, they should get back stronger and keep trying until they get what they want.Here's how to use the expression:

  • It's okay to fail, but it isn't okay to stop trying. So, you're not giving up
  • It's okay to fail, but it isn't okay to stop trying. So, tighten your seat belt and go again 

I Got You. Always Remember That

Best Responses to I Give UpAnother beautiful statement to say to someone when things aren't going fine is, "I got you. Always remember that."Reminding your loved ones that you're there for them is enough to get them going by. So, you can just say these honest words to them to give them a fighting spirit.Here's how to use the phrase:

  • I got you. Always remember that. We're in this together
  • I got you. Always remember that. I'll help you through all these 

Wrapping Up

People who get tired of life or of fighting for something need all the encouragement they can get to keep pushing.The above words will remind such people how far they've gone, and push them to keep going for it.  


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