20 Best Responses to "Happy St. Patrick's Day"

St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland, He was the fifth-century Romano-British Christian Missionary and Bishop in Ireland. St. Patrick’s Day is usually celebrated on March 17th. It is usually celebrated with religious feasts and services.The celebration usually comes with parades, dancing, drinking, and making special Irish foods. When someone wishes you a happy St. Patrick’s Day he is only wishing you a nice celebration and that you make the best of your day by having fun while celebrating with family, friends, and loved ones.When someone wishes you a happy St. Patrick’s Day, you do not snub the person, do you? No! You have to reply to the person. In this article, I would explain the various ways you can reply when someone wishes you a happy St. Patrick’s Day.

20 Best Replies When Someone Says "Happy St.Patrick's Day"

  1. Thank you
  2. I wish you the same
  3. That is so thoughtful of you, happy ST. Patrick’s Day too
  4. Happy St. Patrick’s Day to your loved ones too
  5. Thanks, this reminds me to meditate on his life and his impact on people
  6. Enjoy your celebration
  7. You can come over to celebrate with my family
  8. Thanks, this is one of my best days so far
  9. I appreciate you, I would make this day a memorable one
  10. How do you intend to spend the day?
  11. Thank you for your kind wishes, you are invited
  12. Thanks, remember the Irish contributions to the society
  13. Remember to eat Irish today
  14. Read like the Irish today, you can celebrate that way
  15. Let us feast together, you can come along with your family
  16. Thank you for remembering me
  17. May your day be filled with Joy
  18. I do not have a place to celebrate, can I come over?
  19. Thanks, this shows you care
  20. You are one of the few people who sent wishes, I appreciate you

Thank you

Best Responses To Happy St. Patrick's Day‘Thank you’ is one of the best responses to ‘Happy St. Patrick’s Day.’ This is similar to when someone tells you to have a nice day, the most common way to reply to the person is to tell him ‘thank you’.That way, the person would understand that you appreciate the fact that he wished you well.This is a good reply you can use, it is short and simple, you do not need to explain too much. When you tell the person to thank you, he would see that you appreciate his wishes.

I wish you the same

‘I wish you the same’ is another good reply to ‘Happy St. Patrick’s Day.’ This reply simply means you are also wishing the person well and you want the person to have a great day as well.When you wish the person the same, he would also understand that you care and you are wishing him well. This is a good way to reciprocate the wishes that the person sent you.

That is so thoughtful of you, Happy St. Patrick’s Day too

Best Responses To Happy St. Patrick's Day‘That is so thoughtful of you, happy St. Patrick’s Day too’ is one of the best replies to ‘Happy St. Patrick’s Day.’ This is a way of telling the person that it was so thoughtful of him to wish you well.In return, wish him well and let him know that you want him to have a nice day and enjoy yourself as you celebrate. With a reply like this, you would send a message to the person that you are thoughtful and that you have him in mind.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day to your loved ones too

‘Happy St. Patrick’s Day to your loved ones too’ is a good response to ‘Happy St. Patrick’s Day.’  it is a way of wishing the person’s family well.This reply shows that you do not just care about the person, you also care about his family and you want to wish his family well just the same way he wished you well.This is a good way to show that you do not only care about the person, you also care about his family and you want to wish them well too.

Thanks, this reminds me to meditate on his life and his impact on people

‘Thanks, this reminds me to meditate on his life and his impact on people’ is one of the best replies to ‘Happy St. Patrick’s Day.’It shows you are not just all about the feast, celebration, food, and drinks, you are also concerned about the life of St. Patrick and you want to meditate on his life and the impact he had on the people.You also want to pay attention to the reason why he became the patron saint of the Irish people. Aside from the celebration and feasting, there are things you can learn from the life of St. Patrick.You need to also pay attention to that because it is the feast of St.Patrick, you need to use it as an opportunity to reflect on his life and the life lessons you can learn from him.This is something you should not neglect when you celebrate a saint. Do not be all about the celebration, also remember his life and what you can learn from him

Enjoy your celebration

‘I hope you make the best of the day’ is a good reply to ‘Happy St. Patrick’s Day.’ This means you are wishing the person the best throughout the day and you also want the person to have a great time all through the day.It could mean you wish the person to have a great day while enjoying the feast, either by eating, drinking, or spending time with family and loved ones.

 You can come over to celebrate with my family

'You can come over to celebrate with my family’ is a good way to respond to 'Happy St. Patrick’s Day.' This is a good reply you can give if you are willing to celebrate with the person.You do not mind that you have your family, you are still willing to accept him in your home to celebrate with him.This shows that you have him in mind and you are also an accommodating person. When you invite the person over to celebrate with your family, you would notice how happy he would be to spend the day with you.

