20 Best Replies When Someone Says 'Yum'

It's not surprising that the simple, one-letter word 'yum' can bring a smile to everyone's face. Whether it's at dinner with friends or family, it only takes one person saying 'yum' and before you know it, everyone is agreeing. But if you want to take your agreement a step further and come up with something more creative than just a simple 'yum', we will be exploring the top 20 best replies when someone says 'yum'! Each reply has been carefully selected from a variety of sources, ensuring that you have plenty of options for your next yummy-worthy dining experience. Read on to discover some creative and clever ideas for replying to 'yum' with style!

20 Best Replies When Someone Says 'Yum'

  • 'I'm glad you think so!'
  • 'I agree, it's pretty tasty.'
  • 'Couldn't have said it better myself!'
  • 'Thanks! I thought you might like it.'
  • 'It's a family recipe, so I'm happy you like it.'
  • 'Delicious, right?'
  • 'Your taste buds have good taste!'
  • 'I'll take that as a compliment!'
  • 'I aim to please the palate!'
  • 'I couldn't agree more!'
  • 'I knew you had great taste.'
  • 'It's a favorite of mine too.'
  • 'Oh, it's a taste sensation!'
  • 'You have excellent taste!'
  • 'I can't argue with that assessment.'
  • 'Glad I could tempt your taste buds.'
  • 'You're making me hungry!'
  • 'Glad you think so! Want the recipe?' 'I'll take that as a culinary win':
  • 'We're on the same flavor wavelength'

'I'm glad you think so!'

Best Replies When Someone Says  'Yum''I'm glad you think so!' is a perfect response when someone says 'yum' because it shows appreciation for their enjoyment of the meal. By expressing your happiness that the other person is pleased with the food, you are engaging in a positive and polite conversation.For example

  • 'Wow, this pasta is amazing! Yum!
  • 'I'm glad you think so! It's one of my favorite dishes.'

'I agree, it's pretty tasty.'

'I agree, it's pretty tasty' is a great response when someone says 'yum' because it shows that you share their appreciation for the delicious food. It validates their opinion and creates a sense of camaraderie in the conversation.For example 

  • 'This pizza is amazing! Yum!'
  • 'I agree, it's pretty tasty. The crust is perfectly crispy and the combination of toppings is just right.'

'Couldn't have said it better myself!'

'Couldn't have said it better myself!' is an excellent response when someone says 'yum' because it not only shows agreement but also conveys a sense of enthusiasm and validation. By using this reply, you are highlighting that the other person's description of the food is spot-on and that you share the same sentiment.For example 

  • 'This dessert is divine! Yum!'
  • 'Couldn't have said it better myself! The combination of flavors is heavenly.'

'Thanks! I thought you might like it.'

When someone says 'yum', replying with 'Thanks! I thought you might like it.' is a fantastic response. It expresses gratitude and shows that you anticipated their enjoyment of the food. This reply creates a warm and positive conversation, where the other person feels valued and appreciated. For example

  • 'Wow, this dish is delicious! Yum!'
  • 'Thanks! I thought you might like it. I put a lot of effort into making it flavorful and balanced.' 

'It's a family recipe, so I'm happy you like it.'

Best Replies When Someone Says  'Yum''It's a family recipe, so I'm happy you like it.' is a wonderful reply when someone says 'yum' because it adds a personal touch to the conversation and shows that the food has sentimental value. By sharing that the recipe comes from your family, you are inviting the other person into a deeper connection and creating a warm and nostalgic atmosphere. For example 

  • 'This dish is amazing! Yum!'
  • 'Thank you! It's a family recipe, so I'm happy you like it. My grandmother used to make it for special occasions, and it's always been a crowd-pleaser.'

'Delicious, right?' 

When someone says 'yum', replying with 'Delicious, right?' is a great response that conveys agreement and enthusiasm. This reply not only acknowledges their enjoyment of the food but also adds a touch of excitement to the conversation. For example 

  • 'The flavors in this dish are incredible! Yum!'
  • 'Delicious, right? The combination of spices and herbs is simply outstanding.'

'Your taste buds have good taste!'

'Your taste buds have good taste!' is a fantastic reply when someone says 'yum' because by complimenting their taste buds, you are highlighting their ability to appreciate delicious flavors and creating a lighthearted and engaging atmosphere.For example 

  • 'Wow, this dish is incredibly tasty! Yum!'
  • 'Your taste buds have good taste! The flavors in this dish are exceptional, and the way they come together is simply delightful. It's great to see someone who appreciates this level of deliciousness. Have you tried any other dishes from this restaurant?'

'I'll take that as a compliment!'

'I'll take that as a compliment!' is another wonderful reply when someone says 'yum' because by responding in this way, you are expressing gratitude while also showing that you take their praise as a positive evaluation of your culinary skills. For example 

  • 'This dish is so delicious! Yum!'
  • 'I'll take that as a compliment! I'm glad you're enjoying it. I put a lot of thought into the flavors and presentation. It's always great to hear positive feedback.'

'I aim to please the palate!'

'I aim to please the palate!' is a fantastic reply when someone says 'yum' because it conveys a sense of dedication to providing delicious food and ensuring the satisfaction of the person enjoying it. For example 

  • 'Oh my, this dish is incredibly tasty! Yum!'
  • 'I aim to please the palate! It's great to know you're having fun with it.'

'I couldn't agree more!'

Best Replies When Someone Says  'Yum''I couldn't agree more!' is a perfect reply when someone says 'yum' because it expresses wholehearted agreement with the deliciousness of the food. This response not only shows enthusiasm but also conveys that you share the same sentiment as the person who said 'yum'.For example

  • 'Yum! This chocolate cake is amazing!'
  • 'I couldn't agree more! It's so rich and decadent. The combination of the velvety chocolate and moist cake is heavenly.'