Thanks, this is one of my best days so far

‘Thanks, this is one of my best days so far’ is one good way to respond to ‘Happy St.Patrick’s Day.’ This reply shows that you are so excited and you are having a great time that day.The day seems to be one of your best so far because of how you spent the day. Sometimes, you never can tell how someone is doing till you get to speak with them. Inviting them over or wishing them well could make their day.

I appreciate you, I would make this day a memorable one

‘I appreciate you, I would make this day a memorable one’ is one of the best replies to ‘Happy St. Patrick’s Day.’ It shows you are having a great time and you want to make the day a memorable one, a day you would not forget.To make it a memorable day you can have as much fun as you want and also enjoy it with friends and family. You can even sit together and talk about the life of St.Patrick and how his life can impact you. Remember it is not just about the feasting and the fun, you should also ask yourself what life lessons you can learn from the life of St. Patrick.

How do you intend to spend the day?

‘How do you intend to spend the day?’ is a good way to respond to ‘Happy St. Patrick’s Day.' When the person has wished you well, you can respond by asking how he intends to spend the day. From there you both can have a conversation on how the day would go.If you have similar plans it would even make more sense because you both can decide to spend the day together or even do something fun together.This is why it is a good idea to ask how the other person intends to spend his day. This does not happen in all situations, but you should know when to ask and when not to.

Thank you for your kind wishes, you are invited

‘Thank you for your kind wishes, you are invited’ is a response you can use when you want to invite the person over to spend the day with you or even thank the person for his kind wishes and still tell the person to join you to celebrate later on.When you invite the person over, you will notice how happy he would be. It would mean a lot to him especially if he had no plans on how he would celebrate that day.

Thanks, remember the Irish contributions to the society

‘Thanks, remember the Irish contributions to the society’ is a good reply you can use if you want to indirectly tell the person that he should not be all about the celebration and he should also pay attention to the purpose of the celebration.

Remember to eat Irish today

‘Remember to eat Irish today’ is a unique reply to ‘Happy St. Patrick’s Day.’  You can use this reply when you want to remind the person to eat Irish today because that is part of the reason for the celebration of St. Patrick’s Day. One should not celebrate and forget about the essence of the celebration.With a reply like this, he would have it in mind to eat Irish food as a way of celebrating the culture of the Irish people.

Read like the Irish today, you can celebrate that way

‘Read like the Irish today, you can celebrate that way’ is a good reply to ‘Happy St. Patrick’s Day.’ Since you are celebrating Irish culture, you are celebrating the way of life of the Irish people.This is a funny way of telling him to remember that part of the reason for the celebration is to celebrate Irish culture.

Let us feast together, you can come along with your family

‘Let us feast together, you can come along with your family’ is a good reply to ‘Happy St. Patrick’s Day.’  If you want to have the person around while you celebrate. You can also use this reply if you are close to his family.

Thank you for reminding me

‘Thank you for remembering me’ is one of the best replies to ‘Happy St. Patrick’s Day.’ Sometimes, people have a lot on their mind and they tend to forget things that are happening around them. You may have just reminded him that it is St. Patrick’s Day.

May your day be filled with Joy

‘May your day be filled with Joy’ is a simple reply to ‘Happy St. Patrick’s Day.' You can use this reply when you want to pray for the person who wished you well.

I do not have a place to celebrate, can I come over?

‘I do not have a place to celebrate, can I come over?’ is a good response to ‘Happy St. Patrick’s Day.’ With a reply like this, you can ask the person if you can come over because you have no place to celebrate.

Thanks, this shows you care

‘Thanks, this shows you care’ is a good reply to ‘Happy St. Patrick’s Day.’ It sends a message to the person that you care about. You would be glad that the person cares enough to wish you well.

You are one of the few people who sent wishes, I appreciate you

‘You are one of the few people who sent wishes, I appreciate you’ is one good way to respond to ’Happy St. Patrick’s Day.’ You can use this reply if a few people wished you well. Thank him for being among the few that wished you well.

Final Words

When someone wishes you a ‘Happy St. Patrick’s Day’ it means the person wants you to enjoy your day and make the best out of it. You should spend time with family, celebrate Irish culture, dance, eat and spend time with your loved ones.One important thing to note is that you should not forget the purpose of the celebration. Do not forget to celebrate Irish culture, look at the life of St. Patrick and how it can impact you as a person.


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