'I knew you had great taste.'

'I knew you had great taste.' is a fantastic reply when someone says 'yum' because it compliments the person's judgment while acknowledging the mouth-watering appeal of the dish. It adds a touch of flattery to the conversation and shows that you trust their taste.'For example

  • 'These tacos are fantastic! Yum-Yum!'
  • 'I knew you had great taste. The combination of flavors in these tacos is delightful.'

'It's a favorite of mine too.'

When someone says 'yum', one of the best replies you can give is 'It's a favorite of mine too.' This response not only validates the person's appreciation for the food but also creates a sense of connection through shared enjoyment. By expressing that the dish is a personal favorite, you not only show your agreement but also make the conversation more relatable and engaging. It's like saying, 'I feel the same way about this delicious food!'For example

  • 'Yum, this pasta is amazing!'
  • 'It's a favorite of mine too. The combination of the al dente noodles and rich tomato sauce is simply irresistible. I always make sure to order it whenever I come to this restaurant.'

'Oh, it's a taste sensation!'

One delightful response when someone says 'yum' is 'Oh, it's a taste sensation!' This reply perfectly captures the burstiness and enthusiasm that comes with savoring a delicious dish. By describing the food as a 'taste sensation,' you convey the idea that it is an extraordinary culinary experience, one that goes beyond the ordinary.For example

  • 'Yum, this sushi is incredible!'
  • 'Oh, it's a taste sensation! The combination of fresh fish, creamy avocado, and tangy soy sauce is simply incredible. Every bite is a burst of flavor that takes you on a culinary journey.'

'You have excellent taste!'

Best Replies When Someone Says  'Yum''You have excellent taste!' is a wonderful reply when someone says 'yum' because it conveys admiration for the person's discerning palate and their ability to appreciate truly delicious food. By complimenting their taste, you not only acknowledge their enjoyment but also create a positive and engaging atmosphere. This response boosts the person's confidence and validates their food choice, making them feel good about their selection.For example

  • 'Yum! This homemade apple pie is heavenly!'
  • 'You have excellent taste! We made this together, and I'm so glad we did.'

'I can't argue with that assessment.'

'I can't argue with that assessment.' is an excellent reply when someone says 'yum' because it acknowledges the undeniable deliciousness of the food while showing respect for the person's taste and judgment. This response conveys a sense of agreement and admiration for their assessment, creating a positive and harmonious conversation. It allows the person to share their enjoyment without any conflicting opinions or arguments.For example

  • 'Yum! This pizza is amazing!'
  • 'I can't argue with that assessment. It's hard to resist another slice. You know good pizza when you taste it.'

'Glad I could tempt your taste buds.'

'Glad I could tempt your taste buds.' is a fantastic reply when someone says 'yum' because it acknowledges your role in enticing their senses and creating a delightful culinary experience. This response not only shows your appreciation for their enjoyment but also boosts their confidence by affirming that their taste buds have been successfully enticed. It adds a playful and engaging element to the conversation, making the exchange more enjoyable.For example

  • 'Yum-Yum! This steak is delicious!'
  • 'Glad I could tempt your taste buds. The juicy and succulent meat, perfectly seasoned, makes it an incredibly satisfying experience. Each mouthful is bursting with taste and softness. I'm thrilled you're enjoying it!'

'You're making me hungry!'

When someone says 'yum,' a great response is 'You're making me hungry!' This reply playfully acknowledges the deliciousness of the food while expressing one's craving for it. It adds a touch of humor and excitement to the conversation, creating a lively and engaging exchange. By saying this, you not only show your appreciation for their enjoyment but also create a shared sense of hunger and anticipation.For example

  • 'Yum, This pasta is incredible!'
  • 'You're making me hungry! I'm eager to eat my first taste. It looks impeccable!'

'Glad you think so! Want the recipe?'

Best Replies When Someone Says  'Yum''Glad you think so! Want the recipe?' is a great reply when someone says 'yum' because it not only acknowledges their appreciation for the food but also shows your willingness to share the recipe, adding a helpful and generous element to the conversation. By offering to share the recipe, you not only validate their taste but also create an opportunity for further engagement and connection. It shows that you value their enjoyment and are excited to help them recreate the delicious dish at home. For example

  • 'Yum! This chocolate cake is heavenly!'
  • 'Glad you think so! Want the recipe? It has been kept a family secret for many years. I'd be delighted to tell you about it.. Trust me, once you have the recipe, you won't be able to resist making it over and over again!'

'I'll take that as a culinary win'

This phrase is often used as a humorous or lighthearted way to respond to someone's compliment about food. It suggests that you view their compliment as a win for your culinary skills, even if that wasn't their intention. It's a playful way to acknowledge the compliment and show appreciation. For example

  • 'Wow, these cookies are amazing! Yum!' 
  • 'I'll take that as a culinary win! Thanks for the compliment!' 

'We're on the same flavor wavelength'

'We're on the same flavor wavelength' means that you and the other person have similar tastes and preferences when it comes to food. It's a way of saying that you share the same 'flavor wavelength,' meaning you both like and appreciate the same types of flavors. It's a fun, quirky way to express your shared food preferences. For example 

  • 'Yum! This meal is so good.' 
  • 'I know, right? We're on the same flavor wavelength!' 


Based on these 20 ideas, it's clear that there is no shortage of enthusiasm and imaginative ways to respond to someone who says 'yum'. Whether you choose an enthusiastic response, a joke, or simply say something nice, the perfect response will depend on the context and the personality of the person saying it. Whatever response you choose, it's sure to be just as enjoyable as the food itself! 


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